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Do you know who you address? I am Lord Lucien of the Mahjarrat, Master of the Thousand Curses, look upon my works and despair!
— Lucien


Disguised Skeletal Rejuvenated

Lucien disguised as a feeble man.
Release date 17 June 2002 (Update)
Race Unknown (secretly Mahjarrat)
Members NPC? No
Quest NPC? Temple of Ikov
Location Flying Horse Inn and house near the River Lum
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine He walks with a slight limp.
File:LucienArdougneMap.png File:LucienVarrockMap.png
File:Lucien rejuvinated chathead.png
Release date 14 September 2011 (Update)
Combat level 800
Race Mahjarrat
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Ritual of the Mahjarrat, Nadir
Location Ritual Site
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine A Mahjarrat of incomprehensible power.
My commanding officer, amonst other things. (During Nadir)

Lucien is an extremely powerful Mahjarrat and necromancer. He arrived in Gielinor in the Second Age with the rest of his kin from their homeland of perpetual warfare, Freneskae, prior to the commencement of the historic God Wars. Following the banishment of Zamorak, Lucien seemingly diminished in strength, but he has slowly but surely begun to return to power. He is now regenerating all of his former skill, and it is soon shown that he is planning to threaten Zamorak's authority by positioning himself as the undisputed Lord of the Mahjarrat, presumably by using the Stone of Jas and Staff of Armadyl (both of which are among the most powerful divine objects in the universe) to afford him control over the foundations of life in Gielinor.

With these two objects, many believe he may be powerful enough to be considered a God, or at least the most potent Mahjarrat to ever exist (surpassing even Zamorak before the rebellion). Furthermore, Lucien could have become the successor of the God of Chaos (Zamorak) if his plot to overthrow the Chaos Lord and lead the clan of the Mahjarrat into the future ultimately succeeded.

Lucien plays a prominent role in the Temple of Ikov quest. During the quest, he gives players the Pendant of Lucien, a sign of his following that appears to calm others and reduce their fear. If the player opts to follow the path of Armadyl during the quest, they almost kill him, although he is able to get away and hide at the last moment. He also has a crucial role in While Guthix Sleeps, having finally shed his misleadingly frail form to become the extremely powerful necromancer that he truly is. During Ritual of the Mahjarrat, Lucien plays a key role in the Ritual of Rejuvenation and is the focus of a large battle, until he is eventually defeated by a trio of dragonkin.

Skills and Abilities

Lucien is capable of summoning armies of dangerous creatures.

In physical combat, Lucien appears laughably weak. During the Temple of Ikov quest, should players fight him by choosing to ally with the Guardians of Armadyl, he is only level fourteen and attacks by hitting players with his wooden staff. Viggora, a former ally of Lucien, who was condemned to an eternity as a spirit by Zaros for his role in serving as one of Zamorak's principal bodyguards, commented that his efforts to lift a sword were amusingly pathetic.

Despite his lack of strength during the quest, it has been proved that he is far more powerful than he leads players to believe. His initially unimposing physique appears to be the result of a spell or years of isolation. Lucien is capable of summoning vast Undead armies large enough to besiege cities and has even been rumoured to possess the magical ability to conceal divine artefacts and assume control over them. He is also able to read minds and even slightly control them, as shown when you try to kill him without an Armadyl pendant. He is also very intelligent, unlike certain Mahjarrat (such as Khazard). Lucien appears to be learned in ancient lore, particularly where valuable artefacts are concerned.

As Lucien is a Mahjarrat, he is far more dangerous than any human. He has lived for over five thousand years since his arrival in Gielinor from Freneskae, and has the ability to enter a state of healing that will repair all but the most severe wounds. He likely possesses multiple physical forms, as do most Mahjarrat, but it would appear that his primary form is an intimidating lich. As shown in While Guthix Sleeps, he can summon a considerable amount of beasts without even showing one bit of exhaustion. It is assumed that he faces no limitations in Summoning, suggesting he may have mastered the secrets therein. Either that, or his powers were extremely magnified by the Staff of Armadyl during the Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest.

In While Guthix Sleeps, he reveals his true form and wields the Staff of Armadyl, which he swings over his head to summon minions and cast necromancy spells to revive the dead. The magic skulls that emerge from the action can as well incinerate opponents like during the Ritual of the Mahjarrat. Lucien is also able to easily deflect an attack like he did with Hazelmere. The Staff of Armadyl magnifies the power of its user so much that it impressed Movario very much, who stated in his research notes:

I steel myself at this thought - his powers have increased significantly since he acquired the staff and I remember the stench of death and overwhelming magic that surrounds him. The degree of his spell-casting and incantations have started to border the insane.

Movario also wrote that Lucien is able to perform the incantation of 'Daemonicas Abhoris', the dark art of binding demons to a perpetual state of torment, which was considered to be impossible. He showed off this ability during While Guthix Sleeps when he summoned two Tormented Demons to fight the player. He refers to the demons as 'lowly', despite their combat level of 450.


Arrival on Gielinor

In the Second Age, the Menaphite god Icthlarin brought the Mahjarrat to Gielinor from Freneskae. The Mahjarrat, Lucien among them, had been enslaved by the desert god, although some have suggested that they never fully succumbed to his rule.

For years the Mahjarrat served under their master, their war-like abilities frowned upon by Icthlarin. Two stories tell of their freedom from Icthlarin's rule. One states that Icthlarin was disgusted with their cruelty and abandoned them. Another says they willingly joined the god Zaros and were liberated from Icthlarin's reign. Whatever the case, Zaros soon saw their usefulness and rallied them to his side. With their assistance, Zaros established a kingdom of unrivalled size and power, stretching to include modern-day north-western Morytania, Misthalin, Asgarnia (it is unknown if the southern parts of modern Misthalin and Asgarnia also were part of the Zarosian empire), and the entire Wilderness - then known as Forinthry.

Zamorak's Betrayal

Amongst the Mahjarrat's substantial numbers was Zamorak, a warlord that proved his strength on the battlefield countless times. He soon rose to the position of general, making him one of the most influential individuals in Zaros's army. Yet, despite his favour with the god, Zamorak had long silently plotted against the Empty Lord, and had already gained a considerable following. Amongst his followers was Lucien, a Mahjarrat who craved power and ancient knowledge above all else.

Through a long series of events, the Staff of Armadyl fell into Zamorak's hands. Believing a god weapon could have the strength to overthrow Zaros, he led an army to Zaros's fortress and assailed it.

Zamorak attacked Zaros in his own chamber, while his allies, such as Lord Drakan and his relatives, Thammaron, Enakhra, Zemouregal, Hazeel and Viggora, fought his bodyguards outside. If Lucien had not been otherwise preoccupied, he most likely would have fought alongside the rebels. Through pure luck, Zamorak impaled the Empty Lord and stole his godly powers. Zaros slowly faded from existence, cursing all those who aided Zamorak. Lucien, his blood flowing with powerful magics, was unaffected. It seems that he was the one who discovered the Saradominist spy Lennissa, though he knew she could come in useful at another time.

The gods, despite their rivalry, banished Zamorak for slaying one of their own. Lucien was amongst those that went into hiding in order to ensure his survival. Zamorak's banishment, however, was not to last.

The God Wars

Zamorak soon returned and rallied behind him an army with which he could conquer the world of Gielinor. Many other gods had also gained power, and soon a series of wars would engulf the world for hundreds of years, bringing it to the brink of destruction. Lucien returned to Zamorak's side, using his necromancy abilities to assist his Lord. As few documents survived the Wars, little is known of Lucien's exact role. When Guthix awoke and ended the Wars, Lucien began to operate silently, secretly working to aid Zamorak in his return to power. It is revealed in While Guthix Sleeps that Lucien views himself as the successor of Zamorak, and he is willing to betray the God of Chaos in order to attain control over the Mahjarrat.

The Search for Bilrach

The following takes place during Nadir.

Shortly after the 17th Ritual of Rejuvenation, Lucien is informed by his daughter, Moia, that somebody has tried to move the Ritual Marker. After a discussion with Zemouregal, he deduces that only a Mahjarrat would try to take the stone, and after checking which Mahjarrat were absent from the ritual, he sends Moia to go and find Bilrach.

Lucien heard little from Moia for almost 500 years, and what little he did hear was disappointment. But in the year 168 of the Fifth Age, Moia, now an old woman, informs Lucien that she has found a peninsula, dubbed Daemonheim a year later, with a large dungeon complex, ruled over by someone called Bill. Moia suspects that Bill is Bilrach, and ventures to the bottom of the complex to prove so to her master, where she finds the missing Ritual Marker, warped and infested by the nature of the floor, and Bilrach. However, at this point he seems to have completely lost sanity. Moia tells Lucien that she has found Bilrach, and he asked Moia to either try to kill him, or bring him to him to be used as sacrifice in the upcoming 18th Ritual. As Moia, whether by her own choice or not, joins Bilrach's cause and Lucien does not hear any more from Moia.

The Siege of Varrock

For two thousand years, Lucien would remain relatively quiet, forgotten by most save the Guardians of Armadyl. However, he was far from finished.

After the breaking of the Shield of Arrav, Lucien started amassing an undead army. Before the shield was broken he couldn't attack Varrock, as it would block his magicks and he was physically not strong enough to lead a successful siege. However, fortune was smiling upon him. In the year 154 of the Fifth Age, Lucien used this army to lead a massive assault on the city of Varrock. Assisted by powerful mages such as Solus Dellagar, Lucien's undead army seemed unstoppable. But Varrock, still supplied with runes, was able to defeat Lucien's army easily. In fact, he was defeated so quickly that the majority of the population never learned his name, and only a few (most prominently the Temple Knights) ever fully understood the attack. After this incident, Lucien fled back into the shadows with seemingly no disappointment.

It is unknown exactly what Lucien's goal in attacking the city was. Given his intelligence, it is unlikely he would have been defeated so easily unless he had a goal other than taking the city. Since Lucien intended to rally the Mahjarrat behind him, it's widely assumed that Varrock would have been his first target in any hypothetical invasion.

Despite his frail exterior during the siege of Varrock, Lucien's power reached its peak in While Guthix Sleeps, as evidenced by his ability to annihilate opponents with surprising ease. He appears to be immune from certain attacks, as he absorbs a spell cast by Hazelmere before proceeding to reduce the valiant gnome to ashes.

The Quest for the Staff of Armadyl

Lucien charges his trademark spell.
The following takes place during (and after) the Temple of Ikov quest.

In the current year 169 of the Fifth Age, Lucien enlisted the assistance of an adventurer. At the time, he was assuming the form of an incredibly frail man who covered his face with a hood. Not telling the adventurer who he was, he asked them to retrieve an ancient artefact known as the Staff of Armadyl from a temple north of East Ardougne. The adventurer took one of two routes: they either took the staff from the Guardians of Armadyl and delivered it to Lucien, or they learned of his true identity and slew him. However, the efforts of the adventurer who guarded the staff were in vain. Movario was able to steal the staff from the Guardians of Armadyl, as said in a note handed to the adventurer by a Guardian of Armadyl. Idria seems to be leading them in their effort to retake the staff and, as a consequence, ensure that Lucien does not reach the state of godhood.

After the quest he headed for the North to prepare for the Ritual of Rejuvenation. What he needed the staff for was initially unknown, but it was revealed in While Guthix Sleeps that he believed it would be indispensable for his plan to attain godhood. He appears to have perceived the player as a distinct threat to his ambitions, as he attempted to dispose of the player twice by attacking them directly (which was interrupted by the arrival of Hazelmere) and summoning two Tormented Demons to seal their destruction as he teleported away with the coveted Stone of Jas. Considering that he is a Mahjarrat, Lucien was likely aware that the player was able to survive.

With the Staff's large power, Lucien is able to repel the strongest of spells and fiercest of weapons.

Search for the Power Source

The object Lucien desires most.

Lucien recently has begun to search for a power source of unknown nature. Enlisting the help of a mortal mage and warrior, Movario and Darve, he has begun to tirelessly search for the mysterious source of energy. Movario and his intellectually lacking assistant are currently investigating the Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon, where they believe the energy may be slumbering. If players have a Pendant of Lucien equipped, they elaborate on their plan.

Ultimately, it is revealed that the "power source" Lucien was searching for is the Stone of Jas, an artefact the Gods made use of to construct the world and introduce magicks into it via runestones. With the stone, the Mahjarrat believes that he will be able to assume control over life itself, in addition to absolute authority over all of the magicks in the realm. Presumably, he intends to use the stone to overwhelm Zamorak and force the kingdoms of the world into submission.

It is disclosed in While Guthix Sleeps that Movario's loyalty to Lucien is not unwavering, as he comments that no deal for his master possessing their ultimate discovery, the Stone of Jas, is "set in stone" for the moment. However, Movario himself concedes that the force emanating from Lucien is unmistakably strong and worthy of admiration, as evidenced when is able to detect the Mahjarrat in the Ancient Guthix Temple before he materialises.

With Darve, he flees from the Temple of Guthix at the end of While Guthix Sleeps, having been unsuccessful in his effort to receive more time with the Stone of Jas.

Relations with Zemouregal

The following takes place during the Defender of Varrock quest.

Lucien has recently attempted to establish an alliance with the necromancer Mahjarrat Zemouregal. Sharathteerk, his gargoyle ambassador, reveals that Lucien is also in search of an unknown artefact (the Stone of Jas, Guthix's foremost tool in establishing runestones) and that an alliance would be beneficial to both. Currently Zemouregal appears to be rejecting the idea. It is unknown if Lucien intended to involve Zemouregal in his attempt to reform the leadership of the Mahjarrat.

While Guthix Sleeps

Lucien's necromantic incantation.

During While Guthix Sleeps, Lucien sheds his frail form and reveals himself to be a skeletal necromancer capable of raising the undead, using the ancient spell Eki tha nke rius Zanka Tdaterius, and easily slaying some of Gielinor's greatest heroes, such as Hazelmere, with little effort. He nearly kills the player at his base when the player's false identity as Surok is compromised, and proceeds to slay six of the eight warriors that teleport to the battlefield with the order to rescue the player character and neutralise Lucien. This would be consistent with Hazelmere's vision, which predicted that eight soldiers and a man donning robes (the player) would confront an adversary, and only the 'Slayer and warrior' would ultimately survive. It seemed inconceivable that warriors such as Hazelmere and Sloane could be taken down so effortlessly by Lucien, who was perceived as physically lacking among the Mahjarrat.

Lucien teleports away, Stone of Jas in tow.

Soon, it is revealed that he intends to use the Stone of Jas to undermine Zamorak's authority and raise himself as the leader of the Mahjarrat (presumably by encouraging an uprising to dethrone Zamorak). He remarks that he will use the Stone of Jas's ability to regulate life forces in order to enslave the kingdoms of Gielinor and re-establish Mahjarrat authority in the realm. At the Ancient Temple of Guthix, he teleports away with the Stone of Jas (Even though Movario warned him that his research on the artefact is not yet complete) and casts Daemonicas Abhoris, which summons two powerful Tormented Demons to finish off the player, stating that in order to be worthy of being one of his followers, you must defeat one of them.

It is unknown if Lucien intends to return to the North after securing the Stone of Jas. The idea of him heading to the location of his fellow Mahjarrat is plausible, considering his desire to destroy Zamorak could not become an actuality if he did not first secure the loyalty of Zamorak's staunchest loyalists. How he plans to do this is currently a mystery.

After the quest Lucien in Ardougne and Varrock is replaced by a Local Thug and Local Mage.

The 18th Ritual of Rejuvenation

Listen to audio.
You dare attack a god? (link)
Lucien touches the Stone of Jas, summoning the Dragonkin.

During the quest Ritual of the Mahjarrat, Lucien participates in the 18th Mahjarrat Ritual of Rejuvenation. After the player, Ali the Wise, Sir Tiffy Cashien, Idria, a battalion of Temple Knights and a group of Crux Eqal members arrive at the ritual site in Ghorrock, Lucien appears and begins to attack the group, summoning enhanced Ice Titans and Ice Demons. The fight stops when the rest of the Mahjarrat arrive. When it is time to decide which Mahjarrat will be sacrificed, Lucien imposes his will over that of the other Mahjarrat, ignoring their different demands and declaring that Jhallan will be the sacrifice because he was the weakest of all the Mahjarrat still alive and because of his attempt to rejuvenate himself without participating in the ritual by hiding in the caves beneath the ritual site. When Wahisietel rejects this he attacks Lucien, which causes a fight between the Zarosian and the Zamorakian Mahjarrat. When Zemouregal is attacked by Arrav after he is released from the former's control, Lucien refuses to help him, which prompts Zemouregal to turn on his cousin and convince the rest of the Mahjarrat to do the same. All the Mahjarrat begin to attack Lucien, but he manages to hold them all off until the time for the ritual arrives.

Lucien's demise.

When the ritual takes place, Jhallan is sacrificed and all other Mahjarrat are rejuvenated. After being returned to full power, Azzanadra uses several beacons he'd positioned previously to summon Zaros' power and deal a devastating blow to Lucien, hitting 9001 and 4250 (appearing to leave him with approximately a quarter of his health), which prompts him to bring out the Stone of Jas. When Lucien tries to use the Stone, he accidentally summons the Dragonkin guardians, who demand that he release the Stone. Lucien defies the Dragonkin and a fight between Lucien and the Guardians of Jas begins. Lucien at first seems to be winning, knocking the first to attack, Sithaph, to the floor with the staff. As Lucien prepares to impale him, though, Strisath pulls him away, forcing Lucien to drop his staff, before also being pulled to the ground by Lucien's massive strength. Lucien's seeming victory did not last, though; Sakirth, who was not seen before, sneaks up behind Lucien, takes hold of the staff and hits Lucien over the head from behind (shattering the orb in the process) before impaling him with what was left of it. The False User is finally defeated. The Dragonkin make a warning to the others and reveal their intention of destroying the cities, before flying off with the shaft of the staff.

After his death, Lucien's body is left lying on the ground, and he is not mourned by a single one of his former Mahjarrat allies. If the player returns later to the ritual site, Lucien's body will have disappeared.

If the player speaks to Kuradal after the quest, it will reveal that Kuradal was also in the area during the ritual, fighting hundreds of Glacors in the cave where the Stone of Jas resided, meaning that Lucien attempted to summon them to aid him in the fight against the other Mahjarrat and the player.



Lucien as he appears on the homepage.
  • Lucien was the first Mahjarrat to be released.
  • Lucien had a combat level of 750 during Ritual of the Mahjarrat, and a combat level of 800 after rejuvinated.
  • Originally, Lucien appeared to be a man wielding a small dagger, black robes, and a black full helmet. He later received a graphical update, giving him the appearance of a fully robed, bent-backed man whose face is not visible.
  • Lucien appeared on a RuneScape website front page banner, wielding the Staff of Armadyl. Speculation on his location was intense before the release of While Guthix Sleeps; it was later revealed to be the Ancient Guthix Temple. When the Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest was released, the RuneScape website front page banner again changed; this time to an animation of Lucien touching the Stone of Jas.
  • During the While Guthix Sleeps quest, Lucien states: "I am Lord Lucien, Master of One Thousand Curses. Look upon my works and despair." The last part is a reference to the poem Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley where an inscription reads, "I am Ozymandias, king of kings. Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
  • If you try to attack him while siding with him, in his house he will say "you do not want to attack me, I am your friend" then waves his staff. This is a reference to Jedi Mind Tricks from Star Wars. However, it is possible to kill him in a free-to-play world by right-clicking an attack spell in the spell book, selecting "Cast", and then selecting Lucien.
  • In the Temple of Ikov quest, if the player refuses to help Lucien steal the Staff of Armadyl, Lucien says, "My daughter is more of a hero than you!" This has led many players to speculate as to who his daughter could be, this is later revealed in the Fremmenik Saga Nadir to be Moia, about ten years later.
  • During Ritual of the Mahjarrat, if you have a familiar with you and make it attack Lucien, it will cause him to stop attacking Wahisietel, as well possibly move him from his spot, to start attacking your familiar.
  • If you go back to the Local Thug near Edgeville and get the pendant of Lucien back after Ritual of the Mahjarrat, your character will say, "Somehow, I think this has more power than Lucien now..."
  • Performing the Mahjarrat Transformation emote will temporarily change the player into Lucien, who will, in order, rejuvinate, laugh and raise the Staff into the air while screaming before changing back to human form.

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