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A Grifolapine is a monster found in the Polypore Dungeon on the third level. It requires a Slayer level of 88 to kill, and 60 Magic for the player to receive as a Slayer assignment. They are located in the third level of Polypore Dungeon.

Grifolapines have similar drops to grifolaroos but have much better drop rates for grifolic flakes, the sought after item to create the grifolic set.


Grifolapines live in a depths of a cave north-east of the Mage Training Arena. The creatures of that dungeon are coated in toxic fungus, so you should fight them from a distance, and dodge when they charge at you. The fungus helps them repair physical damage, so you might prefer using magical attacks.
— Kuradal

The mushrooms on the platform can be used to hide behind to prevent toxic fungus damage. This monster attacks with Magic most of the time, so Protect from Magic/Deflect Magic will prevent most damage dealt. When using neem oil it will not attack with Magic anymore, but it will use its Ranged attack, hence using Protect from Missiles/Deflect Missiles can be used. It is resistant to Ranged and melee damage, so Magic would be the ideal method of attacking these creatures, as with other monsters.

Unusually enough, these monsters never move when idle. They will only move when they say "Raargh!", which makes them move twice as fast as a player when running. Unless you have very keen senses and use Neem oil instantly, you will take fungal damage. Their fungal damage does low damage (14-22) very fast. This is why you should safespot them, so they won't be able to do that. If they are blocked, they will say *Sigh*, and resume attacking you. Upon saying "Raargh!" and ending with *Sigh*, it skips 1 or 2 of it's battle turns. Their relatively low damage also makes it useful to cast Soul Split on them, as you will hit high enough on them where they do relatively poor damage on the player.

Grifolapines shouldn't be far from their home platforms, unless someone has chased them by attacking them. Four grifolapines can be found in one of their grifolic-infested platforms. It should be easy to trap them, but this is usually not recommended unless you are AFKing. It may be hard to notice their Magic attack, as it may be hard to see it, because it looks as if a Grifolapine does not do anything when it does. Their Magic attack hits harder and quite often, so it is best to constantly use Neem oil on them to prevent this.

Despite having a higher combat level and Slayer level requirement, grifolapines are generally easier to kill than grifolaroos. Because they do not move when idle or jump immediately when you attack them, it is easier to safespot them. In addition, they use their Ranged attack much less frequently than their Magic attack, so if you are praying against Magic while safespotting them, you will take very little damage.

A grifolapine affected by neem oil.

Recommended Equipment


Note: The full slayer helm and the hexcrest should only be used if on a slayer assignment.


100% drop

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Bones Bones 1 1 Always 105
Neem drupe 1–3 1 Always Not sold




Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Death rune Death rune 9–13 3 Uncommon 1,665–2,405
Chaos rune Chaos rune 56–80, 100 3 Uncommon 4,816–8,600


A total of three seeds will be dropped, one or more of the seeds may be the same.

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Avantoe seed Avantoe seed 1 3 Uncommon 1,306
Dwarf weed seed Dwarf weed seed 1 3 Uncommon 43,732
Limpwurt seed Limpwurt seed 1–2 3 Uncommon 147–294
Wildblood seed Wildblood seed 1 3 Uncommon 2
Belladonna seed Belladonna seed 1 3 Uncommon 29
Jangerberry seed Jangerberry seed 1 3 Uncommon 2
Strawberry seed Strawberry seed 1–2 3 Uncommon 92–184
Tarromin seed Tarromin seed 1 3 Uncommon 7
Harralander seed Harralander seed 1 3 Uncommon 4
Cadantine seed Cadantine seed 1 3 Uncommon 997
Spirit weed seed Spirit weed seed 1 3 Uncommon 3,869
Marrentill seed Marrentill seed 1 3 Uncommon 3
Irit seed Irit seed 1 3 Uncommon 100
Watermelon seed Watermelon seed 1 3 Uncommon 1,861
Kwuarm seed Kwuarm seed 1 3 Uncommon 1,042
Snapdragon seed Snapdragon seed 1 3 Uncommon 26,078
Toadflax seed Toadflax seed 1 3 Uncommon 989
Ranarr seed Ranarr seed 1 3 Uncommon 2,935
Torstol seed Torstol seed 1 3 Uncommon 274,040
Whiteberry seed Whiteberry seed 1 3 Uncommon 24
Bittercap mushroom spore Bittercap mushroom spore 1 3 Uncommon 7

Other drops

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Polypore spore Polypore spore 1–300 2 Common 19–5,700
Grifolic flake Grifolic flake 1–100 2 Common 379–37,900
Gorajian mushroom Gorajian mushroom 5 (noted) 2 Common 305
Anagogic ort 20 2 Common Not sold
Eye of newt Eye of newt 1 3 Uncommon 9
Snape grass Snape grass 15–24 (noted) 3 Uncommon 4,050–6,480
Spin ticket 1 4 Rare Not sold
Starved ancient effigy 1 5 Very rare Not sold


  • A grifolapine is shown in the RuneScape Cinematic Trailer. It doesn't do anything but stare at Ozan, though.
  • Grifolapines are one of the few monsters in RuneScape that will never move from their spawn point, the others being the Spiritual mages (Bandos), and Ancient mages.