Rune knife

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Rune knife
File:Rune knife (p).png
Release date 14 April 2003 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Lendable? No
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? Yes
High Alch 100 coins
Low Alch 66 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A finely balanced throwing knife.
Weight 0 kg
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A detailed image of rune knife.
A detailed image of rune knife.

The Rune knife is a member's only Ranged throwing weapon. It is the best throwing knife in the game and requires 40 Ranged to wield. They can be obtained by using the Smithing skill, looting from a ninja impling, a drop from certain metal dragons or trading with another player. Rune knives can be poisoned and can be wielded with a shield or god book for protection. They are commonly used in PvP situations. But, due to their price, they're often replaced with dragon darts.

92 Smithing is needed to create rune knives. Each Rune bar will create 5 rune knives and grant 75 Smithing experience.

Hover over image for type A player wielding a Rune knife.
A player wielding a Rune knife.
 Attack bonus
0 0 0 0 +25
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 0 0
Other bonuses Slot

0 0 0% 0
SlowInterval: 4.2 seconds

Dropping monsters

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Black dragon 227 2 3Uncommon
Bronze dragon 131 2, 5 3Uncommon
Iron dragon 189 1–7 3Uncommon
Mithril dragon 304 8–18 3Uncommon
Mutated bloodveld 126, 146 2 3Uncommon
Angry barbarian spirit 166 5,10 3Uncommon
Berserk barbarian spirit 166 5,10 3Uncommon
Enraged barbarian spirit 166 5,10 3Uncommon
Ferocious barbarian spirit 166 5,10 3Uncommon
Steel dragon 246 7 3Uncommon
Ninja impling Not applicable 40 4Rare

Combat styles

Template:CombatStyles ThrowingKnife

Prices of Poisoned Versions


Template:Metal item