Calculator:Magic/Advanced/Lunar Magic
(Redirected from Calculators/Spell costs/Lunar Magic)
Lunar Magic
The tables below list the costs of using the spells from a Lunar spellbook. All Magic spells from Lunar Magic are members-only.
Teleport spells
Icon Spell Level Runes Cost XP Loss Per XP Lunar Home Teleport - None Free N/A N/A Moonclan Teleport 69 122 337 66 −5.11 Ourania Teleport 71 126 361 69 −5.23 Waterbirth Teleport 72 121 332 71 −4.68 Barbarian Teleport 75 223 516 76 −6.79 Khazard Teleport 78 224 502 80 −6.28 Fishing Guild Teleport 85 3310 781 89 −8.78 Catherby Teleport 87 3310 781 92 −8.49 Ice Plateau Teleport 89 338 767 96 −7.91
Tele Group spells
Icon Spell Level Runes Cost XP Loss Per XP File:Moonclan teleport group.png Tele Group Moonclan 70 124 349 67 −5.21 File:Waterbirth teleport group.png Tele Group Waterbirth 73 125 360 72 −5 File:Barbarian teleport group.png Tele Group Barbarian 76 226 558 77 −7.25 File:Khazard teleport group.png Tele Group Khazard 79 228 530 81 −6.54 File:Fishing guild teleport group.png Tele Group Fishing Guild 86 3314 809 90 −8.99 File:Catherby teleport group.png Tele Group Catherby 88 3315 816 93 −9.27 Tele Group Ice Plateau 90 3316 823 99 −8.31
Cure spells
Icon Spell Level Runes Cost XP Loss Per XP Cure Plant 66 18 136 60 −2.06 Cure Other 68 1110 297 65 −4.57 Cure Me 71 122 545 69 −7.9 Cure Group 74 222 694 74 −9.38
Other spells
Icon Spell Level Runes Cost XP Loss Per XP Bake Pie 65 154 186 60 −3.1* Monster examine 66 111 202 61 −3.31 File:Npc contact spell.png NPC Contact 67 112 214 63 −3.4 Humidify 68 113 123 65 −1.89* Hunter kit 71 22 188 70 −2.69 Stat spy 75 225 421 76 −5.54 Superglass Make 77 2610 340 78 −4.36* Dream 79 125 311 82 −3.79 String Jewellery 80 2105 271 83 −3.27* Stat Restore Pot Share 81 21010 306 84 −3.64 Magic Imbue 82 277 323 86 −3.76 File:Fertile soil.gif Fertile Soil 83 2315 Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". 87 Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. File:Boost potion share.gif Boost Potion Share 84 31210 406 88 −4.61 Plank make 86 1215 Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". 90 Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.* File:Energy transfer.gif Energy transfer 91 213 Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". 100 Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Heal Other 92 133 906 101 −8.97 File:Vengeance other spell.png Vengeance Other 93 2310 694 108 −6.43 Vengeance 94 2410 782 112 −6.98 Heal Group 95 364 1,831 124 −14.77 Spellbook swap 96 123 633 130 −4.87
* Only includes the price of the runes, not of secondary items.