Emergency teleport
Emergency teleports are instantaneous teleports used as a fast retreat in dangerous situations which can easily become fatal. It is advised to bring one for things such as quests and boss fights, or when the opponent is significantly stronger than the player. A good emergency teleport must be fast (usable in just one left click) so that it would not be interrupted by combat.
Recommended Teleport Solutions
Of the possible emergency teleports, one of the most effective is a teleportation tablet. These tablets take only one inventory space, are stackable, and require just one click to activate. While any teleportation tablet will do, possibly the best choice is a tablet for Teleport to House, since player-owned houses are safe zones, in that players who die in a player-owned house do not lose any items. This can be especially helpful if poisoned. Additionally, if a house has at least one Portal Chamber or an amulet of glory mounted in the Quest Hall, teleporting to the house allows quick access to any locations available from the house.
Other possible choices for an emergency teleport include:
- Elf teleport crystal provides quick access to a bank within 10 seconds of typical teleport in spot and multiples can be kept in bank. Only has three charges per crystal but can be recharged south west of Lletya for a fee. (Only to Lletya; Temple of Light teleport requires opening the right-click menu)
- The Ectophial can be used over and over, is freely obtained, and provides moderately quick access to a bank, a charter ship and a fairy ring. However a player can only have one.
- Enchanted lyre - Far from a bank but close to the Rellekka POH portal. Requires a manta ray, sea turtle, shark or bass (with a Ring of Charos (a) to recharge.
- While wearing a ring of life can provide good insurance against death in case of lag, disconnection, or simple neglecting of Life Points, it should not be any player's sole emergency escape solution. Rings of life activate when the wielder's Life Points drop below 10% of their maximum, but this does not guarantee an escape, since an attack could deal more than 10% of a player's life points's worth of damage at once, bypassing the ring of life.
- Any teleport spell from any of the three spellbooks can be used, but this is an inferior choice when compared to single-click items because runes for these teleports usually occupy more than one inventory space. Furthermore, accessing the spellbook from the inventory while in combat takes an extra click, which can be crucial during a time when every second counts. For this reason, items that require two or more clicks, such as rings of duelling or amulets of glory should be avoided as emergency teleports.
- Moving over distance spheres (note that these may not provide invulnerability during their considerably long animation)
- The Bandos Throne Room teleport sphere is a qick way out
Generally it is a smarter choice to err on the side of caution when it comes to protecting health and wealth, especially if death would result in the loss of valuable, possibly hard-to-replace items. If a player is in a situation in which their health is rapidly depleting to dangerous levels (red), teleporting as soon as possible is a must. If a player is trapped but is in no immediate danger of dying, the suggested course of action is to replenish health as needed and teleport when all food and prayer is gone and the health bar is orange. As a general rule, if a player cannot replenish their health as fast as they lose it, then an emergency teleport will be needed to avoid death.
Alternative, worn equipment method
Certain items when worn have a right-click teleport ability that is similar to being a 1-click teleport, even though they do not have this ability when in inventory. With the Worn Equipment panel open, right click on the item and then select the teleport destination. While this take one click and one menu selection, combat does not interrupt the process. Also, the right click menu appears right at the mouse when the right click is made, so the process is quite fast. If the item is something the player might normally wear in combat, this process saves an inventory space. It can be used in many dangerous situations, except those so deadly that a 1-click teleport is absolutely needed.
Most but not all teleport-capable Jewellery can be used this way, including the Ring of duelling, the Games necklace, the Combat bracelet, the Amulet of glory, but not the Ring of slaying. Any level of the Ardougne cloak can also be used this way, with its teleport to the Kandarin Monastery. (The cloak also provides stat bonuses including a prayer bonus, and the monastery teleport goes to an altar where prayer can be recharged, so it can be quite useful in addition to its use as an emergency teleport.) The Explorer's Ring 3 and 4 give the Cabbage Port, and gives a small Prayer bonus which can be useful if no better rings are used or available.