Quests/Item rewards
- See also: Quest experience rewards
This page is a list of the unusual item rewards obtained from completing a quest. Monetary (coins) or 'normal' quest rewards will not be listed.
- Animal Magnetism - Ava's attractor/Ava's accumulator
- Another Slice of H.A.M. - Dorgesh-kaan sphere, Ancient mace
- Blood Runs Deep - Balmung
- Buyers and Cellars - access to the Thieves' Guild and ability to mix a Vial of stench
- Cabin Fever - Book o' piracy
- The Chosen Commander - Zanik's crossbow
- Contact - Keris
- Creature of Fenkenstrain - Ring of charos
- Demon Slayer - Silverlight
- Desert Treasure - Ring of visibility and access to ancient spell book
- Dragon Slayer - Anti-dragon shield and Maze key(Acess to Melzar's Maze.)
- Dream Mentor - Dreamy lamp
- Dwarf Cannon - Ammo mould
- Elemental Workshop I - Elemental shield
- Elemental Workshop II - Mind helmet
- Elemental Workshop III - Body body
- Elemental Workshop IV - Cosmic gloves and Chaos boots
- Enakhra's Lament - Camulet
- Enlightened Journey - Bomber jacket and Bomber cap
- The Eyes of Glouphrie - Small crystal seed
- Fairytale I - Growing Pains - Magic secateurs
- The Feud - Willow-blackjack
- Fur 'n' Seek - Bonesack(e)/Ram skull helm(e)
- Family Crest - Family gauntlets
- Garden of Tranquillity - Ring of charos(a)
- Gertrude's Cat - Kitten
- Ghosts Ahoy - Ectophial
- The Great Brain Robbery - Barrelchest anchor
- Grim Tales - Dwarven helmet
- Gunnar's Ground - Gunnar's Ground poem and Swanky Boots
- Hazeel Cult - Hazeel's mark/Carnillean armour
- Horror from the Deep - God book
- Hunt for Red Raktuber - Puffer, Ray, Octopus, and Monkfish hats
- Making History - Enchanted key
- Merlin's Crystal - Excalibur
- Mountain Daughter - Bearhead mask
- Mourning's Ends Part I - Teleport crystal
- Mourning's Ends Part II - Crystal trinket
- The Path of Glouphrie - Crystal chime
- Plague City - A magic scroll and Gas mask
- Priest in Peril - Wolfbane dagger
- Rag and Bone Man - Bonesack/Ram skull helmet
- Ratcatchers - Rat pole
- The Restless Ghost - Amulet of ghostspeak, Ancient bones
- Rocking Out - Fake beard (Rocking Out), Curly wig, Straight wig, Fake moustache and nose, Fake monocle, moustache and nose
- Roving Elves - Crystal bow/Crystal shield
- Rum Deal - Holy wrench
- Shadow of the Storm - Darklight
- Shilo Village - Tattered scroll, Crumpled scroll, Bervirius notes, Bone key, Stone-plaque, Locating crystal, and Beads of the dead
- Song from the Depths - Coral crossbow, Remora's necklace
- Spirit of Summer - Jennica's ring
- Spirits of the Elid - Robe of elidinis
- Summer's End - Upgraded version of Jennica's ring
- Swept Away - Broomstick, purple cat
- Tai Bwo Wannai Trio - Rune spear (kp)
- A Tail of Two Cats - 2 antique lamps, Doctors hat/Nurse hat, Catspeak amulet (e), Mouse toy
- Temple of Ikov - Boots of lightness, Pendant of lucien and Armadyl pendant
- The Tourist Trap - Slave robes, Wrought iron key
- Tower of Life - Builder's costume
- Tree Gnome Village - Gnome amulet
- Troll Romance - Sled
- Troll Stronghold - 2 mysterious lamps
- The Void Stares Back- Korasi's Sword, Elite Void Top
- Waterfall Quest - Glarial's amulet, 40 mithril seeds
- What Lies Below - Beacon ring
- While Guthix Sleeps - Elite black armour set, Dagon'hai robes set, Strange key loop, Strange key teeth, Dragon armour shard or Dragon armour lump or Dragon armour slice