Rune shield (h5)

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Rune shield (h5)
Release date 20 February 2006 (Update)
Members? No
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Lendable? No
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
High Alch 32,640 coins
Low Alch 21,760 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A rune kiteshield with a heraldic design.
Weight 5 kg
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A Rune shield(h5) is a Rune kiteshield that is obtained from the 3rd level of Treasure Trails, or bought from other players. The kiteshield cannot be made using the Smithing skill, and has the same Defence bonus as the regular Rune kiteshield.

Despite being first obtained through Treasure Trails(which is members-only), non-members can buy it.

This heraldic kiteshield was often used in scamming before the trade limit was imposed. Rune shield (h5) is often used by free-to-play.

Hover over image for type
 Attack bonus
0 0 0 -8 -2
 Defence bonus
+44 +48 +46 -1 +46
Other bonuses Slot

0 0 0% 0