Evil turnip seed

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Evil turnip seeds are used to grow Evil turnip vegetables used in Summoning to summon Evil turnip familiars. A player may plant the seed at level 42 Farming, behind Draynor Manor (on the west side) in an Evil Turnip patch. It takes 4 minutes 30 seconds to grow. Once it is grown, a knife may be used on it to make it a Carved evil turnip. The farming patch does not need any attending (such as watering, curing disease, or using compost). Only a rake and a seed dibber are required. There is a Tool Leprechaun accessible from the Belladonna patch just south of the Evil Turnip patch.

A nearby gardener will not watch over your growing evil turnip.

A player may need to plant an Evil turnip for their daily challenge.

A player may receive evil turnip seeds from birds' nests as well as a drop from either Jungle horrors, Mogres, Catablepons, Cave horrors, Cave crawlers, Rum-Pumped Crabs, or farmers, although it may be easier to simply buy it from the Grand Exchange. Once it is grown, the harvest will always be a single evil turnip.

Stage Description Image
Healthy Evil turnip plant
1 The seed has only just been planted. Click for a larger image
2 The evil turnip plant is now ready to harvest.

Click for a larger image

Dropping monsters

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Catablepon 49, 64, 68 4 3Uncommon
Cave crawler 23 , 138 1–4 3Uncommon
Cave horror 80 1–4 3Uncommon
Mogre 60 2 3Uncommon
Jungle horror 70 1–4 4Rare
Rock lobster 127 1 5Very rare
Farmer 7 7Unknown


  • The examine text refers to the popular expression that something is the "root of all evil."

fi:Evil turnip seed