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Farming in Daemonheim is only accessible to Pay-to-play.

You will not need any tools or water to farm in the Farming patches of Daemonheim. Your plants will not disease and because of the magical nature of the dungeons, your plants will grow in minutes.

Opening Doors

A door requiring farming to open.

Farming in Dungeoneering allows players to prune vines with a knife on certain non-keyed doors.

A puzzle is a maze of vines in which the head flower should be destroyed, using your farming skills to guide yourself through the maze.

Farming Foods

Potato seeds and mushroom spores can be gathered from monster drops.

Seed Image Produce Image Level Harvest Xp
Cave potato seeds Cave potato 1 1.3
Gissel mushroom spores Gissel mushroom 34 3.5
Edicap mushroom spores Edicap mushroom spore Edicap mushroom 68 5.7

Farming Textiles

If you want to harvest textiles, you must be raiding a dungeon with complexity level 4+. Without a gatherer ring, a maximum of five pieces could be harvested from a single plant.

Textiles cannot be grown, but they can be found from complexity 4 onwards. Simply harvest any that you see, gain Farming experience and use the resulting textile at a spinning wheel to make material that can be sewn into magic armour.

A spiritbloom plant.
Plant Image Level Harvest Xp
Salve Nettles Salve nettles 1 6.1
Wildercress Wildercress 10 9.2
Blightleaf Blightleaf 20 12.8
Roseblood 30 17.4
Bryll 40 23.5
Duskweed 50 31.6
Soulbell 60 42.2
Ectograss 70 55.8
Runeleaf 80 72.9
Spiritbloom 90 94

Farming Herbs

If you want to plant seeds, you must be raiding a dungeon with complexity level 5+

Herb seeds can be gathered from monster drops or bought from the Smuggler and then planted at the farming patches found in the dungeons of Daemonheim.

Seed Image Produce Image Level Harvest Xp
Sagewort Seeds Sagewort 7 15
Valerian Seeds Valerian 18 18.1
Aloe seeds Aloe 29 21.9
Wormwood seeds Wormwood leaf Grimy wormwood 40 27.1
Magebane seeds Magebane 51 34.4
Featherfoil seeds Featherfoil 62 44.5
Winter's grip seeds Winter's grip 73 58.1
Lycopus seeds Lycopus 84 75.9
Buckthorn seeds Buckthorn 95 98.6

It is possible to farm infinitely in Daemonheim by combining Farming, Runecrafting, and Magic. To do this, 44 Runecrafting (91 allows you to make double runes), and 55 Magic is needed, along with any Farming level. 28 Fletching and 25 Construction is recommended.

Here are the steps needed to train farming in Daemonheim.


(As of 1/28/2012 buying blood spindle branches and crafting them does not profit anymore)

  1. To begin, pick up drops from the dungeon and sell to the Smuggler (or use High Level Alchemy on them) to make money.
  2. Buy or chop 1 Blood spindle branches or above and fletch them into a Blood spindle staff.
  3. Imbue your staff using the Runecrafting altar into a Fire Staff.
  4. Buy at least 5 Farming seeds from the Smuggler. Try to always use the seeds closest to your level, to get the best experience possible.
  5. Use your remaining money to buy rune essence from the Smuggler. Make sure to leave enough money to buy about 100 rune essence, so about 5k coins should do. The higher your Runecrafting level, the less essence you need.
  6. Craft your rune essence into nature runes using the Runecrafting altar.


  1. To begin farming, find a farming patch in the dungeon. If there is no patch in your dungeon, you can make one by replacing the Group gatestone portal with 25 Construction. Farming patches appear on all complexities, but only those in a complexity 5 or 6 dungeon would be usable. Making a farming patch would be faster training, but requires 5 Seeping elm branches and 5 Bathus bars, costing 11,500 coins from the Smuggler.
  2. First, plant a seed in the farming patch.
  3. Wait for the seed to grow into a plant. This takes approximately 3 minutes, use that time however you wish.
  4. Harvest your patch after your herbs have fully grown. You will find it very helpful to have your Ring of Kinship set to Gatherer with at least one level in it.
  5. Always make sure to clean your herbs if you can (there is an extra 50% added onto the high alchemy value for clean herbs), which is also a decent way to get free Herblore exp.
  6. Use High Alchemy on all of your herbs to get your money back.
  7. Repeat again from step 2.


If players are able to grow, clean, and use featherfoil, it is possible to brew potions while still turning a profit. This doesn't result in as great a profit as alching the clean herbs, but it will cover the cost of the vials and secondary ingredients as well as the original seeds. The obvious benefit is gaining more Herblore experience with each cycle.

Players who like this way of training may find it advantageous to search for two rooms next to each other with a farming patch in each. Farming two patches at once and alching the herbs all at one time is a more efficient way of doing this and significantly cuts the downtime waiting for herbs to grow.

This method will (in theory) allow a player to farm in Daemonheim at any level for any amount of time. The only limiting factor would be getting bad harvests of herbs. As long as the Ring of Kinship is set on at least level 1 Gatherer, this should not be a problem.

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