Desert Treasure

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Desert Treasure (#74)
File:Desert Treasure.png
Also called? DT
Release date 18 April 2005 (Update)
Members only? Yes
Quest series Mahjarrat Series
Official difficulty Master
Official length Long
Developer James B
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Desert Treasure is a quest released on 18 April 2005. It involves the player assisting the Mahjarrat Azzanadra in his escape from his pyramid prison in the Kharidian Desert. This quest should not be underestimated as it is extremely long, arduous and difficult to complete. Very few low level players have completed it, and lower level players attempting Desert Treasure should be wary of the fact that they will most likely come close to death at least once during the quest. However, medium or high level players with a combat level of 100 or more might find this quest rather easy and shouldn't have too much trouble completing it.

Official description

Rumours abound throughout Varrock and Al-Kharid that an archaeologist has discovered clues to a hoard of treasure hidden deep in the desert, south of Al-Kharid.

Anybody prepared to offer him assistance in his treasure hunting could well find themselves benefitting from a very large reward indeed...


Start point: Speak to the Archaeologist in the Bedabin Camp. Speak to the Archaeologist in the Bedabin Camp.
Members only: Yes
Official difficulty: Master Master
Description: None
Length: Very long (3-4 Hours)
Requirements: Quests:


  • 10 Slayer (May not be boosted) (Not required if Plague City is partially complete)
  • 50 Magic (May not be boosted)
  • 53 Thieving (May not be boosted) 53 is minimum, but any higher would be an advantage, due to many players having to get more and more lockpicks.
  • 15 Agility Must be able to pass obstacles on the way to Trollheim.
  • Ability to defeat high leveled monsters up to level 227, that can hit up to 410.
Items required:

Strongly recommended:

Enemies to defeat: 4 Guardians which are:

Optional: Stranger (level 95)

There are a lot of strong bosses that you are required to kill in a one-on-one fight. Failure to bring good food and armour may result in a quick death.

Asgarnia Smith

Walk or take a carpet ride to the Bedabin Camp in the desert. Talk to the archaeologist, Asgarnia Smith, who can be found right next to the magic carpet merchant, and he will tell you that he has found a stone tablet, which speaks of a hidden treasure in the desert. He will give you some etchings to bring to the archaeological expert, Terry Balando, at the Digsite.

At the Digsite, head to the Exam centre to the south-east and talk to Terry, the expert. He will take the etchings off you. Talk to him again and he will give you a Translation Book to take back to the archaeologist. Go back to Asgarnia Smith, inform him of Terry's translation and agree to split the treasure 50/50. He wants you to dig around for information down at the Bandit Camp, while he searches for clues amongst the Bedabin nomads.

If you wear an item of Saradomin or Zamorak, the bandits in the camp will attack you, which can deter you from proceeding.

Go south to the bandit camp. Talk to the bartender there and buy a Bandit's Brew. Talk to him again and ask about the four diamonds. He will tell you to look to someone else about the Diamonds of Azzanadra.

Diamonds of Azzanadra

Items Needed:

The steel bars, magic logs, molten glass, bones, and ashes may be noted. The charcoal must be unnoted.

Talk to Eblis, who can be found in (or near, he occasionally wanders outside) the house directly east of the bar, past the general store. Ask him if he knows about the four diamonds. Eblis, at first hesitant about your motives, goes on to explain about the diamonds, saying that they were taken during the God Wars. He says that he needs several items to create scrying mirrors that can tell you about the location of the diamonds - not necessarily where they are, but where they have been.

Eblis and the mystical mirrors.

Use the items on Eblis, who will tell you to meet him a little distance southeast of the camp (at the site of the Bandit camp lodestone; it will appear on your minimap as a small brown ring). Go to the small hill to find Eblis standing between 6 mystical mirrors.

Talk to Eblis. If you like, look into each of the mirrors, and you will see six locations across RuneScape. Two of them, the pyramid and the Bandit Camp, are not related to the diamonds' current location.

The other four locations show where you can find the diamonds. Those locations are Canifis; an icy location near Trollheim; a smokey well near Pollnivneach; and a calm, serene area with benches and trees that is west of Fishing Guild and South of Baxtorian Falls.

Should you keep any of the diamonds in your inventory, there is a chance you'll be attacked by a level 95 stranger who attacks with a dragon dagger (p++). The Stranger should be no threat to you if you are level 90+, but it is still safer to keep the diamonds in the bank.

You must now obtain each of these four diamonds, which are now in the possession of a strong guardian. The diamonds can be obtained in any order.

Canifis - Dessous - Blood Diamond

Items Needed:

Recommended Items:


Travel to Canifis and enter the Hair of the Dog pub, and a cut scene will play where Malak, a Vampyre lord, demands a blood tithe from the tavern's owner. Malak then wants to talk to you, regarding your business in 'these lands'. Tell him that you are looking for a blood diamond which, Malak says, belongs to a Vampyre lord named Dessous.

Ruantun living in the Draynor Sewers.

Malak will make a deal with you; kill Dessous for him and you can have the blood diamond. He says that you need to get a Blessed pot of Garlic and Spiced Blood in order to draw Dessous out.

To make the offering pot, he suggests you talk to a man in the Draynor Sewers. Take a silver bar to Ruantun, the man in the Draynor sewers, and he will make you a silver pot.

To bless the pot, you require the help of the High Priest on Entrana, so make sure you have banked all your weapons or armour. Talk to the high priest on the island and he will happily oblige. If the pot is not blessed, you can still get Dessous to attack, but he may hit four times as hard and will not die.

Return to Canifis and talk to Malak. He will damage you for 50 lifepoints, and fill the blessed pot with your blood. Grind the garlic with a pestle and mortar to get the garlic powder, and add the powder and the spice into the pot of blood to get a Blessed pot (complete).

Dessous, The Blood Forager

File:Map to Dessous.png
The Map to Dessous’ tomb.

Take the pot to the graveyard in the Mort Myre swamp. Beware of ghasts as they may rot your food on your way to Dessous, unless you are carrying a charged druid pouch. Once you arrive at the graveyard, prepare yourself for combat and pour the blood on the tomb to summon Dessous.

A player fights Dessous with Wind spells, his weakness.
  • Dessous has two attacking styles - a melee and a ranged/magic attack, both of which have a fast attack rate. The ranged/magic attack will hit constant 50s, while the melee attack can hit up to 200. Eat a piece of food when you lose 250 lifepoints.
    • A common mistake made by players whilst fighting Dessous is to panic and run around looking for a better spot. This should not be attempted, because he can teleport next to you.
    • If you make him teleport more than three times, he says "I'm tired of playing with you" and return back inside the coffin, and you will have to go back to Malak for fresh blood.
  • Bring at least 2 Prayer potions (only 1 should be needed with 50+ prayer), the Ectophial or teleportation tablets and fill your remaining inventory with good food. Equip good Ranged or Magic gear, or bring a Dwarf Multicannon. It is not recommended to melee Dessous, as melee attacks hit him much less often than magic. You can always teleport out and try again, but you need to visit Malak to refill the pot with your blood.
  • Dessous changes his style of attack depending on which prayer you use, so if you pray protect from melee, he will only use ranged/magic attacks, while praying either protect from ranged or magic could allow him to use either. It is recommended to use the Protect from Melee prayer, as it hits considerably harder, and the ranged and magic combo attack cannot be completely blocked.

There are many ways to defeat Dessous:

1. Using Magic

He is extremely weak against wind spells, so use the strongest wind spell you have access to. Saradomin Strike and the polypore staff have also been proven effective as well. Attack him from up close. It is recommended to drink a dose of Magic potion prior to the fight. Dessous should not be underestimated as he has been proven difficult to defeat, even with level 70 Magic and using Wind Wave.

2. Using Ranged

Equip a Rune crossbow, an Unholy book, and Ruby bolts (e) if you can. Ranged boosting equipment such as an Archer helm, Archer ring, black d'hide or Armadyl equipment can help result in more frequent hits. Bring ranging potions, one or two prayer potions, and 10-20 sharks or rocktails.
A player using ranged and a Dwarf Multicannon at Dessous.

3. Using a Cannon

A Dwarf multicannon can be used to kill Dessous. In this case, simply set up the cannon and reload when needed. You can attack him with whatever you want, as the cannon will do most of the work.

4. Using Melee

This method is discouraged and is for high-leveled players looking for a challenge, as Dessous has an adversely higher melee defense than magic. Bring attack potions, one or two prayer potions, and 15-20 sharks or rocktails. You may wish to bring a fast weapon with a decent accuracy like an Abyssal whip matched with a defender, to try and get more opportunities to hit him. Also make use of the Bandos Godsword's special if you happen to have one in your possession. Since his magic and ranged attacks can't be avoided, prayer melee while using strength boosting equipment as it is futile to bring armour with higher magic defence instead.

After the fight, go back to Malak, who will give you the blood diamond and take the blessed pot. Make sure to bank the blood diamond immediately in the Canifis bank to prevent having to face the possibility of the stranger's appearance.

Ice Path - Kamil - Ice Diamond

Items Needed:

Recommended Items:
Inventory spaces are a commodity in this part of the quest. Prepare your inventory based on your strengths and weaknesses, keeping in mind the fact that the icy area reduces every single stat by 1 every few seconds, including life points, magic, and prayer. You will not be able to run unless you have bathed in the salt water spring from As a First Resort... beforehand. Under these conditions, you will have to kill 5 level 120 enemies, withstand attacks from aggressive, high-level wolves in a multicombat area, have a boss fight, and then risk falling on the ice path. You can make multiple trips, if necessary.

Braving The Snow

File:Path to the Ice Child.png
This is the path to the Ice child from north of the warriors' guild.
The lost troll child.

Head to Trollheim using a method such as teleporting or walking from Burthorpe. At the north-west corner of the mountain is a path leading towards the Ice Path. Do not confuse this with the northeast passage to the God Wars Dungeon. Go up this passage until you see a small troll child standing by an ice gate.

Talk to the child, and he will start crying. Give him a cake and he will tell you that his parents have been captured and frozen by a 'bad man' because they stole his diamond. Enter the ice gate and walk east towards a cave. The cave is blocked by five chunks of ice, preventing passage. Every time you kill an ice troll, one chunk falls down, which can be verified by the message: "A chunk of ice falls away from the cave entrance..." in your chat box.

  • Fire spells are recommended to kill the ice trolls, as they do considerably higher damage. Pray against melee to avoid damage. Drink from a restore potion when your magic falls below the required level and eat as necessary.

Once you have killed five trolls at the gate, the cave at the back will be completely unblocked. If desired, leave to restore your stats or restock on items. Continue through the cave.

The area through the cave is a multicombat area with level 132 wolves, so protect from melee is highly recommended. The path is long and winding, so running when you can is highly advised, as it will save time and prevent you from dying or temporarily losing many levels. Although the cold drains your run energy, the Surefooted Aura or Oo'glog Salt-water Pool can counter this as they recharge your energy. Run mode is turned off every time you are drained and needs to be repeatedly turned back on again.

WARNING: If you are a low level player, attempting to reach Kamil can be the hardest part of this section. Do not underestimate the difficulty of moving through a multicombat area loaded with fast, accurate attackers. Your stats will be drained, it's a fairly long distance to Kamil, and you will be losing large amounts of lifepoints from both the wolves and the surroundings.

Kamil, Warrior of the Cold

A player fights Kamil.

Kamil is a lot more deadly than his combat level suggests due to his unique ice spell, which is similar to Ice Barrage. Even if you are a very high level, it is critical to bring lots of food and potions. When you are fighting Kamil, remember to have Protect from Melee prayer on at all times, as he can hit up to 220 with melee.

Through the first half of the fight, he freezes you frequently. While you are frozen, you will be unable to cast a spell, and after each time he freezes you, you will stop attacking. It is recommended to click "attack" as often as possible. About halfway through the fight, he stops freezing you as frequently and you will be able to make headway on casting spells at him. Kamil drops a Super restore potion and two Chocolate cakes. It is safe to eat the cakes — you will not need to give them to anyone.

It is recommended to either use Magic or a Dwarf cannon to defeat Kamil. Melee and Ranged are ineffective.

1. Using Magic

The highest possible level fire spell should be used here. Due to a recent update, the decreased magic level you will suffer does not affect the ability to cast a spell, only the accuracy; but Kamil is extremely weak to fire spells inherently. When fighting, make sure to stand next to Kamil so that he will attack with Melee more often than ice magic. If not, then Kamil will consistently cast his freezing spell up to several times per minute, dealing 50 damage with every hit. Even if you're capable of sustaining all of the damage, you will only have a few chances every minute to cast your own spell on Kamil. Note that a Polypore staff will NOT work against Kamil, every cast results in a splash.

2. Using a Cannon

Kamil can be killed by a Dwarf Multicannon. Dragonhide armour is recommended to protect against the Magic attacks that he may cast. Ensure that your Ranged level does not significantly drop, either through Restore potions or Ranging potions. Bring at least 200 cannonballs . Coupling a crossbow with the cannon has been reported to make the fight considerably easier.

After Kamil has been defeated, turn off all prayers and use food sparingly — there will be no more fighting for this diamond, so you will only have to worry about the constant 10 lifepoint damage from the cold and the potential 20 lifepoint damage from falling on the upcoming ice path.

Thawing The Thieves

Approaching the frozen troll parents.

For this part, playing on high detail is recommended, as the icy path can be difficult to see on standard detail.

Once Kamil is dead, you need to follow the Ice Path to the north-west. The path winds anticlockwise around a small mountain. Put on your spiked boots and climb up the ledge. You will fall as you walk along the Ice Path and take 20 damage. Super restore potions may help here, since higher Agility seems to decrease the fall frequency. Follow the Ice Path all the way to the top until you see another gate and a bridge. On the other side, the troll's parents are encased in ice. It is possible to run on the path, but a decent Agility level is needed to do so.

Freeing the Ice trolls .

The Ice blocks have 100 lifepoints each. Attack them to free the troll mother and troll father. After freeing the troll parents, they will take you back outside the gate and their son will give you the Ice diamond. Teleport out and quickly bank the diamond.

Be sure to restore any fallen stats to regular levels before continuing the quest.

Smokey Well - Fareed - Smoke Diamond

Items Needed:

The polypore staff's attacks does not affect Fareed.

Recommended Items:

  • Run energy restoration methods. (3+ Super energy potions, Explorer's ring 3/4, a spirit terrorbird, or the salt-water spring in Oo'glog) Try to use Spotted/Spottier Cape and Boots of Lightness.
  • Magic resistant armour
  • A small amount of food and prayer potions may be needed, depending on your constitution and prayer levels.
  • Runes for teleport to house if your house is in Pollnivneach, a modified house teleport tablet or a slayer ring

Lights, Heat, Fire!

A torch in the smoke dungeon.

You will need at least one free inventory space at all times - opening the chest will cause the key to appear in your inventory, and defeating Fareed will cause the diamond to appear in your inventory.

Equip a facemask or some kind of similar protection from the smoke and take all of the items listed to the Smokey Well. It is marked on the world map as a dungeon west of Pollnivneach.

There is a chest in the middle of the dungeon, which when attempted to open, says "Light the path to claim the key.". In each of the four corners of this dungeon, there are torches that you need to light, using your tinderbox. Plan your route through the dungeon first, and then run and light all the torches, sipping energy potions or using summoning familiars such as the spirit terrorbird as you run.

If you have completed Smoking Kills, it is recommended to enter from the well and down the dark stairs inside Pollnivneach, and you will end up right next to a torch (marked 2 on the map below), and you won't have to run backwards to get the key. Some prayer protection could be advised for low levels; the left side contains Dust devils, and the right side contains Fire giants.

When all four are lit, go to the centre of the dungeon and open the burnt chest that contains a warm key. The lamps will burn out if you take too long. If you walk, the first lamp will burn out by the time you reach the chest. If you have access to the salt water spring at Oo'glog (after As a First Resort...), it is strongly recommended to make use of it as you will be doing a lot of running during this part.

File:Smoke dungeon.png
  • 0: Entrance
  • 1-4: Numerical order in which torches should be lit (one of the shortest routes)
  • 5: Chest where the key is located
  • 6: Fareed

Once you have the warm key, there's no need to run any more. Stroll to the east part of the dungeon where there is a gate. Use the key with the gate and Fareed will be awakened.

Fareed, Guardian of the Smoke

Fareed; the guardian of the smoke diamond.

Fareed is arguably the easiest of the four bosses. Nevertheless, caution is required. If you die after entering Fareed's lair, you will lose your key. If Fareed kills you or you leave the fight via the gate, you do not need to relight the torches and reobtain the key.

Ice gloves are needed to wield a weapon against Fareed. If you don't wear ice gloves, runes cannot be supplied by a staff; you must have all runes. If you wish to range Fareed, only ice arrows can be used.

When fighting Fareed, using Protect from Melee is extremely important; make sure it is activated before you start the fight, as his melee attacks can hit up to the high 400s. His magic attack is weak, and magic-resistant armour, such as dragonhide, will greatly help.

1. Using Melee

Simply wear the ice gloves and use a decent weapon such as the abyssal whip. He has very high melee defence, so boosts and stat boosting prayers are advisable.

2. Using Magic

Even if you are using a non-elemental staff such as the Staff of light you must still wear ice gloves. Cast the best Water spell that you have. Magic boosts are helpful, but not really necessary as he dies pretty fast to players using Water wave. Polypore Staff will NOT work.

3. Using Ranged

Range him with ice arrows while wearing ice gloves. A Magic shortbow is advised for use of its special attack. Fareed will incinerate projectiles shot at him and turn them into ashes.

Once you have killed Fareed, the Smoke diamond will automatically appear in your inventory. Be sure to teleport out and immediately bank the diamond.

WARNING: If it doesn't appear in your inventory, pick it up from the ground!

Shadow Dungeon - Damis - Shadow Diamond

Items Needed:

  • Lockpicks - The amount needed depends entirely on your thieving level and luck, with some players requiring as many as 100+. Some players have broken only 1 lockpick, but it is highly recommended you bring many more. 10 can be bought from Martin Thwait in the Rogue's Den. A Hair Clip obtained after King's Ransom has a greater chance of picking the chest than a normal lockpick.

Recommended Items:

  • 1-2 Antipoisons (preferably super or better) or a Holy Symbol (Only if using the Prayer Book acquired during The Great Brain Robbery). An antipoison-totem will not prevent you from being poisoned by the chest.
  • Good food and potions
  • A few filled waterskins
  • Combat equipment to fight Damis
  • A beast of burden to carry additional lockpicks.
  • Gloves of silence may also help.
  • Do not bring any Saradomin or Zamorak related items, it will make it very difficult to pickpocket bandits for new lockpicks and they might interrupt you when you try to picklock the chest.

Ring of Visibility

Obtaining the gilded cross.

Travel west of the Fishing Guild to where there are several Moss Giants. Just to the north of them, there is a fenced-in area near Baxtorian Falls, where you'll find Rasolo. Talk to him about a diamond and he will tell you about the shadow diamond, which is protected by a guardian, named Damis, in a dungeon which can only be entered with the use of a ring of visibility, which he holds himself.

He is willing to part with the ring of visibility if you can retrieve his gilded cross that was stolen by Laheeb of the Bandit Camp.

Take some food, antipoison and as many lockpicks or hair clips as you can carry to the Bandit Camp. In the southern tent is a secure chest. Use your lockpicks on it until you manage to open it and get a gilded cross. There are three locks which you must get through, all of which will reset if any attempt should fail.

  • Each failure will break a lockpick and deal 20-30 lifepoints of damage. The hitsplat is always green, but you are not poisoned every time. If you are poisoned though, you will be dealt with 68 poison damage. Temporary boosts such as Bandit's brew may help with this chest. You may pickpocket nearby bandits for lockpicks and anti-poisons.
  • To save trips, you can also bring around 5 lockpicks and note the rest you have. When the 5 are used up, sell the noted ones to the general store and re-buy them. You will re-buy them unnoted. This allows for more food to be brought. If you run out of lockpicks you can pickpocket from the guards in the bar for them.

Once you have the gilded cross return to Rasolo and exchange it for the ring of visibility. If you lose the ring, speak with Rasolo for another one. When you wear it, a ladder will appear to the east of Rasolo, in the fenced picnic area. This is the entrance to the Shadow Dungeon.

(Turn off bloom lighting before entering the dungeon.)

If you take off your ring of visibility at anytime while in the cave, you will have to leave the cave and re-enter to fight Damis.

File:Shadow Dungeon.png

Damis, Lord of the Shadow

When you climb down the ladder, follow the directions shown by the red line, in the map above, to reach Damis's lair. Run to the centre and Damis will appear. Be aware that this is a multicombat area. The Giant Skeletons hit fairly accurately and can easily hit over 100.

A player attacking Damis.
The location of the corner at which Damis can be trapped.

Damis has two forms - His first form is relatively easy, whereas his second form will drain 40-60 prayer points every time he hits you, even if he splashes and hits a zero. He only uses melee. If you die after defeating the first form you will only need to fight the second form when you come back. Bring a few prayer potions and preferably a Ranged or Magic weapon, as a safespot is available.

Watch out when walking to the safespot - he might disappear into the shadows and you will have to leave the dungeon completely and make your way back to fight him again or alternatively re-log into another world and he will re-appear. Also, do not attack him with a summoning familiar or he will vanish.

1. Using Magic

Earth spells are extremely effective against Damis as it is how the quest is meant to be done by strategic means. Claws of Guthix and Iban blast are also effective, although they don't neccessarily add too much of an advantage of making the fight with Damis go more smoothly. It is recommended to use the specified safespot as Damis can burn your prayer points constantly at a quick and steady rate at melee range, even so make sure to bring at least one or two prayer potions. Otherwise use your best Earth spell coupled with your best bind spell.

2. Using Ranged

Using Diamond bolts (e) is the among the few only recommended method while ranging as Damis has very high defence, and as such ranging should be avoided unless it is your only sufficiently leveled skill. A suggested and cheaper alternative is using a Magic Longbow (sighted) with poisoned arrows. However, with both methods, it is highly recommended to use the safespot so as to freely utilize ranged boosting equipment such as black d'hide armour without the need for prayer extending or melee protective equipment.

3. Using Melee

Due to the prayer drain ability of Damis and high defence in his second form, meleeing foot to foot is not recommended. The Dragon Dagger's special attack works well as an auxiliary weapon for it's poison ability, just make sure to special him during his first form as his defence increases dramatically upon transforming preventing further chances of poisoning and if he is poisoned beforehand he will remain poisoned in his second. It is suggested to take advantage of a safespot using a halberd.

A cannon works against him, but it is inadvisable as it would have to be set up outside the safe spot, and will frequently shoot at the skeletons and hounds. Be careful when trying to safespot him as the skeletons and hounds will try to attack you and will possibly start piling you from the moment you enter the multiway combat zone.

Once Damis is defeated, pick up the shadow diamond. Teleport out and bank the diamond.

Jaldraocht Pyramid

Items Needed:

Recommended Items:

Iftah Ya, Simsim

File:DT Blood Obelisk.gif
The blood diamond obelisk

Return to Eblis, at the 6 mirrors in the desert. Be sure to have the four diamonds in your inventory. Go to the Pyramid southeast of Eblis (marked "Pyramid" on the world map), and place one diamond in each of the four obelisks at the outside corners of the pyramid. Each obelisk takes a specific diamond. You should be able to determine the diamond from the appearance of the obelisk, but trial-and-error placement also works. It is not possible to put a diamond into the wrong obelisk; it is also not possible to take a diamond back out of the obelisk.

When all four obelisks are activated, the pyramid will open and can be entered from the top.

Tomb Raider

Desert heat is not a factor inside the pyramid, but almost all of the interior is dangerous, with level 92 Scarab swarms occasionally boiling out of the floor, and level 138 mummies roaming about and spontaneously popping out of sarcophagi. All monsters use only melee, though the scarab swarms can also poison. The scarab swarms, spontaneous mummies, and traps cannot be detected in advance. The room containing the altar on level 4, however, is safe.

Every time a scarab swarm appears or a mummy pops out of a sarcophagus, you will stop moving, and will not be able to move until the animation has finished. It is possible to avoid a scarab swarm entirely by making sure it is behind a mummy. There are also randomly activated traps that will kick you out of the pyramid if you stand still for too long. The trap placement is seemingly random so it's recommended to avoid stopping, and by bringing weight reducing clothing and plenty of energy restore potions, you can greatly reduce the chance of running into one of these traps. If you get caught by a trap you will be taken outside to the south side of the pyramid but with no damage done. Do not click directly to the ladder but keep clicking to your goal, this will reduce the chances of getting caught by traps. Just walk north and re-enter the pyramid to start over. It is useful to use a Strange fruit while inside the pyramid, due to the fact that it recovers 60% run energy and cures any kind of poison you may have gotten while inside the pyramid.

The levels in the pyramid are numbered in the order the player encounters them in the quest. The purple line marks the route.

Diagram of the pyramid's exterior


Enter the pyramid from its top. The southern entrance to Level 4 and the Ancient Magicks altar can only be used after the quest has been completed.
Level 1 of Jaldraocht

Level 1

Run from the entrance ladder to the Level 2 ladder. This level is the smallest in the area, with the fewest mummies. If possible, flash your prayer and save your run energy.
Level 2 of Jaldraocht

Level 2

Run from the Level 1 ladder to the Level 3 ladder. This level is the second smallest in area, with a few more mummies roaming about. This room might have a few traps. Be sure to look out for them.
Level 3 of Jaldraocht

Level 3

Run from the Level 3 ladder to the Level 4 ladder. This level is fairly large in area, presenting more of a challenge to players traversing it. A significant number of mummies are roaming about, and there is a vast amount of traps.
Level 4 of Jaldraocht

Level 4

Run from the Level 3 ladder to the altar room. This level is quite large in area, with a lot mummies roaming about everywhere except the altar room. The altar room is separated by a door - do not rely on the minimap to run outside.


It is possible for a scarab swarm to boil up inside the altar room, but this only happens if it was boiling up as you were entering the room. If this is the case, trap it between the door and an obstacle that is just in front of the door. Speak to Azzanadra, who has lost track of time and believes that the God Wars are still going on. He goes on to blabber some ancient names like Paddewwa, Lassar and Annakarl. He is also surprised to see that he cannot hear Zaros in his mind anymore.

Azzanadra, finally coming to peace with the reality, rewards the adventurer with the Ancient Magics of Zaros, for their efforts. (if Azzanadra is not present, use the altar first and he should appear).


Desert Treasure Reward
Desert Treasure Reward
  • 3 Quest Points
  • 20,000 Magic experience
  • Ability to use Ancient Magicks. At any time you can pray at the altar and change between the standard and Ancient Magicks spellbooks. Be warned that changing spellbooks will drain your prayer to 0, though you can still change spellbooks at 0 prayer points. After transversing the pyramid for the first time, you may enter via the back-door of the pyramid to gain a short cut to the altar.
  • Ring of visibility. If you ever lose it, you can obtain another one from Rasolo.
  • You can also buy an Ancient staff from Eblis once for 80,000 Coins. If you lose the staff, you will have to kill Mummies inside the pyramid or the chaos tunnels to get another one or purchase a new one at the Grand Exchange for 59677 coins.
  • Access to the Zaros Gravestone.
  • The ability to home teleport to the Bandit Camp lodestone
  • 2 extra spins on the Squeal of Fortune

Music unlocked

Required for completing

Completion of Desert Treasure is required for the following:

Cultural references

  • The name Eblis is the word Iblīs "إبليس" (Arabic) which is the name of the major Satan (Devil, Shaitan or Satan) شيطان in Islam.


  • When you first talk to Malak, he asks "A human, eh?". If you are wearing the Ring of Charos, he will add, "Don't think that silly little ring of yours will fool me."
  • When fighting the four guardians, obtaining a kill using the Retribution prayer counts as a normal kill. You can claim the diamond from the area where you killed the guardian or, in Dessous' case, Malak.
  • When you complete the quest, your adventurer's log will say, "After recovering the Four Diamonds of Azzanadra, I found a strange being in the heart of a pyramid who taught me a thing or two about magic."
  • After completing the quest, if you talk to Juna, your character will say "...In the pyramid I discovered a whole new set of magic spells!"
  • 'Asgarnia Smith' may be a pun or reference to the character Indiana Jones in that they are both archaeologists and in both names, the first name is also the name of a state or province (Indiana in North America, and Asgarnia in Runescape) and the last names are both considered to be very common surnames in the UK where Jagex is based.

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