Hill giant
- For the giants found in Daemonheim, see Hill giant (Daemonheim).
File:Hill giant.png | |
Release date | 4 January 2001 (Update) |
Members? | No |
Combat level | 13, 28 |
Life points | 350 |
Experience for killing | 140 (47 Constitution experience) |
Slayer level | Level 1 |
Slayer XP | 35 |
Assigned by | Mazchna or Achtryn, Vannaka |
Aggressive? | Yes |
Poisonous? | No |
Immune to poison? |
No |
Attack style | Melee (crush) |
Attack speed | FastestInterval: 2.4 seconds![]() |
Max hit | 43 |
Weakness | Stab attacks |
Always drops | Big bones |
Examine text | A very large foe. |
A hill giant is a type of giant found in several locations around RuneScape, most highly concentrated in the far southern end of the Edgeville Dungeon and in the resource dungeon therein. These dungeons may be accessed through the entrance located in the house north-east of Gunnarsgrunn and west of the Cooking Guild if the player has a Brass Key. The Edgeville Dungeon area is usually very crowded in free-to-play worlds, as players like to gather Big bones and either bury them for Prayer experience or sell them at the Grand Exchange or to other players. Members worlds usually are much less crowded due to the better money making options for members. There are two hill giants present in level 17-18 Wilderness; however, very few people go there because of the dangerous player killers in the area and its far distance from any bank. (The closest bank for most hill giants in the Wilderness is at Daemonheim.) They are aggressive to players below combat lvl 57.
If Cyclopes are given as a Slayer assignment, players may NOT kill Hill Giants for the task. The reverse isn't possible either.
Hill giants can hit up to 43 damage, and they only attack with Melee. They have very low Defence which makes them great for experience from level 30 to level 50.
Another tip is that you can't let their weapons and their height imtimidate you. Every weapon they have will hit the same. (Example: Hammer, Cleaver, Club are the same.)
- Deep Wilderness Dungeon (m)
- Edgeville Dungeon (28)
- South-west of Tree Gnome Stronghold (6) (m)
- Lava Maze, Level 43 Wilderness
- North of the Observatory, just south of Ourania Cave (6) (m)
- Taverley Dungeon (5), past the Magic axes and Poison Scorpions (m)
- Tree Gnome Village (2) (m)
- Wilderness Level 17 and 18 (2), southeast of Bone Yard, near the Black salamander Hunter area
- Edgeville Dungeon resource dungeon (28), level 20 Dungeoneering required
Champions' Challenge
Hill giants are one of the 'races' who have a lesser champion in the Champions' Challenge Distraction & Diversion. To fight the Giant Champion, the player must kill hill giants until one drops a Champion's scroll, a very rare drop. The Distraction & Diversion just uses the term 'giant', but the only type of giant that drops the scroll is the hill giant. This is only for members.
100% drop
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Big bones 1 Always 351
Weapons and armour
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Iron arrow 3 Common 30 Iron dagger 1 Common 13 Iron full helm 1 Common 48 Steel arrow 10–15 Uncommon 140–210 Iron kiteshield 1 Uncommon 54 Steel longsword 1 Uncommon 191 Iron 2h sword 1 Rare 73 Mithril arrow Rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Steel dagger 1 Rare 20 Steel platebody 1 Very rare 1,126 Adamant arrow 1–5 Very rare 96–480
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Water rune 7 Common 49 Fire rune 15 Uncommon 210 Cosmic rune 2 Uncommon 220 Law rune 2–3 Uncommon 298–447 Template:ExchangeItemNat Nature rune 6 Uncommon Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Mind rune 3 Uncommon 12 Death rune 2 Rare 370 Chaos rune 2 Rare 172
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Grimy guam 1 Common 521 Grimy marrentill 1 Common 41 Grimy tarromin 1 Common 56 Grimy ranarr 1 Rare 3,508 Grimy harralander 1 Rare 385 Grimy irit 1 Rare 1,496 Grimy avantoe 1 Rare 2,877 Grimy kwuarm 1 Rare 2,902 Grimy dwarf weed 1 Rare 7,525 Grimy cadantine 1 Very rare 1,336 Grimy lantadyme 1 Very rare 6,002
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Tomato seed Tomato seed 1–3 Common 1–3 Potato seed Potato seed 1–4 Common 1–4 Onion seed Onion seed 4, 8 Common 4–8 Tomato seed Tomato seed 3 Common 3 Strawberry seed 2 Common 184 Cabbage seed Cabbage seed 4 Common 12 Limpwurt seed 1 Rare 147 Watermelon seed 1–4 Rare 1,861–7,444 Sweetcorn seed Sweetcorn seed 3 Rare 9
Other drops
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Coins 8, 15, 38, 52, 88, 310, 350–493 Common Not sold Limpwurt root 1 Common 844 Beer 1 Uncommon 260 Court summons (m) 1 Uncommon Not sold Body talisman 1 Uncommon 251 Long bone (m) 1 Rare Not sold Shoulder bone (m) 1 Fur 'n' Seek/Wish list.</ref> Rare <ref>Dropped duringNot sold Spin Ticket 1 Rare Not sold Starved ancient effigy (m) 1 Rare Not sold File:Champion's scroll (giant).png Champion scroll (giant) (m) 1 Very rare Not sold Curved bone (m) 1 Very rare Not sold
Rare drop table drops
This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.
Show/hide rare drop table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Money Making
For F2P players, hill giants can be a great way to make money, as they always drop Big bones, which bring in 412 coins each at the GE. They also frequently drop Limpwurt roots. The close proximity to the Grand Exchange coupled with their low combat level makes them a great way to earn coins and gain combat experience. The major and most noticeable drawback to money making with hill giants, however is that the Edgeville Dungeon is usually very crowded.
In order to save weight whilst training on these giants, only equip dragonhide armour; if you are at least level 65, you will not get hit frequently. This will reduce your weight, thereby allowing you to run further. Only equip a rune scimitar or rune 2h. This will save one inventory spot for big bones or limpwurt roots for strength potion brewing. You no longer have to leave a spot for coins, due to the money pouch update; thus, at least 20 spots should be reserved for big bones and the rest could be roots as they are very popular and are worth more than big bones. It is also a good idea to bring a bonecrusher if you want to gain prayer experience without spending the time to pick up your bone drops.
- They were once just called 'Giants', but this was later changed by Jagex to avoid confusion between other giants.
- They are one of three kinds of giants available for the free players, the other two being Moss giants and Ice giants.
- If a player brings along shortbows and arrows, they can use the ranged weapon to first attack a hill giant before anybody else does and then switch back to a Melee weapon.
- Some hill giants appear to be wielding cleavers, weapons from the Recipe for Disaster quest.
- The hill giant is one of the monsters known for dropping court summons for the Court Cases Distraction & Diversion.
- The two bald hill giants in Edgeville Dungeon are slightly redder in color.
- A variation of the hill giant seems to be wearing one of Torag's hammers; however, this may just be an ordinary warhammer.
- Inside the Edgeville Resource Dungeon, hill giants have been known not to attack a player that is resting.
- There are 5 safe spots which can be used for killing hill giants in the Edgeville Dungeon, thus it is a popular place for players to train Ranged.
- Despite being called "Hill giants", the majority of the giants are found in dungeons. The reason for the naming was revealed in a Postbag from the Hedge; they are called "Hill Giants" because their muscles on their arms resemble hills.