Clean ranarr

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Clean ranarr
Release date 10 September 2007 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 15 coins
Low Alch 10 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A fresh herb.
Weight 0 kg
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A detailed image of a clean ranarr.
A detailed image of a clean ranarr.

Clean ranarr is a grimy ranarr that has been cleaned. It is the fifth lowest level herb available, yet is the fourth most valuable herb (in market value) as it is an ingredient in the widely used Prayer potion. It is used in the Herblore skill.


Clean ranarr can be used to create two conventional potions:

Potion/item Level Second
XP Effect/usage
Defence potion


White berries 75 Boosts the player's Defence level by 3-12 (3 + 10% of Defence level, rounded down).
Prayer potion


Snape grass 87.5

It restores 70 to 310 Prayer points per dose.


  • On 20 August 2009, a popular price-manipulation clan bought out Ranarrs, Ranarr potions, prayer potions, and super restore potions. This resulted in a large spike in price and rants on the forums. This only lasted 4 days, and in those 4 days, the price of Ranarr herbs went up 5-6k.
  • Ranarr herbs were originally known as 'Ranarr Weed', the date on which they were changed is unknown. Some NPCs still refer to ranarr as ranarr weed. They are also referred as ranarr weed when cleaning them.


fi:Clean ranarr