Mourning's End Part II

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Mourning's Ends Part II (#86)
File:Mourning's Ends Part II.png
Also called? MEP2, ME2
Release date 17 October 2005 (Update)
Members only? Yes
Quest series Plague
Official difficulty Master
Official length Long
Developer Dylan C, Graham B
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Mourning's Ends Part II - The Temple of Light is a master-level quest which continues the storyline begun in the Plague City quest. This quest is often described as being annoying by the players who have completed this quest, particularly for a difficult agility obstacle which must be crossed twice. Therefore it's a good idea for players to keep their weight as low as possible, though keep in mind that negative weight is no different from no weight.


Start point: After talking to Arianwyn in Lletya, talk to the Head Mourner in West Ardougne. After talking to Arianwyn in Lletya, talk to the Head Mourner in West Ardougne.
Members only: Yes
Official difficulty: Master Master
Description: This chapter of the quest takes our hero deep under the mountains of Arandar to put a stop to the evil plans of the mourners.

If our hero is to succeed, they must solve one of the most complicated puzzles in all of Gielinor.

Length: Long to Very long, can take upwards of 4 hours.
Items required:


Enemies to defeat: None (but Level 73 Shadows are a constant annoyance)

Starting Out

Items needed:

Note: The player should remove all other worn items, and leave one to three inventory spaces open - one item will be picked up before combat, and two afterwards.

To begin the quest, the player is required to speak with Arianwyn in Lletya. When they have talked with him, the player should speak with the Head Mourner to officially begin the quest. He is found in West Ardougne, in the basement of the Mourner HQ.

File:Head mourner npc.png
Location of the Head Mourner.

The Head Mourner will give you a new key to the nearby tunnels that they dug to the Temple of Light. If you lose this key it can be found by searching the desk. Now, it is easier to get a new key when returning to the temple, players should feel free to drop the key if they are in need of inventory spaces during the quest.

He will ask you to find the digging team, a group of slaves and Mourners who have high enough slayer skills to defeat the beasts in the area. Go into the tunnel; head west then south.

You will see level 182 Dark beasts. Run past them, and the tunnel will turn west. They require level 90 Slayer to kill, and can hit up to 174 with melee attacks, they are aggressively guarding a Rune rock.

As you reach the temple entrance, you'll see a cut scene.

Search the corpses of the digging team to get Edern's journal and a colour wheel. Read the journal.

The dead dig team.

You'll see level 73 Shadows all over the place. They only have 150LP, but they can hit very accurately with melee, doing up to 130. They're very annoying, so it would be a good idea to use the Protect from melee prayer.

At times, it is more effective to fight Shadows than to attempt escape. A fast-hitting weapon such as a Dragon scimitar, Korasi's sword or Dragon dagger (for its light weight and special) may come in handy throughout the quest when faced with only one or two Shadows. Alternatively, if you already own Guthans, it might be worth wearing it to keep your life points up.

A map of the temple of light.
A map of the temple of light.

NOTE: You will have to gather a shard of a blackened crystal on the top floor of the temple to save yourself an extra trip with the crystal teleport.

  • To get to the blackened crystal, go west from the entrance. Climb up the staircase.
  • Then go South as far as you can. Go up the ladder (it blends into the wall, so it may be a bit hard to spot.).
  • Then go north and down the stairs. Go up the next set of stairs and walk east, then south to the crystal. Use a chisel on it to break off a piece.
  • Return to Arianwyn to learn about the blackened crystal and the Temple of Light.

Note: There is an altar up the ladder to the north of Arianwyn, so it is recommended that whenever you come here to speak to him, you also recharge your prayer points.

File:Blackened crystal hd.png
The blackened crystal.

He will summon Eluned, who will talk with him about the crystal. Next, use the blackened crystal on Eluned and she will enchant it and turn it into a newly made crystal. Talk to her again to get the newly made crystal back and Eluned will tell you to talk with Arianwyn as she departs. Now show the crystal you received from Eluned to Arianwyn, and make sure to bring it with you to the Temple!

Warning: From here on, all the Temple of Light items (except the black/newly made crystal) cannot be banked.

Towards the end of the quest, players eventually need 18 free inventory slots to hold all the items. If you happen to die with any of these items you WILL be able to get them back by using the collector. You will not have to go back to the chests to get the crystals/mirrors.

The crystal collector.

If you do plan on completing the rest of the quest without banking (which is very possible), be sure to bring a rope, your newly made crystal, and your means of entering the Death Altar.

Now go back to the Temple of Light with lots of high healing food and/or more prayer potions, depending on your prayer level.

1. Go up the stairs to the second level, then go east to the crystal collector.

2. Pull the lever and collect the yellow crystal and 4 hand mirrors inside.

3. You need to unlock the blue door with a yellow beam of light and, the pillar next to the crystal collector has a beam of light flowing from it.

NOTE: It's very unlikely that someone can complete the quest carrying all the items needed to exchange for the Death Talisman, so keep that in mind.

Helpful tip: Once you get to the temple, if you can summon a Spirit Terrorbird familiar, do so, and bring about 30 Tireless Run scrolls (consider Summoning potion as well). Use its Tireless Run scroll to supplement your run energy, throughout the following steps. This area is not multi-combat, so the terrorbird can't fight for you, but it can carry your prayer-bonus armour.
Unlike equipping other "non-mourner" items, familiars seem to be exempt, and you can pass through the mourners' headquarters with it following you. This also allows you 5 open inventory spaces to gather the 4 mirrors and yellow crystal. Then you can trade out potions and food for the armour, without discarding your mourner gear; thereby saving you from gathering it again, later.
Also, using the Explorer's Ring can restore 150% run energy in three uses, and the ring CAN be equipped while entering the mourners' headquarters. You can also take a dip in the Salt-Water-pool at Oo'glog after completing As a First Resort.... as well.

NOTE: Remember which level you are on. For example, sometimes you will be directed to the "bottom floor"; do not forget that there are 3 levels, and you may therefore have to go down 2 levels.

Blue door

  • Put a mirror in the pillar giving out the light, and reflect the light north.
  • Walk north to the next pillar. Add a mirror and reflect the light west.
  • Go west, add a mirror, and reflect the light south.
  • Go south to the next pillar. Use your yellow crystal on it to dye the light yellow.
  • Go south and put a mirror in the pillar. Reflect the light east.
The blue door.
  • You must climb across several stone handholds which can be failed, and the failure rate is very high. Falling will hit 50 life points damage on you, and take you to the level below which is full of shadows. Go back up the stairs and try again until you make it. This part may be very hard, and players with 65 or less Agility may have extreme difficulty.Tip: Climb the hand holds when you are not being attacked as this will increase the chance of you succeeding.
  • It helps when you have full run energy when trying the handholds. If you brought any boosts such as Summer pies, this would be a good time to use them. You can enter the crystal rotation menu (but don't touch the rotate button) to wait for 100 percent energy. Having a low weight has been observed to help, so it may be good idea to drop your mourner clothes (they are very heavy) near the hand-holds and pick them up after passing, or bring a wicked cape , spotted/spottier cape, Penance gloves, wicked robes and boots of lightness in your inventory (assuming you have them), and wear them before attempting the agility shortcuts. Summer pies are very useful because they heal high, restore run energy and boost Agility by +5.)
  • Pass through the blue door and open the chest. You will get 2 more mirrors and a cyan crystal.
  • If you fall you should be able to get back and pick up your mourners clothes in time as it takes less than 30 seconds to make your way back, you will need them further on in the quest.

Magenta door

Go back to the crystal collector and pull the lever. Collect all of the items (8 total).

Should you not be able to collect the crystals and the mirrors from the tray by pulling the lever, the problem can be usually solved by climbing down and up the nearby stairs (resetting the floor).

  • Put a mirror in the pillar giving out light. Reflect the light north.
  • Walk north to the next pillar. Add a mirror and reflect the light west.
  • Go west to the next pillar and use the yellow crystal on it to dye the light yellow.
  • Go west to the next pillar. Add a mirror and reflect the light north.
  • Go north to the next pillar. Add a mirror and reflect the light east.
  • Go east to the next pillar and add the cyan crystal. This will dye the yellow light green.
  • Go east and pass through the magenta door. Open the chest to get more mirrors.

Cyan door

Go back to the crystal collector and pull the lever. Collect all of the items (10 total).

Again, should you not be able to collect the crystals and the mirrors from the tray by pulling the lever, the problem can be usually solved by climbing down and up the nearby stairs (resetting the floor).

The cyan door opened.
  • Put a mirror in the pillar giving out light. Reflect the light north.
  • A word of advice (From bullet two all the way to bullet six, you don't really have to do all of that. You could just shine it onwards to the way so it beams onto the next pillar. The way runeiki describes it, its optional). Walk north to the next pillar. Add a mirror and reflect the light down (not south).
  • Go downstairs to the bottom floor. If you did the above step correctly, you should see a little beam of light coming into the pillar north of the stairs. Put a mirror in it and reflect the light west.
  • Walk west to the next pillar and using a mirror, reflect the light north (through a hole in the wall, a cave and another hole in the wall).
  • Go around to the pillar north of the one you just put a mirror in. Use a mirror on it and reflect the light up. If done correctly, you should see a little beam of light flowing up.
  • Go back upstairs to the middle floor and find the pillar with a little beam of light flowing up. Put the yellow crystal in that pillar to dye the light yellow.
  • There is a ladder to the north of this pillar. Go up the ladder to the top floor. Put a mirror in the pillar and reflect the light west. It should pass through a pillar that has a magenta crystal in it. The yellow light beam should go through the magenta crystal, creating a red beam of light.
  • Go back down the ladder and go south. When you reach the south wall, go up the ladder. Then go as far north as you can, as far west as you can, and all the way to the north-west corner. Put a mirror in this pillar and reflect the light south.
  • Follow the beam to the south-west corner and add a mirror. Reflect the light down to the floor below.
  • Return to the ladder that brought you to this floor (next to handholds). Descend the ladder and travel a few steps west and a few steps north to a circular, dead-end room where you may enter by climbing over a low wall. Climb over the low wall and enter the circular room, where you will see a large hole in the floor with a rock directly beside it. Use your rope on the rock, and climb down. Go southwest, Passing through the door to where you may open the chest to get a blue crystal.

Yellow door

If you are low on supplies (food, potions) teleport to Ardougne and replenish your supplies. Now go back to the temple, past the dark beasts, and up the stairs. You will not be able to collect your items, but you will not need to at this point.

  • Go to the pillar where you put the yellow crystal in during the last step (north side of the middle floor). Remove the yellow crystal, and replace it with the cyan crystal. You should now see a cyan light going up. The mirror you placed above this pillar during the last step will reflect the light west, like before. However, this time, a blue light will be going west.
  • Start to run south. When you reach the south wall, go up the ladder. Then go as far north as you can, as far west as you can, and all the way to the north-west corner. Rotate the mirror in this pillar to reflect the light down (the mirror will look as though it is pointing east, with the widest part on the right-hand side)
  • Go to the bottom floor (use the stairs, not the room with the rope). In the north-west corner, pass through the yellow door, rotate the mirror south and pass through the door, Go south then east, then go open the chest to get 2 more mirrors and the first fractured crystal.

Magenta and yellow doors

Using the fractured crystal to split the beam.

You now need to open two doors, a new magenta door and a new yellow door, using the fractured crystal, go back to the crystal collector, pull the lever and collect all of the items (14 total).

  • Open the blue door again. Follow the above steps to open it (yellow crystal for the blue door). Cross the handholds again and pass the blue door. Use the blue crystal (not cyan) on the pillar inside, then exit in the same manner you entered (returning by handholds). Once you have crossed the handholds retrieve the mirror from the pillar reflecting light towards the handholds, and then walk north to retrieve the yellow crystal. Do not collect by using the crystal collector. Using the crystal collector would collect the blue crystal just placed. At this point you no longer need to cross the agility obstacle so weight is less of an issue, therefore using stronger but heavier equipment is feasible
  • From where you retrieved the yellow crystal, Go north to the next pillar, rotate the mirror to reflect the light up.
  • Walk to the south end of the level, climb up the ladder, and go north to the crossroads then around to the next pillar north (The light will not be visible until a mirror is placed inside the pillar and rotated). Add a mirror and reflect the light south.
  • Make your way south to the next pillar. Add your fractured crystal to split the beam into four parts. You will use one of these to open the magenta door and one to open the yellow door.

Magenta door

  • From the fractured crystal, go west to the next pillar. Add a mirror and reflect the light down. (The long part of the Mirror should be to the East and the short end to the West.)
  • Go down to the ground floor and find the pillar with a little beam of light coming out (head south, then west from the stairs). You will see that a green crystal has dyed the light green. Add a mirror and reflect the light south.
  • Go south, add a mirror, and reflect the light east. This will unlock the magenta door. If you go through however, you'll find that there's still a yellow door between you and the chest.

Yellow door

The yellow and magenta doors now open.
  • From the fractured crystal (top floor), follow the beam of light south. Add a mirror and reflect the light east.
  • Go east to the south-east corner. Add a mirror and reflect the light down (big side of the mirror to the west, smaller to the east)
  • Go to the south-east corner of the bottom floor. Pass through the magenta door, then add a mirror to the pillar inside. Reflect the blue light north and pass through the door.
  • Open the chest to get 3 more mirrors and the second fractured crystal.

Cyan and black doors

You now need to open two doors: A new cyan door and a huge black door, using everything you have (18 items). Go back to the crystal collector and pull the lever. Collect all of your items.

  • Put a mirror in the pillar giving out light. Reflect the light north.
  • Go north to the next pillar, add a mirror, and reflect the light down (wide part to the south).
  • Go to the bottom floor. Go north and add a mirror to the pillar with light coming out.
  • Go west to the next pillar and add a fractured crystal. If it doesn't work, take it out and use the other one.
  • Go south to the next pillar and add another fractured crystal to split the beam.
  • You now need to get a red beam, a blue beam, and a green beam of light pointed at the column in the final room. This will make a new clear beam that you can use to enter the black door.

Green beam

  • From the second fractured crystal, walk west, add a mirror, and reflect the light up. This will make it go through the green crystal.
  • Go to the top floor using the south ladder on the middle floor. Directly North of the ladder is a pillar (not the one a step away from the ladder), go to the pillar just West of the northern pillar (the pillar with the green beam), add a mirror, and reflect it west.
  • The light will then reflect off of a mirror already in the final column and go down. It will now be in the final room pointed at the final pillar.

Blue beam

  • From the second fractured crystal, walk east. Add a mirror to this pillar and reflect the light up.
  • Go to the top floor. Find the pillar with a little beam of light coming up and add a mirror. It should be directly south of the black crystal. Reflect the light west.
  • Follow the beam of light to the next pillar. Add a mirror and reflect the light north.
  • Follow the beam of light to the next pillar and add a mirror. Reflect the light west.
  • Go west to the next pillar. Add the blue crystal to dye the beam blue.
  • The blue beam will then reflect down off of a mirror already in the next column. It will now be in the final room, pointed at the final pillar.

Red beam

The culmination of all your efforts.
  • From the first fractured crystal, walk north. Add a mirror and reflect the light up.
  • Go to the middle floor and find the pillar with the beam of light coming up. Add the yellow crystal to dye the light yellow.
  • Climb up the ladder (next to the pillar with the yellow crystal, not the south ladder) to the top floor. Add a mirror to the pillar and reflect the light west. The yellow beam will go through a magenta crystal, leaving you with a red beam.
  • Go back to the middle floor. Go to the south end, climb up the ladder, and make your way to the north-west corner. Add a mirror and reflect the light south.
  • Go south to the very next pillar. Add a mirror and reflect the light east. The light will shine across the middle of the room.
  • Make your way east to the pillar by itself (it has a mirror fused in it) to see the light reflect down to the final pillar in the final room, pointing at the cyan door.
  • Go down the stairs in the middle of the top floor, then go down the next set of stairs. Go through the cyan door. Turn the mirror towards the final pillar to merge it with the other two beams. It will be pointed at the black door.
  • Pass through the black door to start a cutscene where the player meets Thorgel.
  • Remember to turn the beam back to the cyan door, otherwise the altar will only be reachable via the Underground Pass, or by re-doing the entire maze. You may use a Death altar teleport with the wicked hood or the abyss to reach the altar AFTER you use the glowing crystal with the black cluster of crystals.
  • It is required that the beam is directed at the cyan door near the start of Within the Light (The next quest in the Plague Series).

The Death altar

Death talisman

You can skip this whole section if you have already bought/received a Death talisman or have an Omni-talisman.

It is possible to buy a Death talisman from the Grand Exchange for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins, saving the player a lot of time. This is highly recommended as it will cost less than the needed items.

After you go through the final door, talk to the dwarf Thorgel. He will give you an item list that contains a long list of items. If you give him ALL the items on the list he will give the player a death talisman in exchange. The items on the list (50 in total) are as follows:

Which one you have to find is random.
Which one you have to find is random. All of these books can be found in the bookcases in your house.

Note: It is possible to take all items in one load using a pack yak. Otherwise, two trips will be required.

You can give these items in more than one load. If you teleport out, make sure you turn the mirror towards the cyan door. Otherwise, you'll lock yourself out and you'll have to go through the Underground Pass and enter the tunnel near the dwarf camp or redo the final puzzle. The entry at the dwarf camp is most easily reached from the Lletya village, which is fairly close to the elf land side of the underground pass. Doing the underground pass in reverse to get to the dwarf camp is a lot easier.

The ruins and the altar

Placing the crystal on the altar.

Use your death talisman on the mysterious ruins, then use the newly made crystal that Arianwyn repaired for you on the Death Altar. Use this glowing crystal on the large black crystal on the top floor of the temple. This will stop people from entering the temple for another thousand years. Go back to Arianwyn for your reward. You will have a cyan crystal left over unless you left it in a pillar. Since it is un-bankable you will have to destroy it.


Mourning's Ends Part II Reward
Mourning's Ends Part II Reward

Music unlocked

Required for completing

Completion of Mourning's Ends Part II is required for the following:

Tips and Tricks

A trapped shadow behind a pillar.
  • There is a very easy way to make it safe if you only have one shadow following you: go to a pillar as it attacks you, and move one space round the pillar. Do this a few times until the shadow is trapped on the other side of the pillar, meaning you that you no longer need to use prayer points or food. This does not work if you have two or more shadows at one pillar.
  • Although in general shadows cannot start attacking you when you are rotating the mirror, sometimes they do. If they do not, use this to your advantage. This is not a way to escape combat already underway, but if you are not currently being attacked or pursued you can opt to rotate the mirror because sometimes this will give you immunity from attack until you stop, allowing you to take a bit of a breather and figure out what to do next. Obviously, you could turn off prayer before doing this to save points, but remember to turn it back on as soon as you stop.
  • Should you not be able to collect the crystals and the mirrors from the tray by pulling the lever, the problem can be usually solved by climbing down and up the nearby stairs (resetting the floor).
  • When trying to return to Thorgel, using the Underground Pass is helpful. Teleport to Lletya and then make your way to the cave. From there climb down the well, and go through the big doors. Then you can either walk south to the stairs down to the dwarf camp where Klank is, or you can take a fall from crossing the narrow bridges. Falling makes you lose around 140-220 lifepoints, but you can always talk to Kamen for food, if you can risk lowering your agility for a while. Once in the dwarf camp, there are stairs on the south wall leading down to Thorgel and the entrance to the death altar.
  • If you have completed As a First Resort... quest, you can use the saltwater pool to save energy potions and the sulphur pool for a prayer boost.
  • Full Guthan's can be helpful for regaining lost lifepoints by killing shadows within the temple. If you have a Saradomin godsword, it might be wise taking it with you, both for the prayer bonus, as for the LP and prayer restoring special attack.
  • It is fine to log out, or restock on supplies, during this quest. All the crystals and mirrors will be in the same place you left them in.


  • If you complete the quest, the Adventurer's Log will read: "I managed to get access to the Temple of Light, where I reactivated the temple's defences after solving a giant puzzle involving light."
  • Attempting to teleport to the altar before finishing the quest using a Death altar teleport acquired from the Great Orb Project minigame will result in a message saying "A strange power blocks your teleport" and therefore can not be used to gain easy access to the altar.
  • This quest is notorious with players for its puzzle alongside Elemental Workshop III.
  • The Temple of Light could be a reference to the Spirit Temple, in the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or the game Fireboy and Watergirl 2: The Light Temple, which both feature puzzles where the player must bounce light onto pillars and mirrors in order to open doors, as well as the tan desert-like setting.
  • If the player uses a Tiny elf crystal on Eluned while she is making a copy of the blackened crystal, she will say "Thanks, but I have no need for that."
  • Upon completion, the chatbox will read "Congratulations!! Quest Complete!" Whereas usually there is only one exclamation point after congratulations.
  • When the quest was first released, Jagex asked major fansites to abstain from posting a quest walkthrough for at least the first week.
  • If you refuse to give Thorgel A Jail key, he would say "Pretty please with a Blood Talisman on top??", then you would say "A 'Blood' Talisman?!?", and then Thorgel would reply "Oops, I mean a 'Death' Talisman!" This might be a hint to the Blood Talisman, that got released 2 1/2 years after this quest.

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