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Kurask are large, green, bull-like monsters that can be found in the second to last chamber of the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon and on the lower level of the Desert Slayer Dungeon. They require 70 slayer to kill.

Kurask, like Turoth, must be killed with either a Leaf-bladed sword, Leaf-bladed spear, and/or Slayer's staff/Magic Dart spell (which also requires a Magic level of 50), or Broad arrows/Broad-tipped bolts, or else the player's attacks will be ineffective. As the only weapons capable of damaging them cannot be poisoned, Kurask are immune to poison. Kurask are assigned by Sumona and Chaeldar.

Biology and nature

Kurask are somewhat similar to gorillas, although they share some traits with other animals such as their large horns which are similar to a bull's. They are grey to pale green in colour and have rows of hooked horns protruding from their back. They have three stomachs, the third of which has a special stomach lining that prevents food from being digested. Within the stomach a ceremonial fruit is stored for the duration of the Kurask's life. Their lifespan is of an unknown length, but surpasses that of humans. They ideally come of age at 80 years. There is also evidence that they can breathe underwater.

It was revealed in issue 23 of Postbag from the Hedge that Kurask are somewhat intelligent, and have their own rites of passage and language<ref name="postbag">Jagex. Postbag 23 - "Wise old musings and demonic drills", Letter 5. Postbags from the Hedge. *</ref>. Kurask society dictates that individuals should not come in contact with other races unless they are hunting. Those that disobey this are generally shunned or even banished.

At age 80 Kurask partake in a coming-of-age ritual called Kurisk. This generally kills one-third of those that attempt it. The kurask are sent "over a plain" and then "under the sea" to retrieve a fruit from the human lands (this is thought to mean through northern Kandarin, under the Southern Sea, and onto Karamja). Those that return are treated as adults.

To become a kuraski, at the age of 80, a kura must leave the cave and complete the rite of Kurisk [...] a kura must then pluck a fruit from a tree and bring it back to Kuriskia.

Then they become kuraski and the fruit is ingested whole, held in a third stomach until death and preserved by our stomach lining. You did not, by any chance, eat it, did you?

— Skuhavi<ref name="postbag"></ref>

Since the discovery of the Desert Slayer Dungeon beneath the Kharidian settlement Pollnivneach, Kurask society's origins and schisms have been called into greater question. The nature of the Desert Slayer Dungeon is still largely unknown, although its workings are obviously artificial; it possesses constructed portals to the Fremennik caves, amongst other slayer-related locations. It is unknown whether Kurask originated in the Kharidian Desert or Fremennik Province, if either.

It is interesting to note that the idea of living in solitude and isolation that governs Kurask society is very similar in nature to that of the Scabarite race which follows Scabaras's ideologies. If the Kurask race originated in the Kharidian Desert, it is possible that they were influenced by the Scabarites, who were very active (although at the time probably all humans) during the Third Age, roughly when the dungeon is believed to have been created and active.


Kurask in Kuriskia.

Kurask possess a basic language. Little is known of it, and only a few words have been translated; most by Skuhavi, a kurask banished for his interest in humans. Below is a list of known words in the kurask language<ref name="postbag"></ref>.

  • Skutask - Interest.
  • Shallask - Alas, or an expression of anger/regret.
  • Skarooom - Dooom!
  • Kuraski - A kurask that has completed Kurisk, an adult. Must be at least 80 years old.
  • Kura - A child, or one who has not completed Kurisk.
  • Kurisk - Rite performed by Kura. Named after a legendary Kurask hero that first performed the travel to Karamja.
  • Kuriskia - A Kurask city, most likely their part of the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon.


Strengths and weaknesses

A player hides in one of several safe spots.

Players must use a leaf-bladed weapon, broad arrows, Broad-tipped bolts or the Magic Dart spell when fighting these. Using any other weapon or spell is completely ineffective. The Dwarf multicannon does not work, and the deflect curses will reflect damage although not much. (familiars do work)

Fighting tips

Killing them can be slow work. In the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Safe spots in the northeast corner make broad arrows/bolts one of the faster options. In this dungeon, it is also safe to range or mage them standing in the small entrance to the area. A good place to range Kurask is from the entrance of the Kurask cave in the Rellekka Slayer Dungeon, as the Kurask cannot reach you if you stand in the right place, as they are too large to move through the passage.

Range strategy

Kurask are very weak to range. Their lack of defence and their extreme aggressiveness means players can kill a whole task of Kurask this way as their skin is highly unprotected (similar to Bloodvelds), without using Prayer potions or a lot of food. Coupled with a Rune/Chaotic crossbow, players can kill more then 200 Kurasks per trip with the commonly dropped Broad-tipped bolts. Their attacks are either slash or stab, so armour with high slash/stab defence can block off most of their attacks.

Kurask younglings, the "Heavy, large with sharp things attached on its head" are extremely aggressive towards players; similar to a Mithril dragon's aggressiveness towards players. This makes it very easy to lure them into your safespot, as soon as they spawn, they will attempt to attack you. This makes it easy to kill them without using other weapons or your bolts (if not using Ava's devices) to get them to try to attack you. The Kurask adults, the "Heavier, larger with sharper things attached on its head" will only be aggressive if you attack them or get too close to them.

Both dungeons have multiple safespots that can be used. However, the Desert Slayer Dungeon is highly recommended because there are more safespots. The Kurask aren't spread out when tolerant, unlike the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, where there are no Kurask behind you (just Aquanites/Turoths). The Kurask room in the Fremennik dungeon is larger and there are only 5 or 6 spawns of Kurask in there, compared to the Desert Slayer Dungeon where there are around 20 spawns of Kurasks. Players can use the room connectors in the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon to safespot Kurasks, though this will lead to only 3 or 4 Kurasks attempting to attack the player.

The Desert Slayer Dungeon has many semi-safespots and four safespots. The semi-safespots are the rubble and crystals scattered all over the room. These safespots are the cavern connectors, a crystal rubble near the portal, some rocks near the cavern portal, and one a near the opposite side of the portal on the corner. Players will always get 3-5 aggressive Kurasks in each safespot.

If your combat strategy includes using food to heal, bring a knife to cut up the Pineapples frequently dropped by them. You can either eat the Pineapple rings to heal a total of 80 life points or add them to the Plain pizza drops to make Pineapple pizzas (level 65 Cooking required). This adds 80 LP to the healing effect of the pizza. Note that you will need 3 empty inventory spaces to slice a pineapple. Much more frequently they drop noted pineapples and one banana which only heal 20 life points.

Another, more versatile way of healing is to bring Bones to Peaches tablets made in player-owned houses. They are used to transform normal or big bones into peaches that heal 80 life points. It is also recommended to bring some Nature Runes and Fire Runes, as they commonly drop Adamant Platebodies, which can be converted to 9,984 coins by using the High Alchemy spell.

Melee strategy

The Saradomin godsword can be used to heal. Although the godsword cannot damage a kurask, its special effect will still heal the player based on how much damage the sword would have done to the kurask. Players can also use this on the nearby Aquanites or if possible, the Turoths or Jellies nearby. Higher Agility can also be used on nearby Pyrefiends.

File:Kurask- trip gear.jpg

Using melee against Kurask (Leaf Bladed Spear OR Sword) will hit frequently. This is a good tactic to use while slaying these creatures. It is also recommended to use a stab attack while using melee. Kurask will hit a player for occasional hits maxing at 120 life points. A Player with a combat level 100+ can slay over 100 of these in a single trip if they bring an inventory of food and a secondary weapon with a healing special attack. It is also recommended to use super attack potions and super strength potions for faster kills. The leaf-bladed sword does not have as high an attack bonus as other weapons players would normally use.


100% drop

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Bones Bones 1 1 Always 105




Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Template:ExchangeItemNat Nature rune 5–30 3 Uncommon Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Death rune Death rune 1–6 3 Uncommon 185–1,110
Mind rune Mind rune 4–16 3 Uncommon 16–64


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Broad-tipped bolts Broad-tipped bolts 1–10 2 Common 115–1,150
Unfinished broad bolts Unfinished broad bolts 21–60 2 Common 1,617–4,620
Broad arrowheads Broad arrowheads 21–60 2 Common 1,386–3,960
Adamant bolts Adamant bolts 5–19 3 Uncommon 790–3,002
Mithril hatchet Mithril hatchet 1 3 Uncommon 204
Broad arrow 1–10 3 Uncommon Not sold
Rune longsword Rune longsword 1 4 Rare 18,916
Leaf-bladed sword Leaf-bladed sword 1 5 Very rare <ref>Estimated at 1/554 using gathered Adventurer's Log data as of 18 September 2012.</ref> 40,382


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Adamant platebody Adamant platebody 1 3 Uncommon 9,727
Mithril kiteshield Mithril kiteshield 1 4 Rare 1,086
Exchange:Mystic robe top (light) Mystic robe top (light) 1 5 Very rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".

Herblore ingredients

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
White berries White berries 1 2 Common 752
Limpwurt root Limpwurt root 2 2 Common 1,688


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Grimy guam Grimy guam 1 2 Common 521
Grimy marrentill Grimy marrentill 1 2 Common 41
Grimy tarromin Grimy tarromin 1 2 Common 56
Grimy harralander Grimy harralander 1 2 Common 385
Grimy irit Grimy irit 1 3 Uncommon 1,496
Grimy avantoe Grimy avantoe 1 3 Uncommon 2,877
Grimy kwuarm Grimy kwuarm 1 3 Uncommon 2,902
Grimy cadantine Grimy cadantine 1 3 Uncommon 1,336
Grimy dwarf weed Grimy dwarf weed 1 3 Uncommon 7,525
Grimy ranarr Grimy ranarr 1 4 Rare 3,508
Grimy lantadyme Grimy lantadyme 1 4 Rare 6,002


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Irit seed Irit seed 1 3 Uncommon 100
Cactus seed Cactus seed 1 3 Uncommon 20
Toadflax seed Toadflax seed 1 3 Uncommon 989
Poison ivy seed Poison ivy seed 1 3 Uncommon 31
Avantoe seed Avantoe seed 1 3 Uncommon 1,306
Kwuarm seed Kwuarm seed 1 3 Uncommon 1,042
Cadantine seed Cadantine seed 1 3 Uncommon 997
Belladonna seed Belladonna seed 1 3 Uncommon 29
Lantadyme seed Lantadyme seed 1 3 Uncommon 28,328
Morchella mushroom spore Morchella mushroom spore 4 3 Uncommon 1,984
Fellstalk seed Fellstalk seed 1 3 Uncommon 1,026
Snapdragon seed Snapdragon seed 1 4 Rare 26,078
Dwarf weed seed Dwarf weed seed 1 4 Rare 43,732


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Banana Banana <ref>Always together with noted pineapples.</ref> 1–2 2 Common 76–152
Pineapple Pineapple <ref>Unnoted if 2 are dropped.</ref> 2–8 (noted) 2 Common 142–568
Plain pizza Plain pizza 1 4 Rare 688


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Coins 22–748 2 Common Not sold
Flax Flax 20–30 (noted) 2 Common 1,420–2,130
Super strength (1) Super strength (1) 1 2 Common 912
Exchange:Ranging potion (1) Ranging potion (1) 1 3 Uncommon Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Bones Bones 1,2 3 Uncommon 105–210
Big bones Big bones 1,2 3 Uncommon 351–702
Anagogic ort 20, 40 3 Uncommon Not sold
Clue scroll (Hard) 1 4 Rare Not sold
Spin ticket 1 4 Rare Not sold
File:Kurask head.png Kurask head 1 5 Very rare Not sold
Starved ancient effigy 1 5 Very rare Not sold

Rare drop table drops

This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.

<references />

nl:Kurask fi:Kurask