Clean toadflax

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Clean toadflax
Release date 27 July 2004 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? Yes
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 28 coins
Low Alch 19 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price 3 agility arena tickets
Examine A fresh herb.
Weight 0 kg
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A detailed image of a clean toadflax.
A detailed image of a clean toadflax.

Clean toadflax is a grimy toadflax that has been cleaned. It is the sixth lowest level herb available but is one of the more valuable herbs (in market value) because it is more difficult to obtain than most other herbs. It is used in the Herblore skill.


Clean toadflax has four uses:

Potion/item Level Second
XP Effect/usage
Agility potion


Toad's legs 80 Drinking a dose will always raise the player's Agility level by 3.
Goblin potion


Pharmakos berries 85 The potion transforms the player into a goblin.


Yew roots

155 The Antipoison+ cures poison, and provides immunity for 9 minutes.
(This potion requires coconut milk instead of water.)
Saradomin brews


Crushed bird's nest 180 Saradomin brew temporarily raises your Life Points by 15% and your Defence by 25%, however, it also temporarily lowers your Strength, Attack, Magic and Ranged by 15%.


  • In real life, toadflax is the common name of several related genera of plants.


fi:Clean toadflax