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A spinning wheel found within Daemonheim.

Crafting is used with animal hide or plant-made cloth to make ranged armour and magic armour, respectively. Crafting level can be increased with Artisan's potions in the dungeons.

Hides are obtained through either killing or hunting the animal. Killing it will provide up to one hide while hunting can provide several. It takes 5 materials (hides/cloth) for bodies, 3 for leggings, 2 for headgear, and 1 for boots/gloves.

Ranged Armour

In Daemonheim players can craft their own Ranged armour from various hides obtained from any docile bovimastyx found throughout each dungeon. The hides do not need to be tanned. Players can then use the hides, along with a needle and thread (obtained from the smuggler) to craft a piece of armour. Despite the fact that leathers tier 6 and above are members-only, non-members are able to craft armour with them, albeit turning them into members objects which cannot be alchemised. In the past, it was possible to craft multiple items at one time (up to 5 bodies, eight chaps or bottoms, etc.) but the player only got the xp of a single item. This has been recognised by Jagex and fixed, so that full experience is now given.


Made from Protomastyx hide

Image Item Level Xp Requires
Vambraces 1 13.1 1 Protomastyx hide
Boots 3 14.8 1 Protomastyx hide
Coif 5 33 2 Protomastyx hide
Chaps 7 54.6 3 Protomastyx hide
Body 9 99.5 5 Protomastyx hide


Made from Submastyx hide

Image Item Level Xp Requires
Vambraces 11 21.6 1 Submastyx hide
Boots 13 23.3 1 Submastyx hide
Coif 15 50 2 Submastyx hide
Chaps 17 80.1 3 Submastyx hide
Body 19 142 5 Submastyx hide


Made from Paramastyx hide

Image Item Level Xp Requires
Vambraces 21 30.1 1 Paramastyx hide
Boots 23 31.8 1 Paramastyx hide
Coif 25 67 2 Paramastyx hide
Chaps 27 105.6 3 Paramastyx hide
Body 29 184.5 5 Paramastyx hide


Made from Archaemastyx hide

Image Item Level Xp Requires
Vambraces 31 38.6 1 Archaemastyx hide
Boots 33 40.3 1 Archaemastyx hide
Coif 35 84 2 Archaemastyx hide
Chaps 37 131.1 3 Archaemastyx hide
Body 39 269.5 5 Archaemastyx hide


Made from Dromomastyx hide

Image Item Level Xp Requires
Vambraces 41 47.1 1 Dromomastyx hide
Boots 43 48.8 1 Dromomastyx hide
Coif 45 101 2 Dromomastyx hide
Chaps 47 156.6 3 Dromomastyx hide
Body 49 296.5 5 Dromomastyx hide


Made from Spinomastyx hide

Image Item Level Xp Requires
Vambraces 51 55.6 1 Spinomastyx hide
Boots 53 57.3 1 Spinomastyx hide
Coif 55 118 2 Spinomastyx hide
Chaps 57 182.1 3 Spinomastyx hide
Body 59 312 5 Spinomastyx hide


Made from Gallimastyx hide

Image Item Level Xp Requires
Vambraces 61 64.1 1 Gallimastyx hide
Boots 63 65.8 1 Gallimastyx hide
Coif 65 135 2 Gallimastyx hide
Chaps 67 207.6 3 Gallimastyx hide
Body 69 354.5 5 Gallimastyx hide


Made from Stegomastyx hide

Image Item Level Xp Requires
Vambraces 71 72.6 1 Stegomastyx hide
Boots 73 74.3 1 Stegomastyx hide
Coif 75 152 2 Stegomastyx hide
Chaps 77 233.1 3 Stegomastyx hide
Body 79 397 5 Stegomastyx hide


Made from Megamastyx hide

Image Item Level Xp Requires
Vambraces 81 81.1 1 Megamastyx hide
Boots 83 82.8 1 Megamastyx hide
Coif 85 169 2 Megamastyx hide
Chaps 87 258.6 3 Megamastyx hide
Body 89 439.5 5 Megamastyx hide


Made from Tyrannomastyx hide

Image Item Level Xp Requires
Vambraces 91 89.6 1 Tyrannomastyx hide
Boots 93 91.3 1 Tyrannomastyx hide
Coif 95 186 2 Tyrannomastyx hide
Chaps 97 284.1 3 Tyrannomastyx hide
Body 99 482 5 Tyrannomastyx hide

(m) indicates members only.

Note: As of now, crafting an archleather body and a dromoleather body DO provide the same amount of experience.

For now it is still possible that free players can obtain and craft hides of all tiers. However,Spinoleather and above will still be shown as a member's object.

Magic Armour

Magic armour is made by sewing plant-based cloth with a needle and thread. Cloth can be obtained by spinning various plants on a spinning wheel. These plants can be obtained as a drop from monsters and by harvesting them around the dungeon, depending on your Farming level. Players can craft then use the cloth, along with a needle and thread (obtained from the smuggler) to craft a piece of armour.

Plant Item Cloth Members only? Min. Level XP Cost
Salve nettles
Salve cloth No 1 2.5 420
Wildercress cloth No 10 3.0 1360
Blightleaf cloth No 20 3.5 3200
Roseblood cloth No 30 4.0 5280
Bryll cloth No 40 4.5 9760
Duskweed cloth Yes 50 Unknown 14200
Soulbell cloth Yes 60 7.5 21360
Ectocloth Yes 70 9.0 28280
Runic cloth Yes 80 11~ 46000
Spiritbloom cloth Yes 90 12 81600

Salve robes

Image Item Level XP Requires
Gloves 1 12.5 1 Salve cloth
Shoes 2 14.2 1 Salve cloth
Hood 4 31.8 2 Salve cloth
Robe bottom 6 52.8 3 Salve cloth
Robe top 8 96.5 5 Salve cloth

Wildercress robes

Image Item Level XP Requires
Gloves 10 21 1 Wildercress cloth
Shoes 12 22.7 1 Wildercress cloth
Hood 14 48.8 2 Wildercress cloth
Robe bottom 16 78.3 3 Wildercress cloth
Robe top 18 139 5 Wildercress cloth

Blightleaf robes

Image Item Level XP Requires
Gloves 20 29.5 1 Blightleaf cloth
Shoes 22 31.2 1 Blightleaf cloth
Hood 24 65.8 2 Blightleaf cloth
Robe bottom 26 103.8 3 Blightleaf cloth
Robe top 28 181.5 5 Blightleaf cloth

Roseblood robes

Image Item Level XP Requires
Gloves 30 38 1 Roseblood cloth
Shoes 32 39.7 1 Roseblood cloth
Hood 34 82.8 2 Roseblood cloth
Robe bottom 36 129.3 3 Roseblood cloth
Robe top 38 224 5 Roseblood cloth

Bryll robes

Image Item Level XP Requires
Gloves 40 46.5 1 Bryll cloth
Shoes 42 48.2 1 Bryll cloth
Hood 44 99.8 2 Bryll cloth
Robe bottom 46 154.8 3 Bryll cloth
Robe top 48 266.5 5 Bryll cloth

Duskweed robes (m)

Image Item Level XP Requires
Gloves 50 55 1 Duskweed cloth
Shoes 52 56.7 1 Duskweed cloth
Hood 54 116.8 2 Duskweed cloth
Robe bottom 56 180.3 3 Duskweed cloth
Robe top 58 309 5 Duskweed cloth

Soulbell robes (m)

Image Item Level XP Requires
Gloves 60 63.5 1 Soulbell cloth
Shoes 62 65.2 1 Soulbell cloth
Hood 64 133.8 2 Soulbell cloth
Robe bottom 66 205.8 3 Soulbell cloth
Robe top 68 351.5 5 Soulbell cloth

Ecto robes (m)

Image Item Level XP Requires
Gloves 70 72 1 Ectocloth
Shoes 72 73.7 1 Ectocloth
Hood 74 150.8 2 Ectocloth
Robe bottom 76 231.3 3 Ectocloth
Robe top 78 394 5 Ectocloth

Runic robes (m)

Image Item Level XP Requires
Gloves 80 80.5 1 Runic cloth
Shoes 82 82.2 1 Runic cloth
Hood 84 167.8 2 Runic cloth
Robe bottom 86 256.8 3 Runic cloth
Robe top 88 439.5 5 Runic cloth

Spiritbloom robes (m)

Image Item Level XP Requires
Gloves 90 89 1 Spiritbloom cloth
Shoes 92 90.7 1 Spiritbloom cloth
Hood 94 184.8 2 Spiritbloom cloth
Robe bottom 96 282.3 3 Spiritbloom cloth
Robe top 98 482 5 Spiritbloom cloth

(m) indicates members only.

fi:Dungeoneering/Crafting nl:Dungeoneering/Crafting