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The Mahjarrat gather together.

The Mahjarrat (pronounced MÆH-jæh-rat) are a warlike, very powerful, yet mortal race, originally from the realm of Freneskae using exceptionally strong magics and one of the most powerful races to have ever walked on Gielinor. The Mahjarrat have immensely long life spans, able to survive for many thousands of years, death caused due to age being extremely rare, if possible at all. In general, the deaths are either result of intense battles or sacrifices in rituals of rejuvenation. The average Mahjarrat is approximately one and a half times as tall as a human.

Brought to Gielinor by the Menaphite god Icthlarin, they soon left his service and became the most powerful soldiers of the god Zaros. They were once referred to as The Stern Judges of Icthlarin and the Faceless Ones by the Menaphite people, but such terms are no longer commonplace. The Mahjarrat Quest Series revolves around the race, although they also are involved in a number of other quests and generally play a significant role in Gielinorian history as a whole. In general, most (Saradominist) humans fear the Mahjarrat, some even considering them to be a myth, referring to them as evil and foul beings, most likely due to the lack of knowledge about them.

Most Mahjarrat allied themselves with Zamorak when he betrayed Zaros at the end of the Second Age, creating a deep schism between the race's Zamorakians and Zarosian loyalists. It is unknown how many still survive to this day, as Azzanadra states "Be aware, mortal, there could be as many as a hundred of us still upon this world, with dozens more returned from other realms, but equally there could be as few as ten, each as mighty as one of your armies." After the eighteenth ritual, there are only eight (nine including Hazeel) known living Mahjarrat on Gielinor, with the current status of three being unknown (although one of them is deceased).



The Mahjarrat were originally the inhabitants of a world known in the common tongue as Freneskae. Virtually nothing is known of the Mahjarrat's history prior to their arrival in Gielinor, although Freneskae was apparently a plane of endless war and conflict due to their presence there. The Mahjarrat are known to have believed in some type of creator god, although its role in their history is unclear. The number of Mahjarrat living in Freneskae prior to the Mahjarrat's departure is unknown .Though, it has been confirmed that all Mahjarrat departed from Freneskae to Gielinor.

Virtually all aspects of Mahjarrat society centred on war. A handful of folk tales and stories - such as that of the Muspah - survive to this day and suggest that the race may also have possessed some type of rudimentary culture outside the immediate circle of war.

Arrival on Gielinor

Near the beginning of Gielinor's Second Age, although the number of Mahjarrat that first arrived is unknown, it must have been much higher than those that exist today considering the amount of rituals between then and now.

Icthlarin, the Menaphite god of the dead, took the Mahjarrat with him when he arrived to Gielinor. During Missing My Mummy, Queen Senliten mentions an 'Oath of Obedience' which the Mahjarrat took before their arrival upon Gielinor, which means Icthlarin may not have enslaved their race, but negotiated their service. What he offered their race in return is, most likely, the opportunity to fight for the Menaphites and defend the desert, although the Mahjarrat apparently never fully succumbed to his rule and Icthlarin never had the influence he thought. The Mahjarrat were then also known as the "Stern Judges" or the "faceless ones" (due to their shape-shifting abilities) to the desert locals. According to Queen Senliten, the Mahjarrat fought against Zaros when he first started to invade the desert from the North.

Modern remains of Ullek, a city made prosperous by the Mahjarrat's protection.

For years the Mahjarrat served Icthlarin. Eventually, though, they came into the service of Zaros, a god that saw their value as soldiers. Two different stories tell the tale of their shift in leadership. One suggests that Icthlarin abandoned them for their violent behaviour and the fact that their presence "warped" his sister, Amascut, who became known as the "Devourer" after witnessing the Mahjarrat's abilities and, as goddess of destruction, became evil, and turned his full attention to aiding his father Tumeken. Another says that Zaros offered the Mahjarrat power in his growing empire, and that the Mahjarrat, tired of being denied war, gladly accepted. Regardless, the Mahjarrat soon became Zaros' greatest soldiers.

Under Zaros' Rule

Zaros, with many humans, Mahjarrat, vampyres, dragon riders, demons, and other races at his disposal, soon established an unrivalled empire in eastern Gielinor. Nearly all of modern-day Misthalin, Asgarnia, northern Morytania, and the Wilderness (known as Forinthry) soon came under his rule. The Mahjarrat, his greatest soldiers, revelled in the bloodshed. The Zarosian Kingdom was one of great prosperity, but the Mahjarrat were not content. Soon they became divided and began to work towards their own ends. The most significant of these was Zamorak.

Zamorak was amongst the strongest beings to have ever walked on Gielinor. He earned himself the nickname "The Scourge of the Battlefield", ruthlessly proving his power in combat countless times. This earned him favour with Zaros, who quickly gave him the rank of general. Yet, despite this, Zamorak was not willing to serve Zaros, and even as his kingdom expanded from Senntisten, Zamorak plotted against him.

By a coincidental series of events, the Staff of Armadyl eventually fell into the hands of Zamorak. With the assistance of individuals such as Zemouregal, Lucien, Lowerniel, Hazeel, Viggora, and Enakhra, Zamorak devised a way to defeat the Empty Lord.

The restored Zarosian Senntisten Temple, constructed with Mahjarrat aid.

A great battle raged in Zaros' greatest stronghold. Zamorak, backed by nearly all of the Mahjarrat, attacked Zaros in the throne room. While Zamorak fought, his allies ensured that none of Zaros' bodyguards would interfere. By pure luck, Zamorak impaled Zaros with the Staff. However, Zaros was still a god, and while choking Zamorak, miraculously tripped. The staff impaled both Zaros and Zamorak, and, acting like a lightning rod, transferred some of Zaros' power into Zamorak. Zaros faded from existence and Gielinor's plane, while Zamorak seemed to become even more real.

Under Zamorak's Rule

Despite the intense hatred between many of the gods, they all agreed that Zamorak had to be punished, even as Zamorak stood triumphant, the gods banished him from Gielinor.

Not long after his banishment, Zamorak returned, his godly powers now fully developed. Calling upon his former warriors, Zamorak declared war upon all that opposed him. Thus began the God Wars. Throughout the Wars, the Mahjarrat would prove a terrible force on the battlefield.

The Zamorakian Mahjarrat waged war upon what few Zarosians remained. Most were forced into the Kharidian Desert, where they live as bandits today and the Zarosian Mahjarrat were all imprisoned or forced into hiding.

Shortly before the end of the Third Age, during the God Wars, Guthix awoke from his slumber. Seeing the horrors that had been unleashed upon Gielinor, he demanded an end to the God Wars and banished all the Gods that participated from Gielinor. As a reminder of his power, Guthix struck a massive blade in the centre of a crater in the ruins of the Zarosian kingdom Forinthry and created the Edicts of Guthix. Still, the Mahjarrat that sided with Zamorak continued to be "loyal" to him, as this would help in the future Rituals.

Post-God Wars

By the end of the God Wars, only a handful of Mahjarrat still survived and only a few of those were presencing the Rituals. By the end of the Fourth Age, the number of the Mahjarrat missing the Rituals reached its peak, seeing that Enakhra, Akthanakos and Jhallan would become inactive and Lamistard, Mizzarch and Ralvash, sacrificed. Nevertheless, the living Mahjarrat continued to serve Zamorak and Zaros, though they became very divided in their actions.

Today, the Mahjarrat are working towards different goals, and a few can still be found in the far reaches of Gielinor. While the Zamorakian Mahjarrat continue to increase their power and expand their conquered territory, the few faithful to Zaros remain in hiding and secretly prepare for his return.


Two Mahjarrat shape-shifting.

Legends tell of the Mahjarrat's many great powers, although whether they are shared by all Mahjarrat or only apply to certain individuals is unknown.

The Mahjarrat live incredibly long lives, to the point where they are nearly immortal. Even some of those that arrived in the Second Age still live, and the rest are suspected to have died in combat. The Mahjarrat Azzanadra refers to himself as old, his arrival in Gielinor occurring between 6,000 and 8,000 years ago. However, how old he was when he arrived is unknown. It is now proven by Jhallan that the reason why the majority of Mahjarrat are able to live for so long is because they have a "Rejuvenation Ritual," the only known surefire way to kill a Mahjarrat (but they can still wither and die given enough time and lack of rejuvenation). Once every 500 or so years, one of the Mahjarrat is sacrificed in order for the other Mahjarrat to regain power as well as, as the name suggests, rejuvenate. However, it seems that the Mahjarrat are able to rejuvenate without killing one of their own; without the ritual, by draining energy of portals, however, the only Mahjarrat that know about this are Moia and Bilrach.

Magically, the Mahjarrat are second to none, and can use magic without the assistance of runestones, which races such as the humans and even the elves use. Not all use magic primarily, but with training they are nearly unstoppable. For instance, some such as Enakhra can cast spells that prevent the victim from aging, but at the cost of making them nearly entirely immobile. They use this to their advantage, torturing and starving their victims for hundreds to thousands of years. It has been stated that they can prevent wounds from healing, inflicting pain with their minds, raising the dead, and placing themselves in a sleep that, in time, can heal even the most severe of wounds. Some are capable of darkening the skies with living blood and clouds that take on dangerous forms and block the sky. Those particularly skilled, such as Zemouregal, are known even to possess the ability to hide Godly energy from detection and traverse the Realm of Dreams. They are also some of the original users of Ancient Magicks. The Guardians of Armadyl claim that the Mahjarrat were at one point so many and so powerful that "they once dominated this plane of existence," a possible reference to their dominance during the God Wars.

An exceptionally powerful Mahjarrat hitting 9001 life points of damage on another one.

The Mahjarrat appear to possess some type of innate race-awareness, and are under most circumstances able to "feel" the presence of other Mahjarrat in their world. In this way, the Mahjarrat are usually able to determine whether or not other members of their race are alive, weakened, or dead. This awareness is not fool-proof, however, and under extreme conditions Mahjarrat may become indetectable even to extremely powerful members of their race. Kharshai and Jhallan are two Mahjarrat known to have achieved this in the past, although Jhallan's disappearance was unintentional and what happened to Kharshai remains unknown.

Some of the more potent Mahjarrat appear to be more powerful than certain deities in combat. For example, Hazeel in his newly resurrected, weakened state is Level 296, while the desert deities Crondis and Apmeken are only Level 75, and the Bandos Avatar, despite containing much of Bandos's full godly might, was only Level 125.

Physically, most Mahjarrat are very strong. Many can easily shatter bones with their bare hands and defeat many armed humans. Their essence seems to be bound into the four elements Smoke, Blood, Ice and Shadow, as both Azzanadra and Akthanakos have been captured by binding their essence in four diamonds representing those elements.

The Mahjarrat Jhallan, having shape-shifted to resemble a muspah.

The Mahjarrat were some of the first wielders of Dragon equipment that is now in use today, though Fairy Aeryka in Zanaris claims that it was made by the Necrosyrtes and Enakhra states that the Mahjarrat were not responsible for its creation. There is speculation that the Necrosyrtes could be the Dragonkin.

They are shape-shifters, capable of shape-shifting into seemingly anything they wanted to, though none seem capable of impersonating another Mahjarrat. They are even capable of shape-shifting by accident, as happened to Jhallan when he turned into a Muspah while he was having a nightmare. This is why they are called "the faceless ones" by Menaphites.


A typical Mahjarrat, right after a Ritual.

Despite being capable of altering their appearance, the Mahjarrat possess a natural form, which is somewhat similar to those of humans, but larger. Their skin is tougher and contains markings and stripes, it disappears after inumerous years due to the old age, however, it is recovered after they witness a Ritual of Rejuvination.

Some Mahjarrat posses trademark features that differs them from the others, such as Hazeel, who posses horns. Their clothes are different and can be used pretty much to identify them, for example, Khazard, who is the only known Mahjarrat that wears armour.


According to Azzanadra, the Mahjarrat have their own language,<ref>Jagex. Postbag 38 - ""Postbag 38", Letter 5. Postbags from the Hedge. *</ref> although perhaps because of their continuous involvement with so many other races they tend to speak in the common tongue, even amongst themselves.

During the quest The Temple at Senntisten, Azzanadra refuses to tell the name of the Frostenhorn in the Mahjarrat tongue, claiming that doing so could be dangerous. However, it is unclear what this means. The name of Freneskae, the Mahjarrat home-world, is one of few words known to be taken directly from the Mahjarrat language, although its pronunciation and spelling differ drastically from their original incarnation; variations such as Feneskrae, Freneskrae or Freneskæ are sometimes used in the common tongue because of the language's difficult structure. Similarly, the names by which individual Mahjarrat are known today are likely approximations of their original titles.

Known Mahjarrat


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Akthanakos is involved in the Enakhra's Lament quest. He at first appears to be a god having the head of a camel, but in the end of the quest transforms into his lich form. Akthanakos fought his rival, Enakhra, in a temple that she built dedicated to Zamorak in the Kharidian Desert. He was transformed into a Boneguard when he was defeated. At the end of the quest, Akthanakos' allegiance to Zaros is revealed. He was thus against Zamorak's rebellion. At the end of the quest, Akthanakos teleports to The North. He arrives there in time for the Ritual, siding with the Zarosians. During the usual political battle, he fights his rival Enakhra.


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Azzanadra is an ancient Mahjarrat from the Second Age with incredible magical powers who follows Zaros and was always loyal to him. Most of the information on him is from the Desert Treasure quest. When Zaros was defeated, Azzanadra continued to fight against the forces of Zamorak and Saradomin to try and help save Zaros' kingdom and he was found to be immortal, so they locked him in the Jaldraocht Pyramid and bound his essence into four diamonds, which players must retrieve in the Desert Treasure quest to release Azzanadra from his prison. He explains quite a bit of history of the Mahjarrat to the player, and teaches them how to use his magic. He has a purple headdress and he wears purple chest armour. Azzanadra was imprisoned for 3,000 years, but he lost the feeling of time during his imprisonment.

The release of the quest The Temple at Senntisten has revealed that Azzanadra is indeed alive under the guise of Dr. Nabanik. Towards the end of Desert Treasure, he is seen floating with no legs and somewhat transparent, which led many to believe he is dead and a ghost but not only could the player speak with him without a ghostspeak amulet, he spoke as if he was still quite alive.

During the Ritual, he battles with Zemouregal. He also tasked the player with setting up magical beacons around the ritual marker, using which he channels the extreme power of Zaros into the exceedingly powerful Mahjarrat Lucien, hitting over 13,000 life points.


Bilrach is a Mahjarrat who is mentioned in Zemouregal's notes - part I. Zemouregal describes him as a Mahjarrat of average power, albeit weak-willed. In his notes he says: "Bilrach is of average power for our kind. He seems willing to go along with what I suggest, so he will be useful for now." It is revealed during the Dungeoneering skill that Bilrach was responsible for constructing the tunnels at Daemonheim. As of yet, there is a lack of more information until more progress is made through the skill. He appears to be fiercely loyal to Zamorak. In the Mysterious Chronicles found throughout the dungeons, Bilrach feels like the other Mahjarrat look down on him and fears he may have been next in line as the sacrifice. To prove himself worthy, he will show his devotion to Zamorak by bringing him back to this world through an interdimensional portal known as The Rift. The Rift lies at the bottom of the tunnels. It was also Bilrach that summoned Zamorak's general in the God Wars Dungeon from the depths of Daemonheim: K'ril Tsutsaroth. According to the Mysterious Chronicles, he was trying to prove his worth and earn his position as second in command.

When the player chats with Ali the Wise after completing Ritual of the Mahjarrat, he explains that when a Mahjarrat dies, a strange power is released. When the player asks about the strange power event related to Daemonheim, Ali states that a Mahjarrat was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is quite possible, then, that Bilrach died when the strange power was felt.


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Enakhra is the only known surviving female Mahjarrat. Enakhra has feelings for Zamorak, and built a temple for him in the desert. Zamorak took no notice, and she later trapped Akthanakos, her rival, inside. During Enakhra's Lament, her hold over Akthanakos is broken by an adventurer, after which they both travel North. At some point, she met with Zemouregal. According to Zemouregal's notes, she declined his offer to "sire more of our race" due to her feelings for Zamorak. During the Ritual, she fiercely demanded Akthanakos to be the sacrifice, although she wasn't particularly listened to. During the great battle, she duels with him.


Hazeel is a follower of Zamorak. He was almost like a brother to Zamorak. Many years ago he was warlord of the region that is now Ardougne. He was later killed by an ancestor of Ceril Carnillean who later claimed his estate. During Hazeel Cult, players have a choice to revive him or leave him imprisoned. If the player sides with the Cult of Hazeel and listens to him, he says something similar to "I must go and make preparations with my fellow Mahjarrat to the North." Hazeel, if freed, acts very grateful for your help. He also has been noted to be very powerful, yet very dim-witted. He is only present at the Ritual if the Cult resurrected him with the help of the player. Otherwise, he will be deceased.



Jhallan is a Zarosian Mahjarrat that was first mentioned by Azzanadra, and appears in The Tale of the Muspah. Jhallan is generally considered a weak Mahjarrat, and attempts to keep away from conflict. According to Zemouregal, he did not attend the 17th ritual, which made him weaker still. During The Tale of the Muspah, the player finds him frozen inside ice in the form of the Muspah, a mythical creature in Mahjarrat lore, but when released from the ice, he transforms to his skeletal form. He is extremely weak when awoken, and talks about the Mahjarrat ritual and how it will help him regain strength. He asks for the player to take him to a place where nobody will find him, but still within range of the ritual so that he can regain his powers. He is pulled out from his icy prison and sacrificed by Lucien during the 18th Ritual of Rejuvenation.



Khazard is the youngest of the Mahjarrat, born towards the end of the God Wars. Khazard is a follower of Zamorak. His mother was Palkeera. Khazard was tutored by Hazeel, another Mahjarrat. He claimed much territory and built up a following in Southern Kandarin, in a region which is now named after him. Khazard was slain by an adventurer during the rescue of the Servile family. He can be found after the quest north of the agility log near Sinclair Mansion, but is only visible when wearing the Ring of visibility. Before the Ritual, he and a small group of elite guards assault the party heading for the Ritual as well as revealing Ali the Wise's real identity. Upon defeat, he teleports away, only to briefly reappear later and battle with Idria. He has a pet hellhound, Bouncer, for whom he deeply cares.


Kharshai is mentioned by Azzanadra as a possibly imprisoned Mahjarrat. Zemouregal describes him as a Mahjarrat of "Average power who kept out of trouble by going along with the majority". He mysteriously disappeared sometime before the 17th Ritual. His current status is unknown. It's likely Kharshai is imprisoned, as Azzanadra suspects, as Azzanadra seemed surprised when informed of Akthanakos' survival - implying he is not able to detect an imprisoned Mahjarrat.

Kharshai may yet live, I can sense no trace of his death upon this world, but nor can I sense his pulse; perhaps his neutrality has earnt him a prison such as mine was.
— Azzanadra<ref>Jagex. Postbag 38 - "What's the matter, Jad? Chicken?", Letter 6. Postbags from the Hedge. *</ref>

A common theory used to be that Kharshai is, in fact, Koschei the Deathless, whom the player fought in The Fremennik Trials due to the similarity in names. Koschei was found without memory, thus it is possible that the other Mahjarrat wiped it. As Koschei has missed two Rituals, one may assume that he is currently very weak, if alive at all.

In the Official RuneScape Lore Q&A Livestream from 4 November 2012, it was confirmed that Kharashai can be found in-game currently and players are able to talk to him. However, he is currently unaware of the fact that he is a Mahjarrat. Mod Mike confirmed in the same video that in January of 2013, they will "add something to the game confirming who he is."<ref></ref>


Lamistard was a Mahjarrat who was terminated during the 16th Ritual. Lamistard attempted to tunnel under the Ritual Site, but accidentally broke into the Basement of Zemouregal's northern base. Zemouregal found out and imprisoned him until the next Ritual, where he suggested him as sacrifice and most of the other Mahjarrat agreed. According to Zemouregal's Notes, he was a supporter of Zamorak, but this did not protect him from his fellow Mahjarrat.


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It's Lucien!

Lucien first appears as a mysterious man in the city of Ardougne, by the Flying Horse Pub. He appears a mage who dresses in long black robes and a hood, and he has a limp. In the Temple of Ikov quest, players can choose to help or prevent Lucien from obtaining the Staff of Armadyl. He gives players his pendant, granting them access to the Chamber of Fear. Players may then switch to follow Armadyl and murder Lucien, or steal the Staff of Armadyl and hand it over to Lucien. If players prevent Lucien from obtaining the staff in the quest, he later recruits Movario to steal it for him, as revealed in the Armadyl communique. During the events of While Guthix Sleeps, Lucien is discovered to be raising an army of undead in the Wilderness near his camp. Crux Eqal, an alliance between Druids, the Guardians of Armadyl, and the Temple Knights are organised to attempt to stop Lucien. When the player discovers the Stone of Jas in the Ancient Guthix Temple deep in the Tears of Guthix Cavern, Lucien appears and takes the stone. With the Staff of Armadyl and the Stone of Jas, Lucien seems likely to attempt to become a god. Lucien has offered Zemouregal an alliance. Although Zemouregal was originally against the idea, he reconsiders when he notices Lucien gaining considerable power.

He was killed by the Dragonkin after the 18th Ritual for abusing power from the Stone of Jas. Beforehand, he had launched many powerful creatures and attacks at the opponents, whilst battling Wahisietel, before being swarmed by the Mahjarrat.


Mizzarch was terminated during the 15th Ritual. According to Zemouregal, Mizzarch was rather weak and had no allies.


Moia is the daughter of Lucien. She was appointed the task of searching for Bilrach within Daemonheim by Lucien. She is only half Mahjarrat, but has an extended human lifespan and the abilities to read peoples memories, disguise herself as various things and teleport short distances at will. It is currently unknown whether or not she is alive, and if she is, where she would be located.

Lucien has stated that he created her, suggesting that she might not have had a natural birth.


Palkeera is the deceased mother of the Mahjarrat General Khazard. She is mentioned in Zemouregal's Notes Part II. It is currently unknown how she died.


Ralvash was terminated during the 17th Ritual. Zemouregal describes him as a Mahjarrat of average power, and rather ugly due to his closely placed eye sockets.


Sliske was an ally of Zaros during the God Wars. Azzanadra describes him as 'Sliske the serpent-tongued, who delves the shadows'. Sliske was also mentioned in Zemouregal's notes: "One of the more powerful of our number. Sliske has particulary strong shapeshifting capabilities and powers over shadows. I would love to catch this guy, but he's a slippery fellow." Ashuelot Reis, in the Ancient Prison tells the player of Sliske's revival of the Zarosian general, Nex, fooling a group of Guthixians into completing the ritual under the promise of a false goal. The lore of the Barrows and Azzanadra's words in The Temple At Senntisten also tells us of Sliske's involvement in the corruption of the Barrows brothers. During the 18th Ritual, he is met for the first time, bringing along his Barrow wights to battle the Zamorakian forces, Lucien in particular. After the Ritual is over, he leaves, but not without adding a seventh warrior, although he missed his original target.


Wahisietel is another Mahjarrat mentioned in Zemouregal's notes - part II. Zemouregal says of him: "A Mahjarrat of average power. Keeps to himself mostly. Rumours are that he may have Zarosian sympathies. That would be a fun rumour to further spread. The more the others have reasons to distrust each other, the better."

During the quest Ritual of the Mahjarrat, it is revealed that Ali the Wise is indeed Wahisietel under cover, revealed during the battle on the plateau between the Temple Knights and General Khazard and his minions. Wahisietel later bravely does battle with Lucien during the entire Ritual, although is considerably weaker than his opponent. In the end, he teleports back to Nardah under the guise of Ali.


Zamorak was a Mahjarrat who ascended to godhood shortly after usurping Zaros. After being a Zarosian general for some time, Zamorak began to plot against his master. By pure luck, the Staff of Armadyl fell on his hands and he could finally put his plans in action, he led a successful coup against Zaros and became the most powerful mortal to ever date, but was banished by the other gods after that. Shortly after that, Zamorak returned as a god with an army so big that he could conquer the world and declared war against all the other gods, starting the God Wars. Shortly before the end of the God Wars, Zamorak launched an extremely strong spell on the area which is now the Wilderness, blasting the entire zone. The sound of that disaster disturbed Guthix in his slumber and awoke him. Seeing the horrors caused to the world, Guthix struck a massive blade in the center of a crater in the wilderness and created the Edicts of Guthix, which banished all the gods that participated the wars and preventing them from ever returning. Today, Zamorak is attempting to break the edicts of Guthix by entering Gielinor via the Rift, a place in the bottom of Daemonheim that weakens all the interdimensional barriers, and Bilrach is the individual who is trying to make that possible, however, he possibly died in Daemonheim and can no longer serve Zamorak.



Zemouregal is Lucien's cousin and a powerful necromancer. During the fourth age, Zemouregal confronted Arrav in the Land of Dreams and tried to steal his famous and powerful shield. He eventually launched an assault on Varrock with the aid of an army of the undead. He nearly won, but was stopped eventually by Arrav. Arrav, by saving the city, also sacrificed himself. Zemouregal killed him and fled with his body, to resurrect him and use him as his general. Zemouregal returns in the Defender Of Varrock quest, and is first seen in the Chaos Temple Dungeon with Arrav by his side as well as Sharathteerk. These three attack Varrock Castle, and at the end of the quest Zemouregal heads for The North. During the Ritual, he battles Azzanadra and tries to convince Lucien to sacrifice a Zarosian. When Arrav is freed from Zemouregal's hold by the player and is in great troubles due to the heavy attacks launched on him, he asks his cousin for help. Lucien ignores him, however, and the influential Zemouregal persuades all of the other forces on the battlefield to take on Lucien instead of each other. After the Ritual is complete, he heads back for his Fort.

Mahjarrat related quests

Mahjarrat face concept art.


  • The word Mahārāja (also spelled maharajah) is Sanskrit for "great king" or "high king." This is probably where the name of the Mahjarrat was derived from (since they are powerful).
  • In Arabic the word Mahjar means Diaspora or "a dispersion of a people from their original homeland"[source ].
  • After the 18th Ritual of Rejuvenation, there are 10 known living Mahjarrat. Four of them are Zarosians and five of them are Zamorakians (if the player ressurected Hazeel) and one is particularly neutral, known as Kharshai.
  • With the graphical updates from Ritual of the Mahjarrat, it appears that Mahjarrats in their normal form only have three fingers.


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External links

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