Bonus experience items
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The following items provide bonus experience in one or more skills.
Agility tome
Brawling gloves (agility)
Karamja gloves 2, 3, 4
Penance horn
Penance master horn
Pendant of Agility
Prized pendant of Agility
Sköll boots (no longer active)
Brawling gloves (melee)
Hati paws (no longer active)
Pendant of Attack
Prized pendant of Attack
Sacred clay helm
Sacred clay platebody
Sacred clay platelegs
Sacred clay scimitar
- Constructor's outfit
Pendant of Construction
Prized pendant of Construction
Sacred clay hammer
Volatile clay hammer
Brawling gloves (cooking)
Cooking ring
Dwarven army axe
Pendant of Cooking
Prized pendant of Cooking
Cracked cooking urn
Fragile cooking urn
Cooking urn
Strong cooking urn
Decorated cooking urn
- Sous chef's outfit
Crafting ring
Pendant of Crafting
Prized pendant of Crafting
Sacred clay needle
Volatile clay needle
- Artisan's outfit
Dwarven army axe
Brawling gloves (melee)
Hati paws (no longer active)
Pendant of Defence
Prized pendant of Defence
Sacred clay helm
Sacred clay platebody
Sacred clay platelegs
Sacred clay scimitar
Brawling gloves (firemaking)
Firemaking ring
Firemaking tome
Flame gloves
Inferno adze
Morytania legs 3, 4
Pendant of Firemaking
Prized pendant of Firemaking
Penance horn
Penance master horn
Ring of fire
Dwarven army axe
- File:Brawling Gloves (fishing).png Brawling gloves (fishing)
- Fishing outfit
Fishing tome
Pendant of Fishing
Prized pendant of Fishing
Sacred clay harpoon
Volatile clay harpoon
Shark gloves
Shark's tooth necklace
Swordfish gloves
Cracked fishing urn
Fragile fishing urn
Fishing urn
Strong fishing urn
Decorated fishing urn
Pendant of Fletching
Prized pendant of Fletching
Sacred clay fletching knife
Volatile clay fletching knife
Dwarven army axe
Brawling gloves (hunter)
Pendant of Hunting
Prized pendant of Hunting
Sacred clay butterfly net
Volatile clay butterfly net
Dwarven army axe
Brawling gloves (magic)
Hati paws (no longer active)
Pendant of Magic
Prized pendant of Magic
Sacred clay hat
Sacred clay robe top
Sacred clay robe bottom
Sacred clay staff
Brawling gloves (mining)
- Golden mining suit
Mining ring
Mining tome
Penance horn
Penance master horn
Gofannon amulet
Pendant of Mining
Prized pendant of Mining
Sacred clay pickaxe
Volatile clay pickaxe
Cracked mining urn
Fragile mining urn
Mining urn
Strong mining urn
Decorated mining urn
Dwarven army axe
Brawling gloves (prayer)
Morytania legs 3, 4
Pendant of Prayer
Prized pendant of Prayer
Impious urn
Accursed urn
Infernal urn
- Taking part in the Festival of the Dead for a total of 251,000 double experience.
Brawling gloves (ranged)
Hati paws (no longer active)
Pendant of Ranging
Prized pendant of Ranging
Sacred clay coif
Sacred clay body
Sacred clay chaps
Sacred clay bow
Air runecrafting gloves
Earth runecrafting gloves
Explorer's ring 2 (and above)
- Master runecrafter robes
Morytania legs 4
Pendant of Runecrafting
Prized pendant of Runecrafting
Water runecrafting gloves
Brawling gloves (smithing)
Goldsmith gauntlets
Pendant of Smithing
Prized pendant of Smithing
Gofannon amulet
Sacred clay hammer
Smithing ring
Volatile clay hammer
Cracked smelting urn
Fragile smelting urn
Smelting urn
Strong smelting urn
- Blacksmith's outfit
Brawling gloves (melee)
Hati paws (no longer active)
Pendant of Strength
Prized pendant of Strength
Sacred clay helm
Sacred clay platebody
Sacred clay platelegs
Sacred clay scimitar
- Black Ibis outfit
Brawling gloves (thieving)
Pendant of Thievery
Prized pendant of Thievery
Thieving tome
Brawling gloves (woodcutting)
- Lumberjack clothing
Pendant of Woodcutting
Prized pendant of Woodcutting
Seer's headband 2, 3, 4
Sacred clay hatchet
Sköll boots (no longer active)
Woodcutting ring
Volatile clay hatchet
- File:Woodcutting Tome Blue.png Woodcutting tome
Cracked woodcutting urn
Fragile woodcutting urn
Woodcutting urn
Strong woodcutting urn
Dwarven army axe