Lumbridge achievements
File:Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks.png | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Release date | 14 July 2008 (Update) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Area(s) | Lumbridge, Draynor Village and Draynor Manor | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Members only? | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reward | Ring | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lamp XP rewards | 500 1,000 1,500 9,000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taskmasters | Explorer Jack, Bob, Ned | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Levels required | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks are a group of tasks (formerly called Achievement Diaries) released on 14 July 2008 for free players related to Lumbridge and Draynor Village (the Hard tasks were introduced on 7 September 2010). The tasks can be started by speaking to Explorer Jack. You can also claim rewards from him. He can be found north of Lumbridge Castle in a house marked with the task icon on the minimap. The house is just west of the general store.
These tasks are slightly different from other tasks in RuneScape, as it is geared towards low to mid-level players, so it is divided into task sets, namely - Beginner Tasks, Easy Tasks, Medium Tasks and Hard Tasks (rather than Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite). There are rewards in gold coins and experience bonuses (total of 12,000 experience points). However, the most significant benefit (for free players) in completing these task sets is getting the Explorer's Ring. The ring is tiered from level 1 to 4 and its abilities increase with each level. After each task set is completed, the ring will be upgraded to the next tier. It is possible to finish other tasks and get the coin rewards, but the lower-level tasks must be completed before the higher-tiered rings and experience lamps will become available. For example, if a player were to complete the Medium Tasks first, Ned would not reward them with the Explorer's Ring 3 until they had completed the Beginner and Easy task sets.
You can use the tables below as checklists to guide you. A walkthrough is also available. To complete the entire Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks (from Beginner to Hard), you will need the stats shown at the right. You also need to be able to kill a Giant Rat and Zombie.
Skill pures cannot complete 'Ease of Access', 'Blast and Hellfire', and 'Gods, Give Me Strength' due to the 59 Magic and 45 Prayer requirements, limiting them to completion of the Medium Tasks.
Note: The Assist System cannot be used for any of these tasks. Temporary boosts can.
Introductory Tasks
These tasks make up the RuneScape Tutorial and are not required to get the rewards. These tasks give 10 - 2560 coins per task as a reward as well as some other starter items.
Quests Required |
Skills Needed |
Task | Description | Quest needed | Skill requirement | Reward |
The Blood Pact | Complete The Blood Pact | None | None | Same as the quest reward |
On the Run | Run somewhere. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
A World in Microcosm | Go somewhere using the minimap. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Adventurer's Log | Cut a log from a regular tree. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Aren't They Supposed to be Twins? | Catch a crayfish. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Log-a-rhythm | Set fire to a regular log. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Shellfish Roasting on an Open Fire | Successfully cook a crayfish. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Heavy Metal | Mine some tin. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Bar One | Smelt a bronze bar | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Cutting Edge Technology | Smith a bronze dagger | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Armed and Dangerous | Wield a melee weapon. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
On Your Way | Complete ten Tasks. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
You Can Bank on Us | Talk to the bankers in Lumbridge Castle | None | None | Varied coins Red dye |
Hang on to Something | Deposit an item into your bank. | None | None | Varied coins Magic staff |
Bovine Intervention | Kill a cow for its hide. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Tan Your Hide | Have a cowhide tanned into soft leather. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Handicrafts | Craft a pair of soft leather gloves. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Handy Dandy | Wear leather gloves to protect your hands. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Just Can't Get the Staff | Equip a staff. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
The Restless Ghost | Complete the Restless Ghost quest. | None | None | Same as quest award |
There's No Place Like Home | Teleport using the Home Teleport spell. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Come and Have a Go... | Kill a warped fly while fighting in a style which gives Strength experience. | The Blood Pact | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Reach Out and Touch Someone | Equip a ranged weapon. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Three Rounds Rapid, Men | Kill warped bats in accurate, long-ranged and rapid styles. | The Blood Pact | None | Varied coins 6 Mind runes 6 Air runes |
Death From Above | Cast Wind strike at a dummy or hostile target | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Flour Power | Obtain a pot of flour. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
A Labour of Loaf | Bake a loaf of bread. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Cook's Assistant | Complete the Cooks Assistant quest. | None | None | Same as quest award |
Om Nom Nom Nom | Eat food to heal (eating food at full health will not count). | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
On The Level | Gain ten levels across all your skills | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Rune Mysteries | Complete the Rune Mysteries quest. | None | None | Same as quest award |
So That's What Ess Stands For | Mine some Rune essence or Pure essence. | Rune Mysteries | None | Varied coins Air talisman |
Air Craft | Craft an Air rune at the Air Altar. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Greasing The Wheels of Commerce | Sell an item to a shop. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Must Be Funny In A Rich Man's World | Claim a reward of at least 100 coins from a Taskmaster. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
I Wonder If It'll Sprout | Bury Bones to gain Prayer experience. (Scattering ashes also works) | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Put Your Hands Together For... | Activate Prayer. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Prayer Point Power | Restore your Prayer points. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Not What We Mean By Irony | Wield a melee weapon made of Iron. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
All's Ferrous in Love and War | Wear a piece of armour made out of iron. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Am I a Blademaster Yet? | Kill a Giant Rat in each of the melee combat stances (Aggressive, Defensive, Controlled and Accurate) | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
First Blood | Level your Attack and Defence to 5. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Temper, Temper | Wield a weapon made of Steel. | None | 5 ![]() |
10 - 2560 coins |
Steel Yourself for Combat | Wear a piece of armour made of steel. | None | 5 ![]() |
10 - 2560 coins |
Ammo, Ammo, Ammo | Equip Iron arrows in your ammunition slot. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Take a Bow | Equip a Shortbow, Longbow and Crossbow. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Don't Bury this One | Obtain an Iron Hatchet . | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Mace Invaders | Make a Bronze mace of your own. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Capital Protection, What? | Make a Bronze helm or Bronze full helm of your own. | None | None | 10 - 2560 coins |
Berry Tasty | Bake a redberry pie | None | 10 ![]() |
10 - 2560 coins |
It's Not a Red One | Cook a herring | None | 5 ![]() |
10 - 2560 coins |
How To Train and Level | Reach level 2 in Mining. | None | 2 ![]() |
Made For Walking | Make a pair of Leather boots. | None | 7 ![]() |
Heart of Oak | Equip an oak shortbow, longbow, or Signed Oak bow. | None | 5 ![]() |
Get the Point | Fire a steel arrow. | None | 5 ![]() |
Urning a Living | Make and activate an urn. | None | None | |
Talk to Explorer Jack | Learn about Task rewards from Explorer Jack in his house in Lumbridge. | None | None | |
Grab the Cash | There's a small pile of coins on the ground near Explorer Jack's house. Click on it to pick it up. | None | None | |
Intervention | A goblin is attacking a man in Lumbridge. Investigate the situation and intervene. | None | None | |
Escort Duty | Escort the wounded man from the crossroads in Lumbridge to Xenia in the graveyard, south of Lumbridge church. | None | None | |
Skills | View the Woodcutting skill in the statistics window | None | None | |
Tooling Up | Acquire a free pickaxe and hatchet from Bob's Axes in Lumbridge. | None | None | |
Rest Up | Take a rest by a musician. | None | None |
Beginner Tasks
Items Needed: |
Quests Required: |
Skills Needed: |
Task | Description | Quest Needed | Skill Requirement |
Master of All I Survey | Climb to the highest point in Lumbridge. (Climb the ladder on the side of the bank) |
None | None |
Raise the Roof | Raise the flag on the roof of the Lumbridge Bank. | None | None |
Hail to the Duke, Baby | Speak to the Duke of Lumbridge. | None | None |
Sage Advice | Speak to the Lumbridge Sage, east of Lumbridge Castle. | None | None |
Doom! | Speak with the Doomsayer about the Warning System. | None | None |
Docking Out | Enter Al Kharid via its west gate. |
None |
None |
Clay More | Mine some clay in the mine north of the Champions' Guild (The mine is in south-west Varrock). | None | None |
Just Add Water | Make some soft clay in the Draynor Village potter's house. Use a container filled with water (such as a bucket) on the clay. You must do this inside of the potter's house. A vial of water will not work. |
None | None |
Very Potter | Make a pot on the potter's wheel in the Draynor Village potter's house. It is located in the northern part of the village. |
None | None |
Hotpot | Bake the pot in the kiln in the Draynor Village potter's house. It is located across the room from the potter's wheel. |
None | None |
In the Courtyard | Enter the courtyard of the spooky mansion in Draynor Village. The courtyard is near Veronica. |
None | None |
Beware of Pigzilla |
Visit the Draynor Village market. |
None | None |
The Rules of Engagement | Find out about the Rules of Conduct from the Draynor Town Crier. | None | None |
Tower of Power | Climb to the top of the Wizards' Tower. This is the level where the Lesser Demon is caged. |
None | None |
Take Your Pick | Mine some copper in the Mining spot to the south-east of Lumbridge Swamp. | None | None |
Shrimpin' Ain't Easy | Catch some shrimp in the Fishing spot to the east of Lumbridge Swamp. | None | None |
A Grave Consideration | Look through Father Aereck's selection of gravestones. Players need to talk to him, located in Lumbridge Church. |
The Restless Ghost | None |
The Fruit of the Sea | Sell a raw shrimp to the Fishing shop. The fishing shop is located north-west of Lumbridge Castle. |
None | None |
Tinkle the Ivories | Play the organ in the Lumbridge Church. | None | None |
Ring My Bell | Ring the bell in the Lumbridge Church. The bell is located at the topmost floor of the church. |
None | None |
Window Shopping | Browse the Lumbridge General Store. | None | None |
Wait, That's Not a Sheep |
Visit Fred the Farmer's chicken and sheep farm. |
None | None |
Grinding My Gears | Grind some flour in the windmill north of Lumbridge. | None | None |
- Explorer's ring 1 - when worn:
- Replenishes 50% run energy when using a charge once a day
- Explore emote - character looks around then turns the knobs on a sextant then uses it.
- Antique lamp - 500 experience in the skill of your choice.
- 10 - 4096 coins per task
From the Introductory tasks:
Easy Tasks
Items Needed: |
Quests Required: |
Skills Needed: |
Task | Description | Quest Needed | Skill Requirement |
Iron On | Mine some iron ore from the Al Kharid Mining spot. | None | 15 ![]() |
And It Was THIS Big! | Catch a raw pike in the river to the east of Lumbridge Castle. Pike is caught by bait fishing. |
None | 25 ![]() |
Belter of a Smelter | Smelt a steel bar in the Lumbridge furnace | None | 30 ![]() |
Nowt Tool Look At | Search the shed in Lumbridge Swamp. You will receive this task even if you DO go to Zanaris |
None | None |
You Doity Rat | Kill a giant rat in Lumbridge Swamp. | None | None |
It Was Dead Already! | Cut down a dead tree in Lumbridge Swamp. | None | None |
Camping Trip | Light a campfire from normal logs in Lumbridge Swamp. | None | None |
Ratatouille | Cook some rat meat on a campfire in Lumbridge Swamp. Make a fire within the boundaries of the swamp and use the meat on the fire; the task is completed even if the meat is burnt. |
None | None |
Slippery When Wet | Craft a water rune at the Water Altar. | Rune Mysteries | 5 ![]() |
I Can't Hear Dead People | Get a replacement Ghostspeak Amulet from Father Urhney If players have an amulet, they are required to drop them before talking to Urhney(additionally if you have completed 'Do No Evil' quest and have the cramulet you will be required to drop that too as Urhney will know the Ghostspeak is "tangled" up in it). |
Started The Restless Ghost | None |
Come In Here and Say That | Taunt the demon at the top of the Wizards' Tower. By choosing the option from the cage. |
None | None |
What Is This Place? | Have Sedridor teleport you to the Rune Essence Mine. | Rune Mysteries | None |
Money Down the Drayn | Access the bank in Draynor Village. | None | None |
Klept-Old-Man-ia | Have the Wise Old Man check your bank for unnecessary quest-related items. Empty your bank from any quest items you want to keep. |
None | None |
Eye on the Prize | Discover what the Wise Old Man was looking through his telescope. The telescope is on the upper floor of his house. |
None | None |
Draaaaaiiiiiins... | Kill a zombie in the sewers under the jail. | None | None, but some combat experience is highly recommended |
Artisan Crafting |
Craft a clay ring. You must fire an unfired clay ring with the pottery oven in Draynor Village. |
None | 4 ![]() |
Morgan the Merrier | Sell a plain clay ring to Morgan in Draynor Village (he will not accept the clay ring which has been blessed). | None | None |
Bless is More | Have a clay ring blessed (take it to Father Aereck in Lumbridge Church). | None | None |
(You have to talk with Bob (smith), the axe seller to claim your reward)
- Explorer's ring 2 - when worn:
- Replenishes 50% run energy when using a charge. Two charges can be used per day.
- Chance of gaining extra runes and experience when crafting Air, Water, Earth, and Fire runes at their respective altars.
- Ability to cast Low Level Alchemy 30 times every day without using runes.
- Antique lamp - 1,000 experience in the skill of your choice level 30 or higher.
- 10 - 4096 coins per task.
Medium Tasks
Items Needed: |
Quests Required: |
Skills Needed: |
Task | Description | Quest Needed | Skill Requirement |
Steel Justice | Smith a steel longsword on the anvil in the jailhouse sewers | None | 36 ![]() |
Where's the Beef? | Get Beefy Bill to bank flour, cowhide, or beef for you.You must have two of the item because he requires one for himself in order to bank yours. | None | None |
Ease of Access | Use the teleport Lumbridge spell (Not the Home Teleport spell) | None | 31 ![]() |
Willow the Wisp of Smoke | Light a willow log fire on top of the Lumbridge Castle gatehouse. Second floor of the gatehouse at the (east side) front of the castle, not behind the castle. | None | 30 ![]() |
A Meal Fit For a Duke | Cook a lobster on the range in Lumbridge Castle kitchen | Cook's Assistant | 40 ![]() |
Always Be Prepared | Try to obtain an Anti-dragonbreath shield from Duke Horacio There is no need to drop the shield if you already have one. |
Started Dragon slayer | 33 Quest points |
Weeping Willow | Cut a willow tree, east of Lumbridge Castle, near the Doomsayer | None | 30 ![]() |
One Day, You Shall Be a Fork | Smelt a silver bar in the Lumbridge furnace | None | 20 ![]() |
Made to Order | Craft a holy symbol in the Lumbridge furnace | None | 16 ![]() |
Lovely With a Squeeze of Lemon | Catch a salmon in the river to the east of Lumbridge castle | None | 30 ![]() |
Hi Ho, Silver | Mine some silver from the mining spot north of Al Kharid | None | 20![]() |
Everybody Loves Coal! | Mine some coal in the mining spot south-west of Lumbridge Swamp | None | 30 ![]() |
(You have to talk with Ned to claim your reward)

- Explorer's ring 3 - when worn:
- Replenishes 50% run energy when using a charge. Up to three charges can be used per day.
- Cast Low Level Alchemy 30 times every day without runes at Level 21 Magic, earning yourself 930 Magic experience daily.
- Chance of gaining extra runes and experience when crafting air, water, earth, and fire runes at their respective altars.
- Teleport to the cabbage patch north of Port Sarim/south of Falador allotment patch (free and unlimited number of charges).
- Antique lamp - 1,500 experience in any skill level 35 or higher.
- 10 - 4096 coins per task.
Hard Tasks
Items Needed: |
Quests Required: |
Skills Needed: |
Task | Description | Quest Required | Skill Requirement |
A Body in the Sewers | Smith a mithril platebody on the anvil in the Draynor Sewers | None | 68 ![]() |
Building Up Strength |
Create an Amulet of Strength from scratch, all within Lumbridge (don't go below ground level).
None | 40 ![]() 50 ![]() 49 ![]() |
Have your Cake and Eat It |
To make a chocolate cake from scratch in Lumbridge Castle's kitchen: Mix an uncooked cake. Bake the cake. Add chocolate to the cake (make sure to right-click the chocolate bar as left click will make you eat it). You can purchase all the ingredients from the Culinaromancer's Chest but you must make the cake itself in the Lumbridge Castle kitchen (where the cook is) including making the uncooked cake. |
Cook's Assistant | 50 ![]() |
Blast and Hellfire | Use Fire Blast on any goblin or spider in Lumbridge. | None | 59 ![]() |
Gods, Give Me Strength | Pray at Lumbridge Church altar with Mystic Might enabled. | None | 45 ![]() |
Not Waving, But Drowning | Craft 100 or more water runes simultaneously | Rune Mysteries |
57 Members may receive a +2 bonus from Oldak in Dorgesh-Kaan, or a bonus of up to 6 levels from spicy stew. |
Are Yew As Fired Up As I Am? | Burn some yew logs on top of the East Gatehouse of Lumbridge Castle. It is located just beside the Lumbridge wall gates; use either entrance. You must climb to the very top (where the two pickaxe spawns are). | None | 60 ![]() |
Speak to Ned in Draynor Village to claim your reward (Bring your Explorer's Ring 3):
- Explorer's Ring 4
- Antique lamp - 9000 experience in a skill of your choice - Level 49 or above.
When worn:
- Replenishes 50% run energy when using a charge three times a day.
- 30 free Low Level Alchemy casts per day (requires Magic level 21) earning 930 Magic experience daily.
- 27 free Superheat Item casts per day (requires Magic level 43) earning 1,431 Magic experience daily.
- 15 free High-level Alchemy casts per day (requires Magic level 55) earning 975 Magic experience daily.
- Chance of gaining extra runes and experience when crafting Air, Water, Earth, and Fire runes at their respective altars.
- Free unlimited teleports to the cabbage patch north of Port Sarim (from within Level 20 Wilderness.)
At all times:
- 50% chance of not using runes when casting Bones to Bananas (up to ten times per day)
- A daily food hamper from the Lumbridge cook (cannot be banked)
If you have the skill requirements and items to do all the tasks, the following is a suggested route:
Note: Fishing and other supplies may be bought at any general store before starting. Pot, ring & holy symbol mould, and essence can be obtained throughout this walkthrough.
Lumbridge Castle
Supplies Needed: Raw lobster
- Use the ladder outside the Lumbridge Bank's wall to climb to the highest point in Lumbridge.
- Raise the flag on the roof of the Lumbridge Bank.
- Speak to the Duke of Lumbridge (Horacio) on the 2nd floor.
- Obtain an Anti-dragonbreath shield from Duke Horacio (after completing the Dragon Slayer Quest).
- Cook a lobster on the range in Lumbridge Castle kitchen (after completing the Cook's Assistant Quest).
Items Needed: Fishing Rod, Fishing Bait, Fly Fishing Rod, Feathers, Hatchet, Tinderbox, Yew log
- Kill a cow in the field northeast of Lumbridge and pick up the cow hide.
- Catch a pike and a salmon in the river to the east of Lumbridge castle.
- Speak with the Doomsayer about the Warning System.
- Talk to the Lumbridge Sage.
- Browse the Lumbridge General Store.
- Cut the lone willow tree east of Lumbridge Castle (between the Musician and the Doomsayer).
- Light the willow log with your tinderbox on top of the Lumbridge Castle gatehouse.
- Light a yew log fire on top of Lumbridge Castle gatehouse (you can buy or pick up yew logs from other players if your woodcutting is not yet level 60).
- Look through Father Aereck's selection of gravestones.
- Play the organ in the Lumbridge Church.
- Ring the bell in the Lumbridge Church (3rd floor).
Al Kharid
Supplies Needed: 10 coins (if you haven't completed Prince Ali Rescue) pickaxe, needle, thread, bucket of water (or an empty bucket, to be filled later), cowhides
- Pass through the Al Kharid gate. You need to pay 10 gold coins for toll.
- Have Ellis tan your cowhides to soft leather at his shop in Al Kharid.
- Craft one pair of soft leather boots.
- Buy a Holy mould and a ring mould from Dommik's Crafting Shop (you will need them later).
- Mine two iron ores from the Al Kharid Mining spot (keep both ores).
- Mine one silver and 4 coal ores (mining level 30) from the mining spot north of Al Kharid and save for a later task.
- Mine 3 clay in the mining patch north of the Champion's Guild - the Varrock lodestone provides easy teleport to this spot
- If required, fill the empty bucket with water near the fountains in central Varrock.
- You can make it to soft clay wherever you want. Make sure to make it into rings or pots at Draynor Village though.
Supplies Needed: Weapons and armour, 5 Mithril bars, Hammer, Clay, Bucket of Water, Ring mould, 2 Steel bars
- Enter the spooky courtyard of Draynor Mansion.
- Visit the Draynor Village Market.
- Find out about the Rules of Conduct from the Draynor Town Crier.
- Access the bank in Draynor Village.
- Make soft clay inside the potter's house by pouring water from the bucket onto the clay you've mined earlier (If you haven't already, you can also fill your bucket in the house to the south of the potter's house).
- Spin one soft clay into a pot on the potter's wheel. Bake the unfired pot in the kiln.
- Make 2 clay rings from the remaining soft clay with ring mould and bake them in kiln. Sell one clay ring to Morgan (west of the wheat field, near Ned's house). Keep the other clay ring to be blessed later.
- Have the Wise Old Man check your bank and/or inventory for unnecessary quest-related items.
- Discover what the Wise Old Man is watching through his telescope (the telescope is located on the 2nd floor of his house).
- Kill a zombie in the sewers under the Draynor jail.
- Smith a mithril platebody on the anvil in the jailhouse sewers (you will need 5 mithril bars and a hammer, requires smithing level 68!).
- Smith a steel long sword on the anvil.
Wizard's Tower
Supplies Needed: Pickaxe
- Climb to the top of the Wizards' Tower.
- Taunt the demon at the top of the Wizards' Tower by clicking on the railing.
- Have Sedridor (located in the basement) teleport you to the Essence Mine. (optional: If a member, use Amulet of Glory to go back to Draynor to continue tasks.)
- Mine essence for later use (Runecrafting at the Water Altar).
Lumbridge Swamp
Supplies Needed: Pickaxe, Axe, Tinderbox, Water talisman (or tiara), Pure/Rune essence, Small net
- Mine some coal in the mining spot south-west of Lumbridge swamp.
- Craft a water rune at the Water Altar (SE of ! on the map).
- Search the shed in Lumbridge Swamp
- Get a replacement Amulet of Ghostspeak from Father Urhney south of Lumbridge swamp
- Kill a giant rat in Lumbridge Swamp (keep the meat).
- Cut down a swamp tree in Lumbridge Swamp.
- Light a campfire from logs from tree just cut down in Lumbridge Swamp.
- Cook some rat meat on a campfire in Lumbridge Swamp.
- Mine some copper in the Mining spot to the south-east of Lumbridge Swamp.
- Catch some shrimp in the Fishing spot to the east of Lumbridge Swamp, keep for later. (You will need to bring a small net for this part. As the tutor has been removed).
Lumbridge (again)
Supplies Needed: Pickaxe, Axe, 2 Iron ore, 4 Coal, 1 Silver ore, Holy mould, 3 Air runes (or Air staff), 1 Earth rune (or Earth staff), 1 Law rune, 1 Shrimp
- Have your remaining clay ring blessed by Father Aereck (Lumbridge church)
- Smelt two steel bars in the Lumbridge furnace (You should now be done with easy tasks section).
- Smelt a silver bar in the Lumbridge furnace.
- Craft a holy symbol in the Lumbridge furnace (the unstrung symbol is all that is necessary).
- Sell the Raw Shrimp to the Lumbridge Fishing Shop.
- Talk to Explorer Jack to obtain a bronze Explorer's Ring. (Assuming you've finished the Beginner section).
- Visit Fred the Farmer's chicken and sheep farm.
- Collect some grain from the wheat field south of the Windmill, north of Fred the Farmer's Farm.
- Go inside the Windmill, pick up a pot off the table and grind some Grain and keep it. (Talk to Millie for help on grinding). (Beginner's tasks should now be completed).
- Get Beefy Bill (north of the Windmill, near the cow pasture, he has a General Store cart) to bank a flour, cowhide or beef for you (use the flour you just grounded).
- Use the Teleport Lumbridge spell (the one that requires runes).
- After completing the Beginner tasks, you can talk to Explorer Jack to obtain an Explorer's Ring 1 . (Skip if you have already gotten this)
- After completing the Easy tasks, travel to Bob's Brilliant Axes shop in Lumbridge to upgrade the ring to an Explorer's Ring 2 .
- Travel to Draynor Village and talk to Ned to upgrade the ring further to an Explorer's Ring 3 .
- Talk to Ned if you finished all the Hard tasks for the Explorer's Ring 4 .
Note: You must get each ring one after the other. For example, if you complete the Medium tasks first, Ned will refuse to give you the reward until you have completed the Beginner and Easy tasks.
- As of the 12/06/11 update, you cannot claim the rewards for the Shear Convenience task.
- Previously, when doing Snowman Dance at the same time as the explore emote, the sextant would still pop up. This has now been fixed by Jagex.
- Some players were able to use the third ring's teleport option to bring boxing gloves and other items only usable within a Player-owned house, like tea, outside of their house. The glitch could also be used to transport Karamjan rum off of Musa Point. This glitch has since been fixed.
- If players did not speak to the Guildmaster and ask him about Dragonbreath protection during the Dragon Slayer quest and they had already finished the quest, they were not able to obtain an anti-dragon shield from Duke Horacio and thus the related task could not be completed. This glitch is also now fixed.
- If players completed the "Prince Ali Rescue" quest, they may no longer query the guards about the gate toll, thus nullifying the ability to complete the beginner section. This glitch has been reported, and has been fixed.
- There used to be an issue where, if a player reached a certain stage in the Swan Song quest but did not finish it, the Wise Old Man would not be available in Draynor Village to talk to the player about unneeded quest items in their bank, so the related task could not be completed. One workaround was to log into a non-members world to talk to him, but this wasn't completely reliable. With the Spirit of Summer update, Jagex fixed this so the player can now talk to Miss Schism to complete the task.
- You may be able to cook a lobster, even without the required cooking level.
- Incorrectly regarded as a glitch: Many players, while using the explorer's ring, wouldn't get their task list updated even when crafting more than 100 water runes. This is because the built-in possible extra rune bonus when crafting with the ring equipped does not count toward the 100 runes required. To avoid the false-hope, players should attempt this task without the ring equipped.
- The Explorer Ring 4 had the ability to High Alch itself for 210gp, or Low Alch itself for 140gp. This glitch has been fixed.
- When the hard tasks were released, the Explorer's Rings didn't produce extra air, water, earth, or fire runes while runecrafting. This glitch has been fixed.
- After the Task Update, the "Are Yew As Fired Up As I Am?" description read "Burn a yew log on the west gatehouse of Lumbridge Castle." However, to complete the task, a yew log needed to be burnt on the east gatehouse. This glitch has been fixed.
Skill Boosts
If skill level is not high enough to complete a certain task, temporary boosts may be available to raise it to allow completion. See the relevant skills for more information.
- After the RuneScape High Detail update, players could see the green star in Bob's Brilliant Axes, and near Ned's cabin in Draynor Village. This was later removed by Jagex as they had not released the Lumbridge task set yet. After the full release of Runescape HD, the two green stars reappeared again at Bob's Brilliant Axes and Ned's Cabin.
- After the release of these tasks, when viewing the "Easy" task list, it said: "Taunt the Greater Demon at the top of the Wizards' Tower". It was fixed about 2 weeks after the update.
- In the beginner task set, the task of selling a shrimp to the fishing store was added to the original tasks later as the fishing shop was new. However this did not affect people who had already completed the tasks.
- If you complete the medium tasks before completing the easy tasks, you will not be able to claim your reward for medium until the easy task set is completed.
- When the Hard set of tasks was released, there was a bug where shearing only a certain sheep would update the task.
- The Beginner task list used to say to create the soft clay and pot in the Barbarian Village, since there was no potter's wheel in Draynor Village at the time of the update. However, when a potter's wheel and clay oven was added to Draynor Village, the task was changed so it would fit the area the tasks were supposed to be done in.
- Lots of task names refer to popular culture, including:
- The Beginner task 'Hail to the Duke, Baby!' is a nod to the film Army of Darkness, a cult classic. "Hail to the King, Baby" is a infamous line said by the star at the end of the film. This line was also referenced by Duke in the Duke Nukem series of games, along with many other pop culture references.
- The Easy task 'Berry tasty" is a reference to Strawberry Shortcake, a TV show for kids. The main character of this show, Strawberry, and her friends often use "berry" instead of "very".
- The Beginner task 'Very Potter' sounds like Harry Potter.
- The Easy task 'Draaaaaiiiiiins...' is a modification of 'Braaaaaiiiiiins...', which is commonly said by zombies in various fictional works.
- The Easy task 'Ratatouille' has the same name as the Disney-Pixar film "Ratatouille".
- The Hard Task "Not Waving, But Drowning" has the same name as the most famous poem of the renowned British poet Stevie Smith.
- After you have completed all the new non-set tasks you will get 177k Coins , one Red dye, one Magic staff, 60 Air rune, 60 Mind rune, 10 Cosmic rune, one Sapphire amulet and 5 Raw herring.
- All the Lumbridge and Draynor non-set tasks don't have to be completed in Lumbridge or Draynor.
- Killing normal (level 1) rats on floor 2 of the Stronghold of Security will be accepted for "Am I A Blademaster Yet?"
- "Dual Cabbageway" is a pun for dual carriageway.
Template:Task de:Aufgabenliste Lumbridge/Draynor no:Lumbridge and Draynor Diary es:Lumbridge/Draynor Diary nl:Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks