Dungeoneering keys

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Dungeoneering keys are items which can be used to unlock certain doors in Daemonheim while training the skill Dungeoneering. The types of keys available are differentiated between by the shape and colour. The dungeon boss can be behind a key-locked door. Often the keys unlock doors on a side of the dungeon opposite that of which it is picked up. Keys are very often picked up to unlock doors to rooms for the room bonus at the completion of a dungeon. It is a good idea to pick up all keys to achieve maximum Dungeoneering experience.

There are 63 keys in total. The gold shield key was removed from the game shortly after the release of the skill.

Whenever a key is found, a yellow message appears in the party's chatboxes, saying "Your party found a key: <Colour> [shape] key."

Key varieties

Corner Crescent Diamond Pentagon Triangle Rectangle Shield Wedge

Key Abbreviations

Within the dungeon's the names of the different keys are often abbreviated. To form a key abbreviation state the colour first then the shape e.g. Crimson Corner would be cco or crco.

Key Colour Abbreviation
Crimson cr, c
Gold go
Yellow y
Purple p, pu
Silver s, si
Green gr
Orange o, or
Blue b, bl
Key Type Abbreviation
Shield sh, s
Corner co, corn
Crescent cr
Wedge w, we
Diamond d
Triangle t/tr
Pentagon p
Rectangle r, re

Avoid saying "g" for colour or "c" for shape as they can be confused between the gold/green colours and corner/crescent shapes respectfully.


  • It is currently not possible to find a gold shield key while Dungeoneering.
  • The gold rectangle key originally looked completely different from the other rectangle keys. This is no longer the case.
  • At one point, the corner keys had a bug where some of them appeared to have grey filling around the edge of their shapes.
  • It is currently possible that a key appears in the central part of the magical construct room and thus cannot be reached, making it impossible to finish the dungeon.
  • Since the Keybag update the keys themselves are unobtainable as they go into the bag upon being picked up. A few players still have them banked from previous dungeoneering smuggles however.