Red dragon
- For red dragons found in Daemonheim, see Red dragon (Daemonheim).
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Release date | 27 February 2002 (Update) |
Members? | Yes |
Combat level | 152 |
Life points | 1400 |
Experience for killing | 560 (187 Constitution experience) |
Slayer level | Level 1 |
Slayer XP | 142.5 |
Assigned by | Sumona |
Aggressive? | Yes |
Poisonous? | No |
Immune to poison? |
No |
Attack style | Melee, dragonfire |
Attack speed | AverageInterval: 3.6 seconds![]() |
Max hit | Melee - 158 Dragonfire - 500+ |
Weakness | Stab, Ranged |
Always drops | Dragon bones and red dragonhide |
Examine text | A big powerful dragon. |

Red dragons are powerful monsters that can breathe dragonfire. As with all adult dragons, an anti-dragon shield or antifire potion is essential when fighting them as they can reduce the maximum hit of the dragonfire to under 100, although they rarely hit above 400, but they hit this with around 95% accuracy so food is also essential with a melee setup. It is an underrated monster as the red dragonhides and dragon bones are worth large amounts of money, and they can be safely maged or ranged from a safespot. Money can be made by selling their drops. Collecting the hides and bones makes each kill worth approximately Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins.
If assigned red dragons as a slayer task, baby red dragons may be killed as an alternative.
- Red Dragon Isle in level 37 to 42 Wilderness (4 spawns)
- Brimhaven Dungeon (6 spawns)
- Daemonheim - Occult floors.
Strengths and weaknesses

Like all dragons, Red dragons have high defence, though they are more susceptible to stab and ranged attacks. Nevertheless, players with under 60 Ranged should not attempt to kill red dragons, as it is difficult to kill one with less than that. As with all dragons, an anti-dragon shield with possibly an anti-fire potion, a Super antifire, or a Dragonfire shield is essential when fighting them.
The Red Dragon Isle is recommended for players willing to risk death, because it provides a relatively unused area but unfortunately is extremely dangerous as players in that area can be a target for player killers.
The Brimhaven Dungeon location is a safer place to combat Red Dragons. If you are fighting them here, remember to bring 875 coins (or Karamja gloves 3 for free entry and possibly a teleport) for the entrance fee and a hatchet. There are a few safe spots in the South West corner and north of the Red Dragon area of the dungeon. The biggest issue for players less than level 127 combat is the interruptions from Wild dogs. It can be useful to bring Bones to Peaches tablets to turn bones from a few dogs into food. After some time monsters stop being aggressive, so longer sessions at the dragons have fewer such interruptions and make it a lot safer to collect the drops as long as a player stays within a fairly limited area. If you are ranging, bring some food for the initial aggressive period and an Emergency teleport. There is a safe spot within the pile of the rocks in the north western part of the area. Red dragons could block baby dragons and wild dogs so you can safely range/mage the adults.
You can also melee them. It is recommended that you have a high combat level if you plan on doing so. And when fighting, always bring anti-dragon shield and/or antifire or super antifire potions since they can deal a lot of damage with their fire breath; don't forget to bring food as well. Even though their weaknesses is stab, slash weapons like dragon battleaxe work fine too.
These dragons do not drop the draconic visage. Also, these dragons are generally left alone unless the player is on a Slayer task, as they are too far from a bank and too hard to kill to be efficient for money.
100% drop
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Dragon bones 1 Always 2,104 Red dragonhide 1 Always 2,580
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Mithril 2h sword 1 Common 1,324 Mithril javelin 20 Common 780 Mithril hatchet 1 Common 204 Mithril kiteshield 1 Uncommon 1,086 Adamant platebody 1 Uncommon 9,727 Mithril battleaxe 1 Uncommon 854 Rune arrow 4 Uncommon 760 Rune dart 8 Uncommon 824 Rune longsword 1 Uncommon 18,916
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Law rune 4 Uncommon 596 Death rune 5 Uncommon 925 Blood rune 2 Uncommon 390
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Grimy guam 1 Common 521 Grimy marrentill 1 Common 41 Grimy tarromin 1 Common 56 Grimy harralander 1 Common 385 Grimy ranarr 1 Uncommon 3,508 Grimy irit 1 Uncommon 1,496 Grimy avantoe 1 Uncommon 2,877 Grimy kwuarm 1 Uncommon 2,902 Grimy cadantine 1 Uncommon 1,336 Grimy lantadyme 1 Uncommon 6,002 Grimy dwarf weed 1 Uncommon 7,525
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Coins 30–690 Common Not sold File:Perfect red dragon scale.png Perfect red dragon scale 1 Slayer challenge from Vannaka.</ref> Common <ref>Only while on aNot sold Chocolate cake 3 Uncommon 897 Adamant bar 1 Uncommon 2,175 Red dragon tail-bone 1 Fur 'n' Seek wish list.</ref> Uncommon <ref>Only during theNot sold Clue scroll (hard) 1 Uncommon Not sold Spin Ticket 1 Rare Not sold File:Red dragon egg.png Dragon egg 1 Summoning.</ref> Rare <ref>Must be 99Not sold Starved ancient effigy 1 Very rare Not sold
Rare drop table drops
This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.
Show/hide rare drop table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Artwork depicting a Red Dragon