While Guthix Sleeps

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This is the quick guide for While Guthix Sleeps.
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"WGS" redirects here. For the Dungeoneering boss, see World-gorger Shukarhazh.
While Guthix Sleeps (#144)
Also called? WGS
Release date 26 November 2008 (Update)
Members only? Yes
Quest series Mahjarrat
Official difficulty Grandmaster
Official length Extremely Long
Developer Tytn H
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While Guthix Sleeps (sometimes abbreviated as WGS) was the first Grandmaster quest in RuneScape, released on 26 November 2008. It was, for a long time, considered to be the longest and hardest quest in RuneScape. Even today it is regarded as having one of the best storylines in the game, and is often claimed to be one of the greatest quests released.


The craggy, bearded face of the druid shook with anger as he addressed his congregation: “How safe do you really feel? And are you happy to stand by while 'He' plans to make Gielinor his own?”

The congregation murmured in apprehension.

The druid continued, “I, for one, will no longer live in fear: we must act now!”

There was a commotion outside, and soon a red-faced youth ran in, “Another murder...the tracker...he's been found!”

Official description

A power grows in the north, and an efficient spy network reports all that transpires to its master. The long, dark fear buried in the back of everyone's mind is starting to grow. That which was once overlooked has now become hard to ignore.

For what nefarious purpose are there spies in Draynor? Exactly what is Movario looking for in the Lumbridge Swamp caves? What of the ancient power of the Mahjarrat and the dragonkin? Has something been missed? The ancient powers of the gods - where did it come from, and what would happen if a mortal could tap its power?

Any interested parties should contact Radimus Erkle for what may prove to be the most challenging experience of their entire career.


Start point: Speak to Radimus Erkle at the Legends' Guild Speak to Radimus Erkle at the Legends' Guild
Members only: Yes
Official difficulty: Grandmaster Grandmaster
Description: None
Length: Extremely long (Can range over 10 hours, or as few as 3 if fully prepared)
Requirements: Quests:
Items required:

Obtainable during quest:

Recommended Items:

Enemies to defeat:

Something Fishy

To begin, talk to Radimus Erkle, the Grand Vizier of the Legends' Guild (Fairy Ring BLR). He will direct you to Ivy Sophista, a druidess in Taverley, who is planning to lead a mission into Karamja in order to establish a new temple dedicated to Guthix. He will not reveal any information about the mission, saying it is top secret. He informs you of the pass phrase to say to Ivy: "Our friend in common places great faith in totems".

Make your way to Taverley. Ivy is located in a house, west of Pikkupstix. Speak to her and say the correct phrase. She will reveal that there is no plan to construct a Guthixian temple on Karamja and Radimus was led to believe so in order to protect him. She will send you to Thaerisk Cemphier, who can be found upstairs.

Crux Eqal

Thaerisk fighting back.

Go up the ladder and speak to Thaerisk. He confirms that the temple is just a cover story by his organisation, Crux Eqal, which was made by druids to combat the threat of the Mahjarrat. Thaerisk explains to you that a certain foe, Lucien, is trying to achieve the status of a God using the Staff of armadyl, not unlike Zamorak. While gathering info, his spies are mysteriously killed, which is keeping them at a major disadvantage.

As you are talking to him, two assassins will appear and will attempt to kill you. They use range, but aren't much of a threat. Kill both of them and speak to Thaerisk again.

He continues, saying that the Crux Eqal has allied with the Temple Knights and the Guardians of Armadyl to build a strong base against Lucien. Enemy spies have been located in Draynor Village, with a certain Movario, whom Thaerisk wants to gather more information about. To do this, he sends you to talk to the Varrock librarian, Reldo.

Head to the Varrock Library and talk to Reldo. He seems to have explicit knowledge on Movario; Movario speaks with a slight Khazard accent, is interested in traps, housing improvements, and divination - "One thing 'No-Fingers McGrew' was reported to have said was 'solving the puzzle arms the trap'."

He will then read some of the oldest documents in the archive, in old, barely decipherable languages to obtain Movario's location. During your conversation, he says, "Do I look like an expert tracker?", but suggests using "some jungle creatures that are able to take a scent and track it down." He says to "talk to some sort of jungle hunting expert on the matter."

Jungle Fever

Items Required: Logs

Recommended: Teleport to Yanille or Castle Wars, fairy ring AKS or the gnome glider to Gnormadium Avlafrim. If you have completed As a First Resort... and do not have 55 Hunter, it is advised to travel to Oo'glog and take a dip in the mud bath to boost your Hunter level.

Catching a Broav.

Locate the Hunting expert, the most proficient hunter, in the Feldip Hunter area inside her hut. When you ask her about animals that could be used to track down scents, she tells you to catch a Broav, who are famous for their powerful sense of smell. They are, however, extremely hard to catch, but she pinpoints the only location where a trap can be used. Also, the bait needed to catch a broav are mushrooms from Morytania.

Go to the pit west of the Hunting expert and build a pitfall trap using a log and a knife, and finally bait it with some mort myre fungus. Stand aside and be patient, and eventually a wild Broav will appear and fall in the trap. Dismantle the trap to obtain an unconscious broav in your inventory. Bring your latest catch to the expert, who will then agree to train it to track scents for you.

Bravo Broav!

Recommended: Ring of Charos (a), Mind Rune , Air Rune , Water Rune , Earth Rune , and Fire Rune for later on in the quest.

Fairy Rings: DJP - Tower of Life, north of the Khazard Fight Arena, or an Ardougne cloak 2 or higher.

Where your Broav leads you to.

As you have obtained a way to track down Movario's scent, you now need an object which belonged to him. Earlier, Reldo had mentioned Movario's Khazard accent, so you might be able to find something there that may lead you to him. When you speak to a guard or a local at the Khazard's Fight Arena about Movario, they say that he was frequently seen lugging his laundry to a house nearby.

Go to the laundry house just west of the Fight Arena with an activated Ring of Charos, and charm the Khazard launderer into giving you Movario's dirty laundry. Alternatively, you can bribe him with coins.

Drop your broav and use the dirty clothes on him. As it can get stuck behind obstacles while following Movario's scent, you should move around the obstacle, use the "call pet" option in the pet interface, and use the shirt on it again to get it to resume tracking. He will lead you to the Battlefield where Khazard forces fight the gnomes to a building with a broken table inside. The door is locked, so climb over the broken wall nearby. Call your broav then use the clothes on him again. Search the table to find a trapdoor leading into a dungeon.

  • If you have completed Fight Arena, the guards will not talk to you. In this case, you must talk to the local on the northwest corner of the arena to continue with the quest.

Movario's Base

See Movario's base for a map of the dungeon.

Recommended: If you have under 60 Thieving, bring some temporary boosts. Some food and antipoison may be helpful.

No Welcome Mat?

Enter the trapdoor and go through the passage till you reach the crossroads, after which you need to head north along the curving path. Beware of the level 95 guards, who are aggressive. At the end of the path are some stairs. Climb down. There is an old battered door at the south end of the corridor. Choosing the option to open the door will not work, as it is locked. Search on the door instead to read the sign.

Look closely at the text "Further Access Prohibited". One of the letters is replaced by the symbol of a rune, which is the rune you must use to unlock the door and disarm the first of its two traps. If you use an incorrect rune, the door will fire a blast spell at you, causing 250 damage to your lifepoints.

The colour of the blast spell signifies the rune you should have used on the door - blue for water, red for fire, green for earth, white for air, or purple for mind. Although this is futile, as the required rune changes after every incorrect try.

"Prohibited" is the key to which rune to use. In the game only 1 letter will be affected.
Letter Symbol Rune Blast colour
Locked Door
Locked Door
O Mind rune Purple
H Earth rune Green
E Air rune White
Fire rune Red
D Water rune Blue

After you enter the correct rune, you hear a click. Search the door again and you will find a trap to attempt to disarm. If you fail at your attempt or try to open the door without searching it first, it hits hard (350) and poisons you. Three Elite Khazard guards will appear and attack you, and must be killed before attempting to disarm the trap again (Ancient Magicks work well for this purpose). Once you successfully disarm the trap, you will be able to go through.

You cannot enter the base with less than 1 kg weight, so un-equip any weight-reducing clothing that you might be wearing.

Electrifying Ordeal

Once inside, you find yourself in a large room filled with bookcases, with wires running between them. Searching the painting on the east wall reveals a small room with a pile of weights, drawer and a thermometer. No need to do anything here yet.

The electric door.

To open the north door, you need to divert all the power from the electrified gate to the wires, using the bookcases. Search the bookshelves until you hear a CLICK. You should search the outer bookcases that have electricity running towards them to disable them. From that bookshelf, follow the wire that faintly glows to find the next bookshelf to search. Repeat until the electric door opens.

  • "You pull the book lever and hear a faint click, but notice nothing in particular happening." means to try another bookcase.
  • "You pull a book lever." "CLICK!" means that was the correct bookcase. Follow the lit up wires to the next case.
  • "CLICK!Chherrkizzz. You hear a locking sound coming from the large door in the north." means the electrified door has been disabled and can be opened.

Search the stairs once the door is unlocked to disarm a trap. If you do not disarm it you will be dealt 420 life points, knocking you out and sending you to Taverley. Beware of the spike traps that hit 190 life points. Climb up.


You are now in Movario's study room. Do not take anything from the treasure box; it is a trap, and you will be hit for 500 life points. Search the desk to obtain Movario's notes (volume 1). Read the notes. Pick up the waste-paper basket next to the desk and search it to find a Ruby key. Search the bookcase to the west of the trash can, and use the ruby key on it. A set of steps will rise in the north-west corner of the room.

Climb up the staircase. Search the bed to remove the covers, revealing a hidden chest. Search the bed again to dismantle the bed-chest trap and finally use the ruby key on the chest. Open and search the chest to obtain a strange key loop, strange key teeth, and Movario's notes (volume 2). Read these notes too.

Do NOT drop either of the sets of notes after reading; you will need to show them to Thaerisk later.

Now that you have plundered Movario's base, you need to leave the area with the obtained items. When you attempt to leave by conventional methods, you find that a magical force is blocking your teleportation matrix. Therefore, you must now find another way out.

The heat gauge

Go back down to the wire room and search the drawers, in the small east room you had uncovered, to obtain Notes on pressure. Look at the temperature gauge; it should read a number.

  • The number is a certain amount of "Tickits" - the value represents how much you weighed when you entered the area.
  • To exit the room, the number of "Tickits" must be exactly equal to your current weight - shown in your inventory screen.
  • If your mass is different than the "Tickits" value, you must add enough weights to the statue, so that it adds up to the higher number.
    • For example, if you weigh 41 kg, and the "Tickits" says 11, you must put 30 kg on the statue (11 + 30 = 41). If you weigh 29 kg and the 'Tickits" says 31 kg, you must pick up 2 kg from the weight pile and keep it in your inventory (31 - 29 = 2).

There is a pile of weights next to the temperature gauge. There are 3 sizes: 1kg, 2kg, and 5kg. Pick out weights equal to the number that is required and place them on the statue on the first floor.

If your weight changed while you were in the room, due to picking up or dropping items for example, then you must repeat these steps to get the correct weight.

After depositing the weights, go through the door in his office. If you fail this 3 times, you will be knocked out by a gas and be placed in a jail, and your notes and key parts will be taken away from you. You will have to get them again. If successful in leaving the room, the magical interference to teleportation has lifted. You can teleport or go east to leave Movario's base.

Battle for the Truth

The slaying of Armadyl followers.

Recommended: You may want to bring a weapon as well as teleports to Camelot and Falador. Gloves of Silence might help as well.

Head back to Thaerisk and show him all the items that you obtained in the base. If you do not have all the notes in your inventory, Cemphier will send you back to get more information. He reads the notes and tells you that Lucien is reaching closer to the staff and that immediate action should be taken. Thaerisk now wants you to go to McGrubor's Wood, to meet with the Guardians of Armadyl.

Head to the back of McGrubor's Wood and a cutscene will start. Lucien's minions are attacking the guardians and you've arrived just right in the middle of the battle. Kill all the Mercenary Axemen and attack the lone Mercenary mage, who teleports to safety. It does not matter if the Guardians die. Search the dead mercenaries to find a damaged and bloodied Pendant of Lucien, although you choose not to take it. Talk to the wounded guardian, who will ask you to find Idria in the "arms of a forester," before falling unconscious.

Idria in the Forester's Arms.

Go to the Seer's village pub, the Forester's Arms, walk upstairs, and talk to Idria. She reveals that Lucien is raising an army of undead heroes in the wilderness to the north; Lucien's spy network has infiltrated most of Misthalin. She then reveals that their plan is to capture a spy in Draynor and interrogate him for Lucien's exact whereabouts.

Thaerisk, Idria, and Akrisae discussing plans.

Go to Falador and talk to Sir Tiffy Cashien in the park. He will send you to the White Knights' Castle. At the castle, you find the three allied organisation leaders - Thaerisk, Akrisae and his assistant Silif, and Idria - together. They are in the eastern room on the ground floor, by the jail cell. They agree to put aside their differences and focus on defeating Lucien. They will give you a teleorb to put on one of Lucien's spies in Draynor Village. Akrisae will offer to teleport you there. In Draynor Village, you find a few white-robed shady strangers roaming about. The suspicious outsiders wearing the green robes are too alert for you. Plant the teleorb on a stranger - he may also catch you and start fighting you. If so, you can run away until he forgets or else fight him until he teleports away, in which case you must find another one. If you have trouble planting the orb, try using Gloves of silence.

The druid trying to give the truth serum

Return to Falador if succeeded and talk to Thaerisk and Akrisae. The spy will be teleported into the cell, and the truth serum will be brought in by a druid. A cutscene shows a very clumsy attempt to administer the truth serum, as, despite the presence of a druid bodyguard, the stranger attacks the druid. Oops! The serum drops and breaks, and you will have to make another one. Thaerisk will ask you to hurry to Betty in Port Sarim, with a snapdragon seed, so that she can enchant it and you can get on with the truth.

Rosy Serum

Recommended: Bringing a Falador Teletab is a good idea, as you have to return there before you can recruit the other heroes. Also, having a lantern lens and a snapdragon seed ready might speed things along.

You can either use the lodestone network or Thaerisk's free teleport to reach Port Sarim. Thaerisk will also sell you a snapdragon seed for 25% off the current Grand Exchange price (currently 19,559 coins instead of Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins) so if you don't have one to spare, it is advised to buy it from Thaerisk.

A player uses a rose tinted lens on the snapdragon seed

Travel to Betty's Magic Emporium shop, taking a lantern lens, a snapdragon seed, and 20 coins with you. Speak to her about an enriched snapdragon seed, and she says that sunlight must be concentrated on the seed, through a rose-tinted lens. She takes the seed and places it on the counter.

Buy a pink dye from Betty and use it on the lens to obtain a rose-tinted lens. Then stand just inside the doorway and use the lens with the counter to expose the seed. Finally, search the counter and take the enriched snapdragon seed. If you haven't already gotten it, Betty will offer to give you a regular truth serum when spoken to.

A plan harvests the enriched snapdragon from the farming patch on the top of the castle.

Go back to Falador and talk to Thaerisk. He says that the seed must be planted in a specially created patch on the top of the castle. Climb up the western stairs.

Go talk to Idria, who asks you to recruit four heroes to apprehend Lucien:

  1. Duradel; in Shilo Village
  2. Hazelmere; east of Yanille (Fairy ring code: CLS)
  3. Mazchna; in north east Canifis
  4. Turael; in Taverley

Those with Lunar Spells can use NPC Contact to contact the three slayer masters.

The Fellowship

Items needed: Charcoal and papyrus.

Once you have successfully enrolled everyone, talk to Thaerisk, who tells you to collect the fully grown enriched snapdragon herb from the patch. Once you have the enriched snapdragon, mix it into your truth serum to make super truth serum.

Head back to the room with the leaders and open the cupboard. Inside you can find a papyrus and charcoal. Now go into the cell and convince the captured spy to drink it. You will be given 3 options. The correct method varies by player, and there is no penalty for choosing an incorrect option.

All of the heroes together.

He will reveal his master's identity to you, which you will sketch with your charcoal and papyrus, to get a suspect sketch. Give the sketch to Idria, and she will ask you to recruit four more heroes:

  1. Ghommal
  2. Harrallak Menarous
  3. Sloane
  4. Cyrisus

Cyrisus may only be contacted by using the NPC Contact spell, though you will need normal magics in the next section.

Return and speak to Idria, and then Akrisae. Akrisae will send you to find Silif, who is missing in action whilst he was following Dark Squall, and was last seen entering the Black Knights' Fortress.

The Dark Squall

See Black Knights' Catacombs for a map of the dungeon.

Items needed: 13 free inventory spaces, Bronze helm, Iron Chainbody, Unpowered orb, runes for any charge orb spell, food for fighting multiple enemies in a multi-target area, equipment for two combat styles (Melee and Ranged recommended) or an Elite black armour set to avoid combat and to save time, and a Falador teleport.

The secret door

Head to the Black Knights' Fortress with all the items above. Equip the bronze medium helm and iron chainbody and enter the fortress.

  • Push the wall north of the entrance and head down the ladder. Near the east wall, search the floor tile with an orb marking on it. Then cast the charge orb spell on it - the unpowered orb will be used in the process - revealing a trap door. Future trips to this dungeon do not require an orb or runes for the spell.
  • Climb down the ladder. You will be attacked by numerous different Elite black guards, along with Dark Mages and Rangers. Dragonhide armour together with prayer potions are recommended
    • If you want to save space, there is an altar on the second floor of the fortress that you can use to recharge your prayer points, in between Elite Black Knight kills.
    • There is a safespot before the broken bridge, to the east of it, where players can easily kill the Elite Black Knight. It is suggested to do this now as crossing the broken bridge will land you in a group of both knights and mages.
      Silif in prison
      You will need at least two combat styles to kill the guards, as they pray against whatever style you use. However, their prayer runs out after 20 attacks, and you will be able to attack freely with whatever style you choose. It is best to run down their prayer with a high speed attack, such as darts. The knight will drop a piece of Elite black armour until you have gained a full set. You can also save a lot of time by purchasing the set on the GE. When you've got the full armour, equip it, and no one in the dungeon will be aggressive any more.
  • Head north by jumping across the broken bridge; be sure to click on the side you wish to jump to. Go east, and climb up the wall. Once up the wall, run north and jump over the barricade.
Searching through Dark Squall's desks.
  • Walk north-west from the barricade until you reach a fork in the path, then head east. You will reach a set of jail cells; one of them holds Silif.

Talk to Silif, who says that he feels very weak. Head west to the fork in the path, and take the north path and enter the northern door. Search all the desks and wardrobes in the room. You will find Dagon'hai robes, a set of Elite Black armour, a strange teleorb, a lobster and a restore potion. Search the key rack on the northern wall for a cell key.


  • If you already have any pieces of the Dagon'hai robe set, you will not obtain those when you search the wardrobe. Necromancer's robe pieces in your bank (in the absence of Dagon'hai robe pieces) have the same effect within the base, however, after you return to the white knights' castle Silif will hand you a set.
  • Do not attempt to climb the ladder in the eastern part of the room or attempt to wear any of the clothes you found in the wardrobes. Attempting any of these will turn the guards, rangers, and mages aggressive, in this room and elsewhere. If you do try to climb the ladder, you must exit the room through the door you originally entered and then re-enter the room to make the dungeon inhabitants non aggressive again.
  • If you log out while Silif is following you, he will go back to his cell and to his original armour. You don't need to get him another set of black armour, as he will retain the previous one.

Return to Silif's cell and unlock the door using the key. Use the food and potion on Silif to recover him. If you have a familiar at this point, dismiss it or Silif will not take your Elite black armour. Speak to him. He will put on the Elite black armour and follow you.

It's Surok!

Return to the northern room. Lead Silif to the maps in the south part of room and talk to him. He says that he needs some time to study the maps, and hands you a teleorb to plant on Dark Squall while he does so. You will succeed, but Dark Squall recognises you, and he reveals that he is actually Surok. Surok calls on his minions to attack you, at which point, everyone in Surok's base becomes aggressive. The best method of escape is to simply teleport out, but if you don't have a teleport, activate Protect/Deflect Magic and run back to safety.

Lucien's Might

Remember to bring a death and law rune!

Items needed: Strange teleorb, one Law rune, one Death rune, Falador teleport, and Dagon'hai robes.

File:LuciensCamp jump.png
Getting between Lucien's camp and the Chaos Temple (hut)

In Falador, talk to Akrisae. He will instruct you to impersonate Surok, so that you can infiltrate Lucien's base, by wearing his robes. Make sure you have one Law rune and one Death rune in your inventory. When ready, wear the Dagon'hai robes and enter the nearby jail cell. The teleorb you set on Surok will be used to imprison him there, and you will be teleported to Surok's hideout instead.

If you forget something and have to teleport out, you will have to use the tunnels you used before to get to Silif. Make sure to bring your Elite Black Armour as well when doing this.

After being teleported inside, climb up the ladder in the north-eastern corner and stand in the stone circle in the middle of the room. Activate the strange teleorb to be teleported into Lucien's camp near the God Wars Dungeon. Follow the north-eastern path towards the chapel and climb up the ice wall. Jump across to a ledge on the chapel.

File:Lucien chathead.png

A cutscene will play. Lucien appears and raises undead heroes from their graves, some appearing to be the Barrows brothers and another seems to be Bork. Lucien then realises you are not Surok and instantly attacks with magic, which you manage to parry. Hazelmere, detecting danger, teleports in to battle along with the rest of the fellowship - Turael, Duradel, Mazchna, Ghommal, Sloane, Harrallak, and Cyrisus.

The heroes, ready for battle with Lucien.

Duradel, Turael, Hazelmere, Sloane, Cyrisus, and Ghommal are all tragically slain by Lucien, who then sends his guards to attack you. After the cutscene ends, jump from the chapel's ledge to the snow wall and return to Falador; you cannot teleport from the chapel itself, since it is in level 38 Wilderness.

For images, see While Guthix Sleeps/transcript#Battle at the Chaos Temple

The Stone of Jas

Items needed: Dagon'hai robe set, a lit sapphire lantern, Energy potions or Summoning familiars like a Terrorbird are highly recommended to save time; familiars are temporarily not allowed into the coming areas, so do not summon them yet, an Ouroboros pouch to save a little time.

Movario searches for the Stone of Jas

Once back in Falador, talk to Idria and she will say that Movario has been moving. He was last seen at the Lumbridge Swamps, searching for the Fist of Guthix. Your next task is to impersonate Surok and glean more information from him. Wearing the Dagon'hai robe set, go to the Tears of Guthix cavern, where the Light creatures are, and make sure to bring a Sapphire lantern.

Inside the cavern, talk to Movario. He believes that a powerful artefact, the Stone of Jas, which is synonymous for the "Fist of Guthix" and "Eye of Saradomin", is resting inside the chasm below, but has no viable way to get there. Volunteer to go down to the chasm and explore for him. Attract a Light creature with your Sapphire lantern, and with some help from Movario, opt to go into the chasm.

Into the Abyss

Riding a light creature into the chasm.
Listen to audio.
Descending into the chasm (link)

After landing in the chasm, search the three nearby skeletons for a hammer, chisel, spade, silver Sickle (b), and six druid pouches. Use the spade on the two rocks with a "Search" option to uncover two smashed braziers. Afterward, use the chisel on the smashed braziers, in each northern corner, to obtain a Fire orb and an Earth orb. Similarly, go to the air and water braziers, which are intact, and use the chisel on them to acquire an Air orb and Water orb.

Head south until you reach three skull cavities on the southern wall. For each skull, examine its recessed block and use the respective orb on the block to acquire the corresponding elemental key; air, earth and fire keys should be obtained. Climb up the wall between the fire and earth cavities to reach a fourth skull cavity, which is behind a stone cube. Use the water orb on the recessed block to acquire the water elemental key.

For each of the three lower skulls, enter its nose cavity. (Summoning familiars cannot be brought into these cavities, and you cannot have anything equipped in your weapon or shield slot.) Crawl along the tunnel in each cavity to its end. Examine the door there and insert the respective key into the door lock. Crawl back through the tunnel and exit the skull.

At this point, you must have used all the keys except for the fire key. Climb up the walls to the upper skull. Use the fire key on the skull's recessed block, and search the stone cube in front of the skull. The recessed block moves to reveal a cave opening in the skull. Climb through to enter the Ancient Guthix Temple.

The Temple of Balance

File:Ancient Guthix Temple map.png
Click to view a larger version (opens on a new page).

The Guthixian Temple is made of a central hallway, consisting of an ancient stone table mounted upon by smaller stone platforms. The hallway further consists of multiple forks which lead to eight statues, each representing an element of RuneScape. Along each fork, there stands a Druid Spirit. Also, to the opposite side of the table, is a giant door, which seems to be linked to each of the statues.

Use your druid pouches on each of the druid spirits. They will thank you for releasing them and then drop the ingredients for one of the statues. You no longer need the spade, hammer, and chisel, so you may drop them if you need inventory space. See the notes below for what to do if you start to run out of druid pouches.

Use the herbs and the secondary ingredients on the statues in any order - do not make a potion out of the ingredients or eat the toad's legs. For defence, energy, and strength, you might receive the ingredients for its super-doses variant. After correctly placing the ingredients on the statue of its specific element, you will receive a Dolmen from each of them. Use the dolmens on the platforms on the stone table in the middle of the temple, and the giant door will open.

All 8 dolmens in place

Any of the 8 potions may include:


  • The statues are different for every player.
  • The druid spirits will drop the ingredients for each potion a single time only. If you lose any ingredient, you will have to supply a new one yourself, so make sure you have a lot of inventory space to pick them all up. Also, for statues that may take the ingredients for regular or super versions of potions, you cannot substitute between the versions. For example, if a druid spirit drops the ingredients for a super energy potion and you lose them, the ingredients for a regular energy potion cannot be used at the energy statue.
  • If you start to run out of druid pouches, use the sickle's Cast Bloom ability on the vines to receive Vine flowers. You can refill the pouch with the flowers, with a set of three making three pouches.
  • If you have a Mort Myre fungus in your inventory, it can fill your druid pouch as well as the vine flowers, so be cautious. The fungus will not be used if you have three flowers but will be used if you just have two flowers. For safety, you can drop the fungus, refill the pouch, and then pick up the fungus again (as long as you do not log out or take a lot of time before picking up the fungus).

Gears of War

A player touches the Stone of Jas, receiving temporary power.

Make whatever arrangements necessary to battle a level 454 Balance Elemental that can use all three combat styles, lower your combat stats, and hit up to 300. As the demon can use protection prayers, it is highly recommended to bring an alternate combat style gear with you. You can leave the area to get supplies, but always bring your lit sapphire lantern. The battle zone is a multi-combat area. This battle is really not at all difficult if you are thoroughly prepared.


  • A Dragon dagger (p++) - for its special attack - a crossbow, Sapphire lantern, 100 bolts, 2 Super restore (4) and a mode of emergency teleportation.
  • A Beast of Burden familiar (such as a Spirit terrorbird) - Fill all its slots with food (Sharks/Tuna potatoes/Karambwans/Rocktails)
  • Fill the remaining slots of your inventory with food and Prayer potions.
  • As of 16 June 2009, should you die during the battle, your gravestone will appear next to Movario and Darve in the Tears of Guthix cave and so is easily retrievable. Remember to keep additional sapphire lanterns in your bank.
  • Remember to have super restores or normal restores and use them; every second drain at least.


Recommended Gear

The Omni-Elemental

The Balance Elemental

Proceed down the corridor that was revealed when the huge door was opened. Enter a large chamber that contains a mysterious stone on a raised set of platforms. Once ready, search the stone. A short cutscene will play, in which the Balance Elemental materializes.

  • The elemental is level 454, and will use all three aspects of the combat triangle. It does a maximum of 300 life points per hit. In addition to its regular melee attack it has a long-ranged melee attack (similar to that of the Rock Golem random event). Its magic attack also lowers combat stats in a similar effect to Ahrim's set. Its combat ability is similar to TzTok-Jad, albeit not nearly as hard.
  • The Balance Elemental seems to use a pattern in its attacks. It will often, though not always, attack for 3-4 rounds with one attack style, use its magical stat-lowering attack, then repeat with the same or a different attack style.
  • The Balance Elemental will change appearance slightly depending on what attack it is going to use. If it has a large, flaming bow in its left hand, it is ranging. When maging, it will have large water spikes on top of its head and no weapon. If it has a large stone club, it is meleeing. The elemental will vary its attack style based on the protection prayer you use.
  • This is one battle where the function keys are best utilised to switch interfaces quickly. F1 goes to the inventory, F2 goes to the equipment screen, F3 goes to the Prayer menu, F4 goes to the Spellbook, and F5 goes to the attack styles screen. This greatly reduces mouse movement and clicking. Practice switching interfaces before-hand to get used to them.
  • Several times while battling the elemental, it will initiate dialogues with you at around 2/3, 1/2 and 1/3 health. Its message takes up your chat box but it says nothing of importance. It seems to know you and speaks regretfully, perhaps sardonically, about your death, which seems to have happened in the elemental's past. If fighting from a distance, you will continue to attack it, thus closing the chat box.
    • In September 2012, a bug was encountered where the chat dialogue closed, but the Balance Elemental did not attack, nor could it be attacked. The only options were "Talk to" and "Examine". If this happens, the solution is to leave combat, restock and come back to fight the elemental again, from scratch.
  • You can leave the fight while the elemental is still alive, such as by teleporting away to resupply. However, when you come back, you will have to search the mysterious stone again to call forth the elemental, which will be fully healed no matter how much damage it had when you left.

After you defeat the elemental, touch the mysterious stone again. Another cutscene will play, in which it is revealed that the mysterious stone is actually the Stone of Jas. All your combat stats, except prayer, will be boosted up to level 255.

Master of the Thousand Curses

Lucien and Movario appear.

After YOU discover the Stone of Jas, Movario and Darve will appear and gloat over their find. Talk to Movario and go through all the options in order. Without the Elemental to annihilate him, Lucien will appear, and he will berate them for not informing him of their find. Talk to Lucien and go through all the options, as well.

Lucien summons the demons

Lucien will teleport Movario, Darve, and the Stone of Jas away and summon two Tormented Demons in their place. Idria and some Guardians of Armadyl will teleport in to assist you against the demons. The demons will be pretty easy to defeat as you have been imbued with power by the Stone of Jas, with greatly enhanced stats — you are able to hit well over 1000.

You do receive experience proportional to the damage you inflict, so take advantage of this fight to do a little training. Your life points will constantly restore to 2550, just seconds after taking damage; you effectively have infinite life points for this fight.

The player and several Guardians of Armadyl battling Lucien's "pets".

You will need at least two different combat styles for this battle, as each demon uses prayer and changes its protection prayer based on your attack style. As long as you switch styles at the right moment, you can defeat them fairly quickly. If you leave the battle, your stats will be reset; however, they will return to 255 when you return.

After you defeat the Tormented Demons, talk to Idria. She will commend you for all your efforts and teleport you to Falador. At Falador, talk to Idria again and you will be presented with either of a Ruined dragon armour lump, Ruined dragon armour shard or a Ruined dragon armour slice and 5000 coins that were dropped by the demons.

Congratulations! Quest complete!


When the quest officially concludes, after using of all four 100,000 experience boosts, talk to Idria again to view the "Elsewhere..." epilogue in which you learn something about the Dragonkin's return.


  • 5 Quest Points
Listen to audio.
Congratulations! Quest Complete! (link)
The unique quest complete jingle.
  • A random piece of Ruined dragon armour (Not necessarily the 'lump' as the quest finish screen suggests).
  • A set of Elite black armour.
  • A set of Dagon'hai robes.
  • 5,000 coins
  • 4 x 100,000 experience from Idria (Only available for skills Level 65 or higher. Choose any skill or use all on same skill. You may return later to claim the skill reward, but the Epilogue featuring the Dragonkin will only commence once all 4 experience boosts have been applied).
    A dragonkin contemplating return to Gielinor during the epilogue.
  • A new pet Broav.
  • Access to Black Knights' Catacombs to kill Elite Black Knights.
  • Opportunity to loot Movario's base.
    • The base has 100 magic logs, 100 pieces of coal, 100 fire runes, and 100 death runes. At GE market prices, the items are worth approximately 186,500 coins.
  • Ability to kill Tormented demons for dragon metal pieces and dragon claws.
  • You receive a Strange key teeth and a Strange key loop
  • 2 extra spins on the Squeal of Fortune.

Dragon Forge

Using either the Strange key teeth or the Strange key loop on a Mithril dragon, with both pieces in your inventory, you obtain a Dragonkin key. With this key, you can unlock the Dragon Forge in the Ancient Cavern, near the mithril dragons.

Inside the forge are three dragon heads and a giant orb in the centre. Using Fire Wave on each head will cause fire to appear in their mouths and slide towards the centre. Once the orb is lit, the player can leave and return to the mysterious forge to find it full of molten lava. It is here, using a Blast fusion hammer purchased from the Foreman at the Blast Furnace for 1,000,000 coins, that the player can fuse together the three parts of the Dragon platebody with Smithing level 92. (was level 99 when first released <ref>RS Forum This Week's Updates - FAQ 28-Nov-08</ref>) The current price is Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins.

Memorial Statues

Due to the death of the close friends of your character and heroes of Runescape, memorial statues were put up at several spots in remembrance of them.

When these statues are examined, it reads "In honour of the hero <Dead Hero's Name>, who died attacking the Mahjarrat known as Lucien”.

When you open up the Lunar spell NPC Contact, Cyrisus is still there, but grayed out. If you choose him, the chat box says "You take a moment of silence in honour of your fallen brethren, Cyrisus. Lucien will be made to pay."

Replaced characters

After the quest, new replacement NPCs appear since Lucien killed most of the team of warriors organised to stop him in the Wilderness, although there is no replacement for Hazelmere or Cyrisus.

Music unlocked

Listen to audio.
Temple Desecrated (link)
Music unlocked during While Guthix Sleeps.

Required for completing

Completion of While Guthix Sleeps is required for the following:


  • At the time of release, the 270 quest point requirement meant only those who had completed all previously released quests were able to start While Guthix Sleeps, similar to when Legends' Quest was released. Later, new quests were released and it became easier to obtain the number quest points needed.
  • On release, this quest held the highest quest skill requirement ever, which is 75 Magic.
  • On the day of release, the spoiler read: The spoilers are concealed within the most challenging of puzzles, disguised by a rubric, and placed at the bottom of a perilous gorge. We may have the courage to recover them tomorrow.
  • Upon the completion of this quest, one's Adventurer's Log will read: "I uncovered RuneScape’s biggest secret – the Stone of Jas! That blasted Mahjarrat, Lucien, stole it, killing many of my friends in the process." It will also say that you killed two tormented demons.
  • Despite being obviously the quest starter, Radimus Erkle makes no mention of having sent you on the druidic expedition if you talk to him after the quest.
  • Unlike individuals such as Harrallak Menarous, Mazchna has no follow-up dialogue if you talk to him after the quest.
  • At one point Lucien says "I am Lord Lucien of the Mahjarrat, Master of the Thousand Curses, look upon my work and despair!", a reference to Ozymandias, a sonnet by Percy Bysshe Shelley, which reads, "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"


Development team

  • Developer: Tytn H
  • Lead Design Editor: Mark O
  • Second Developers: Paul Gower, John H
  • Assistant Developers: Lewis M, Tim C, Matt H, Marion C
  • Additional Writing: John A, Luke M, Stephen R
  • Technical Support: Ash B, Benny P, Chihiro Y
  • Code Review: John A, Rod C, Matt H
  • Lead Graphics Artist: James W
  • Graphics: Matthew S, Mark B, Alex R, Matthew M, Paul B, Jeff K, Wayne M, Matthew N, Kavi M, Daniel J, Giuseppe G
  • Quality Assurance: Daniel O'R, Dan G, James H, Florian P
  • Editorial: Stephen R, Dave O, Luke M, Veronika H
  • QuestHelp: Katie B
  • Audio: Adam B


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