Infernal Mage

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Old School RuneScape uses the British convention for floor numbering: Ground floor, first floor, etc.

Infernal Mages are Slayer monsters that require level 45 Slayer to kill. They are sometimes killed for their common Death rune drops; otherwise, these monsters are usually neglected, even with their frequent gold charm drops, as most monsters have better charms rates.

Infernal mages are a good source of death runes, and are the only source of red-dark mystic hats and boots. The only way to collect red-dark mystic hats and boots are by trading with other players or killing them.

Strengths and weaknesses

File:Infernal massacre.png
Ranged has proven effective against mages.

Infernal Mages use a weaker version of the spell Fire Blast to attack the player, so wearing dragonhide or mage armour will reduce the damage taken. Also wearing Void Knight equipment is a good option since it has high magic defence. This attack hits a maximum of 89 life points, but hits extremely often. Protect from Magic is recommended. Bones to Peaches is recommended, too, as the bones they drop can be converted to food.

In a multi-combat area like the Chaos Tunnels, when a player stops fighting and lets a familiar attack the infernal mage, the mage will attack back with melee, no matter how far the familiar is from the mage. You cannot use a Dwarf multicannon on any infernal mages due to the fact that they are only found in the Chaos Tunnels and the Slayer Tower, and neither of them allow the use of cannons.

Suggested outfit

Head slot: Full Slayer Helmet > Slayer Helmet > God halo > Helmet of neitiznot/Archer helm or Armadyl helm*

Amulet setup: Amulet of fury/Amulet of ranging > Amulet of glory > Amulet of power > Amulet of accuracy

Torso slot: Armadyl chestplate* > Royal d'hide body > Black d'hide body > Other d'hide armour > Mystic robe top

* only if ranging


Infernal mages in the Chaos Tunnels.


100% drop

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Bones Bones 1 1 Always 105


Template:Charm:Infernal Mage

Weapons and armour

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Staff Staff 1 2 Common 33
Staff of fire Staff of fire 1 2 Common 1,195
Lava battlestaff Lava battlestaff 1 4 Rare 10,005
Mystic fire staff Mystic fire staff 1 4 Rare 28,054
Exchange:Mystic hat (dark) Mystic hat (dark) 1 4 Rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Exchange:Mystic boots (dark) Mystic boots (dark) 1 4 Rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Earth rune Earth rune 5, 10, 18, 36 2 Common 30–216
Fire rune Fire rune 10, 18 2 Common 140–252
Death rune Death rune 7 2 Common 1,295
Blood rune Blood rune 4, 7 3 Uncommon 780–1,365
Air rune Air rune 10, 18 3 Uncommon 80–144
Mind rune Mind rune 18 3 Uncommon 72
Water rune Water rune 10, 18 3 Uncommon 70–126
Body rune Body rune 18 3 Uncommon 90


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Coins 1, 2, 4, 29 2 Common Not sold
Clue scroll (hard) 1 5 Very rare Not sold
Starved ancient effigy 1 5 Very rare Not sold
Spin Ticket 1 5 Very rare Not sold


  • They have the same walking and idle animation as pirates.
  • Their attacks register about 1.5 seconds after the spell actually hits the player.
  • Unlike other monsters, the first letter of the second word is capitalized. This may be an oversight from Jagex.
  • They are the only human foe who require a slayer level.
  • They appear to be wearing a cross of dark Mystic robes and Dagon 'hai robes.
  • If you pay attention to their walking movements, you will notice that after walking around for a little bit, they will stop and look at the ground as if they are out of breath then shake their heads before continuing to move on.

nl:Infernal Mage