Mutated jadinko baby

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Mutated jadinko babies can be found in the Jadinko Lair, which is located east of Shilo Village on Karamja. The lair itself can be accessed through a hole in the cave roof. Although they do not drop the coveted whip vine, they are still hunted for their 100% drops of mutated vines and excrescence, which are used for making sagaies and bolas. In addition, they can drop high level noted herbs, including Snapdragon and Torstol, as well as noted logs. They can also drop ancient effigies, rare as they may be.

Killing these will gain you 3 favour points with the Jadinkos.


Mutated jadinko babies attack mainly with melee, but if the player moves out of melee range or activates Protect from Melee, they will also use magic attacks which consist of a vine coming out of the ground and hitting the player. These attacks are slow and inaccurate, but if they hit, they will usually hit hard. Despite their high max hit, mutated jadinko babies commonly drop various jadinko fruits which restore 150 life points each and give various benefits (depending on the fruit). The fruit drops are so common that higher level players won't need to bring food for the few times that they do get hit. However care should be taken for those who have low defence, as they have an unusually large amount of health and max hit for their level. They however, have very low defence so it should be quite easy in killing one without taking too much damage. Players using Sagaies or other sorts of Ranged should be careful as they will start with a Magic attack, and will get closer to you to attack with melee

Jadinko baby concept art.

They are able to bid the nearby vines to attack you.

Ranging them is not advised as they look like a 2x1 monster, but are actually a 1x1 sized monster, making it able to pass through most safespots. Meleeing them is better alternative.




  • 5-10 pieces medium level food
  • Emergency teleport (optional, but at least a spare Juju teleport spiritbag is needed incase of death)
  • Extreme/Super attack and Extreme/Super strength


100% drop

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
File:Excrescence.png Excrescence 1–2 1 Always Not sold
Mutated vine Mutated vine 1–2 1 Always 24–48


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Grimy toadflax Grimy toadflax 1 (noted) 2 Common 2,724
Grimy spirit weed Grimy spirit weed 1 (noted) 2 Common 3,999
Grimy avantoe Grimy avantoe 1 (noted) 2 Common 2,877
Grimy kwuarm Grimy kwuarm 1 (noted) 2 Common 2,902
Grimy wergali Grimy wergali 1 (noted) 2 Common 2,082
Grimy cadantine Grimy cadantine 1 (noted) 3 Uncommon 1,336
Grimy ranarr Grimy ranarr 1 (noted) 3 Uncommon 3,508
Grimy irit Grimy irit 1 (noted) 3 Uncommon 1,496
Grimy lantadyme Grimy lantadyme 1 (noted) 3 Uncommon 6,002
Grimy dwarf weed Grimy dwarf weed 1 (noted) 3 Uncommon 7,525
Grimy snapdragon Grimy snapdragon 1 (noted) 3 Uncommon 5,660
Grimy torstol Grimy torstol 1 (noted) 4 Rare 27,934


Jadinko fruit

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Blue blossom seed Blue blossom seed 1 2 Common 18
Green blossom seed Green blossom seed 1 2 Common 6
Red blossom seed Red blossom seed 1 2 Common 16
Harralander seed Harralander seed 1 2 Common 4
Marrentill seed Marrentill seed 1 3 Uncommon 3
Tarromin seed Tarromin seed 1 3 Uncommon 7
Toadflax seed Toadflax seed 1 3 Uncommon 989
Spirit weed seed Spirit weed seed 1 3 Uncommon 3,869
Irit seed Irit seed 1 3 Uncommon 100
Wergali seed Wergali seed 1 3 Uncommon 389
Avantoe seed Avantoe seed 1 3 Uncommon 1,306
Kwuarm seed Kwuarm seed 1 3 Uncommon 1,042
Cadantine seed Cadantine seed 1 3 Uncommon 997
Ranarr seed Ranarr seed 1 3 Uncommon 2,935
Snapdragon seed Snapdragon seed 1 3 Uncommon 26,078
Lantadyme seed Lantadyme seed 1 3 Uncommon 28,328
Dwarf weed seed Dwarf weed seed 1 3 Uncommon 43,732
Bittercap mushroom spore Bittercap mushroom spore 1 3 Uncommon 7
Morchella mushroom spore Morchella mushroom spore 4 3 Uncommon 1,984
Jangerberry seed Jangerberry seed 1 3 Uncommon 2
Watermelon seed Watermelon seed 1 3 Uncommon 1,861
Strawberry seed Strawberry seed 1 3 Uncommon 92
Whiteberry seed Whiteberry seed 1 3 Uncommon 24
Limpwurt seed Limpwurt seed 1 3 Uncommon 147
Torstol seed Torstol seed 1 4 Rare 274,040
Wildblood seed Wildblood seed 1 4 Rare 2
Poison ivy seed Poison ivy seed 1 4 Rare 31
Belladonna seed Belladonna seed 1 4 Rare 29
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Common fruit 1 2 Common Not sold
Shadow fruit 1 3 Uncommon Not sold
Igneous fruit 1 3 Uncommon Not sold
Cannibal fruit 1 3 Uncommon Not sold
Aquatic fruit 1 3 Uncommon Not sold
Amphibious fruit 1 3 Uncommon Not sold
Carrion fruit 1 3 Uncommon Not sold
Diseased fruit 1 3 Uncommon Not sold
Draconic fruit 1 3 Uncommon Not sold
Camouflaged fruit 1 4 Rare Not sold
Guthix fruit 1 4 Rare Not sold
Saradomin fruit 1 4 Rare Not sold
Zamorak fruit 1 4 Rare Not sold


Template:Charm:Mutated jadinko baby


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Mahogany logs Mahogany logs 7–17 (noted) 2 Common 3,689–8,959
Yew logs Yew logs 13–17 (noted) 3 Uncommon 6,422–8,398
Magic logs Magic logs 3–10 (noted) 3 Uncommon 4,209–14,030
Juju teleport spiritbag Juju teleport spiritbag 1 3 Uncommon 2,159
Clue scroll (hard) 1 4 Rare Not sold
Spin ticket 1 4 Rare Not sold
Starved ancient effigy 1 5 Very rare Not sold