Calculator:Magic/Advanced/Normal Magic

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Standard Magic

The tables below list the costs of using the spells from the standard spellbook. Some Magic spells are members-only, which are in italics.

Teleportation spells

Icon Spell Level Runes Cost
Runes Air staff Water staff Earth Staff Fire staff
Lumbridge Home Teleport 1 None Free
File:Mobilising armies teleport.gif Mobilising Armies Teleport 10 1Law1Water1Air 180 156 157 - -
Varrock Teleport 25 1Law1Fire3Air 187 163 - - 173
Lumbridge Teleport 31 1Law1Earth3Air 179 155 - 173 -
Telekinetic grab 33 1Law1Air 157 149 - - -
Falador Teleport 37 1Law1Water3Air 180 156 173 - -
Teleport to House 40 1Law1Earth1Air 163 155 - 157 -
Camelot Teleport 45 1Law5Air 189 149 - - -
Ardougne Teleport 51 2Law2Water 312 - 298 - -
Watchtower Teleport 58 2Law2Earth 310 - - 298 -
Trollheim Teleport 61 2Law2Fire 326 - - - 298
Teleport to Ape Atoll 64 2Law2Fire2Water1 416 - 402 - 388
Tele-other Lumbridge 74 1Soul1Law1Earth 473 - - 467 -
Tele-other Falador 82 1Soul1Law1Water 474 - 467 - -
Teleport Block 85 1Law1Death1Chaos 420 - - - -
Tele-other Camelot 90 2Soul1Law 785 - - - -

Combat spells

Air spells

Icon Spell Level Runes Cost Cost Per XP*
Runes Air staff
Wind Rush 1 2Air   16   0   −5.93
Wind Strike 1 1Mind1Air   12   4   −2.18
Wind Bolt 17 1Chaos2Air   102   86   −6.8
File:Wind Blast icon.png Wind Blast 41 1Death3Air   209   185   −8.2
Wind Wave 62 1Blood5Air   235   195   −6.53
File:Wind Surge icon.png Wind Surge 81 1Blood1Death7Air   436   380   −5.81
  • Cost Per XP only takes into account the minimum possible XP per cast, and does not take into account if you're using a staff - only runes.

Water spells

Icon Spell Level Runes Cost Cost Per XP*
Runes Air staff Water staff Air staff and ToF
Water Strike 5 1Mind1Water1Air 19 11 12 4 2.53
Water Bolt 23 1Chaos2Water2Air 116 100 102 86 7.03
Water Blast 47 1Death3Water3Air 230 206 209 185 8.07
Water Wave 65 1Blood7Water5Air 284 244 235 195 7.57
Water Surge 85 1Blood1Death10Water7Air 485 429 436 380 6.33
  • Cost Per XP only takes into account the minimum possible XP per cast, and does not take into account if you're using a staff - only runes.

Earth spells

Icon Spell Level Runes Cost Cost Per XP*
Runes Air staff Earth staff
Earth Strike 9 1Mind2Earth1Air 24 16 12 2.53
Earth Bolt 29 1Chaos3Earth2Air 120 104 102 6.15
Earth Blast 53 1Death4Earth3Air 233 209 209 7.4
Earth Wave 70 1Blood7Earth5Air 277 237 235 6.93
Earth Surge 90 1Blood1Death10Earth7Air 496 440 436 5.84
  • Cost Per XP only takes into account the minimum possible XP per cast, and does not take into account if you're using a staff - only runes.

Fire spells

Icon Spell Level Runes Cost Cost Per XP*
Runes Air staff Fire staff
Fire Strike 13 1Mind3Fire2Air 62 46 20 5.39
Fire Bolt 35 1Chaos4Fire3Air 166 142 110 7.38
Fire Blast 59 1Death5Fire4Air 287 255 217 8.32
Fire Wave 75 1Blood7Fire5Air 333 293 235 7.84
Fire Surge 95 1Blood1Death10Fire7Air 576 520 436 6.4
  • Cost Per XP only takes into account the minimum possible XP per cast, and does not take into account if you're using a staff - only runes.

Other combat spells

Icon Spell Level Runes Cost Cost Per XP*
Runes Air staff Earth staff Fire staff
Crumble Undead 39 1Chaos2Earth2Air 114 98 102 - 4.65
Iban Blast 50 1Death5FireFile:Ibans staff.png 255 - - 185^^ 8.5
Magic Dart 50 1Death4Mind 201 - - - 6.7
Saradomin Strike 60 2Blood2Fire4Air 450 418 - 422 12.86
Claws of Guthix 60 2Blood1Fire4Air or 436 404 - 422 12.46
Flames of Zamorak 60 2Blood4Fire1Air 454 446 - 398 12.97
Charge 80 3Blood3Fire3Air 651 627 - 609 3.62^
  • Cost Per XP only takes into account the minimum possible XP per cast, and does not take into account if you're using a staff - only runes.

^ Charge can only be used every 60 seconds.

^^ Iban Blast requires the user to wield Ibans Staff.

Curse spells

Icon Spell Level Runes Cost Cost Per XP*
Runes Water Staff Earth Staff Mud battlestaff
Confuse 3 1Body2Earth3Water 38 17 26 5 2.92
Weaken 11 1Body2Earth3Water 38 17 26 5 1.81
Curse 19 1Body3Earth2Water 37 23 19 5 1.31
Bind 20 2Nature3Earth3Water Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Snare 50 3Nature4Earth4Water Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Vulnerability 66 1Soul5Earth5Water 383 348 353 318 5.04
Enfeeble 73 1Soul8Earth8Water 422 366 374 318 5.08
Entangle 79 4Nature5Earth5Water Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Stun 80 1Soul12Earth12Water 474 390 402 318 5.27
  • Cost Per XP only takes into account the minimum possible XP per cast, and does not take into account if you're using a staff - only runes.

Alchemy spells

Icon Spell Level Runes Cost
Runes Fire staff Mud battlestaff
Bones to Bananas 15 1Nature2Earth2Water Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". - Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Low Level Alchemy 21 1Nature3Fire Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". -
Superheat Item 43 1Nature4Fire Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". -
High Level Alchemy 55 1Nature5Fire Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". -
Bones to Peaches 60 2Nature4Earth4Water Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". - Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".

Enchantment spells

Enchant jewellery spells

Icon Spell Level Runes Cost
Enchant Level 1 Jewellery (Sapphire) 7 1Cosmic1Water 117
Enchant Level 2 Jewellery (Emerald) 27 1Cosmic3Air 134
Enchant Level 3 Jewellery (Ruby) 49 1Cosmic5Fire 180
Enchant Level 4 Jewellery (Diamond) 57 1Cosmic10Earth 170
Enchant Level 5 Jewellery (Dragonstone) 68 1Cosmic15Earth15Water 305
Enchant Level 6 Jewellery (Onyx) 87 1Cosmic20Fire20Earth 510
Note: If elemental staves are used, the cost of each Enchant jewellery spell drops to 110 coins.

Enchant crossbow bolt spells

Icon Spell Level Runes Cost
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Opal) 4 1Cosmic2Air 126
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Sapphire) 7 1Cosmic1Water 117
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Jade) 14 1Cosmic2Earth 122
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Pearl) 24 1Cosmic2Water 124
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Emerald) 27 1Nature1Cosmic3Air Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Red Topaz) 29 1Cosmic2Fire 138
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Ruby) 49 1Blood1Cosmic5Fire 375
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Diamond) 57 2Law1Cosmic10Earth 438
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Dragonstone) 68 1Soul1Cosmic15Earth 518
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Onyx) 87 1Death1Cosmic20Fire 375

Charge orb spells

Icon Spell Level Exp Runes Material Cost Profit Profit/XP
Charge Water Orb 56 66 3Cosmic30Water1Unpowered Orb Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Charge Earth Orb 60 70 3Cosmic30Earth1Unpowered Orb Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Charge Fire Orb 63 73 3Cosmic30Fire1Unpowered Orb Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Charge Air Orb 66 76 3Cosmic30Air1Unpowered Orb Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Note: Material costs and profits are calculated assuming that the appropriate elemental staff is used and unpowered orbs are bought at average price on the Grand Exchange.

See also