Rune battleaxe

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Rune battleaxe
Release date 27 February 2002 (Update)
Members? No
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Lendable? Yes
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
High Alch 24,960 coins
Low Alch 16,640 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A vicious looking axe.
Weight 2 kg
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The Rune battleaxe is the third strongest Battleaxe in RuneScape, with the Corrupt dragon battleaxe being second and the Dragon battleaxe as the strongest. It is more powerful than the Adamant battleaxe. Like all Rune weapons, it requires 40 attack to wield, and can only be used in combat. It is the 2nd strongest battleaxe available to free players, the strongest being the corrupt dragon battleaxe.

Players can make a rune battleaxe with the Smithing skill at level 95 using three Rune bars, giving the player 250 Smithing experience. The rune battleaxe is one of the most heavily-damaging conventional weapons in free-to-play, beside the Rune 2h and Gravite 2h. It provides a higher strength bonus than the blunt rune warhammer, but is more easily blocked with armour usage. It uses primarily slashing attacks, but can also use a crush attack with the aggressive attack style, though it has a slightly lower but effective crush attack bonus. This item is dropped by a large variety of monsters, including iron dragons, steel dragons, mithril dragons, nechryael, abyssal demons, dark beasts, black demons and so on. In free-to-play the rune battleaxe is the second most used weapon for a KO effect (behind the Rune 2h sword) because the weapon does not take up the shield slot, and does almost as much damage as the Rune 2h sword. This battleaxe is commonly used in free-to-play PKing due to its high strength bonus and the ability to be used in conjunction with a shield. Players can purchase this item from the Grand Exchange in Varrock.

Hover over image for type A player wielding a Rune battleaxe.
A player wielding a Rune battleaxe.
 Attack bonus
-2 +48 +43 0 0
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 0 -1
Other bonuses Slot

+64 0 0% 0
FastestInterval: 2.4 seconds

Dropping monsters

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Mithril dragon 304 1 2Common
Mature grotworm 167 1 3Uncommon
Tormented demon 450 1 4Rare
Iron dragon 189 1 4Rare
Steel dragon 246 1 4Rare
Abyssal demon 124 1 4Rare
Dark beast 182 1 4Rare
Black demon 172 1 4Rare
Black dragon 227 1 4Rare
Nex 1001 1 4Rare
Nechryael 115 1 5Very rare

Combat styles

Template:CombatStyles Battleaxe

Scimitar or Battleaxe?

There is often a heated debate as to whether the Rune scimitar or the battleaxe is the better weapon. Scimitar supporters claim that the scimitar has much higher damage per second, and is an excellent training weapon as well as an all-around weapon. Battleaxe supporters claim that the scimitar is ineffective in combat against many monsters who are armoured and does more damage, with better stats. The choice is overall down to the player. Players in need of accuracy, high hits, and versatility would do well to use a battleaxe. Those would prefer a quick method of attack should use a scimitar.


  1. Higher Strength bonus
  2. Versatility
  3. Possess both an effective slash and reasonable crush attack
  4. Effective against armoured foes
  5. A good chance to deal knockout blows
  6. Good for training strength


  1. Slower attack speed
  2. Gives opponent more time to heal with missed strikes
  3. Only a small amount more accurate than the Scimitar in terms of Slash attack bonus
  4. A lower damage per second ratio against the weaker monsters
  5. Higher cost than scimitar since the return of free trade


es:Rune Battleaxe nl:Rune battleaxe fi:Rune battleaxe