Karil's crossbow

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Karil's crossbow
Karil's crossbow Karil's crossbow (fully broken)
Release date 9 May 2005 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes*
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
High Alch 96,000 coins
Low Alch 64,000 coins
Destroy Drop (If you drop this item it will break. Are you sure you want to drop it?)
Store price Not sold
Examine Karil the Tainted's repeating crossbow.
Weight 2 kg
[view] [talk]
Karil's crossbow.
Karil's crossbow.

Karil's crossbow is a ranged weapon that is part of Karil the Tainted's set of barrows equipment. It is a two handed weapon, unlike other crossbows, and requires 70 Ranged to wield. It requires ammunition called bolt racks. It is currently the only crossbow which uses bolt racks as ammunition. It is also popular while defeating TzTok-Jad. This is the only Barrows weapon that does not require 70 Attack to use. It is also somewhat popular among player-killers because of its ranged attack bonus being nearly that of a Rune crossbow, however with the speed and strength of a Magic shortbow, along with the fact that since the ammunition is non-retrievable, the cape slot can be switched from an Ava's device to a cape that provides defence bonuses.

Being part of Karil's barrows set, if it is wielded along with all of the other pieces of equipment in Karil's barrows set the player receives a special effect. On successful attacks against a player, there is a chance that it may temporarily lower that player's Agility level. Like all Barrows items this weapon, and its ammunition, cannot be made using the Fletching skill.

This weapon is inferior to the Rune crossbow, Armadyl Crossbow and the Chaotic crossbow in ranged bonus, making it the fourth most accurate crossbow in the game. It also has a lower max hit than the chaotic and rune crossbows (when said crossbows are using runite bolts or their gem-tipped counterparts) and thus it is considered relatively weaker than chaotic or rune crossbows by many. Furthermore, the one-handed nature of the chaotic and rune crossbows allows players to wield spirit shields or other similarly. Some players are concerned about this, as Karil's crossbow is much more expensive to maintain and has a higher range requirement than the rune crossbow. However, despite the lower strength of Karil's crossbow, its firing speed still allows it to deal more damage over time than the rune crossbow, rendering it more valuable against targets for which special bolt effects are not required. Karil's crossbow also has a longer range than the rune crossbow, 8 squares on rapid or accurate and 10 on long range, compared to 7 and 9 for the rune crossbow, which can be useful when fighting melee monsters or players, because the time taken for them to reach the player is increased.

Due to its 2-handed nature, firing speed and the ratio of its ranged attack to its ammunition's ranged strength, some players regard Karil's crossbow to not really be a crossbow at all, but rather the most powerful shortbow in the game "in disguise".

  • Karil's crossbow is only tradeable when undamaged or fully broken.
  • If you drop this item it will degrade to "0".
Hover over image for type A player wielding Karil's crossbow.
A player wielding Karil's crossbow.
 Attack bonus
0 0 0 0 +84
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 0 0
Other bonuses Slot

0 0 0% 0
AverageInterval: 3.6 seconds


Barrows equipment degrades as it is used. Equipment received from the Barrows minigame is fully repaired and can be used for 15 hours of combat until it degrades completely and requires repair before it can be used again. Barrows armour degrades even if the player is using protection prayers or not taking damage. Unlike the crystal shield and crystal bow, Barrows equipment does not suffer in performance as it degrades from fully repaired to broken. Fully repaired Barrows items start out with no numbers in their names, e.g. Karil's crossbow. It would become Karil's crossbow 100 the first time it's used in combat. Eventually it would degrade to Karil's crossbow 75, then 50, then 25 and finally 0 at which point the weapon would break and be unusable until repaired. Additionally, Barrows equipment may only be traded if fully repaired or fully broken.

When dropped or lost on death (even when placed under a gravestone), any piece of Barrows equipment will automatically degrade to 0. Players who attempt to drop Barrows equipment will receive a warning message about this.

There are two ways to repair Barrows armour. Players can talk to any of the NPCs listed below and they will repair the items for a price. Alternatively, players can repair the pieces themselves using an armour stand in any player-owned house. The equipment can be repaired at any stage of degrade, and the cost will be adjusted according to how much it has degraded. The repair costs below are as if the equipment has fully degraded.

The following NPCs can repair the armour:

Costs to repair
barrows equipment
NPC POH Armour Stand
Level 1 Smithing Level 99 Smithing
Helm 60,000 59,700 30,300
Body 90,000 89,550 45,450
Legs 80,000 79,600 40,400
Weapon 100,000 99,500 50,500
Total 330,000 328,350 166,650
The price is exactly 50% when operating a Smithing cape.

Enter your smithing level here to calculate how much it would cost to repair the Karil's crossbow on an Armour stand:

template = Barrows repair/calc
form = repairForm
result = repairResult
param = price||100000|hidden
param = level|Smithing Level (1-105)|1|int|1-105


  • Karil's crossbow seems to be based on the real life Chu-Ko-Nu (諸葛弩), an ancient Chinese crossbow that used a rapid fire system.
  • Karil's crossbow appears to have originated from the Eastern Lands as its ammunition is sold by an Eastern Lander named Ak-Haranu.
  • Karil's crossbow is the only Barrows weapon that does not need an attack level to wield.
  • Sometimes, the firing animation and damage "splat" do not match. When this happens, nothing happens when the player fires the crossbow. When the player puts down the crossbow before reloading again, a bolt is seen flying from the player and doing damage. This is most likely caused by lag.

fi:Karil's crossbow