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Template:Infobox Deity Zamorak (pronounced "Zam-oh-rack"<ref>Jagex. "God Letter 27 - Saradomin Enlightens, Letter 1." RuneScape god letters. *</ref>) is the god of chaos, and is one of the six "major gods" and a former Mahjarrat general in the army of Zaros. His symbol is similar to the letter W, two horns or the Greek letter omega which is shown to the right and on his God armour. His followers were responsible for the burning of the original Wizards' Tower, causing the loss of libraries full of research. Saradomin mages of the time lost much of the knowledge of magic, in particular Runecrafting. Zamorak was the second main participant in the God Wars and thus corrupted many parts of the would-be orderly world. He is the source of many taints of "evil" (in the opinion of most people), especially in human nature.

As with Zamorak being the main god of chaos does not necessarily make him evil, as it's usually his opponents, such as Saradominists, who claim him to be.

Zamorak as seen in the God Letters
Zamorak's second appearance in the God Letters

History of Zamorak

Being one of the Mahjarrat, he came to this world alongside the rest of his species. How he became a god is largely revealed in Curse of Zaros and some other quests, although the specifics are still a bit fuzzy.

The Mahjarrat came from the realm of Freneskae, and were led by Icthlarin to fight against Zarosian invaders. However, in time, many sided with Zaros. It is not certain whether Zamorak was there in those early days, as Senliten does not recognise the name of Zamorak.

Zamorak used to be a general of the army of the great god Zaros until he and some of his close followers decided to rebel. With the Staff of Armadyl in his possession, which he obtained through a series of circumstances mentioned in more detail during the Curse of Zaros miniquest, Zamorak and his followers went forward to attack Zaros' castle. When Zamorak's followers fought off Zaros' body guards, Zamorak was able to combat Zaros and stab him in the back with the Staff of Armadyl. But this only enraged the immortal Zaros.

However, in an extreme stroke of luck (or planning), Zaros tripped, causing the Staff of Armadyl to impale Zamorak as well as himself, which transferred a large portion of Zaros's power through the staff into Zamorak. Zaros promptly faded away from Gielinor to another dimension, though just before he disappeared he was able to curse all humans involved in the revolt to be invisible ghosts for the rest of eternity.

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A statue of Zamorak

The other gods of Gielinor were furious with Zamorak, and banished him from Gielinor for what he had done. But a few years later Zamorak returned triumphantly as a god himself (it is still unknown how exactly he returned and obtained godhood, although the Stone of Jas may be involved somehow), and believed that with Zaros out of the way he could conquer Gielinor. The other gods declared war upon him along with the remnants of Zaros's empire and the God Wars had begun.

He regrouped with his fellow followers and attacked the Werewolves that live in Canifis, enslaving them in the process as well as the gargoyles from the Slayer Tower. Next, he focused his attention on the Saradominist settlers that lived in Morytania alongside a Saradominist fortress in the middle of what is now Mort Myre Swamp, destroying both. He also killed an Elven Archer to learn his abilities and teach them to his soldiers. He then crossed the River Salve and destroyed the last bastion of the Zarosian army, the city of Senntisten. Eventually the Saradominist forces counter-attacked, and he was driven back to Morytania. From here, he ultimately conquered the largest Saradominist city ever known to exist, the great Hallowvale.

Events during the quest While Guthix Sleeps seem to suggest that the staff was not enough to accomplish his rise to godhood, and that the Stone of Jas played a significant but as yet undetermined part in it. Lucien says in While Guthix Sleeps that the Stone of Jas could give him enough power to become a god, note that he also possessed the Staff of Armadyl and he absorbed power from Zaros.

Juna, on Zamorak.

During the God Wars, his army destroyed many cities like Uzer and Ullek. Zamorak's army consisted mainly of Vampyres, Mahjarrat, Humans and most notably, he preferred to use creatures from other realms, like Demons and Goraks. It is believed that the other gods disliked Zamorak even more than they disliked each other during the God Wars, as in the battle fought in the God Wars Dungeon battle Armadyl, Saradomin and Bandos planned to make an alliance and defeat him, but turned on each other instead.

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Pots with the symbol of Zamorak in Port Khazard.

Zamorak signed his God Letters "Strength through Chaos."

Followers of Zamorak

Banner of Zamorak.
Banner of Zamorak.

Groups and races

Notable individuals

Affiliated Items

Zamorak Godsword.




Zamorak's Role In the Present

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An altar dedicated to Zamorak.

Unlike Saradomin, there are very few statues of him in the RuneScape world. There is a statue of Zamorak in the Mage Arena miniquest, a statue of him outside of his temple, and in the Witch's House in Taverley. As with Saradomin, he has many altars located all over RuneScape, however in more secluded or hidden locations due to the distaste of his worship by most cultures around the world.

Zamorak still watches over Gielinor, evidenced by his casting of Flames of Zamorak whenever the player attempts to steal his wine without using the spell Telekinetic grab. Once a year, although the date isn't precise, the werewolves of Canifis enjoy a festival called the Festival of Zamorak as a sign of their devotion. Though not explicitly linked to Zamorak, the red robes available at the Canifis clothes shop exhibit the general look of Zamorak clothing.

In the caves and dungeons of the Wilderness Castle of Daemonheim, players discovered that one of Zamorak's most loyal Mahjarrat and generals, Bilrach, was working hard through a number of centuries to reach the bottom of the complex dungeon system. After months of venturing these dungeons, players discovered through his journals that he was attempting to reach a place known only as "The Rift" in order to retrieve a valuable treasure.

When the Occult Floors were finally accessible by the adventurers following Bilrach, they found more journals revealing his true purpose. In this Rift lies an inter-dimensional portal, that Bilrach plans to use in order to bring Zamorak back to RuneScape.


  • Zamorak, like Saradomin, does not speak of Zaros, as he is extremely frightened of him, (although he pretends not to be), as shown in the issues 15 and 18 of the God Letters. Zamorak also seems to hate Zaros, possibly even more so than Saradomin.
  • Even though they are usually enemies, Zamorak and Saradomin allied to wipe Zaros' forces from the face of Gielinor. They succeed with most although they locked some away into the Ancient Prison along with Zaros' general Nex.
  • Of the three original major gods, Zamorak is the only one not to have appeared in game. Guthix appeared in a cutscene during Meeting History, while Saradomin appeared in a cutscene during Ritual of the Mahjarrat.
  • Zamorac, which is similar in spelling to Zamorak, is Croatian for guinea pig.
  • During the Witch's House quest, there is a statue of Zamorak which when examined says "A depiction of the evil god Zamorak". This is unusual as Zamorak is associated with chaos rather than evil, although the examine might be from your character's point of view.
  • The appearance of the statue of Zamorak near the Goblin Village is very similar to Lucien's.


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