Fifth Age

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The Fifth Age, also known as The Age of Man or The Age of Humans, is the current age of RuneScape. The Fifth Age is currently in its 169th year, and has remained this way since the genesis of the game itself.

The Fifth Age has thus far been a time of amazing strides for the human race, granting many humans dominance throughout central Gielinor largely due to the discovery of Runes at the end of the Fourth Age. Positive advances in humanity's lifestyle include military, technological, theological, philosophical, political, and economic strides. The Fifth Age, as a result, has been referred to by some as the "Age of Humans".

The religions in the fifth age. Selected per region.


At the end of the Fourth Age, a Fremennik seer discovered what would come to be known as "rune essence" in the desolate mountains east of the Fremennik Province. This rune essence, after its discovery, was proven to grant the human race the ability to use Magic, a trait lost some time in the Second Age.

These Runes soon spread throughout the untamed wildlands of Misthalin, Asgarnia, and Kandarin. With these runes, humans were capable of defending themselves from many of the dangerous races that occupied desirable regions of fertile land and feasible shelter. The human race, now able to considerably advance its strength for the first time since the God Wars, soon gained supremacy throughout central Gielinor. In the far reaches of the world, though, humans still remained somewhat insignificant, never gaining a foothold beyond the central kingdoms.

The Fifth Age has been a time of revolution, mostly concerning religion of Saradomin. Prior to the Fifth Age, Saradominism was a well-known religion and philosophy, but it was no more widespread than Zamorakian or Guthixian worship. With runes, however, the human nations devout to Saradomin were able to gain supremacy, sparking massive changes in the theological and secular lives of many.

The early Fifth Age was dominated by human expansion. Under King Raddallin, the nation of Asgarnia and its capital city of Falador were founded. Meanwhile, the ancient line of Misthalanian kings continued to expand Varrock and its feudal townships into an agricultural hub of activity. Kandarin, under varying leadership, expanded to meet Asgarnia's border and essentially unite the three nations into one massive human realm.

Despite the unstable nature of the early Fifth Age, it was a time of great prosperity. Saradominist philosophy, which had already begun to grow, even as the Elves ruled during the Fourth Age, would evolve to the point where religion was the most important aspect of day-to-day life for most people. Saradomin's wisdom would go unquestioned for years as the Church of Saradomin gained footholds in many governments, controlling the flow of knowledge and ideas in more settled regions. As the standard of living rose, so did the overall literacy rate, sparking the spread of literature in both history and entertainment. Many of these writings were the work of Saradominist philosophers and cultural theologists, igniting an era of religious revolution.

As humanity's influence continued to clash against established races such as the Gnomes, Dwarves, and countless others; so too did the influence of the Church. As literacy became more common, humanity's interest in early time periods flourished. This perhaps can be seen most clearly in the Varrock Museum, which became a hub of cultural activity in the year 19. The Church of Saradomin, worried that some historical events and ideas could contradict the teachings of their god, began to more strictly control the spread of information, as well as further oppress other religions, particularly Zamorakians. This meant that many true historical texts and artefacts were lost.

Humanity's dependence on runes and the magic they provided naturally created a vast interest in the subject. As wizards became more commonplace, humanity's understanding and control of magic increased. The art developed beyond simple combat, eventually becoming an integral part of society's day-to-day living. Despite opposition from more traditional individuals or societies, magic would continue to advance under the study of wizards in places such as the Wizards' Tower and the Mage Training Arena.

For 70 years, human's thoughts and ways of life were revolutionised and advanced at an unprecedented rate, creating a series of kingdoms larger than any Gielinor had seen in more than 12,000 years. The dependence of the kingdoms on runes, though, would prove to be a tower without a stable foundation. In the year 70, Zamorakians burned the Wizards' Tower, destroying the secret of Runecrafting buried within the contents of the Tower's library.

For almost a hundred years after the Tower's destruction, humans continued to prosper despite the thinning supply of runes. Culture and science advanced now that thoughts of expansion had diminished. In anticipation of the eventual loss of runestones, alchemists and scientists attempted to advance life in other ways, inventing more conventional means of managing society. As scientists found more mechanical workings in the world's order, society lost some dependence on the modern teachings of Saradomin, whose thought was that the world's workings were understood by only him. The Church of Saradomin lost considerable footing as the concept of self-importance grew. Secular ideas, though ever-growing, never fully overtook the Church of Saradomin, which continued to hold power rivalling that of many governments. Foreign ideas, such as those of the resurfaced civilisations of Keldagrim, Dorgesh-Kaan, and TzHaar, also took a toll on traditional values and philosophies.

By 169, few knew of the dwindling rune supply, without which hostile races would have been able to overtake the human nations with relative ease. The wizards, though, after almost a hundred years of study, finally rediscovered the secret to runecrafting, once more securing human supremacy in central Gielinor.

Major Events with Approximate Dates

Humans Discover Rune Essence (Year 1)

"V------" discovers the Stone of Jas in the Fremennik Province.

The Fifth Age began when a Fremennik explorer known as "V------" discovered the Stone of Jas and rune essence in a forgotten cave beneath the mountains of the eastern Fremennik Province. While the Stone was taken by a "higher power", the man who discovered it led a group of curious humans in studying the rune essence, which led to the widespread use of magic by humans. This eventually led to the construction of the first Wizard's Tower south of Draynor Village and an era of human dominance in central Gielinor.

Rise of Kandarin (Year 7)

Today, Kandarin is RuneScape's largest region, spanning from the North Sea to the Feldip Hills

According to the Varrock Museum, Saradominists led by the Carnillean Family decided to remove evil influences from the area now known as Ardougne. They eventually rose and created Kandarin, the largest nation in the world. One of Zamorak's chief agents, Hazeel, was sealed away during this cleansing.

Troubles with the Kinshra (Year 8)

King Raddalin, the King of Asgarnia, helped the Kinshra build a large fortress in the northern part of his land. It turned out, however, that they were bitter rivals with the White Knights, and Asgarnia has been on the verge of civil war ever since.

Mage Training Arena (Year 9)

Increased rune production led to wider availability of magic, which in turn led to an increase in magical injuries. A tragic accident involving a famous wizard eventually prompted the construction of the Mage Training Arena. This allowed aspiring wizards to experiment with magic in a (relatively) safe environment.

Rediscovery of Telescope Plans (Year 12)

Plans for a telescope created by Scorpius in the early Fourth Age were rediscovered, allowing construction of one and the renovation of an observatory in a ruined Fourth Age town in south-west Kandarin.

Construction of Varrock Sewers (Years 17 - 20)

Varrock's sewer system is considered an architectural triumph

In the year 17, King Botolph, the monarch of Varrock, ordered construction of a sewer system for the Varrock Palace. However, the plans changed several times during its construction, and by the sewer's completion in the year 20 it extended beneath the entire city.

Attack of Delrith (Year 20)

A demon, Delrith, attacked Varrock after being summoned by Agrith-Naar and a group of dark wizards. Wally, a Varrockian construction worker, managed to force the newly-summoned demon back to the Infernal Dimensions with the sword Silverlight he found during the construction of the Varrock sewers. Delrith is defeated once again by players in the quest Demon Slayer and players must use some magic words to defeat him, this may have been the type of magic at that age.

Defeat of Northern Morytania (Year 23)

Vampyres took control of the Lordship of the North Coast in Morytania. Werewolves resettled near the Coast's former western border, creating Canifis where Cave Canem once stood. Castle Fenkenstrain's inhabitants managed to resist the influence of vampyres for more than 100 years.

The Mad King of Kandarin (Early Fifth Age)

After the death of the founder of Kandarin, the kingdom was ruled by his successor, King Narras. Narras, however, was not the great ruler that his father was. Within a short period of his succession, it became common knowledge that he was insane. One account tells that he made his subjects play hangman to improve their literacy! The games he organised involved the hanging of real people, even those who were completely innocent. Narras is believed to have ruled at some point between the years 40 and 120. When he died, he was succeeded by King Ulthas.

The Runecrafting Crusades (Years 42 - 62)

During this time, barbarians of the north felt that the creation of runes should be left to the gods. In an attempt to enforce their beliefs, they launched a brutal Campaign across northern Kandarin and Asgarnia.

These barbarians had sympathisers from the kingdom of Misthalin who, during the year 47, destroyed the Mage Training Arena near Al-Kharid.

By year 62, the barbarians' forces were wavering, so they settled in what is known today as Gunnarsgrunn or the Barbarian Village with the intention of re-grouping and continuing their mission.

Destruction of Imcando Dwarves (Approximately Year 60-62)

The thriving tribe of Imcando Dwarves was nearly rendered extinct during the assorted Barbarian invasions. Camdozaal, a large dwarven hall beneath Ice Mountain, was completely destroyed. Survivors were scattered throughout Asgarnia, a handful living in the southern tip of Asgarnia, such as Thurgo.

Battle of TzHaar City (Year 65)

In the Crandor and Karamja Dungeon beneath Karamja Volcano, a small group of rogue lesser demons attempted to enter the TzHaar City by force. TzHaar-Ket-Kad, a TzHaar-Ket guarding the city's main gate, managed to fend off the entire force single-handedly, but the gate was destroyed in the process.

Burning of the first Wizards Tower (Year 70)

After the discovery of magic, a wizard's tower was created on an island south of Draynor Village. Both Saradominist and Zamorakian mages studied in peace there for a time, until the Zamorakian mages, who sought complete control, burnt the tower and destroyed countless irreplaceable tomes. After the burning, public outrage followed in Varrock, which eventually led to the discovery of the Dagon'hai's plans in the Tunnel of Chaos. Despite the expulsion of the Dagon'hai from Varrock, the secrets of runecrafting were lost to most humans for nearly a century. The Moon Clan, however, retained Runecrafting skills, though they used Lunar Magicks instead of standard magic.

Creation of the Tunnel of Chaos (Year 70)

During the year 70, the Dagon'hai, a group of Zamorakian mages, erected a Saradomin statue outside the eastern walls of Varrock. This statue concealed the Tunnel of Chaos, which was to be used for a ceremony to create a manifestation of Zamorak's will. However, a lone watchman discovered their plans, and, after the recent burning of the First Wizard's Tower, both secular citizens and Saradominists alike quickly chased the Dagon'hai from the city, killing two of the four Dagon'hai Elders. The third Elder stayed behind to defend the tunnel whilst the fourth fled deeper with his followers. The Tunnel of Chaos remains to this day.

The Great Carpet Crash (Year 76)

In the year 76, the Sultan of Al-Kharid was killed in a flying carpet crash. The carpets were outlawed for over 90 years following his death. Using this obscure piece of evidence, we can deduce that the ruler of Al-Kharid changed from the Sultan to the Emir between the years 76 and 168.

Winter of 114 (year 114-115)

An abnormally long and cold winter hit central Gielinor, damaging the economies of Misthalin and Asgarnia by destroying agriculture.

Arrival of King Arthur (Year 132)

King Arthur and his Knights arrived in RuneScape from "Britain". King Ulthas saw them as good men, so he gave them a mansion in his kingdom to set up a new Camelot. Lord Sinclair, the previous owner of the land, agreed that their need was greater than his. He moved himself and his family to a smaller residence: the Sinclair Mansion north of Seer's Village. Legend says that one day, King Arthur will return to Britain when help is needed there.

Dividing of Ardougne (Year 136)

The division between the two cities is very clear.

The leader of Kandarin, King Ulthas, died in a hunting accident. When his sons, Lathas and Tyras, could not come to an agreement over who controlled Kandarin, they divided Ardougne in half, each taking a part to be their capital. (This has a magnificent resemblance to the Roman Empire in the year 395 of our era when Theodosius the Great divided the Roman Empire into two equal separate countries - the West Roman Empire and the East Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire.)

Mobilising Armies Established (Year 138)

Main article: A Call to ARMS

In 138, Lord Marshal Brogan established a mercenary camp west of Oo'glog, known today as Mobilising Armies. The mercenary group originally consisted only of humans. On the 13th of Raktuber, elves from Tirannwn invaded the camp, but Brogan managed to negotiate with them so that they became part of his organisation.

Elvarg attacks Crandor (Year 139)

Elvarg leaves Crandor in ruins
Main article: Crandor

During this year, Crandor was a thriving community, with many Crandorians being in the Champion's Guild. One adventurer descended down the island's volcano, thus waking the dragon known as Elvarg. Some refugees manage to leave Crandor via fishing boats, setting up a camp near Rimmington, but the dragon followed them and burnt down the camp. Out of all the people, there were only 3 survivors; a trio of Wizards who used magic (most likely teleportation) to escape. The wizards were Thalzar, Lozar, and Melzar. They split up the only surviving map of Crandor. Melzar's piece was hidden in a maze near Rimmington. Lozar kept her piece with her, but some goblins, after destroying her house and killing her, stole it. Thalzar took his secret to the grave.

South-west Goblin Conflicts (Year 142)

In 142, the Mobilising Armies camp suffered a coup led by its human members. Lord Marshal Brogan led a group of dissenting humans to an island in the south-west, where huge numbers of hostile goblins lived. However, the humans were unaware of the threat and were slain by goblins under the leadership of Shuddergob. Brogan, an old companion of Shuddergob, convinced many goblins to serve in his organisation in place of the humans.

Theft of the Shield of Arrav (Year 143)

The Phoenix Gang, an organised crime syndicate in Varrock, stole the Shield of Arrav from the Varrock Museum. Subsequent internal conflicts within the organisation lead to the gang's division and the forming of the Black Arm Gang. The gangs struggled over who owned what, and the Shield of Arrav was broken in the claiming process. Each gang managed to claim one half for themselves.

Siege of Varrock (Year 154)

During this year, the Mahjarrat Lucien launched the Siege of Varrock. The runestone supplies still in the city's possession allowed for the relatively quick defeat of Lucien, who managed to casually walk away unscathed, seemingly unaffected by the loss.

End of Nomads (Year 155)

In this year, the last traditional group of nomads that roamed the Fremennik Province settled permanently. The tribe created a Mountain Camp after their chieftain's daughter, Asleif Hamalsdotter, was abducted. It would be discovered fourteen years later that she was murdered by a man pretending to be a deity known as The Kendal.

Asgarnian Raids (Year 155)

In 155, Kinshra soldiers led a series of raids on small villages and farming communities in northern Asgarnia. A group of knights under Commander Sulla, after receiving information from their spy Sir Finistere, invaded one such town, where former White Knight Sir Justrain lived. The village was destroyed, but Justrain's daughter escaped and was rescued by Master Phyllis, a dwarf from the Ice Mountain Dwarven Colony.

The Edgeville Incident (Year 162)

In 162, a Kinshra operation in the town of Edgeville led to a huge civilian massacre. The mentally unstable Solus Dellagar, a mage working with the Kinshra at the time, became enraged and turned on both the Kinshra and the town's civilians. Despite intervention by local guards, the White Knights, the Temple Knights, and the Kinshra, thousands were killed before Solus was apprehended.

Illness of King Vallance (Year 162-163)

King Vallance, king of Asgarnia, gradually fell ill. The White Knights took advantage of this and seized political supremacy in Asgarnia. Crown Prince Anlaf, Vallance's son, was denied his right to serve while his father was ill, causing him to establish Burthorpe as an independent nation.

Kinshra Conflicts (Year 163)

The White Knights, now in control of Asgarnia, declared that the Kinshra Order was to have no political power in Asgarnia. The Kinshra, after failing to diplomatically solve the situation, confronted the White Knights in the woods of northern Asgarnia in the Battle of North Falador. The battle ended in a stalemate, leaving the two sides to plot against each other.

Keldagrim Training System (Year 163)

In 163, the Keldagrim Black Guard sent an emissary to the Mobilising Armies camp near the Feldip Hills. With some difficulty, the negotiator managed to contact Lord Marshal Brogan, the camp's leader. It was decided that a portion of new inductees into the Guard would be sent to the Mobilising Armies camp to receive training in exchange for part of their payment. This exchange continues to this day.

Betrayal at Falador (Year 164)

Main article: War of 164

The events of the novel Betrayal at Falador take place. Jerrod, a werewolf from Morytania, enters Asgarnia in search of his nephew Gar'rth under the orders of Lord Lowerniel Vergidiyad Drakan. The current Kinshra Lord is assassinated, making way for the extremist Lord Sulla. Sulla initiates the War of 164 against Asgarnia and the Dwarven Realm, but ultimately is defeated.

King Tyras leaves West Ardougne (Year 168)

In 168, King Tyras left Ardougne to venture into Tirannwn. West Ardougne was taken by King Lathas.

The Present (Year 169)

Gielinor is currently in the year 169. This year is one of the most eventful since the God Wars, where innovations in technology, politics, religion, and history are being made with every new quest. Although it has been 10 years since Runescape was created in the real world, the year has not changed in RuneScape.


The earliest notable event to occur during 169 was the Battle of East Lumbridge. The event was a relatively small skirmish, with the only known deaths being Lozar, the penultimate survivor of the attack on Crandor, and the family of William. However, from this, two different factions were formed. Firstly, Duke Horacio established the Lumbridge Guardsmen, who would protect Lumbridge in case of further attack. The other agency, led by Johanhus Ulsbrecht, was the very extreme Humans Against Monsters, known as H.A.M., who strove to slay all monsters.

Not long after the society was created, the Dorgeshuun tribe of goblins were uncovered in the basement of Lumbridge Castle. Believing them to be a threat, Sigmund worked his way into a position as advisor to Duke Horacio, planning to exterminate them. However, before any actions could be made, a strange adventurer appeared in Lumbridge, with no known history or background in the area. He/She exposed the plot of Sigmund to Horacio, who had Sigmund immediately terminated. The Dorgeshuun successfully made peace with Lumbridge, and eventually allowed people into their city, Dorgesh-kaan. However, they suffered several more attacks by Sigmund's cult as time progressed, which eventually became an almost separate entity from H.A.M.. However, the adventurer and a goblin named Zanik were instrumental in repeatedly foiling their attacks on the Dorgeshuun.

During a counterattack against Sigmund's cult, Zanik became possessed by the god Bandos. Bandos was still furious with the Dorgeshuun for not fighting for him during the God Wars, and was going to use Zanik to bring about their destruction. Zanik succeeded in heavily crippling H.A.M. and killing Sigmund, but afterward, she turned on the adventurer, who only just was able to convince her to remove the pendant Bandos was using to control her. A Goblin High Priest, however, put the amulet on and through him Bandos's Ultimatum was unleashed on Dorgesh-kaan. The Dorgeshuun were prepared to meet their end rather than side with Bandos, but thankfully, Zanik and the adventurer appeared once more at the city's darkest hour to temporarily defeat Bandos, using a crossbow designed by Oldak.

The Dorgeshuun are currently prosperous. Due to the efforts of Zanik and the adventurer, H.A.M. has been all but destroyed. They have recently, however, infiltrated the Mobilising Armies camp with an unknown motive.


169 was also a very important year in terms of magic. Early in the year, the Mage Training Arena was finally rebuilt after being in ruins for over a hundred years, at the request of Sedridor of the Wizard's Tower. Apprentice Clerval finishes the reconstruction by regaining the knowledge of how to imbue a Rune Guardian.

As it would happen, this event would be far from Sedridor's most important accomplishment during the year. After extensive study, Sedridor managed to rediscover the secrets of Runecrafting itself, with the aid of a mysterious adventurer and Aubury of Varrock. This would make it possible to once more supply the world with runestones, the supply of which had been dwindling since the Wizard's Tower had burnt to the ground a hundred years earlier. Wizard Elriss took the opportunity to learn more about the Eye of Saradomin (The mythical Stone of Jas), under the guise of a Runecrafting Guild.

On that note, a Zamorakian Dark Mage also managed to unlock the mysteries of the runecrafting. This occurred when the aforementioned adventurer betrayed Sedridor and allowed the Dark Mage to find the location of the Rune Essence Mine. By allowing the Zamorakians to gain access to their own runes, the adventurer was rewarded with access to the Abyssal Plane, which contained portals to all known elemental altars.

Another magical secret was revealed during 169 as well - the eternal mystery of time travel. It required the use of Erin's ancestral Enchanted key in a very particular spot north of Ardougne. Unfortunately, the time travel ability was quite limited, but it did provide some new insight on the beginnings of Gielinor.

The Mahjarrat Threat

The Mahjarrat's activity increased significantly over the course of 169, as the 18th Ritual drew near. Each of the Mahjarrat began making preparations so that they would not be the one sacrificed. Enakhra and Akthanakos were uncovered in a temple located north of Menaphos. Akthanakos had been diminished to a lowly Boneguard by Enakhra, but, with the aid of an adventurer, he escaped from her grasp and they decided to continue their conflicts in the north, closer to the ritual site.

General Khazard was defeated by an adventurer in his own Fight Arena. He was vanquished to the Shadow Realm, where he and three gnomish scouts loyal to him await the time of the ritual. His tutor, Hazeel, who had long been defeated by Ceril Carnillean, was revived during 169 by cultists.

Azzanadra, one of the strongest Mahjarrat and a legendary warrior of Zaros, was imprisoned during the third age. In his time trapped in the Jaldaraocht pyramid, he grew very weak. During this year, an adventurer managed to finally reclaim the four diamonds that had been bound to his prison, and successfully freed Azzanadra from it. Once freed, Azzanadra then journeyed to the Dig Site in Varrock, where the ancient ruins of Senntisten had just been excavated. He assisted in the reconstruction of a Zarosian temple, but unbeknownst to the Dig Site employees, he has been secretly using it to commune with Zaros. Using the power of the Frostenhorn, an ancient Fremennik artefact, an Icon, which had absorbed ages worth of Prayer experience in its stay at the Barrows, and a reclaimed Zarosian relic that had been long stolen by Saradominists and stored at Entrana, Azzanadra was able to fully commune with the Empty Lord.

Zemouregal, with the soul of Arrav bound to his will in slavery, tried to lay siege to Varrock. Fortunately, an adventurer stealthily infiltrated his base in the Wilderness and managed to warn Varrock of the impending attack. The adventurer managed to quickly rebuild the Shield of Arrav, which had been taken by and split between two rival gangs, and was eventually presented to Dimintheis, who was the last known descendant of Varrock's founders and thus the only one who could wield it. Dimintheis managed to protect Varrock from the zombie invasion and Zemouregal temporarily ceased actions toward Varrock to prepare for the upcoming ritual. Meanwhile, the ancient mummy, Senliten, is unearthed and resurrected by request of Leela. She offers advice to the adventurer, who, by will of Ali the Wise, once more attempts an infiltration of Zemouregal's base. He/She succeeds, and manages to reclaim the heart of Arrav. During the events of the Ritual, Arrav is freed of Zemouregal's power and turns against him.

Bilrach continued his exploration of an ancient Dragonkin castle well into 169. However, during the year, a strange power is felt throughout Gielinor, and is traced back to the castle, which is renamed Daemonheim by the Fremennik who are currently exploring it. It is unknown, however, just what the strange power was. Later, when speaking to Wahisietel after the Ritual of the Mahjarrat, he informs the adventurer that this is what happens every time a Mahjarrat dies, and that Bilrach was just "in the wrong place, at the wrong time..."

Lucien quickly became the largest threat to the security of this realm during this year by stealing the Staff of Armadyl from the Temple of Ikov, where it had been held by the Guardians of Armadyl for some time. However, this was only a prologue to Lucien's madness. He allied himself with the Dagon'hai, the leader of whom, Surok Magis, had recently tried to take over the throne of Varrock. Failing in his coup, he fled into the Chaos Tunnels and to the Kinshra. His Kinshra base was overrun by an adventurer, who disguises himself/herself as Surok Magis to discover Lucien's intentions. He/She is caught, but was saved at the cost of six great warriors. Lucien also worked with a mage by the name of Movario, who uncovered an ancient Guthixian temple containing the Stone of Jas. An adventurer discovers it first, and defeated the stone's guardian, the Balance Elemental. He/She touches the stone, but Movario intervenes and summons Lucien, who steals it. Lucien unleashes two tormented demons on the adventurer, but they were no match for the stone's power. His plans remain unknown, but he has left for the north. With the Stone of Jas gone, the Dragonkin begin to plot their return to Gielinor.

Eventually, the Ritual came upon the Mahjarrat and they gathered together in the north, deciding which of them was to die. Jhallan was chosen as the sacrifice and was killed, rejuivinating the other Mahjarrat. After being defied by the others of his race, Lucien calls upon the power of the Stone of Jas and unknowingly summons the Dragonkin, the guardians of the Stone. They declare Lucien a "False User" and quickly overpower and kill him, shattering the Staff of Armadyl in the process. The remaining Mahjarrat flee from the site, excluding Sliske (and others), who attempts to turn the adventurer into one of his Barrows Wights and fails.

Knight Orders

The various sects of warriors across the realm have all been extremely active over the course of the year. Crux Eqal, a Guthixian underground druidic organization, forms to assist in combating the Mahjarrat threat, especially Lucien. They ally themselves with the Guardians of Armadyl, who failed to protect Armadyl's staff, and the Saradominist Temple Knights, to help defeat Lucien.

This year proved busy for the Temple Knights, too. In addition to the threat of Lucien, they teamed up with the White Knights, and an adventurer in both orders, and finally succeeded in capturing the murder-mage, Solus Dellagar, and now need to focus strength on the Sea Slug threat as well, due to an unsuspecting adventurer unintentionally freeing the Mother Mallum, the original foe of the Temple Knights.

They also forged a temporary alliance with the Void Knights and the Kinshra, in order to stop a Pest invasion. Jessika, under manipulation of Wizard Grayzag, manages to secure a pest from Pest Control and delivers it to Grayzag, under guise of Professor Melville. He allied himself with the Kinshra offering a takeover of Falador, but he betrayed them, instead plotting to summon the Pest Queen to overtake the entire realm. Grayzag summoned the queen weakened the Valluta, a Guthixian guardian of Void lore, too much to assist in keeping her out of the realm. With aid from an adventurer, the four orders of knights, counting the Kinshra, successfully killed the Pest Queen and disposed of Grayzag.

The Knights of Camelot have also been comparably active this year, having discovered the Holy Grail. Meanwhile, the Sinclairs kill their father and ally with Morgan le Faye to reclaim Camelot, their old mansion. They nearly succeed, but an adventurer frees the knights and they manage to reenter Camelot.

Finally, the Myreque, an underground agency intent on liberating Morytania from the Vyrewatch, lose several of their key members in Mort Myre due to Vanstrom Klause following an adventurer into their headquarters. They relocate to Burgh de Rott, and after communicating with the Sanguinesti order, develop an Ivandis Flail, a weapon capable of harming the Vyrewatch. The Myreque are also trying to obtain reinforcements from Misthalin, but have not yet managed to do so as Varrock is concerned about how an invasion into Morytania would affect the Edicts of Guthix. Meanwhile, monks of both Zamorak and Saradomin are at Paterdomus temple, working together to nullify the Edicts of Guthix. This would allow the Vyrewatch to invade west of the River Salve, if successful.

Ardougne Plague

A strange plague hits West Ardougne, and is supposedly extremely dangerous. The West Ardougne is quarantined and walled off. However, an adventurer sneaks into West Ardougne and with the aid of Elena, realises that the plague is nothing more than a conspiracy. King Lathas blames King Tyras, and sends the adventurer through the underground pass to defeat him. The adventurer slays Iban, a Zamorakian disciple, and proceeds through the pass to discover Elves in the lands to the west of Arandar. Tyras is slain, but Arianwyn reveals to the adventurer that he/she was being manipulated by King Lathas the entire time, who had allied with the Iorwerth Clan to resurrect a Dark Lord. The adventurer joins the mourners of West Ardougne who are really Iorworth Elves, and helps uncover details of their plot. Arianwyn and the adventurer then try to cease the efforts of the mourners once more sanctifying the weakening defence in the Temple of Light. By manipulation of the temple, however, they also uncover disturbing information on the elven capital, Prifddinas: it has been entirely converted to crystal seed.

The Fremennik

Among the Fremennik, year 169 begins a period of relative peace. After allowing an outerlander adventurer to become a Fremennik, he/she acts as a universal diplomat. The adventurer ceases conflicts between Rellekka and the Mountain Camp, and becomes regent of Miscellania in place of King Vargas, who had been temporarily indisposed by a Yeti Curse, but later cured by the adventurer. The adventurer works for peace between Etceteria and Miscellania, and eventually manages to pacify the two kingdoms. However, the adventurer has not been able to do the same with Jatizso and Neitiznot. Neitiznot is enjoying prosperity, but Jatizso is currently experiencing a significant economical downturn due to irrational judgement by the current ruler and taxes so heavy, life for the people is as grey as the landscape. The adventurer even manages to get the Moon Clan on relatively good terms with the Fremennik, despite a long feud and open war between them.

However, there is a new threat to the Fremenniks- the Dagannoth. When the Dagannoth invaded the Lighthouse, their mother is killed. However, when the Dagannoth Mother dies, a new mother is born at Waterbirth Island. After a small Dagannoth invasion to sack Relleka, all of the kingdoms of the Fremennik Province work together to defeat the Dagannoth in battle, including the Moonclan. During the process, King Vargas and Queen Sigrid get married, formally uniting Miscellania. However, the joy is short-lived. The royalty of Miscellania, Princess Astrid and Prince Brand, are killed in battle with the Dagannoth Kings. Their loss was not in vain, however, and an adventurer successfully trapped the new Dagannoth Mother, so a new Dagannoth Mother will not be born to wreak havoc.

Even outside of the Fremennik province, their people seem to be calming. The residents of the Barbarian Village finally and formally settled this year, renaming their camp into the village of Gunnarsgrunn, or Gunnar's Ground.


Much more occurred over the course of the year, as well. Delrith was summoned by Agrith-Naar in disguise, and once more attempts to destroy Varrock. He is killed by Silverlight, and eventually, so is Agrith-Naar, whose blood stains the sword and turns it into Darklight.

The Ghost Town northwest of Varrock is inhabited, and christened Edgeville. There, Oziach moves in, selling Rune Platebodies to those who can prove themselves to be true champions. One adventurer gains his respect by slaying Elvarg, the dragon who so long ago burnt down Crandor. The adventurer goes on to become respected member of both the Heroes' and Legends' guilds.

Zanaris is rediscovered, and soon afterward, the Fairy Godfather stages a military coup to take over the realm. He severely weakens the Fairy Queen, but resistance forms and restores the Queen to health. With the Tooth Fairy acting as a general, an adventurer soon drives the Fairy Godfather and his followers out of Zanaris.

The God Wars Dungeon thaws, and once more do four factions of gods fight over the Godsword, a legendary weapon known for its sheer power. The Godsword is reconstructed by an adventurer who was more than willing to fight against all four sides. By now, several of the creatures participating in the fight are otherwise scarce, such as the Icyene, the Aviansies, and the Ourgs. Similarly, in a cave in Piscatoris, the last known surviving Phoenix in this realm barely manages to avoid its demise. It is saved by a druid and a mysterious adventurer.

The legendary mage Dionysius, teaming up with another adventurer, undergoes his final quest during this year, in which he saves the Piscatoris Fishing Colony from the threat of Sea Trolls. He settles in Draynor Village, and reconciles with his old girlfriend. They attack the Wizard's Tower, but are defeated by Traiborn's Thingummywut. They afterward live relatively peacefully.

The heir of the Emir in Al Kharid is kidnapped, but an adventurer, Leela, and Ozan resue him just in time. The Emir dies in the process, but nonetheless, the city had no need to bewail.

The Lumbridge Cook accidentally resummons the Culinaromancer during a meeting of the Lumbridge Secret Council. Gypsy Aris freezes time, however, and with the help of an adventurer, the members of the council are freed from the Culinaromancer, who is eventually killed by said adventurer.

Char, the last of the Auspah and rumoured concubine of Zaros, is reawakened by an adventurer along with a group of firemakers. She is shocked to learn of Zaros's banishment with the rise of Zamorak, and in her anger turns on the adventurer and the firemakers. Eventually the adventurer defeats Char, who in turns becomes placated and vows to avenge Zaros, all the while waiting for his return.

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