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Jagex's concept art for the Banshee.

Banshees are Slayer monsters that require level 15 Slayer to kill. They frequently drop 13 noted pure essence, making them an alternative source of essence. Additionally, banshees tend to frequently drop many different types of herbs. Mighty banshees are a higher-levelled alternative, if this is given as your Slayer assignment.


Strengths and weaknesses

Players should use earmuffs, masked earmuffs, or Slayer helmets when fighting banshees, or else their characters' combat statistics (including life points) will be severely reduced. Not having earmuffs, masked earmuffs, or a slayer helmet will cause you to be damaged by your Constitution divided by 10 and your character will cover their ears. Agility is also reduced, which can be annoying for players wishing to use the shortcuts in the slayer tower. Banshees have few Life points and do not hit particularly hard. They are undead, so a Salve amulet works on them.

Banshees use a magic-based melee attack. Their attack can also hit from a distance if players aren't wearing earmuffs. Protect from Melee prayer will work against them, but most players are likely better off using armour with a high magic defence bonus, such as dragonhide armour. Blue d'hide or better renders its attacks basically useless.

Other information

Banshees decrease many stats including: Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, Prayer, Magic, Agility, and Summoning.

They are popular for their tendency to drop high level herbs. Aside from banking distance they are a reasonable alternative to the popular chaos druids.

On a quick hunt, these creatures can profit a lower level character very well. Depending on the amount of Pure Essence, a lower levelled character can make anywhere from 50-70k per hour solely on the Pure Essence dropped.

Banshees have a very high restore rate. They will restore 10 life points between attacks with a fast weapon and 20 between slower weapons. They are popular for casting spells such as Weaken on because they will restore the lowered stats extremely quickly, so it can be recast. Crumble Undead also works on Banshees.

Champions' Challenge

Banshees are one of the 'races' who have lesser champions in the Champions' Challenge activity. To fight the Banshee Champion, the player must kill banshees until one drops a Champion scroll, which is a very rare drop.



Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Iron mace Iron mace 1 3 Uncommon 28
Iron dagger Iron dagger 1 4 Rare 13
Iron kiteshield Iron kiteshield 1 4 Rare 54
Adamant kiteshield Adamant kiteshield 1 5 Very rare 3,103
Exchange:Mystic gloves (dark) Mystic gloves (dark) 1 5 Very rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Air rune Air rune 3 2 Common 24
Chaos rune Chaos rune 3, 6, 7, 17 2 Common 258–1,462
Cosmic rune Cosmic rune 2 3 Uncommon 220
Fire rune Fire rune 6, 7 3 Uncommon 84–98




Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Grimy guam Grimy guam 1 2 Common 521
Grimy tarromin Grimy tarromin 1 2 Common 56
Grimy marrentill Grimy marrentill 1 2 Common 41
Grimy harralander Grimy harralander 1 2 Common 385
Grimy kwuarm Grimy kwuarm 1 2 Common 2,902
Grimy ranarr Grimy ranarr 1 3 Uncommon 3,508
Grimy irit Grimy irit 1 3 Uncommon 1,496
Grimy avantoe Grimy avantoe 1 3 Uncommon 2,877
Grimy lantadyme Grimy lantadyme 1 3 Uncommon 6,002
Grimy dwarf weed Grimy dwarf weed 1 3 Uncommon 7,525
Grimy cadantine Grimy cadantine 1 4 Rare 1,336


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Coins 13, 26 or 35. 2 Common Not sold
Anagogic ort 20, 40 2 Common Not sold
Pure essence Pure essence 13, 23 (Noted) 2 Common 1,391–2,461
Fishing bait Fishing bait 7, 15 2 Common 63–135
Iron ore Iron ore 1 3 Uncommon 216
Eye of newt Eye of newt 1 3 Uncommon 9
Clue scroll (easy) 1 4 Rare Not sold
Ectoplasmator 1 5 Very rare Not sold
Starved ancient effigy 1 5 Very rare Not sold
File:Champion's scroll (banshee).png Champion scroll (banshee) 1 5 Very rare Not sold

Rare drop table drops

This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.


  • Unlike other monsters in non multi-combat areas, when you try to attack another Banshee while still in combat with one, it will say "I'm already under attack!" when it normally would say "I'm already under attack."

See also


de:Todesgeist fi:Banshee es:Banshee nl:Banshee