Tormented demons (also known as TDs) are massive demons summoned and controlled by the MahjarratLucien. They first appear in the Grandmaster quest While Guthix Sleeps, wherein Lucien uses Daemonicas Abhoris to summon two demons in the Ancient Guthix Temple and place them into a state of perpetual physical agony, healing their bodies as they burn and making them extremely hostile and aggressive. After the quest is complete, a total of six tormented demons may be found in the Temple. Tormented demons are the 13th strongest monster in the game, with a combat level of 450.
Tormented demons possess a number of formidable powers. They can attack with all three combat styles, shield themselves from damage, and even use protection prayers. Additionally, as tormented demons reside in a multicombat area, it is possible for multiple demons to attack a given player at once. Nonetheless, they are often killed (either by single players, or teams of players) for their unique drops, namely the highly popular dragon claws, and the pieces of the dragon platebody. Aside from these, they have a number of other valuable drops, such as seeds, herbs, arms & armour, and clue scrolls.
Despite being demons, these monsters cannot be damaged by holy water. Additionally, dwarf multicannons cannot be set up in the tormented demons' lair, and they are immune to the effects of poison.
Tormented demons attack with melee, Magic and Ranged, though they will only use one style at a time. Their melee attack is weaker and can hit up to 189, but their Ranged and Magic attacks can each hit up to 269. Although these are relatively low maximum hits for boss monsters, tormented demons make up for them with high accuracy; their attacks will often hit players regardless of Defence level or armour quality, and the multiway nature of the area further compounds the danger. Fortunately, their attacks will not hit through protection prayers, so prayer switching is an effective and essential tactic when fighting them. Tormented demons will change attack styles every 16 seconds or so; when they do, they will rear back and roar, creating an area-of-effect Magic attack that can hit players behind cover, before attacking again.
Defensively, tormented demons use protection prayers based on the combat style that is dealing the most damage to them. Once a tormented demon takes 310 damage from a given attack style, it will change its protection prayer to defend against that style. For this purpose, any hit below 20 damage counts as 20 damage, as does any attack that misses. For example, if a player does 270 damage with their first melee attack, then misses with the next two attacks, the demon will switch prayers to Protect from Melee because the two unsuccessful attacks count as 20 damage each. The prayers do not run out and cannot be bypassed with, for example, the dragon scimitar's special attack, although Verac's set can hit through their Protect from Melee. For this reason, at least two combat styles are necessary when fighting tormented demons.
Tormented demon spawns. Click to view a larger version (opens on a new page).
In addition to their protection prayers, each tormented demon is surrounded by a fire shield that reduces all damage dealt to them by roughly 75%. This shield can be taken down for 60 seconds by a successful hit with Darklight (use of its special attack not necessary). Each non-zero hit from Darklight resets the 60-second counter. (Note that for the purposes of their prayer-switching, hits through the fire shield are counted without the damage reduction.) The shield cannot be taken down while the demon is using Protect from Melee. Once stripped of their shields, tormented demons have relatively low Defence for their combat level.
Finally, the six tormented demons in the Ancient Guthix Temple are fairly close together in a multicombat area. It is highly dangerous to be attacked by multiple demons at once because, as previously stated, their attacks are highly accurate. The most common tactic for dealing with their numbers is to lure all but one demon into a position where they become trapped, and then engage the remaining demon in combat. See the strategy page for effective luring tips.
A demon from While Guthix SleepsOn 4 December2008, Jagex changed the drop tables for tormented demons and made them more difficult to kill by changing their behaviour toward mage and range attacks.
On 25 May2011, Jagex changed Tormented Demons and other bosses from a right click to a left click.
Upon slaying a number of tormented demons, a player's Adventurer's Log will read "I killed X tormented demons, fewer tormented souls in the world must be a good thing."
Upon slaying 100 Tormented Demons, a player's Adventurer's Log will read "I killed many Tormented Demons."
There is a likeness of Lucien's face under the Tormented Demon when it uses its fire shield.
One of the two Tormented Demons fought during While Guthix sleeps doesn't have a dragon metal helmet and its burned face and grin can be seen. The concept art of Tormented Demon also lacks the helmet.