- This article is about the monster. For information on the race, see Aviantese.
- This article has a strategy guide here.
![]() | |
Release date | 28 August 2007 (Update) |
Members? | Yes |
Combat level | 69, 74, 79, 84, 97, 148 |
Life points | See table |
Experience for killing | Unknown edit |
Slayer level | Not assigned |
Aggressive? | Yes (if no Armadyl item equipped) |
Poisonous? | No |
Immune to poison? |
No |
Attack style | Ranged, Melee |
Attack speed | Unknown edit |
Max hit | See table |
Weakness | Ranged, Magic |
Always drops | Bones, feathers |
Examine text | Level 79: A proud warrior. Other levels: Graceful, bird-like creature. |
![]() | |
Release date | 28 August 2007 (Update) |
Members? | Yes |
Combat level | 69, 74, 79, 84, 97, 148 |
Life points | See table |
Experience for killing | Unknown edit |
Slayer level | Not assigned |
Aggressive? | Yes (if no Armadyl item equipped) |
Poisonous? | No |
Immune to poison? |
No |
Attack style | Ranged |
Attack speed | Unknown edit |
Max hit | See table |
Weakness | Ranged, Magic |
Always drops | Bones, feathers |
Examine text | Level 79: A proud warrior. Other levels: Graceful, bird-like creature. |
The Aviantese (Ah-VAN-see, ah-van-TEASE) are a race favoured by Armadyl above all. Armadyl thought they were wiped out during the God Wars and left Gielinor. Some were left frozen in the God Wars Dungeon, and they were thawed and resumed battle with the other gods' armies. Because they fly high in the air, they can only be attacked using ranged or magic. If you attempt to attack an Aviansie with a melee weapon, you will receive the message "The Aviansie is flying too high for you to attack using melee." and will be unable to attack it, although the Aviansie will become aggressive to you if it wasn't already.

Strategies and Tactics
Level Lifepoints Max hit 69 700 85 71 630 100 73 670 103 79 (1) 830 99 79 (2) 770 110 83 860 90 84 860 107 89 920 103 92 950 104 94 750 110 97 (1) 980 113 97 (2) 790 115 131 1150 157 137 1240 150 148 1390 165
100% drops
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Bones 1 Always 105 Feather 1–7 Always 16–112
Runes and talismans
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Air rune 15,30 Common 120–240 Water rune 30 Common 210 Law rune 2 Uncommon 298 Template:ExchangeItemNat Nature rune 9 Uncommon Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Mind rune 5 Uncommon 20 Blood rune 11 Uncommon 2,145 Chaos rune 3, 16 Uncommon 258–1,376 Body rune 12 Uncommon 60
Ores, bars, and metal items
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Silver ore 1 Common 92 Adamant bar 4 (noted) Common 8,700 Exchange:Rune dagger (p+) Rune dagger (p+) 1 Uncommon Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Runite limbs 1 Rare 9,427
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Grimy tarromin 1 Uncommon 56 Grimy harralander 1 Uncommon 385 Grimy marrentill 1 Uncommon 41 Grimy guam 1 Uncommon 521 Grimy ranarr 1 Rare 3,508 Grimy kwuarm 1 Rare 2,902 Grimy cadantine 1 Rare 1,336 Grimy avantoe 1 Rare 2,877 Grimy lantadyme 1 Rare 6,002 Grimy dwarf weed 1 Rare 7,525 Grimy irit 1 Rare 1,496
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Swordfish 5 Uncommon 1,495 Antipoison (3) 5 Uncommon 3,515 Spin ticket 1 Very rare Not sold Starved ancient effigy 1 Varies (Monster level dependant) Not sold Clue scroll (hard) 1 Varies Not sold File:Frozen key piece (armadyl).png Frozen key piece (armadyl) 1 Armadyl's Eyrie.</ref> Varies <ref>Only atNot sold
Rare drop table drops
This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.
Show/hide rare drop table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Aviantese are unique monsters, as they will react quickly before the projectile (arrow, bolt, mage spell) reaches them. This aggression mechanic is shared only with Killerwatts, except they don't immediately attack back with ranged like Aviantese do.
- However, if you order your familiar to attack an idle Aviansie, they will not attack the familiar or you until they are attacked by the familiar. This shows that Aviansies were programmed to react quickly to a player's attack, but not another monster or a familiar.

- Halberds cannot reach an Aviansie, despite their length.
- Before their graphical update, the weapons used by the Aviantese looked similar to Morrigan's javelin and Morrigan's throwing axe, though they dropped neither Armadyl armour, nor Corrupt armour.
- Aviantese are often hunted for the common drop of 4 noted Adamant bars to make money.
- Avians is Latin for "of or relating to birds".
- Aviantese used to drop earth runes, but no longer do so, most likely so that they don't drop all the required items for Bones to Peaches.
- Aviantese come in both genders, female Aviansie appear to have a blue head and a lower cut platebody, or in full armour where as the males don't have helmets.
- Aviantese are classified by weakest/weaker/weak/strong/stronger/strongest and have a male and female Aviansie representing each class: Female Aviantese typically have a higher Combat Level and Max Hit than the Male form who typically have more Life points and higher Defence of the same class
- Although players cannot attack Aviansies with normal methods of melee, other God Wars monsters as well as familiars can.
- A player can attack an Aviansie with melee using salamanders, which results in Strength experience.
- A prior graphical glitch fixed in a hidden update would show crossbow bolts shooting underneath and making no contact with an Aviansie.
- In God Wars Dungeon there is a statue of a "Frozen Warrior" who appears to be stabbing an Aviansie with a spear.
- There used to be a bug where players positioning themselves and the Aviansie in a certain position could safespot them. This was later fixed.
- If the player attacks an Aviansie when another monster is fighting it, the Aviansie will start to attack the player, unlike the other monsters in the God Wars Dungeon.
- When the javelin-wielding Aviansies die, their javelins appear to fade away as they fall while the rest of the Aviansie stays.
- Aviansie have the most levels for one type of a creature outside of Dungeoneering, ranging from 69 to 148.
- Aviantese are unable to drop charms. (May need verification)
- It seems that the height at which the Aviansies fly was changed during the God Wars Dungeon major update on 5 September 2012.
- The level 109 and 148 Aviansies use long-range melee attacks. It is unknown whether this is intentional or a glitch.
Concept art for the updated Aviansie
<references/> fi:Aviansie nl:Aviansie