Greater runic staff

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Greater runic staff
Release date 30 April 2012 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Destroy You can buy another from Wizard Finix's shop.
On death Not reclaimable from gravestone
Store price 25,000 Runespan points
(Wizard Finix)
Examine It's a very magical staff bound together with runic energy.
Weight 1.8 kg kg
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The greater runic staff is a reward from Runespan. It costs 25k points and requires 75 Magic and 90 Runecrafting to wield. It can hold spell charges and absorb hostile spells. The greater runic staff currently provides the highest Magic Defence held in the weapon slot at +22. The staff can absorb all elemental spells, as well as all Ancient Magicks other than miasmic spells, which require a Zuriel's staff to cast. The staff can only be charged with one type of spell at a time, and must be emptied of its current charges in order to switch spells. Emptying the staff will return all the runes to your inventory.

When the staff is charged with a spell, it casts the spell as if you have the runes in your inventory. It is also possible to manually charge the staff with up to 1,000 casts of the chosen spell. Charging the staff will require players to use the exact type of runes required to cast it. Combination runes such as dust runes, steam runes or lava runes will not work. The staff can save the inventory space taken up by runes if you are willing to sacrifice the better stats, especially magic damage, of alternatives like the staff of light or chaotic staff.

The staff can also be manually charged with skilling spells and teleports, so it is potentially useful in certain situations in which inventory space is at a premium. The usefulness of this, however, is limited by the fact that the staff must be equipped to cast the spell it is charged with unless you also have the runes for it in your inventory, and you must be on the correct spellbook to cast this spell.

Once the staff is charged with runes for the chosen spell, the runes in the staff cannot be used to cast another spell; e.g. astral, nature and earth runes used to charge Fertile Soil cannot be used to cast Remote Farm even though they have the same required runes. However, players can simply uncharge the staff to retrieve the runes in order to do so if they wish.

If a player owns multiple Greater Runic Staves, each can be aligned to a different spell.

It should also be noted that upon death, if you do not keep the staff, it WILL NOT appear under your gravestone.

Note: You must be on the correct spellbook to cast the spell with which the staff is charged.

There has been much contemplation over the rate of absorption of the staff. As of right now, the rate is currently unknown; however, many players with 99 Runecrafting do not see a high occurrence of spell absorption. According to Mod Pi, the chances of absorption happening increases with higher Runecrafting levels. The staff will only absorb spells that are currently aligned to the staff.

When the staff absorbs a spell, the message "Your runic staff absorbs the spell, charging it slightly" appears in the chatbox.

Hover over image for type A player wielding a charged greater runic staff.
A player wielding a charged greater runic staff.
 Attack bonus
0 0 0 +15 0
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 +22 0
Other bonuses Slot

0 0 0% 0
FastInterval: 3.0 seconds

Potential Uses

  • NPC Contact - keep staff with you on slayer to get a new task upon finishing one, either saving two inventory spaces or saving time withdrawing runes; you only have to open your bank once between tasks.
  • Spiritualise Food -- Prolong your familiar's timer without wasting space for the required runes.
  • High Level Alchemy - Turn mid-level drops that would otherwise not be picked up, into coins, without wasting inventory space for nature runes and fire runes.
  • Make Leather -- Easily tan dragonhide while killing dragons, making more money per trip. The leather can be crafted into dragonhide bodies, saving even more space and granting Crafting experience.
  • Bones to Peaches or Blood Barrage -- A one-slot infinite healing item. However, bones to peaches tablets also take up just one inventory space, albeit more expensive.
  • Cure Me -- An expensive but endless way to cure poison. However, the anti-poison totem is free to use once bought with Dungeoneering tokens, and prevents poisoning completely.
  • Remote Farm or Fertile Soil -- Cure disease or supercompost farming patches during a farm run when space is essential.
  • Repair Rune Pouch -- Repair Runecrafting pouches up to giant without taking a break to withdraw the runes.
  • Castle Wars -- The staff's high Magic attack defence make it useful for both casting and avoiding Ice Barrage. Wearing other magic armour like Ganodermic will negate most of the Ice Barrages cast against you.
  • Space saving -- For spells like Plank Make, Humidify or Superglass Make where a full inventory of spells are cast, the extra space from wielding the staff instead of holding runes in your inventory can save banking time. Still, this benefit is often less than the money saved from using an elemental staff.
  • No chance to cast the wrong spell -- Because the staff can only be used to cast the spell that it is alligned to, you can not accidentally cast the wrong spell and waste runes or items; e.g. accidentally casting high alch on something you ment to superheat.
Name Levels to equip Cost Damage boost Magic accuracy Notes
Dominion staff 90 Free reward 15% 20
  • It does not require elemental runes to cast spells; only catalytic
  • Degrades, based upon hits that you deal with it
  • Shared highest magic accuracy (+20)
  • Has no non-magic stats
  • Cannot be used outside the Dominion Tower
Chaotic staff 80
200,000 tokens 20% 18
  • Degrades after 10 hours of combat
  • Decent crush and strength bonus
  • Highest damage increasing staff outside Daemonheim
Polypore staff 80   358,601 13% 20
  • No runes needed to cast its unique spell
  • Shared highest magic accuracy (+20)
  • Limited to 3000 charges of its unique spell (can be recharged)
  • Has Prayer bonus (+5)
Armadyl battlestaff 77
  13,794,058 15% 10
Greater runic staff 75
25,000 points 10% 15
  • It can absorb up to 1000 casts of 1 spell, saving inventory space
  • Provides +22 Magic Defence, highest of any in the weapon slot
Staff of light 75
  453,296 15% 17
Master wand 60   3,009,576 10% 20
  • Shared highest magic accuracy (+20)
  • Has no non-magic stats


  • There used to be a glitch where if you try to cast Vengeance Group, you will get a message stating: "You do not have enough Astral Runes to cast this spell." This has now been fixed.
  • There used to be a glitch where if you try to cast Remote Farm, you will get a message stating: "You do not have enough earth runes to cast this spell." and the spell will not cast, this has now been fixed.
  • There is currently a glitch where if you try to create Tablets using the staff, you will get a message stating: "You need 4 Water runes to make this tablet." Or which ever respective rune you are not currently carrying and the spell will not cast despite the staff being aligned and charged to the spell.
  • There is currently a glitch where if you try to put the runes for the spell Air Bolt, you get a message stating: "You do not have the correct runes for any type of spell." but it will still work.
  • Oddly, despite being higher levelled than the other runic staffs, It is actually lighter than a normal or lesser runic staff.
  • If you spam click the Squeal of Fortune while trying to set a spell you can be kicked from the game or get a spin in which no rewards are given.

See also