Edgeville Incident

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Edgeville Incident
File:Edge update.png
Edgeville, the site of the battle.
Kinshra - White Knight Conflicts
Approx. 162 of Fifth Age
Edgeville, then Unincorporated
Arrest of Solus Dellagar, appointment of new Kinshra Lord, increased political tension in Asgarnia
Solus Dellagar Kinshra, Temple Knights, White Knights, Edgeville Guards and Civilians
Solus Dellagar Lord Shadwell, Lord Daquarius, unknown Temple Knight, Edgeville, and White Knight Leaders
One mage 1000+ each of Kinshra and White Knights, majority of Temple Knights, entire Edgeville Guard forces
None 800+ each of Kinshra, White Knights, Edgeville Civilians, unknown number of Temple Knights
Next battle
Battle of North Falador

The Edgeville Incident was a civilian massacre and military conflict that occurred in approximately 162 of the Fifth Age. The battle involved more than 2,000 trained soldiers, all of whom were engaged in combat against a single wizard named Solus Dellagar and referred to as "Murder Mage". Information regarding the event is somewhat limited and sometimes contradictory. This could be partially due to Temple Knight censoring. This event is referenced heavily in the Commorb dossiers used during the Wanted! quest. When speaking to Sir Owen in Varrock Palace, he mentions that he was also present at the Incident.

The battle began during an unknown Kinshra operation in the then-unincorporated city of Edgeville in north-western Misthalin. The leader of the Kinshra at the time, Lord Shadwell, was working in co-operation with Dellagar, who had assisted Lucien in an undead assault on Varrock several years before. For an unknown reason, Dellagar was upset during the proceedings and began to use Ancient Magicks to slaughter the civilians, the guards in the city, and even the Kinshra whom he had only moments before been allied with.

Solus Dellagar casting Ice Barrage on Temple Knight rangers during the Wanted! quest.

White Knight and Temple Knight forces were sent by Asgarnia to end the attack, but ultimately nearly 2,000 were killed before Dellagar was apprehended. Shadwell himself was killed in the attack, although Lord Daquarius did earn favour for his courage in the battle. The new leader of the Kinshra lasted only one year under increased political tension in Asgarnia before being assassinated by Lord Sulla, leading ultimately to the War of 164.