Dominion Tower

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Items Kept on Death icon
Items Kept on Death icon
This is a safe minigame. If you die here, you will not lose your items.
This article has a strategy guide here.
"Dominion" redirects here. For the weapons, see Dominion weapons.

The Dominion Tower is one of the largest buildings in Gielinor, located in the Kharidian Desert, on the eastern bank of the River Elid. Constructed by an individual known as The Founder, It houses a minigame which gives players the opportunity to re-fight various quest bosses. The rewards include combat experience, new consumable items, and dominion glove sets. The history of the Tower is revealed in the Dominion journal, which is acquired as one beats bosses. The Strange face manages the Tower, which is said to come from ancient times.

Although the Dominion Tower is a safe minigame and you will not lose items, note that you cannot leave a match once it begins, until you win or lose (running from the monster for 10 seconds and then logging out and back in will let you leave, however). During a match, you cannot exit the arena gates or teleport out of the arena. Therefore, it is recommended you do not bring teleport items, unless they have another use that will help you in the matches. Also, be aware that fighting matches can be potentially expensive if you use a lot of high-cost consumable items like Saradomin brews and Super restore potions. You can win some items like runes, arrows, and bolts as rewards that can be sold, but these only appear in small quantity, and are unlikely to cover costs of the consumables. The rewards, however, will often include food or potions specifically for use within the tower, so it is possible to minimize the amount of money spent on supplies by using these instead. In general, players use the tower for prestige or to gain its non-tradeable rewards rather than to make money.

The exterior of the Tower, supporting the enormous top piece.

The unofficial world for playing the Dominion Tower minigame is world 52.

Template:Relative location


The tower was constructed by an individual who henceforth became known as The Founder, which was also the very location he was born. As a child he was sickly, and did not have the physique for combat. His family however, were renowned fighters, who dedicated their lives to vanquishing fearsome beasts. The Founder was keen to learn from his family's combat techniques and disciplines, and as he was growing up, he felt the necessity to prove himself through knowledge instead of having the ability for combat. Because his family were such prestigious fighters, he himself, being unable to fight, wanted to leave a mark on the world. He decided to build a massive tower, and travelled great distances to obtain the knowledge and assistance to construct it. The Founder took thirty years to construct the tower, and his brother, who was on the verge of death, accepted to be bound to the tower by their mother, a powerful sorceress.

The tower is magical, and has the ability to extract memories of severe combat from people and project them in the arena, creating very real and dangerous boss monsters that have already been defeated once by participants of the minigame in quests. In addition, the tower is able to create monsters from people's fears, which resulted in the creation of the Sunfreet.

Getting there

A map of the ground floor.


Note: Spectating has no requirements.
  • Minimum of level 110 combat.
  • Completion of at least 20 of the 38 following quests are required to start the minigame. Only bosses of quests the player has completed will be available to fight in the tower, so the more quests the player has completed, the more bosses are available:
A Void Dance Between a Rock... Blood Runs Deep
The Chosen Commander Contact! The Curse of Arrav
Demon Slayer Do No Evil Desert Treasure
Dealing with Scabaras Dragon Slayer Dream Mentor
The Family Crest Fight Arena The Fremennik Trials
Haunted Mine The Holy Grail Horror from the Deep
Legends' Quest Lost City Love Story
Missing My Mummy Monkey Madness Mountain Daughter
My Arm's Big Adventure Nomad's Requiem Recipe For Disaster
Shadow of the Storm Spirits of the Elid The Great Brain Robbery
The Temple at Senntisten The Void Stares Back Toktz-Ket-Dill
Troll Romance Troll Stronghold Vampyre Slayer
Wanted! While Guthix Sleeps


  • The arena in which one fights.
    The arena floor.
    Climber allows the player to ascend through the levels of the tower, facing a randomly chosen boss scenario on each floor. After each victory, an effect will be applied and will persist through all subsequent fights in that attempt. While a few of these will be beneficial, most of them will be Handicaps. Players will be able to replenish food and change equipment between fights.
  • Endurance restricts the player's access to the bank after each fight, so whatever they take in needs to last.
  • Special presents a range of challenging, treacherous and, often, strange encounters with which to test the player's skill and ingenuity.
  • Freestyle lets players fight on their own terms. There are no rewards for using this mode, but it’s a way to practice against monsters before fighting them under handicap conditions, have the experience of fighting a boss again, or just to show off fighting a boss under the player's own crazily difficult rules. Players can gain experience in this mode.
  • Spectator allows players to view the fights of another player who has the spectators option enabled. One can tag friends with their dominion medallion to directly watch them.

Climber mode

In climber mode, the player fights randomly-chosen bosses and can use a bank to restock and change equipment before each round. The player receives one new handicap each round, and that handicap plus all previously-received handicaps are active in the round.

The player ascends a floor with each round the player wins, and reaching certain floors unlocks abilities or items for the player. The player accumulates dominion factor for winning, which can be used at a rewards chest to claim rewards. Losing a fight reduces the player's dominion factor. For fights the player believes will very likely be lost, a player seeking the rewards is recommended to cash in the factor and restart climber mode.

A player suffering a handicap.

If the player loses a fight, climber mode ends and the player is returned to the lobby on the ground floor. The player can voluntarily end climber mode by cashing in the accumulated dominion factor at any rewards chest.

Once climber mode is started, the player cannot play another Dominion Tower mode until climber mode is ended.


When entering doors to begin a fight on a floor, the player receives one new handicap. Many handicaps hinder the player, although some handicap the monsters instead. There are 22 handicaps in total, and every handicap is active on every floor once it is received. A player must suffer each and every one of them at least once to unlock the Dominion sword.

When receiving a handicap on a floor, a handicap the player does not already have is randomly-chosen at first. The player then often has a chance to respin for a different handicap or to nudge the handicap spinner up to three places to get another one. It is recommended that the player avoid the worse handicaps for as long as possible. For example, a player who plans to use prayer frequently should avoid the 'no prayer' handicap.

Hint: You can also use the following list to see the effects of nudging. The list is organized, from bottom to top, in the order that nudges occur. (Example: If you get Reduced Magic Attack and nudge one position, you get Disease.) Nudging off the top of the list goes to the bottom, so that nudging once from Diseases goes to No Special Attacks.

Icon Handicap Dominion factor
per round
Effects of handicap
once incurred
Disease -70 You become diseased at the start of every match. The disease periodically reduces one randomly-chosen skill by 14 points. Disease does not affect Constitution. You can cure yourself and restore your stats by various means; see Disease. Note that disease can potentially reduce your stats enough so that you cannot use certain weapons, armour, or spells.
Reduced Magic Attack 70 Your magic attack bonus is reduced in every match.
Slippery Fingers 90 Occasionally during every match your weapon becomes unequipped and goes to inventory. If your inventory is full, this handicap does nothing. Warning: When fully consumed, a dominion potion does not leave a vial behind and thus will open a slot in inventory, allowing your weapon to become unequipped.
No Prayer 130 You can not use prayer in the matches.
Monster Stun -190 All foes at the beginning of the battle are stunned for a few seconds (about ten) and cannot attack or move. Note: The Illusive is effectively immune to this handicap, as it still burrows away during the stun period and thereafter isn't stunned. Eruni will also be able to move, but not attack. This can be usefull for luring her behind a pillar.
No Familiar -60 You cannot summon a familiar during the matches. If you already have one summoned, it is hidden and unusable during the matches.
Reduced Range Attack 70 Your ranged attack bonus is reduced in every match.
No Body Armour 50 When this is incurred, any item worn in the body armour slot is removed and sent to your bank. During matches, you are unable to equip anything to the body armour slot.
Halved Life Points -10 Your starting health is reduced by half at the start of each match. You can thereafter heal back up to full life points.
Random Freeze -40 Occasionally you are frozen and unable to move during every match. You can still attack while frozen.
Reduced Melee Defence 50 Your defence bonus is reduced in every match.
No Food 120 You are not allowed to eat any food during any match.
No Shield -20 When this is incurred, any item worn in the shield slot (shields, defenders, etc.) is removed and sent to your bank. During matches, you are unable to equip anything to the shield slot. This handicap does not affect two-handed weapons, as they are not equipped in the shield slot.
Reduced Melee Attack 70 Your melee attack bonus is reduced in every match.
Life Saver -200

Once during each match, you are healed to full health if you reach low health. All stats, prayer points, summoning points, and special attack energy are restored to full.

Note: This will NOT heal you if you are killed by poison

No Potions 50 You cannot drink potions during any match. This includes dominion potions.
No Power-ups -80 You cannot use any dominion power-ups during any match. This includes dominion weapons but excludes the dominion medallion, dominion potions, and scorpion meat.
Reduced Ranged Defence 10 Your ranged defence bonus is reduced in every match.
Poison -60 You are poisoned at the start of each match. The damage starts at 98 life points. You can cure yourself. If using the Poison purge Aura, the poison can be an advantage, as the aura converts poison damage into life points. If wielding an Anti-Poison Totem at the beginning of the match, you will not be poisoned at all. Also after you completed The Great Brain Robbery you can use the Prayer book (you must wear a Holy symbol ) to cure yourself from poison.
Random Daze 110 Occasionally during every match you become dazed, have auto-retaliate turned off, and have your combat interrupted. Simply re-attacking a foe will resume combat.
Reduced Magic Defence 10 Your magic defence bonus is reduced in every match.
No Special Attacks -100 You can not use any Special Attacks in any match, except for the healing special of the enchanted Excalibur. Also, you can use the special attack of Korasi's special sword, the one that is provided during a battle against the Pest Queen.
Inside the Dominion Tower.


  • Dominion factor per round is calculated by taking the difference between the estimated factor for a round and the actual dominion factor earned at the end of the round.
  • If your equipment is disabled, your equipment will be placed in your bank.
  • The handicaps are in order of the wheel. If you nudge the wheel it will land on the handicap before it on the list, for example: The wheel lands on no special attacks handicap, nudging will give you reduced magic defence, another nudge would give random daze, and so on.

Endurance mode

In endurance mode, players must battle successive bosses, as in climber mode but without incurring any handicaps. Instead, players are not allowed to access the bank throughout the entirety of their run. Players must play this mode in order to unlock the Dominion Crossbow and Super dominion medallion. The maximum number of rounds in this mode is 255. However the dominion marker will say "Ascended as high as floor 250 in endurance mode and beyond!"

A player's dominion marker after reaching floor 255 on endurance mode.

In endurance mode, the bosses players face are generally easier than those in climber mode. However, all bosses still have a chance of appearing.

Playing this mode is a fast way to rack up boss kills, as there is no time spent switching gear at a bank chest or choosing handicaps. However, this mode also earns much less dominion factor per fight, although a high amount of dominion factor can be accumulated if the player can last to floors 20-25, which may increase the chance of getting better rewards. Additionally, after reaching floor 30 in endurance mode, players will earn dominion factor at a further reduced rate.

Special mode

Fighting in the arena.

In special mode, you select to undertake any of ten different matches. Each match has a specific set of opponents and handicaps. A match's handicaps are incurred only for that match (they do not carry over to other matches). You can only choose a special mode match if you have already fought the match's boss in climber mode (you don't have to win the climber mode match).

It should be noted that a special fight only counts as 1 boss killed.

Special mode matches are:

  • Revenge of the Evil Chickens - The player must fight 15 Evil chickens without any prayer. The chickens use magic and are in a multicombat arena. Hint: Align the chickens, so there is only one attacking you at a time. Use red chinchompas to inflict extra damage to more than one chicken.
  • Finish Him! - The player must fight Arrav, Koschei the deathless, General Khazard, the Black Knight Guardian, The Kendal, the Black Golem, the White Golem and the Grey Golem. Each boss only has 20% health. The player will be in multiway combat, and will have these handicaps: no prayer, reduced stats, poison, disease, random daze, no special attacks and no power-ups. Hint: All the bosses only use melee, so try to line them up so that only one attacks at a time.
  • Just Die Already - The player must fight six Dagannoth sentinels. Hint : Use Ice Barrage and line them up. Ice Barraging them hits both of them at once so they will never have a chance to heal. Do this for the first two and repeat.
  • No More Nomad...No More! - The player must fight Nomad twice without using a bank or taking a breather.
  • I Eat Dagannoths for Breakfast - The player must fight the original Dagannoth mother, the second Dagannoth mother, and two Dagannoth sentinels at once. The Balmung, which is supplied in the arena must be used to harm the second Dagannoth mother. Hint: Using all three styles of combat is a benefit. Kill the strongest Dagannoth Mother first, then stand under the Sentinels and slay them, then finish off the weakest Dagannoth Mother.
  • Indigestion - The player must fight all of the bosses from Recipe for Disaster at once: Agrith-Na-Na, Flambeed, Karamel, Dessourt, Gelatinnoth Mother, and the Culinaromancer. The player will have reduced defences, no shield, no body armour, no familiar, no power-ups and no special attack. Hint: The Staff of light and Enhanced Excalibur specials still work.
  • You'll Never Defeat Me - The player must survive for five minutes with the Inadequacy, The Everlasting, The Illusive, and the Untouchable. The player will have reduced attack and defence, no shield or body armour, no potions, random daze, halved HP, no prayers, no food and no familiar. However, random food will spawn in the arena. Hint: Trap The Everlasting and The Untouchable and as many Doubts as possible behind the Inadequacy, this will allow you to stay safe as The Inadequacy doesn't seem to use its ranged attack during this fight. Although survival may seem difficult, this is arguably the easiest of all special mode challenges.
  • Hey! Eat Power-up - The player must defeat many low-level boss monsters with only bomb power-ups. The player will not be able to use armour or weapons. Hint: Elvarg is the biggest threat with her deadly fire breath. She can torch a player without an anti-dragon shield in a second, but she will only use fire breath if she's in melee range. Familiars like the Spirit Kyatt, the Iron Titan and the Steel Titan are each capable of killing her fast, another and less risky solution is to drink a dose of a Super anti-fire potion, which requires 85 herblore, to reduce her firebreath damage to zero. Protect from Melee is a very essential prayer, since most of the bosses fight in close combat. TIP: Run as close to the edge of the arena as you can behind the massive bomb to the left of the entrance gate, wait for Elvarg to get within melee range, and then pick up the bomb. The other bosses will trap her and you will take no damage from any of the other bosses except the Culinaromancer, who can be taken out fairly easily with a combat familiar. Once the Culinaromancer is gone all you have to do is collect and use the massive bomb spawn under you. The bomb power-ups respawn quickly; if you find a spot between colossal and massive bomb spawns, for example, you could in fact stay there and keep reusing the same, powerful bombs until the end of the match.
  • The Fire! It Burns! - The player must fight a level 530 Sunfreet. Players cannot use power-ups, prayer, special attacks, or familiars.
  • The Fire! It Burns! (easy version) - The player must fight a level 80 Sunfreet. Unlike most other activities in the Dominion Tower, this could also be attempted by players without 110 combat. Players cannot use power-ups, prayer, special attacks, or familiars.

Freestyle mode

Players can choose their opponents and what handicaps, if any, will be used in the match. You must have defeated (not just faced) a boss in climber, endurance or special mode before you can choose that boss in freestyle.

There are no rewards for freestyle mode, but it’s a way to practice against monsters or just to show off fighting a boss under the player's own crazily difficult rules. Players can gain experience in this mode.

Spectator mode

Spectator mode allows players to view the matches of other players. These players can choose to allow or disallow spectators when preparing for a match, although they cannot block individual spectators if they allow spectators at all.

A player with a dominion medallion can use the medallion to tag a friend in tower to directly watch them.

A spectator stands on the outside area of the arena, on one of the engraved stars. The view ("camera") by default tracks the combatants in the arena, but the player can choose to control the camera to see the action from a variety of angles.

Spectating a match is a requirement for earning one of the Dominion Tower achievements.

Taunts and skipping cutscenes

Matches normally start with you and the boss exchanging challenge taunts in a cutscene. They end with the victor performing a victory taunt in a cutscene.

On the initial match information screen, you can press a taunt button choose which challenge taunt you will use for matches. You can also use this button to turn the challenge and victory cutscenes on or off entirely.

Some challenge taunts start locked and unusable. You can unlock them by accomplishing certain Dominion Tower Achievements.


See Dominion Tower/Strategies for a guide for fighting the monsters.

Class A - Floor 6+


Nomad's Requiem

Pest Queen and drones

The Void Stares Back

Decaying avatar

Nomad's Requiem

Eruni, Ayuni and Leeuni

Do No Evil

Dagannoth Mother

Blood Runs Deep


Love Story

Class B - Floor 1+

The Untouchable

Dream Mentor

Damis, Fareed, Kamil and Dessous

Desert Treasure

The Everlasting and The Illusive

Dream Mentor

Dagannoth sentinels

Blood Runs Deep

Karamel and Gelatinnoth Mother

Recipe for Disaster


Legends' Quest

Class C - Floor 1+

Balance Elemental

While Guthix Sleeps

Jungle demon

Monkey Madness


The Curse of Arrav

Ice demon

The Temple at Senntisten

The Inadequacy and Doubts

Dream Mentor

Giant Roc

My Arm's Big Adventure

Class D - Floor 1+


Troll Romance


The Great Brain Robbery


Family Crest

Evil Chicken

Recipe for Disaster

Flambeed, Agrith-Na-Na and Dessourt

Recipe for Disaster

Giant Scarab


Class E - Floor 1+


Fight Arena

Koschei the deathless

The Fremennik Trials

Arzinian Avatar

Between a Rock...

Black Knight Titan

Holy Grail

General Khazard

Fight Arena

Black Knight guardian

A Void Dance

Class F - Floor 1+


Troll Stronghold

Dramen Tree Spirit

Lost City

Agrith Naar

Shadow of the Storm

Dagannoth mother

Horror from the Deep



Black golem, Grey golem, White golem

Spirits of the Elid

Class G - Floor 1+

Treus Dayth

Haunted Mine


Dragon Slayer


Recipe for Disaster

Tumeken's shadow

Missing My Mummy

The Kendal

Mountain Daughter

The Draugen

The Fremennik Trials

Class H - Floor 1+

Tarn Razorlor and terror dogs

The Lair of Tarn Razorlor


The Chosen Commander

Melzar the Mad

Dragon Slayer

Count Draynor

Vampyre Slayer


Demon Slayer

Solus Dellagar


Non-quest monsters (special mode only)


Level 80 and Level 530


Learn of your enemy.
  • While in Climber, Freestyle, or Special mode, whilst having the handicap 'No special attacks' on, players may use the Enhanced excalibur special attack before the duel to restore their lifepoints after entering. This special attack can be used regardless of the no special attack handicap, even inside the arena. (It could be a bug, or done on purpose since the special attack technically isn't an attack, rather a defensive maneuver). The Staff of Light special may also be used while the "No special attacks" handicap is on.
  • When on climber, if you have the 'No special attacks' handicap running, you can still kill the Pest Queen and Sigmund. However, you must take the weapon provided for you in the arena. This was previously a glitch, making the monster invincible. You cannot use the special attack of the dragon spear when fighting Zenevivia however, making that fight considerably harder.
  • Having a full inventory with the "Slippery Fingers" handicap will prevent your weapon from being unequipped. This can be taken advantage of by bringing in consumable items such as pies or stews to eat that leave an item in the inventory. Another strategy is to bring a Coal bag or a Gem bag to fill up your inventory if you do not have pies, stews or Saradomin brews. A somewhat easier item to use is the statue collection bag, as it is much easier to empty than a coal bag/gem bag, however this requires a large quantity (at most 27) to have been collected prior to entering the tower. Another option is to use Goliath Gloves, as the handicap will not remove them.
  • Even though the opponent screen will tell you that the Jungle demon will change its attack according to your protection prayer, if you aren't within melee range, it will only use magic.
  • During the battle intro cutscene you can click to activate your Quick Prayers/curses or a single prayer/curse without draining your prayer. Whatever prayer or curse you activate during the cutscene will turn on at the beginning of the battle.
  • If a player faces the Pest Queen, they must use the Korasi's Sword provided for the special attack. If a player brings his or her own Korasi's sword other than the one spawned in the tower, it will use 60% of the special bar instead of 15% for each special attack.
  • If using Saradomin brews or other items/effects that lower your combat stats, you can repeatedly remove and re-equip the Dominion medallion for free stat restoration (the regular medallion boosts by 4, the upgraded Super medallion boosts by 8).
  • If using the Dominion medallion, it will negate the effects of disease in combat stats, as the medallion will reboost stats periodically.
  • Dominion Factor for the highscores cannot go down so dying won't reduce the amount you get. You will get less rewards from the chest and xp book for less dominion factor.
  • Power-ups, like journal pages, can be obtained when looting the rewards chest with almost any dominion factor. Thus, if you want to gather power-ups to help you with harder battles, you may be better off employing the same strategy as you would to gather journal pages.


Listen to audio.
You are victorious! (link)
Listen to audio.
You were defeated... (link)

The rewards available vary in use. Perhaps the most significant rewards are the three Dominion gloves (Goliath gloves, Spellcaster gloves, and Swift gloves) - gloves providing excellent combat bonuses available for use in all of RuneScape. However, you can only store 15 rewards credits for the Dominion Gloves and Dreadnips at one time.

Other rewards, such as the dominion weapons, can only be used within the Dominion Tower, providing useful boosts for use in fights within the tower.

Reward box

Main article: Reward Box

The reward box is accessed after finishing a game in the tower. The reward received depends on your Dominion Factor, which is gained depending on the last fight and mode.

Possible items include dominion specific supplies, such as scorpion meat and dominion potions, as well as journal pages, unlocked power-ups (below) and certain types of ammo (arrows, runes, bolts). An Xp book will always be received, with experience dependent on the Dominion factor.

A full list of rewards can be found here.

Exchanging rewards for Xp books

The following rewards can be exchanged for Xp books:

  • Dominion swords
  • Dominion staves
  • Dominion crossbows
  • Dominion potions
  • Diminutive bombs
  • Massive bombs
  • Colossal bombs
  • Scorpion meat
  • Help horns

To exchange rewards for books, fill your inventory with the rewards you want to exchange, right-click a rewards chest, and choose the 'Exchange' option. All reward items in inventory will be exchanged for a single Xp book.

You can also convert items to books when claiming rewards from the rewards box by clicking the 'Convert all items' button. Doing this will convert all convertable item in the box (not in your inventory) to a book. Make sure your remove any convertable you want to keep before clicking the button.

The amount of experience gained from the book depends upon the number and type of rewards exchanged. For example, exchanging 28 pieces of scorpion meat gets a book that can provide one of the following:

  • 1,410 experience in any one of attack, strength, defence, or constitution.
  • 1,287 experience in magic.
  • 1,207 experience in ranged.
  • 677 experience in prayer.

This figure may not be accurate for everyone, because the amount of experience awarded varies according to the level of the skill. (ex. A player with level 85 constitution and 80 defence would receive more experience if they spent the points on constitution)

Achievement Rewards

Additional rewards are received for achievements within the Dominion Tower. (Note: after unlocking a power-up, you must still receive it as a reward from the reward box.)

Achievement Reward Unlocked
Reach floor 5 in Climber mode An extra aggressive taunt
Reach floor 10 in Climber mode An extra comedy taunt
Reach floor 15 in Climber mode The Help horn power-up <ref name="power-up">Once unlocked, power-ups will have a chance of appearing in the reward box.</ref>
Reach floor 15 in Endurance mode An extra submissive taunt
Reach floor 20 in Endurance mode Enhancement of the Dominion medallion into the Super dominion medallion
Reach floor 25 in Endurance mode The Dominion crossbow power-up <ref name="power-up" />
Suffer each and every type of handicap (does not need to be done in a single Climber run) The Dominion sword power-up <ref name="power-up" />
Find half of the Journal pages The Diminutive bomb power-up <ref name="power-up" />
Find all of the Journal pages The Massive bomb power-up <ref name="power-up" />
Dominion Factor of 10,000 and all Journal pages The Colossal bomb power-up <ref name="power-up" />
Use the Help horn and all 3 types of bomb power-ups in the arena (special match bombs do not count) The Dominion staff power-up <ref name="power-up" />
Kill 100 bosses Dominion marker at stage 1
Kill 200 bosses Dominion marker at stage 2
Kill 300 bosses Dominion marker at stage 3
Kill 400 bosses and fight all Special matches<ref name="set">Once unlocked, an extra will become available every 5 boss kills. This is the total number of dreadnips and gloves available to claim. Claiming an item will reduce the number available for the other three items as well.</ref> Dominion mines, buyable at 10,000 coins for 10 mines
Kill 450 bosses and spectate a match Dreadnip, a combat ally for use outside the tower.
Kill 500 bosses (once claimed, must be repeated to claim again) Ascendancy mines
Kill all bosses in set 1 <ref>Set 1 consists of: Nomad; Eruni, Leeuni and Ayuni; The Untouchable; Dagannoth sentinels; Balance Elemental; Ice demon</ref><ref name="set" />and 500 bosses Goliath gloves
Kill all bosses in set 2 <ref>Set 2 consists of: Decaying avatar; Dagannoth Mother (II); The Everlasting and Illusive; Nezikchened; Arrav; Giant Roc</ref><ref name="set" />and 500 bosses Spellcaster gloves
Kill all bosses in set 3<ref>Set 3 consists of: Pest Queen; Zenevivia; Damis, Fareed, Kamil and Dessous; Karamel and Gelatinnoth Mother; Jungle demon; The Inadequacy</ref><ref name="set" />and 500 bosses Swift gloves
Complete all other achievements Dominion marker at stage 4
Complete all other achievements Ability to visit the top of the tower (Note: You do NOT receive xp for killing the monsters at the top of the tower.)


The top of the Dominion Tower

Upon completing all Achievements, you are granted access to the top of the Dominion Tower. The top of the tower consists of an arena with various monsters. You get no XP for fighting the monsters, and your combat stats are boosted identically to the Stone of Jas stat boost in Ritual of the Mahjarrat (excluding summoning). It is notable that it does not count as part of the tower, thus powerups like Dreadnips can be used, and Scorpion Meat does not function.



Artwork of the Tower.
For the first time in ten years of Jagex game development, we’re removing our test servers from the hidden depths of the RuneScape Studio and dropping them directly into RuneFest. Be the first to play brand new content and fight notorious bosses before we release it to the wider world. The Dominion Tower is a true test of skill and endurance as you climb ever higher in the pursuit of victory. This is high-level content, but don’t worry; you'll be using our tough-as-nails test accounts - hard enough to hold their own while you get the hang of tackling the bosses!

Attendees of RuneFest 2011 were given the chance to play-test Dominion Tower using Jagex test servers and Jmod test accounts. These attendees gave feedback and found glitches that delayed the release of Dominion Tower from the original 31 October date to the eventual 1 November date:

Hi everyone,

We just wanted to let you know that the Dominion Tower update has been moved back slightly to tomorrow, Tuesday 1 November.

As you may have heard we allowed some players to try out this new content at RuneFest 2011, and as a result we received some fantastic direct feedback. Based on this, we have made the decision to delay the release slightly so that we can incorporate some of that feedback into the live content.

We know that this small delay may be frustrating for those of you who are keen to see the Tower, but we hope you can understand that we always want to release the very best content we can, and when faced with such great feedback from players we'd be crazy to not listen to those views, and make some changes, where we agree that things could be even better.

So the content is being revised right now, we'll have it all tested later today and some final tweaks tomorrow morning, and we hope to have you all in the Tower by tomorrow afternoon.

Finally, we know we said this content would be in October, and the release will now be on the first day of November, but we felt getting the content right and reacting to player feedback was far more important than missing a calendar date by one day, we hope you agree!


On behalf of RuneScape Content



  • On the day of release the Knowledge base read "The rewards were stored somewhere in the tower and the face can't find them. Come back tomorrow when he's managed to have a look around." about possible rewards from this minigame.
  • If you do not have the 20 quest requirement or 110 combat requirement for the Dominion Tower and you try to access the bank or other facilities, the Strange Face will still growl at you even if your in-game sound has been turned off.
  • Special weapons required during fights (such as Korasi's sword) used to only have an effect in the tower if the version that is supplied is used. Player-owned versions of these weapons would not work. This was fixed a week after release.
  • Any dropped items in the arena will be lost upon dying.
  • To find out how many bosses you have killed total, on the strange face's rewards screen, click any "Locked" button on any "Kill XXX bosses" line. A message in the chat box will tell you how many bosses you must kill to get the reward and how many you have already killed. Another way to do this is to use the quick chat shortcut "ECM1" or search for "killed" or "bosses". This method is considerably easier, and the only way to find out after 500 victories within the option to look it up from your Dominion marker.
  • It is possible to win a match and not have the boss selection appear for the next match. This is likely a bug. When it occurs, just exit the arena and climb the stairs to start the next match.
    The face that appears.
  • If you perform the Dance emote while in a fight it says, "Someone likes to party!" and the Strange face comes in on the left side of the screen. Similar messages appear, if you use the Think or Blow Kiss emotes, wear a Runefest hood or wield a fun weapon in a battle.
  • The General Khazard icon depicts him with his post-ritual face, however, in the fight he appears with his pre-ritual skull.
  • The tower's roof can be seen from a Clan Citadel.
  • There used to be a glitch where Nomad would become stuck between two pillars if a player's timing was right. This caused Nomad to be unable to retaliate, making the fight much easier. This was patched on 30 April 2012.
  • Upon being transported to the roof arena, Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged and Magic stats are boosted significantly; up to 133. These boosts are only outclassed by touching the Stone of Jas.
    The glitch that causes Nomad to become stuck between two pillars in the tower's arena.
  • The bosses found on the tower roof arena are Koschei The Deathless, The Kendal, Elvarg, The Draugen, Bouncer, Evil Chicken, Jungle Demon, Karamel, Barrelchest, The Untouchable and The Inadequacy. They respawn quickly when killed and as a result, the match cannot be won. Like in the rest of the tower, battles here are safe and no items will be lost on death. One possibility is if the player weakens all of their foes life points, he/she can kill them all in one shot with a colossal bomb power-up and may have a chance of winning.
  • Eight music tracks were added to the tower on 7 November 2011. Three for the lobby and five for the tower floors.
  • When using the Elemental and Catalytic runes when fighting Chronozon, the spell icon for Storm of Armadyl will remain blank, however, it is still possible to cast the spell, provided you have completed Ritual of the Mahjarrat.
  • The maximum number of credits you can have to claim Goliath gloves, Spellcaster gloves, Swift gloves, or Dreadnips with is 15.
  • An eye symbol can be found on the bridge just to the south of the tower, which if clicked on pans the camera view all around the tower.
  • If you kill an Animated pickaxe during your fight with Treus Dayth and then choose 'Hold on' to prevent the start of the next match, an Iron pickaxe drop will be on the floor of the arena, and you can take the drop. You can also take the drop during the battle. You retain the pickaxe even after exiting the arena, unlike equipment given to you at the start of a match.
  • If you go to the Task List while in the Dominon Tower Arena, it states that you are inside of Daemonheim.
  • There is a real-world building called the Dominion Tower.
  • Players may find it easier to fight in the tower, particularly in endurance mode, if they do not complete the quests which involve harder bosses. Because a boss can only appear if a player has completed a quest, a player could skip quests such Nomad's Requiem and While Guthix Sleeps to avoid facing the harder bosses.
  • The special attack of the abyssal vine whip, Vine Call, will not work on a boss monster who is being affected by the "Monster Stun" handicap.
  • Dominion means "Lord" in Latin.
  • In the TV series "Star Trek Deep Space 9" the faction seeking war with the federation is known as "The Dominion" and their leaders are a group called "The Founders."


pt:Torre do Domínio