Calculator:Standard smithing

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Parent article: Smithing

Below are Smithing tables with information about what players can create with the Smithing skill. Black armour and weapons, among many other pieces of equipment, cannot be smithed.

As is standard, items which can only be smithed by members are italicized. The numbers behind an item name (e.g., Cannonballs4) denote the number of items smithed from one bar.


Item Level Experience Bars Low
Dagger 1 12.5 1 4 6 44
Hatchet 1 12.5 1 6 9 36
Mace 2 12.5 1 7 10 45
helm 3 12.5 1 9 14 54
Crossbow bolts10 3 12.5 1 0 0 21
Sword 4 12.5 1 10 15 44
Bronze Wire 4 12.5 1 8 12 251
Dart Tips10 t 4 12.5 1 0 0 25
Nails15 4 12.5 1 2 4 19
Arrowtips15 5 12.5 1 4 6 14
Scimitar 5 25 2 12 19 79
Pickaxep 5 25 2 0 0 66
Crossbow limbs 6 12.5 1 8 12 34
Longsword 6 25 2 16 24 38
Full Helm 7 25 2 17 26 16
Throwing Knives5 7 12.5 1 5 8 59
Square Shield 8 25 2 19 28 36
Warhammer 9 37.5 3 24 36 20
Battleaxe 10 37.5 3 20 31 36
Chainbody 11 37.5 3 24 36 55
Kiteshield 12 37.5 3 27 40 30
Claws 13 25 2 19 28 548
Two-handed Sword 14 37.5 3 32 48 77
Platelegs 16 37.5 3 32 48 24
Plateskirt 16 37.5 3 32 48 53
Platebody 18 62.5 5 64 96 49

t Requires completion of The Tourist Trap Quest.
p Requires completion of Perils of Ice Mountain Quest.


Item Level Experience Bars Low
Dagger 15 25 1 14 21 13
Hatchet 16 25 1 22 33 12
Mace 17 25 1 25 37 28
Spit 17 25 1 25 38 10
helm 18 25 1 33 50 22
Crossbow bolts10 18 25 1 0 0 18
Sword 19 25 1 36 54 26
Dart Tips10 t 19 25 1 1 1 25
Nails15 19 25 1 13 19 16
Pickaxep 20 50 2 56 84 79
Arrowtips15 20 25 1 10 15 17
Scimitar 20 50 2 44 67 40
Longsword 21 50 2 56 84 28
Full Helm 22 50 2 61 92 48
Throwing Knives5 22 25 1 23 34 50
Crossbow limbs 23 25 1 28 42 42
Square Shield 23 50 2 67 100 36
Warhammer 24 75 3 89 134 62
Battleaxe 25 75 3 72 109 46
Oil lantern frame 26 25 1 36 54 18
Chainbody 26 75 3 84 126 56
Kiteshield 27 75 3 95 142 54
Claws 28 50 2 20 30 45
Two-handed Sword 29 75 3 112 168 73
Platelegs 31 75 3 112 168 83
Plateskirt 31 75 3 112 168 87
Platebody 33 125 5 224 336 516

t Requires completion of The Tourist Trap Quest.
p Requires completion of Perils of Ice Mountain Quest.


Item Level Experience Bars Low
Dagger 30 37.5 1 50 75 20
Hatchet 31 37.5 1 80 120 49
Mace 32 37.5 1 90 135 47
helm 33 37.5 1 120 180 98
Crossbow bolts10 33 37.5 1 0 0 58
Sword 34 37.5 1 130 195 103
Dart Tips10 t 34 37.5 1 2 3 69
Nails15 34 37.5 1 20 31 46
Pickaxep 35 75 2 200 300 362
Arrowtips15 35 37.5 1 14 21 43
Cannonballs4 35 25.6 1 2 3 285
Scimitar 35 75 2 160 240 130
Crossbow limbs 36 37.5 1 100 150 103
Longsword 36 75 2 200 300 191
Steel Studs 36 37.5 1 60 90 698
Full Helm 37 75 2 220 330 219
Throwing Knives5 37 37.5 1 27 40 106
Square Shield 38 75 2 240 360 235
Warhammer 39 112.5 3 256 384 361
Battleaxe 40 112.5 3 260 390 282
Chainbody 41 112.5 3 300 450 321
Kiteshield 42 112.5 3 340 510 392
Claws 43 75 2 Exchange:Steel claws Exchange:Steel claws Exchange:Steel claws
Two-handed Sword 44 112.5 3 400 600 476
Platelegs 46 112.5 3 400 600 478
Plateskirt 46 112.5 3 400 600 504
Platebody 48 187.5 5 800 1,200 1,126
Bullseye lantern frame 49 37.5 1 120 180 151

t Requires completion of The Tourist Trap Quest.
p Requires completion of Perils of Ice Mountain Quest.


Item Level Experience Bars
Bowl a 50 30.0 2
Helmet b 50 30 3
Cannonball c 50 37 1

All smithed gold items are quest items, thus untradeable.

a Only during and after Legends Quest. Can fail with message "You make a mistake forging the bowl." and/or "You pour molten gold all over the floor."
b Only during and after Between a Rock... Quest.
c Only during Between a Rock... Quest.


Item Level Experience Bars Low
Dagger 50 50 1 130 195 99
Hatchet 51 50 1 208 312 204
Mace 52 50 1 234 351 242
helm 53 50 1 312 468 357
Crossbow bolts10 53 50 1 0 0 97
Sword 54 50 1 338 507 387
Dart Tips10 t 54 50 1 4 7 109
Nails15 54 50 1 7 10 32
Arrowtips15 55 50 1 27 40 64
Scimitar 55 100 2 416 624 496
Pickaxep 55 100 2 520 780 670
Crossbow limbs 56 50 1 260 390 353
Longsword 56 100 2 520 780 647
Full Helm 57 100 2 572 858 753
Throwing Knives5 57 50 1 10 16 182
Square Shield 58 100 2 624 936 793
Warhammer 59 150 3 863 1,294 1,065
Grapple tip 59 50 1 Exchange:Mith grapple tip Exchange:Mith grapple tip Exchange:Mith grapple tip
Battleaxe 60 150 3 676 1,014 854
Chainbody 61 150 3 780 1,170 1,039
Kiteshield 62 150 3 884 1,326 1,086
Claws 63 100 2 Exchange:Mithril claws Exchange:Mithril claws Exchange:Mithril claws
Two-handed Sword 64 150 3 1,040 1,560 1,324
Platelegs 66 150 3 1,040 1,560 1,346
Plateskirt 66 150 3 1,040 1,560 1,413
Platebody 68 250 5 2,080 3,120 2,978

t Requires completion of The Tourist Trap Quest.
p Requires completion of Perils of Ice Mountain Quest.


Item Level Experience Bars Low
Dagger 70 62.5 1 320 480 386
Hatchet 71 62.5 1 512 768 664
Mace 72 62.5 1 576 864 722
helm 73 62.5 1 768 1,152 1,039
Crossbow bolts10 73 62.5 1 0 0 197
Sword 74 62.5 1 832 1,248 1,107
Dart Tips10 t 74 62.5 1 14 21 205
Nails15 74 62.5 1 18 27 89
Arrowtips15 75 62.5 1 64 96 133
Scimitar 75 125 2 1,024 1,536 1,489
Pickaxep 75 125 2 1,280 1,920 1,812
Crossbow limbs 76 62.5 1 640 960 1,345
Longsword 76 125 2 1,280 1,920 1,791
Full Helm 77 125 2 1,408 2,112 1,884
Throwing Knives5 77 62.5 1 26 40 361
Square Shield 78 125 2 1,536 2,304 2,152
Warhammer 79 187.5 3 2,142 3,213 2,987
Battleaxe 80 187.5 3 1,664 2,496 2,407
Chainbody 81 187.5 3 1,920 2,880 2,717
Kiteshield 82 187.5 3 2,176 3,264 3,103
Claws 83 125 2 Exchange:Adamant claws Exchange:Adamant claws Exchange:Adamant claws
Two-handed Sword 84 187.5 3 2,560 3,840 3,665
Platelegs 86 187.5 3 2,560 3,840 3,600
Plateskirt 86 187.5 3 2,560 3,840 3,691
Platebody 88 312.5 5 6,656 9,984 9,727

t Requires completion of The Tourist Trap Quest.
p Requires completion of Perils of Ice Mountain Quest.


Item Level Experience Bars Low
Dagger 85 75 1 3,200 4,800 4,562
Hatchet 86 75 1 5,120 7,680 7,607
Mace 87 75 1 5,760 8,640 8,420
helm 88 75 1 7,680 11,520 11,283
File:Runite bolts (unf).png Crossbow bolts10 88 75 1 0 0 1,231
Sword 89 75 1 8,320 12,480 12,395
Dart Tips10 t 89 75 1 70 105 635
Nails15 89 75 1 88 132 210
Arrowtips15 90 75 1 184 276 808
Scimitar 90 150 2 10,240 15,360 15,254
Pickaxep 90 150 2 12,800 19,200 19,136
Crossbow limbs 91 75 1 6,400 9,600 9,427
Longsword 91 150 2 12,800 19,200 18,916
Full Helm 92 150 2 14,080 21,120 20,861
Throwing Knives5 92 75 1 66 100 954
Square Shield 93 150 2 15,360 23,040 22,884
Claws 93 150 2 Exchange:Rune claws Exchange:Rune claws Exchange:Rune claws
Warhammer 94 225 3 16,600 24,900 24,585
Battleaxe 95 225 3 16,640 24,960 24,735
Chainbody 96 225 3 20,000 30,000 29,853
Kiteshield 97 225 3 21,760 32,640 34,977
Two-handed Sword 99 225 3 25,600 38,400 38,245
Platelegs 99 225 3 25,600 38,400 38,063
Plateskirt 99 225 3 25,600 38,400 38,028
Platebody 99 375 5 26,000 39,000 38,859

t Requires completion of The Tourist Trap Quest.
p Requires completion of Perils of Ice Mountain Quest.