General Khazard (monster)

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This article is about the attackable monster. For the NPC, see General Khazard.

General Khazard is a Mahjarrat who is featured as the main antagonist in the Fight Arena quest and in the Shadow Sword miniquest. In the quest Fight Arena, Khazard kidnaps and forces members of rich families to fight in his arena for pure entertainment for the citizens of Khazard. The player makes a rescue attempt and ends up fighting in the arena themself. Khazard sets his pet hellhound Bouncer on the player. After defeating Bouncer, the player can then choose to engage in combat with Khazard or just to escape. Khazard is fairly easy to defeat, and you should have no trouble dealing with him. It is not even needed to kill him. After being defeated the first time, Khazard transforms into a giant form and attacks the player again. He also makes a reappearance as a boss in the Dominion Tower, with the exact same moves and abilities.

General Khazard is fight-able as a class E boss monster in the Dominion Tower minigame if the player has completed Fight Arena.

General Khazards giant form.

Ritual of the Mahjarrat

Safespots are available by standing behind trees to rest and heal.

General Khazard returns in Ritual of the Mahjarrat. This time General Khazard uses a long-range Magic attack, which can be blocked with Protect from Magic or Deflect Magic, and will summon Bouncer, who will constantly inflict small amounts of damage on you. You cannot attack Bouncer, so when Khazard summons him, lure him over to Wahisietel, who will kill him for you. It is possible to lure Khazard next to Wahisietel so whenever Bouncer is summoned it will die instantly. It is also possible to trap it behind a tree so that it will be unable to attack you. If not killed or trapped, Bouncer will inflict rapid, unblockable damage. During the fight, your combat stats have a large boost because you touched the Stone of Jas, and you will have assistance from Sir Tiffy Cashien and Wahisietel. Even so, Khazard has an unusually high number of life points for his level, so the fight will still take a considerable amount of time. It is recommended that you have a combat level of 120+ and you have combat stats such as Attack, Strength, and Defence that are level 90+. Despite Khazard thrusting his sword while performing his attack, it is still considered a magic attack.