Dust devil

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A dust devil is a slayer monster that requires level 65 Slayer to kill. A face mask, masked earmuffs, or slayer helmet is required to slay them, whether in the Smoke Dungeon or Chaos Tunnels, because of their effects on players without protection. Some players choose to train on dust devils for the coveted dragon chainbody, although it is a very rare drop.


Strengths and weaknesses

An ideal spot to range dust devils

Dust devils use clouds of dust, sand, ash and whatever else they can inhale to blind and disorientate their victims. Good luck on obtaining a dragon chainmail from their dusty remains.
— Kuradal

If you don't wear a facemask, slayer helmet, full slayer helmet, or masked earmuffs, you will not be able to damage dust devils. Along with this effect, your prayer and summoning points will be rapidly drained to zero, whilst the dust devil hits constant 145's on you. Dust devils are vulnerable to Ranged and stab attacks. They attack with melee at close range. Their dusty, gritty attack, even if it causes no damage to lifepoints, has the special effect of greatly reducing an unprotected player's combat skill levels. A single attack can reduce Attack, Strength, Ranged, and Magic to 0 whilst halving a player's prayer points. However, a facemask, Slayer helmet, full slayer helmet or masked earmuffs can completely neutralize the dust devil's deadly special effect.

Players need at least level 65 Slayer to fight these creatures. The protective headgear is also required just to survive in the Smoke Dungeon, one of the dust devil's habitats. In the Chaos Tunnels, their other habitat, the protective equipment is only required when fighting the devils themselves.

The Smoke Dungeon has many safe spots where players can use Ranged, Magic or halberds to defeat them. Melee is also effective.

A good healing strategy is to use the spell Bones to Peaches to maximise one's stay. It is possible to use Guthans armour to heal, although players must be careful switching the helm with the face mask or the dungeon will hit them for 200 life points every 12 seconds or so, only allowing 3-4 hits in before having to switch back to the face mask. Use Guthan's armour to heal only on nearby fire elementals, pyrefiends, or fire giants.

Players with 80+ defence and an enhanced excalibur or Saradomin godsword shouldn't need much more than 5 sharks for a slayer task.

If the player chooses to use the Chaos Tunnels instead, they will still need the facemask to kill the Dust devils themselves, but since there is no environmental smoke, Guthan's can be used to heal on the giant crypt rats, black demons, infernal mages, Zamorak warriors or the monks of Zamorak that surround the dust devil's chamber. The dust devils here are also closer to each other than the Smoke Dungeon allowing players to attack multiple dust devils at once to speed up their Slayer task, especially if players do not mind wasting their prayer points for Soul Split. Also a player will be able to use a combat familiar while in the Chaos Tunnels; it is recommended a player use a ranged familiar, such as spirit dagannoths, geyser titans, and steel titans as the dust devil's weakness is ranged. A ghast familiar is also a decent option if one has completed Temple Trekking; its attack speed is higher than most familiars, and its special move can restore prayer if one uses Soul Split.

Another method is to use the special attack of the Saradomin godsword or enhanced excalibur, which will keep a high level character at a fairly good amount of hitpoints. This, along with Protect from Melee at full prayer points, can keep the player there for a long amount of time. Players should also bring super sets if they are on a slayer task and want to finish it quickly. Alternatively, players with 68 Summoning can use a Bunyip familiar to stay for long periods of time. It generally takes two pouches to complete a task. The vampyrism aura from the membership loyalty program can also keep your hitpoints up. Most players will need to bring along supplemental food, however those with high Defence and good defensive armour may not require any, especially due to the occasional 1-2 Ugthanki kebab drop.


100% drop

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Bones Bones 1 1 Always 105


Template:Charm:Dust devil

Weapons and armour

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Steel hatchet Steel hatchet 1 2 Common 49
Rune arrow Rune arrow 12 2 Common 2,280
Exchange:Red d'hide vambraces Red d'hide vambraces 1 3 Uncommon Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Earth battlestaff Earth battlestaff 1 4 Rare 9,093
Rune dagger Rune dagger 1 4 Rare 4,562
Dragon chainbody Dragon chainbody 1 5 Very rare <ref>Estimated at 1/34,227 using gathered Adventurer's Log data as of 18 September 2012.</ref> 2,997,875
<references />


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Fire rune Fire rune 37, 150, 300 2 Common 518–4,200
Chaos rune Chaos rune 5 3 Uncommon 430
Soul rune Soul rune 2, 3, 5 3 Uncommon 636–1,590
Law rune Law rune 1 5 Very rare 149


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Grimy guam Grimy guam 1 2 Common 521
Grimy marrentill Grimy marrentill 1 2 Common 41
Grimy tarromin Grimy tarromin 1 2 Common 56
Grimy harralander Grimy harralander 1 3 Uncommon 385
Grimy ranarr Grimy ranarr 1 3 Uncommon 3,508
Grimy irit Grimy irit 1 3 Uncommon 1,496
Grimy avantoe Grimy avantoe 1 3 Uncommon 2,877
Grimy cadantine Grimy cadantine 1 3 Uncommon 1,336
Grimy lantadyme Grimy lantadyme 1 4 Rare 6,002
Grimy kwuarm Grimy kwuarm 1 4 Rare 2,902
Grimy dwarf weed Grimy dwarf weed 1 4 Rare 7,525


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Coins 15, 25, 50, 60, 150, 300 2 Common Not sold
Anagogic ort 20 2 Common Not sold
Mithril bar Mithril bar 1 2 Common 1,526
Ugthanki kebab Ugthanki kebab 1–2 3 Uncommon 587–1,174
Spin Ticket 1 4 Rare Not sold
Starved ancient effigy 1 5 Very rare Not sold
Court summons 1 5 Very rare Not sold

Rare drop table drops

This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.


  • Both "dirt devil" and "dust devil" are brands of a vacuum cleaner, hence the examine text; "The vacuumed face of evil".
  • They also have a resemblance to the stress release toy Popping Martian (Martian Popper, Bug Out Bob).
  • Although they drop bones, Dust devils do not appear to have bones, as they are supposedly filled with air.
  • Many of their drops are the colour of dragon metal (crimson charm, red d'hide vambraces, uncut ruby). This often misleads players, making them think that they have received a Dragon chainbody drop.
  • In real life, dust devils are a miniature whirlwind strong enough to whip dust and leaves into the air.

de:Staubteufel fi:Dust Devil nl:Dust devil