Abyssal demon

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Abyssal demons are one of the strongest types of demons, located at the top of the Slayer Tower in Morytania, in Kuradal's Dungeon, and in the depths of the dark Abyssal Area (which is not the Abyssal location used in Runecrafting) accessible through fairy rings code ALR. Only players with level 85 Slayer can fight these demons and obtain their drops. Abyssal demons share similar, although much better, drops with black demons.

Abyssal demons are the ultimate goal of many slayers because of the abyssal whips they drop. The whip is regarded by many as one of the best nondegradable weapons in RuneScape, so it is always in demand and sells well on the Grand Exchange. Slaying abyssal demons can therefore be very profitable. They are often slain, rather than dark beasts, because the dark bow drop from the dark beasts is currently worth much less than the abyssal whip. Dark beasts also have a higher Slayer level requirement, the player must start Mourning's End II, or be assigned them by Kuradal and are more difficult to kill.

Strengths and weaknesses

Since they are a type of demon, they are affected by the powers of Silverlight and Darklight. Additionally, they have poor magic defence. Abyssal demons have a max hit of around 97 life points, which is quite low considering their level, although they are fairly accurate to compensate. Despite their accuracy, they are fairly good targets when using Guthan's or Dharok's sets because of the low risk of dying. However, if using Dharok's set, players should consider activating Protect from Melee as they have somewhat accurate melee attacks.

Abyssal demons have the unusual ability of teleporting around the room while also teleporting the player at the same time. While the player always ends up in one of the eight spaces next to the abyssal demon, it is possible that the ending position will prevent ordinary melee combat. For example, if the demon teleports east of a terrain feature and the player south of it, melee combat is not possible (except if the player has a long weapon like a Halberd). If auto-retaliate is turned off, the player will have to click or right-click to resume attacking. Ranging or maging will usually prevent running back to combat, or if needed auto-retaliate should be turned on.

High levelled players may find it easy to stay for long periods of time, using a healing weapon such as a Saradomin godsword or enhanced excalibur, a healing familiar like a bunyip, or healing armour sets like Guthans, or a combination of the three. Prayers such as Soul Split can also be utilised to extend the time of a trip by gaining life points. These methods, along with an occasional lobster drop, can sustain most players for hours. In addition, if the player has trained slayer to this point and has 68 Summoning, they will usually find that a bunyip's healing effect will keep them at or near full lifepoints for the duration of the bunyip. Because of this, it is helpful to bring one or two bunyip pouches and a summoning potion, as well as a gem bag if owned and High Level Alchemy runes to clear up inventory space by alchemising drops such as mithril kiteshields, rune helms, rune chainbodies, etc..



Kuradal's Dungeon

This area can only be used while having a task from Kuradal that is in her dungeon. There are 8 abyssal demons in here and are all crowded together, making it quite easy to target another one. Players with 85 Agility can use one summer pie to bypass several rooms to make it quicker, but at least dragonfire protection must be needed to avoid being burnt badly from the Steel dragons. A Ferocious ring can be used to speed up tasks drastically. Bank runs are somewhat cumbersome, so using Infernal urns and picking up the good drops is highly recommended to avoid waste of inventory space or ferocious ring charges. However, if a player has a pack yak familiar, they can use its special move to bank the ashes for a hefty profit.

Abyssal Area

This area is somewhat unrelenting for most players. This area is usually empty of players due to the other abyss creatures that lurk in the area. Partial completion of Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen must be used to access this area as it needs the use of a fairy ring to get into. Most areas are infested with other abyss creatures. The best spot is west from the fairy ring as the abyssal leech can be easily killed and there is an abyssal demon nearby. There are around 11 abyssal demons scattered around the abyssal plane. Get here by using the code ALR on the fairy ring.

Slayer Tower

The demons may be found on the top floor of the tower. There are around 9 abyssal demons here. It is slightly farther to travel than the abyssal area, but no other creatures will attack. The abyssal demons are spread out a little, but not as much as the abyssal area.

Having at least 71 Agility is helpful as this will allow you to bypass a lot of walking around the tower. Bank runs here are cumbersome, so at least 71 Agility and runes for Teleport to House (spell) or Kharyll Teleport will make bank runs faster and so does restocking. Not recommended for those with low Agility levels. Having a slayer helmet or full slayer helmet is strongly recommended for this location, due to the aggressive aberrant spectres on the first floor of the tower.


100% drop

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Infernal ashes Infernal ashes 1 1 Always 1,641


Template:Charm:Abyssal demon


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Black sword Black sword 1 2 Common 266
Black hatchet Black hatchet 1 2 Common 304
Steel battleaxe Steel battleaxe 1 2 Common 282
Abyssal whip Abyssal whip 1 4 Rare <ref>1/512 was revealed at RuneFest 2010</ref> 643,629
Rune battleaxe Rune battleaxe 1 5 Very rare 24,735
Rune 2h sword Rune 2h sword 1 5 Very rare 38,245



Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Mithril kiteshield Mithril kiteshield 1 3 Uncommon 1,086
Rune chainbody Rune chainbody 1 3 Uncommon 29,853
Rune helm Rune helm 1 3 Uncommon 11,283
Rune sq shield Rune sq shield 1 4 Rare 22,884


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Grimy guam Grimy guam 1 2 Common 521
Grimy marrentill Grimy marrentill 1 2 Common 41
Grimy tarromin Grimy tarromin 1 2 Common 56
Grimy harralander Grimy harralander 1 3 Uncommon 385
Grimy ranarr Grimy ranarr 1 3 Uncommon 3,508
Grimy irit Grimy irit 1 3 Uncommon 1,496
Grimy avantoe Grimy avantoe 1 3 Uncommon 2,877
Grimy cadantine Grimy cadantine 1 3 Uncommon 1,336
Grimy lantadyme Grimy lantadyme 1 3 Uncommon 6,002
Grimy kwuarm Grimy kwuarm 1 3 Uncommon 2,902
Grimy dwarf weed Grimy dwarf weed 1 3 Uncommon 7,525


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Air rune Air rune 50 2 Common 400
Blood rune Blood rune 7 2 Common 1,365
Chaos rune Chaos rune 10 2 Common 860
Law rune Law rune 3 3 Uncommon 447


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Coins 9–3000 2 Common Not sold
Lobster Lobster 1 2 Common 223
Cosmic talisman Cosmic talisman 1 2 Common 160
Pure essence Pure essence 60 (noted) 3 Uncommon 6,420
Earth talisman Earth talisman 1 3 Uncommon 826
Adamant bar Adamant bar 1 3 Uncommon 2,175
Ferocious ring 1 3 Uncommon <ref>Only in Kuradal's Dungeon</ref> Not sold
Defence potion (3) Defence potion (3) 1 3 Uncommon 414
Clue scroll (hard) 1 3 Uncommon Not sold
Court summons 1 4 Rare Not sold
Spin ticket 1 4 Rare Not sold
Starved ancient effigy 1 5 Very rare Not sold
Abyssal demon head 1 5 Very rare Not sold


Rare drop table drops

This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.

See also


  • Abyssal demons and cave horrors were the only Slayer monsters that did not receive a graphical update on or around the time the Smoking Kills quest was released in 2008.
  • Oddly enough, Abyssal demons have high health for their combat level, but their max hit is quite low for their level.
  • If you kill an Abyssal demon as it teleports, there will be no death animation, just an idle one.
  • As of 27 March 2012 killing an Abyssal demon is a requirement for the Elite Morytania Tasks.

nl:Abyssal demon de:Höllendämon fi:Abyssal demon no:Abyssal Demon es:Abyssal demon