Pay-to-play Ranged training

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The following guide gives advice on training the Ranged skill from levels 1-99, for members. The ranged combat skill is highly useful as it gives the player the ability to attack from long ranges with projectiles. This can allow a player to avoid all damage in combat.

Recommended Armour

File:Decent range gear.png
A player with good ranged training equipment for experienced players.

Void knight equipment with a ranged helm can be used instead for a 20% range increase.

Archer Helm becomes a good substitute for the snakeskin bandana at 45 defence and completion of The Fremennik Trials.

Note: If armour is available as a set at the Grand Exchange, prices will be based on the set price.

Requirement level Gear Total Range attack bonus Total Price Notes
1 Range, 1 Defence Leather body, Leather chaps, Leather vambraces, Leather cowl, Leather boots 11 315 Hardleather body requires Level 10 Defence and gives 6 more ranged attack than a Leather body .
20 Range, 20 Defence Studded leather armour set: Coif, Studded body, and Studded chaps with Leather vambraces and Leather boots 20 Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Yak-hide armour (legs) may be substituted for Studded chaps for an extra 4 range bonus with the same requirements.
30 Range, 30 Defence Snakeskin armour set: Snakeskin bandana, Snakeskin body, Snakeskin chaps, Snakeskin vambraces, and Snakeskin boots 31 24,015 Whole armour set can be costly for new players. Yak-hide armour (legs) may be substituted for Snakeskin chaps for an extra 4 range bonus with lower requirements.
40 Range, 40 Defence Green dragonhide set: Green d'hide body, Green d'hide chaps, and Green d'hide vambraces with Snakeskin boots and Snakeskin bandana 38 15,528 The Green d'hide body requires the completion of the quest "Dragon Slayer". Yak-hide armour (legs) may be substituted for Green d'hide chaps for an extra 2 range bonus, however the armour bonuses between the two are more noticeable than in previous cases.
50 Range, 40 Defence Blue dragonhide set: Blue d'hide body, Blue d'hide chaps, and Blue d'hide vambraces with Snakeskin bandana and Snakeskin boots 47 18,411 *Snakeskin bandana can be exchanged for Blue d'hide coif, however, only the fully charged version has better stats, hence the requirement to play Fist of Guthix
60 Range, 40 Defence Red dragonhide set: Red d'hide body, Red d'hide chaps, and Red d'hide vambraces with Snakeskin bandana and Snakeskin boots 56 20,951 Snakeskin bandana can be exchanged for Red d'hide coif, however, only the fully charged version has better stats, hence the requirement to play Fist of Guthix
70 Range, 40 Defence Black dragonhide armour: Black d'hide body, Black d'hide chaps, and Black d'hide vambraces with Snakeskin bandana and Snakeskin boots 65 22,734 Black d'hide coif -obtained from the activity Fist of Guthix- can be used to substitue the bandana

If you're a relatively wealthy player, or happened to obtain Ranger boots, these are better than snakeskin boots.

75 Range, 75 Defence Armadyl armour: Armadyl chestplate, Armadyl chainskirt, Armadyl gloves, and Armadyl helmet with Glaiven boots 88 34,106,641 This is among the most expensive equipment, but is also the very best. Karil's armour may be used instead, with although less bonus, but an added set effect. Ranger boots or Snakeskin boots can be an alternative to Glaiven boots.
80 Range, 40 Defence Royal dragonhide armour: Royal d'hide body, Royal d'hide chaps, and Royal d'hide vambraces with Glaiven boots 74 (without helmet) 11,140,090 This armour set is a lot cheaper than Armadyl but just as good, it's ranged attack bonus is the same over all, the body has 1 less ranged defense than an Armadyl chestplate so it make's it a great choice for people with less money. Glaiven boots are a pricey choice they are the best, but if you are looking for something cheaper Snakeskin boots or Ranger boots are a very good choice. The helmet slot can be filled with Snakeskin bandana for a cheap option or with one of the higher priced items such as Armadyl helmet.
File:Full armadyl.png
A male player wearing Armadyl armour.

Side Equipment


Any of these shields are highly recommended especially if using thrown items such as darts and knives, or when using a crossbow. Note that if you have not done the required quests for these items you can use an anti-dragonfire shield or a chaotic kiteshield for the defence bonuses. You can also use shields like spirit shields, which give no negative attack bonuses, for the same effect.

A highly recommended shield to use is the void deflector, with a dragonhide body. If possible, enlightened versions of these books are suggested.

A player wielding an unholy book.
Requirement level Item Picture Range attack bonus Cost of all pages
Level 1 Book of Balance +4 3,383,435 coins
Level 1 Book of Law +6 1,347,584 coins
Level 1 Unholy Book +8 Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins

NOTE: you must have completed Horror From the Deep to be able to have one.


Some people may wish to wear a Ring of wealth, which is understandable, but those that wish to wear void armour may want to go for the Ranged attack bonus rings (since the void set does not have any ranged attack bonuses).

Requirement level Item Range attack bonus
Level 1 (rank 100+ at Mobilising Armies) Ruby ring (i) +3
Level 1 Archers' ring +4
Level 1 (rank 100+ at Mobilising Armies) Diamond ring (i) +4
Level 1 (Completed The Elder Kiln) TokKul-Zo +4
Level 1 (rank 200+ at Mobilising Armies) Dragonstone ring (i) +5
Level 1 (rank 300+ at Mobilising Armies) Onyx ring (i) +6
Level 1 (rank 300+ at Mobilising Armies) Archers' ring (i) +8


Requirement level Item Range attack bonus
Level 1 Amulet of accuracy +4
Level 1 Amulet of glory +10
Level 1 Amulet of fury +10
Level 1 Amulet of ranging +15

Level 1

Amulet of power +6

Level 75

Saradomin's murmur +18

Recommended Weapons

The following table shows you what the best advised equipment is to train ranging fast.

Note Training for maximum efficiency will obviously cost much more than a slower method. The following costs will be used assuming you're power leveling, which means not stopping to pick up ammunition. Picking up your ammunition may be slower, but also more profitable. Using Ava's device past level 30 will greatly increase your profit by collecting the ammunition without a decrease in xp/hour as well as providing a good range bonus in cape slot.

Level Fast weapon (name,range bonus, range strength,cost/shot) Moderate weapon (name,range bonus, range strength,cost/shot) Slow weapon (name,range bonus, range strength,cost/shot)
1-5 Iron knife,+5,+4, 50.
Can be used with shield slot item. Very high attack speed, recommend to train on lower leveled monsters
Shortbow with
Iron arrows, +8,+10,10.
Two handed, more accuracy, for higher leveled monsters, moderate speed.
Kayle's sling,+5,+6.5,0.
Requires no ammunition, slightly stronger then iron knives, though slower. Two handed.
5-10 Steel knife,+8,+7,106.
Fast, not recommended as it costs quite a bit, level up with bronze until you can use black knives. One hand
Steel dart,+5,+4,20.
Same stats as bronze knives, but much cheaper. Can also be substituted with Kayle's sling.
Oak shortbow with
Steel arrow, +14,+16,14.
Considerable accuracy, really cheap and hits pretty strong. Two handed
10-20 Black knife,+10,+8,76.
Cheaper than steel darts, and stronger.
None available, (Black darts are too expensive) None available, use other weapons
20-30 Mithril knife,+11,+10,182.
Fast, hits really well considering speed, and average price.
Mithril dart,+8,+7,30.
Exact stats as steel knives, and much cheaper.
Willow shortbow with
Mithril arrows, +20,+22,23.
This is a very big leap in power and accuracy from previous methods.
30-40 Adamant knife,+15,+14,361.
Again, this is both expensive and fast, by now you should be able to use ava's attractor, highly recommended.
Adamant dart,+11,+10,47.
This time the dart has a much better bonus than before, matching that of a mithril knife.
Maple shortbow with
Adamant arrows, +29,+31,96,
this is highly unrecommended though as addy arrows are in high demand for f2p and is quite costly for a slow method.

Past this level, higher leveled knives and darts are no longer plausible due to their cost and meager bonuses.

The following table shows the recommended bolts cost, as crossbows are recommended past level 36

Level Weapon Ammo 1 Cost Ammo 2 Cost Notes
36 Mith crossbow,+66 range bonus Sapphire bolts,+83 range strength 48 Emerald bolts,+85 range strength 153 Enchanted version of sapphire gives ability Clear mind, which drains Player's prayer point and restore some to the user.
Enchanted emerald has ability Magical poison, which gives a chance of inflicting 58 poison damage on opponents.
46 Adamant crossbow,+78 range bonus Ruby bolts,+103 range strength 296 Diamond bolts,+105 range strength 662 Ruby bolts (e) has the effect "blood forfeit" which takes away 20% of the target's current lifepoint for 10% of user's current life point.
Diamond bolts (e) provides the effect "Armour piercing" which will lower the target's ranged defence.
50 Hunters' crossbow,+55 Kebbit bolts,+28 16 Long kebbit bolts,+38 392 At first it may seem this crossbow is inferior to others, but it has an attack speed of 6, wherein the other crossbows have attack speed of 4, much slower, therefore, this crossbow is recommended when fighting low health low defence monsters (I.e, Chaos druids)
61 Rune crossbow,+90 Dragon bolts,+117 1617 Onyx bolts,+120 8769 Dragon bolts enchanted gain the ability "Dragon breathe", which inflicts dragonfire damage. Enchanted Onyx bolts gain the ability "Life leech", which inflicts extra damage and replenishes user by 25% of the damage dealt. However, these bolts are very expensive. The cost of using these bolts for training is similar to chinchompa .


Many Monsters are also Slayer Monsters, if they are within your level, it is recommended to train on them for the extra Slayer Experience

Levels 1 - 20

Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Chicken Lumbridge Chicken Coop, or South of Beefy Bill 1 30 None Hatchet and Tinderbox for low levels to cook the Raw Chicken
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Drops very good drops for a low level
  • Drops Raw chicken, can be cooked for xp and food
  • Feathers can sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "["., stackable and drops 5 - 15 at a time
  • Often crowded.
  • Low Health, low experience per bird and requires constant attention
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Cockroach Drone Stronghold of Player Safety 8 110 None
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Relative closeness to bank
  • Considerable drop, herbs and runes
  • Large amount of monsters
  • The stronghold is relatively big and players may get lost
  • Low health, low experience
  • Requires constant attention
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Cow With Beefy Bill or at several other spots around Gielinor 2 80 (cow calf),107 None Use Beefy Bill for fast banking
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Less crowded than chickens
  • Cowhide can be used to training crafting
  • Still relatively low lifepoints and xp
  • Fair distance from a bank, unless using beefy bill, charges a 10% fee
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Man and Woman All around Gielinor, mainly in cities, recommended Lumbridge 2 93 None Edgeville has a storage room full of Men
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Many located around Gielinor
  • Generally in towns and cities with bank
  • Can be fought for money when you're short a bit
  • Drops little (very little) money or other items
  • Low health = Low experience
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Goblin East of River Lum in Lumbridge, Goblin Village, many other small villages. 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 16, 25 30, 50, 64, 67, 120, 170 None None
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Little health
  • Bad drops
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Experiment Experiment Cave 25,51 1000,400 Creature of Fenkenstrain quest partially completed Fight the level 25 ones
Advantages Disadvantages
  • High Lifepoints
  • Low max hit
  • Low Defence
  • Only drops Bones
  • Considerable distance to any banks (Closest one is in Canifis)

Levels 20 - 30

Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Hill Giant Edgeville Dungeon and the Resource Dungeon within 13, 28 350 None Level 20 Dungeoneering for use of Resource Dungeon

Brass Key for easy access to Varrock

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Relative closeness to bank (when using brass key)
  • Drops Big bones, 15 prayer xp
  • Limpwurt root drops and spawns
  • High charm drop rate
  • Safespots available
  • Low defense players may be hit high and often when navigating
  • Often crowded
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Grizzly bear Ardougne Zoo 21 270 None Hatchet and tinderbox, to cook the bear meat
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Average lifepoints, moderate mouse clicking.
  • Often assigned by slayer masters for lower level player.
  • As it is in the cage, players attacking it will not receive damage.
  • Can't receive drops due to it being in the enclosure.

Level 30 - 50

Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Rock Crab Beaches around Rellekka 13 510 None, although completion of The Fremennik Trials will allow use of stores) Fremennik sea boots for using Peer the Seer deposit function
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Low offence and defence
  • High lifepoints = good experience
  • Often crowded
  • Mild drops
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Guard Around major cities such as Varrock, Falador and Edgeville 19, 20, 21, 22 220 None Exchange body armour for chainbody
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Close to banks
  • Available everywhere
  • Some places have safespots
  • Can hit fairly accurately if players have low defence
  • Mild drop
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Moss giant Varrock Sewers and resource dungeon. Crandor Isle. West of Fishing guild 42,48,84 600,850,1200 65 Dungeoneering for resource dungeon
Advantages Disadvantages
  • High lifepoints
  • Drops Big bones
  • 33% gold charm drop rate
  • Safespots available in most places
  • Fair distance to bank and any other teleports
  • Often crowded
  • Can hit relatively high
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Ice giant Asgarnian Ice Dungeon 53 700 None Combat level 115 (highly unlikely) to evade Ice warriors
Advantages Disadvantages
  • High lifepoints
  • Safespots
  • Agressive Ice warriors nearby
  • Far from bank
  • Moderate drops
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Ice warrior Asgarnian Ice Dungeon 57 590 None Exchange range body for better defensive chainbody
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Rarely if ever crowded
  • Good drops
  • Ice giants nearby
  • Hits accurate and hard
  • Distance from bank
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Blue dragon Taverley Dungeon, Heroes' Guild, Ogre Enclave 111 1100 Dusty key if training in Taverley dungeon, can be obtained within the dungeon Use of crossbow with Anti-dragon shield for protection, 70 Agility (does not need key this way)
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Very good drops
  • Can be safespotted (Chromatic dragons' dragonfire are only melee range)
  • Easy to get to
  • Dragon bones, 72 prayer xp per bone
  • Blue dragon scale spawn
  • Baby blue dragons nearby, may be annoyance (may be more recommended to train on them at this level)
  • Dragonfire hits dangerously high (450+) if within range and not using any form of dragonfire protection
  • Although they are weak to ranged they can still be tough for rangers at this level.
  • Often crowded
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Baby blue dragon Taverley Dungeon 48 510 Dusty key, Anti-dragon shield 70 Agility, allows use of shortcut and does not need dusty key
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Baby dragon bones, 30 Prayer xp per bone
  • Safespots
  • Blue dragon scale spawns
  • Regular bone spawns
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Yak Neitznot 22 500 Completion of Fremmenik Trials and partial completion of Fremmenik Isles. None
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Very low max hit
  • Quick respawn
  • High Hitpoints for its level
  • Drops crafting items such as yak-hide and Hair as well as a close proximity to a tanner and spinning wheel make it easy to train crafting simultaneously
  • Often crowded
  • Pitiful drops
  • Pre-Requisites for accessing them are quite high and may turn some players off

Levels 50 - 70

Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Deadly Red spider Crandor and Karamja Dungeon 34 350 30 coins or other methods of transport to Karamja (House Teleport, etc.) Good, strong armour
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Good (25%) drop rate for gold charms
  • Fishing spots and Trees nearby
  • Red spiders' eggs spawns
  • Hit moderately accurate
  • No bones = No prayer xp
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Green dragon Chaos tunnels or numerous wilderness zones (Forinthry Dungeon) 79 750 None Antifire shield, Antifire
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Very good drops
  • Dragonfire is only melee ranged, possible to use a bow
  • Dragon bones can be used for prayer xp
  • Out of the way, far from banks
  • In dangerous or inconvenient areas (wilderness, chaos tunnels with baby black dragons)
  • Can hit really high when in melee range
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Flesh Crawler Stronghold of Security level 2 28,35,41 250 Completed the first level of S.O.S
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Aggressive, can potentially do AFK training
  • Moderate Rune drops
  • Somewhat good herbs drop
  • Often crowded
  • Moderate distance to bank
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Abyssal demon Slayer Tower Abyssal Area 124 1500 Level 85 Slayer, partial completion of Fairytale II - Cure a Queen, Dramen Staff/Lunar Staff Combat level 119 to avoid aggressiveness of guardians and Leeches
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Occasionally crowded
  • Requires a very high slayer level
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Lesser demon Crandor,Taverley Dungeon and/or Karamja Volcano resource dungeon 82 790 25 Dungeoneering for Karamja Volcano Runes for alchemy spells and/or Explorer ring 3 or higher, Accursed urn or better
Advantages Disadvantages
  • can be easily safespotted
  • Good drops for alching
  • Drops accursed ashes to fill up urns
  • Can hit accurately on those with low defence
  • Out of the way
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Black demon Taverley Dungeon, Chaos Tunnels 172 1570 Dusty key or 70 agility 70 agility for easy access
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Drops infernal ashes
  • 40% crimson charm drop
  • Good drops for alching
  • Summoning obelisk nearby
  • Very strong
  • Must pass by Blue dragons to get to
  • Takes long time to kill
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Experiment Experiment Cave 25,51 1000,400 Creature of Fenkenstrain quest partially completed Wolfbane in case you accidently fight Canifis

Fight the level 25 ones

Advantages Disadvantages
  • High Lifepoints
  • Low Max hit
  • Low Defence
  • Only drops Bones
  • Considerable distance to any banks (Closest one Canifis)
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Jogre Ardougne Zoo 53 600 None Use a sling as arrows can't be retrieved.
Advantages Disadvantages
  • No damage dealt to you due to it being in an enclosure.
  • Not crowded
  • Drops can't be taken unless players use telekinectic grab.

Levels 70 - 99

Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Fire giant Brimhaven dungeon, Chaos Tunnels, Waterfall Dungeon 86 1110 Waterfall quest if in Waterfall dungeon
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Very high gold charm drop rate
  • Valuable drops
  • Some safespots available
  • Strong, hits high if not properly protected.
  • Far from banks
  • Often crowded
  • Wild dogs in brimhaven dungeon
  • Not many safespots in Smoke Dungeon
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Greater demon Brimhaven dungeon, Forinthry dungeon 92 870 Runes to high alch the drops
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Lots of lifepoints
  • Safespots
  • Moderate drops
  • Strong
  • Either in wilderness or other very dangerous location
  • Far from bank
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Aviansie God Wars Dungeon 69 - 148 700 - 1390 Skills that are needed to access to the dungeon

Death plateau and Troll Stronghold

Wear an item from all four factions to prevent aggression
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Very good drops
  • Clue scroll (hard)
  • Many available within the dungeon
  • Located in a dangerous dungeon
  • Far from bank
  • Dangerous in itself
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Red dragon Red Dragon Isle and Brimhaven Dungeon 152 1400 Antifire shield and Antifire
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Dragon bones, good prayer exp
  • Red dragonhide, can be used for crafting training or sold on G.E.
  • Can be safespoted sometimes
  • Far from banks
  • Very strong, high damage when collecting drops
  • Widely distributed
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Mature Grotworm Grotworm Lair 167 2000 None Alchemy runes. Prayer Potions for Protect from Magic. 50+ Agility for quicker access to the third level.
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Moderately crowded during the day.
  • Extremely accurate Magic attacks, with a max hit of 160+.
  • Their Melee attack hits hard as well.
  • Players with low Agility level will have to run through both levels of the lower level Grotworms to get to the third level.
  • Inability to use a Dwarf Multicannon in the Lair.
  • Quite a distance from a bank.
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Wallasalki Waterbirth Island Dungeon 98 1300 Protect or deflect from Magic
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Very high lifepoints
  • Considerable good drops
  • Mild to good charm drop rate
  • Uses magic, cannot be safespotted.
  • Far from bank
  • Occasionally retreats when under half lifepoints
Monster name Location(s) Combat level Lifepoints Requirements Recommendations
Vyrelord/Vyrelady Darkmeyer 194 1600/1610 respectively The Branches of Darkmeyer

Blisterwood stakes

• Void Knight armour with Ranger helm unless on a slayer task, in which case a Full Slayer Helm or Focus Sight would be more recommended.

Protect from Melee/Deflect Melee

Advantages Disadvantages

• Training here yields a high XP rate for little to no cost.

• A good amount of money can be earned from drops such as Blood runes, Death runes, and Splitbark Armour.

• No food is necessary as a prayer altar is located within Darkmeyer, and all Vyres only use melee

• Players must fletch their own Blisterwood stakes, as they are untradable.

• XP rates can be reduced substantially if even one more person is training in Darkmeyer; it is a single-way combat zone, and Vyres may crowd around the other player more than around you, making auto-retaliate less useful for training.

• Unless a player has cremated a large number of Vyre corpses, they will not achieve the high hits necessary to earn the best XP rates.

Special Range Weapon



Red Chinchompa and Gray Chinchompa are multitarget ranged weapons which hit up to 9 enemies in an area of 3x3. They are useful in multicombat areas with many enemies such as, but not limited to, the following:

File:Killing mummies with chins.png
Fighting mummies in the Chaos Tunnels, using red chinchompas.


File:Chinchompa inventory.png
Recommended inventory and armour for Chaos Tunnels.

Because in multicombat areas more than one enemy can attack you, it is highly recommended you use protection prayers. Your inventory should consist of mainly prayer potions, with one or two food in case of poisoning and diseases, and other potions such as super restore and/or ranging potion. Also, an emergency teleport could be taken in case you run into trouble. You can replace the antipoisons with an enhanced excalibur, as the healing will exceed the poison damage, allowing for more ranging and prayer potions.

Experience gain

Red chinchompas are undoubtedly the fastest ranged experience within the game, but most expensive. The 2nd most economical location* for training is the Ape Atoll Dungeon. The ranged experience you receive depends upon your armour, your ranged level, and whether or not you are using ranging potions. An average setup with full void will provide you with the following estimated experience per hour at ape atoll.

Mummies are roughly 150k XP per hour slower at all levels because at Ape Atoll they all pile on one square with about 10-15 at a time.

  • 85 = 300-340k XP each hour
  • 86 = 340-345k XP each hour
  • 87 = 350-355k XP each hour
  • 88 = 360-365k XP each hour
  • 89 = 370-375k XP each hour
  • 90 = 380-385k XP each hour
  • 91 = 390-395k XP each hour
  • 92 = 395-405k XP each hour
  • 93 = 410-415k XP each hour
  • 94 = 420-425k XP each hour
  • 95 = 430-435k XP each hour
  • 96 = 440-445k XP each hour
  • 97 = 450-455k XP each hour
  • 98 = 460-465k XP each hour
  • 99 = 470-475k XP each hour

Although this method at Soul Wars is a fair bit slower than the Ape Atoll Dungeon or Mummies alternatives, it seems that not only the XP per Red Chinchompa ratio is higher, but you can also choose to spend the Zeal on ranged XP which makes this less costly and still gives amongst the greatest range XP possible in game.

  • Skeletons in Ape Atoll Dungeon (Monkey Madness required to a certain extent)
  • Mummies in the Chaos Tunnels
  • Other Players in Soul Wars
  • PoH Combat Ring
  • NOTE: If going to Ape Atoll dungeon, you will notice the lack of skeletons in the beginning. In a matter of minutes after killing, more will spawn. Also, go to a populated world, which will give you faster spawns. In addition to that, one must also prevent the skeletons from turning to a pile of burning bones. They will turn to burning bones after being alive for too long. This may be prevented by chinning with other players, in packs of 2-3. Although it may seem as more people means less xp, it doesn't. The fewer bones that burn make it far easier to have 20+ skeletons at once to throw chins at. Having more skeletons WILL get you more exp per chin and overall. Also, having more people means that at least one person is likely to draw aggression from the skeletons, ensuring that they do not wander the room.
  • NOTE: Although Mummies in the Chaos Tunnels aren't as fast as Skeletons in Ape Atoll Dungeon, -150k exp pr hr less- it saves you money while you are in there considering the Rune Scimitars, Rune Sq. Shields, and Ancient Staves make up the amount of money you spend on Prayer Potions, or even the cost of the Red Chinchompas if you are lucky. (does not cover both costs at the same time).
  • NOTE: Using Red Chinchompas at Soul Wars can be very difficult as for it to be effective you will need a few requirements. First of all, a busy world. Having a Soul Wars Clan to help take over both graveyards helps as the only real effective spot is outside the opponent's spawn area (near their avatar) as if they have a grave, less will spawn and there will be more high levels attacking you. Standing next to where your opponent comes out of the barrier and throwing Chinchompas on oncoming victims is effective, however when they run you will run after them which is not desired. The best thing to do is to stand right where everyone comes out of the barrier - so most people won't see you - and chin a few people until someone decides to stand next to you and attack you. From there having Auto Retaliate ON is highly recommended as most people won't run. This method does involve taking a lot of damage so do always stock up on bandages and try to wear the best armour you can. For this reason Armadyl is recommended over Void. P.S: If sometimes you find you throw a Chinchompa at someone, it explodes but causes no damage symbol to appear, be happy. It simply means that others are soaking the damage for them. This makes it easier to target just one person. *Remember to always use the Attack Style "Short Fuse" for optimal results. It is also beneficial to use the soul split prayer from the Ancient Curses prayer book to maximize survival time to increase experience gain.
  • NOTE: To gain optimal experience throwing Chinchompas in a Combat Ring, gather around twenty people and have them stand in any one spot in the ring. Now, all you must do is simply throw the Chinchompas at the people. This method can rack in around 200k xp/hr. Useful for those who do not have enough cash to buy Prayer Potions.
  • NOTE: Using the "Knock-Out" aura can increase your xp gain in groups.

Cannon use guide


  • Slayer tasks (e.g. Dagannoths, Kalphite soldiers, and Black Demons)
  • Multi-combat zones with safe spots
  • NOTE: While the Black Demons are NOT particularly cost-effective for range training (as compared to the green dragons, which produce an exorbitant profit), many of their locations -particularly in the Taverley Dungeon- go quite unnoticed by most players as potentially some of the quickest experience given in the game. Taverley, for example, produces a fire rate almost double that typically found in the Green Dragons area near Clan Wars and has the added bonus of not requiring the Anti-Dragon Shield, antifire potions, or super antifire potions. However, the Black Demons WILL hit rapidly, heavily, and accurately when you must leave your safe spot, so lower levels must be wary to either activate Protect from Melee or to ensure their health and armour are strong enough to defend them very briefly to reload the cannon. When cannoning Black Demons, you may wish to bring prayer potions so you can continue to use Protect from Melee during extended trips.


The cannon cannot be set up in the following locations:


  • Cannon base, Cannon stand, Cannon barrels, Cannon furnace and Cannonballs.
  • Food, depending on where you are using the cannon.
  • Prayer potions, if prayer is needed in the location.
  • Ranging potions if you want to boost your Range level. Note that the cannon's accuracy is affected by your Range level and the attack style you are using. Also ranging level will only increase cannon accuracy if you wield a ranged weapon. Please note that the cannon's accuracy will not be affected as heavily as your own range stats.