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Gargoyles are flying Slayer monsters that require level 75 Slayer to damage. They are the only monsters that drop the Granite maul. A rock hammer is needed to kill a gargoyle once it has fewer than 90 life points remaining. This can be done by right-clicking (if you're under level 111) or clicking (if you're level 111 or above) a Gargoyle and selecting the Smash option, or by using the rock hammer in your inventory on the gargoyle. Or, if one has purchased the ability to deliver killing blows quicker for 400 Slayer reward points, they will finish these creatures off automatically. However, you do need to have the rock hammer in your inventory to do so.

Two gargoyle statues are placed either side of the entrance to the Slayer Tower. Their wings open and close with the doors. These cannot be attacked. Gargoyles also guarded doorways of the Grim Reaper's house in the 2007 Hallowe'en event.

It is recommended to complete gargoyle tasks when assigned them, as they have quite valuable drops and drop blue charms frequently, ideal for summoners. These include granite mauls, rune full helms, pure essence, mystic robe top (dark) and clue scroll (hard). Adamant boots are not as valuable as they used to be due to a Wilderness update. Finally, they drop a decent amount of alchable steel equipment such as the battleaxes, full helms and two-handed swords.

Gargoyles have similar, but better, drops than Greater demons.


Players must use a rock hammer to break gargoyles apart when they reach fewer than 90 life points. There is no way to actually tell whether a gargoyle has 90 life points remaining, so the player should use their best judgement and kill the gargoyle when it has just a small amount of LP left. The delay between a "Smash" and a weapon hit is very small, so if you accidentally hit the gargoyle too soon, do not worry. It will not slow down the following hit by a great amount. Gargoyles restore life points at a very fast rate; twenty life points in approximately five seconds. Gargoyles also use very accurate melee attacks, which makes bringing strong melee protection armour even more important. Gargoyles are weaker to crush attacks. For those who use a crush weapon, the chaotic maul, Saradomin sword, Zamorakian spear, goliath gloves, Barrelchest anchor along with the godswords are extremely effective; the dragon mace and dragon battleaxe, combined with a dragon defender, are cheaper alternatives.

Gargoyles are weak for their combat level. Stabbing and slashing weapons work, but not as well as crush weaponry. Magic attacks are also good at them, most noteably the Polypore staff can easily kill them within a few accurate hits.

Another effective way to fight gargoyles is to use magic against them in the Chaos Tunnels, since the number 1 ladder leads directly to the gargoyle room. There are numerous bushes and plants in the area, providing several safespots. Once the gargoyle has been reduced to fewer than 90 life points, the player can run up to it with the rock hammer to finish it off. Similarly, in Kuradal's Dungeon, there is a stalagmite safe spot just northwest of the energy barrier between the gargoyles and blue dragons, where the gargoyles may be safely attacked with magic. Gargoyles are weak to magic.

Players who have completed Smoking Kills can spend 400 slayer points to purchase the ability to make killing blows faster; this ability applies to all Slayer tasks which require a special killing blow (gargoyles, rock slugs, etc.). Once purchased, you only need to have the rock hammer in your inventory for the gargoyle to be automatically smashed when it hits 0 life points. To kill it when life points are above 0, you will still need to use the "Smash" option.


File:Safespot gargoyles.png
A range safespot in the Morytania Slayer Tower.

Chaos Tunnels

The Chaos Tunnels are the easiest way to complete a task assigned from either any master other than Kuradal. To get there, use the entrance north of the Edgeville monastery (the one closest to Bork). In there are four gargoyles. They are fairly spread out but are confined to a small oval room which allows the use of safespots once they become tolerant. Players should use Protect from Melee or Deflect Melee if they accidentally misclick on a portal as mummies reside in two of the portals and the other one leads to a large number of skeletons and zombies. This however is the fastest and most efficent way for players without 61 Agility.

Slayer Tower

The Slayer Tower is a rarely used option for those wanting to kill gargoyles, however players who are wearing the Morytania legs 4 can receive 10% extra Slayer experience from them if they are on a Slayer task. It contains seven gargoyle spawns fairly spread out from each other. The gargoyles here are a fair distance from a bank and are generally not crowded. At least 61 Agility (for shortcuts) is recommended, in order to avoid running through the first two winding floors. A full slayer helmet, slayer helmet or nosepeg is required due to most routes passing through the aggressive aberrant spectres, which will lower stats with their attacks, unless you plan to walk through the first floor and climb up the ladder at the Infernal mages.

File:Gargoyle safespot KD.png
Gargoyle safespot in Kuradal's dungeon.

Kuradal's Dungeon

Kuradal's Dungeon is another good place to slay gargoyles. However, this area can only be used if she has assigned you a task of gargoyles. This place is often crowded, due to the ease of killing them here. A ferocious ring helps quicken kills here, as it adds 40 damage to every successful hit. Some dragonfire protection is optional as there are blue dragons on the way that can expend supplies if they manage to get a lucky hit with dragonfire. There are seven gargoyles in here, and the room is relatively small, making this an efficient spot if player numbers are low.

There are three safespots for Gargoyles in this area; one near the entrence to the Abyssal demons, another on the western part of the map, and the one as the picture shows above.





Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Steel 2h sword Steel 2h sword 1 2 Common 476
Steel battleaxe Steel battleaxe 1 2 Common 282
Steel hatchet Steel hatchet 1 2 Common 49
Granite maul Granite maul 1 4 Rare <ref>Estimated at 1/248 using gathered Adventurer's Log data as of 18 September 2012.</ref> 29,524
<references />


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Rune full helm Rune full helm 1 4 Rare 20,861
Adamant boots Adamant boots 1 4 Rare 1,494
Steel full helm Steel full helm 1 4 Rare 219
Exchange:Mystic robe top (dark) Mystic robe top (dark) 1 4 Rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Fire rune Fire rune 37, 75 2 Common 518–1,050
Chaos rune Chaos rune 15 2 Common 1,290
Death rune Death rune 5 3 Uncommon 925


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Coins 11–498 2 Common Not sold
Anagogic ort 20 2 Common Not sold
Pure essence Pure essence 35 (noted) 3 Uncommon 3,745
Mithril bar Mithril bar 3 3 Uncommon 4,578
Steel bar Steel bar 3 3 Uncommon 2,646
Gold bar Gold bar 1 3 Uncommon 126
Thread Thread 10 3 Uncommon 100
Ferocious ring 1 3 Uncommon <ref>Only in Kuradal's dungeon.</ref> Not sold
Clue scroll (hard) 1 4 Rare Not sold
Spin ticket 1 4 Rare Not sold
Starved ancient effigy 1 5 Very rare Not sold


Rare drop table drops

This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.


A vampyric altar in Darkmeyer, which appears to be a gargoyle.
  • Gargoyles are featured in the FunOrb game "Armies of Gielinor" as followers of Zamorak.
  • If a gargoyle is poisoned and has barely any health left, it may die without needing to use the rock hammer.
  • If the player has purchased the ability to automatically "smash" and kill certain Slayer monsters like gargoyles, a Summoning familiar will be able to kill them without the use of a rock hammer.
  • It has been implied that gargoyles are a sub-species of demon, created by summoning a demon from the Infernal Dimensions and binding their life force to a statue. This is implied most strongly in the FunOrb game Armies of Gielinor, in which gargoyles are described as "A flying demon with long-range throwing rocks." However, in RuneScape they attack by kicking you.