Dungeoneering floors

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The screen for selecting a floor.

A Floor is a layer of the Daemonheim dungeon. Floors are unlocked and visited through the Dungeoneering skill. There are currently 60 floors available to explore. Free players can only access the first 35 floors.

Players refer to them as: F<floor number>. The deeper the floor, the more difficult it is.

To unlock a certain floor, player must have the required Dungeoneering level for it and have completed all floors to that point. So if a player were to have 95 dungeoneering and is on F36, it would be necessary to complete F37-47 to get to F48. Once unlocked, the floors can be done in any order.

Creatures that can be encountered on any floor include:
Forgotten mage, forgotten ranger, forgotten warrior, giant rat, mysterious shade, plus the various breeds of Bovimastyx (Archaemastyx, Dromomastyx, Gallimastyx, Megamastyx, Paramastyx, Protomastyx, Spinomastyx, Stegomastyx, Submastyx and Tyrannomastyx). Mercenary leaders can also be encountered at any floor, because it is a challenging puzzle room, not like a creature you would encounter only on that floor.

Each floor belongs to one of several different areas. Some information about each area is shown below.

Each floor has a Stalker, Behemoth, Kal'Gerion demon, and all but the Abandoned floors have a Human boss in it, though the Unholy Cursebearer might have been a human before.

Frozen floors

Main article: Frozen Floors
Starting out on a Frozen floor.

Floors 1 to 11 (Requires level 1-21 Dungeoneering and 0-5,018 Dungeoneering XP) of Daemonheim have the Frozen theme. The blue-white decor is filled with snow and ice, and the "Glacialis" music tracks are unlocked. Fire spells are useful in these floors as the bosses do not share a distinct weakness.

Creatures that can be encountered on a Frozen floor include: (members only ones are in (m))
Frost dragon, hydra, ice elemental, icefiend, ice giant, ice spider, ice troll, ice warrior and thrower troll.

Boss monsters that can be faced at the end of each Frozen floor are:
Astea Frostweb, Gluttonous behemoth, Icy Bones, Luminescent icefiend, Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz and To'Kash the Bloodchiller.

Abandoned floors

Starting out on an Abandoned floor.

Floors 12 to 17 (Requires level 23-33 Dungeoneering and 6,291 - 18,247 Dungeoneering XP) of Daemonheim have the Abandoned theme. The decor is greenish-grey and the "Desolo" music tracks are unlocked. These are the first floors where Antipoison may be required. The boss monsters have a weakness to ranged and stab, Skeletal horde and unholy cursebearer have a weakness to crush instead.

Creatures that can be encountered on an Abandoned floor include: (members only ones are in (m))
Animated pickaxe, crawling hand(m), dungeon spider, earth warrior, giant bat, Guard dog, green dragon, jelly(m), giant skeleton, hill giant, hobgoblin, night spider(m), pyrefiend(m), skeleton, zombie and cave slime(m).

Boss monsters that can be faced at the end of each Abandoned floor are:
Bulwark beast, Hobgoblin Geomancer, Skeletal Horde and Unholy cursebearer.

Furnished floors

Starting out on a Furnished floor.

Floors 18 to 29 of Daemonheim (requires 35 to 57 dungeoneering and 22,406 - 203,254 Dungeoneering XP) have the Furnished theme. The decor is grey and the "Adorno" music tracks are unlocked. A Dungeoneering level of 35 is required to access the first of these floors. These floors are some of the most challenging floors for inexperienced players. All of the Boss monsters have a weakness to stab.

Creatures that can be encountered on a Furnished floor include: (members only ones are in (m))
Brute, cave slime(m), dungeon spider, giant bat, guard dog, jelly(m), iron dragon, night spider(m) and pyrefiend(m).

Boss monsters that can be faced at the end of each Furnished floor are:
Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter, Lexicus Runewright, Night-gazer Khighorahk, Rammernaut, Sagittare and Stomp.

Abandoned 2 floors

Floors 30 to 35 (requires 59 to 69 dungeoneering and 247,886 - 668,051 Dungeoneering XP) of Daemonheim have the Abandoned theme like floors 12 to 17. A Dungeoneering level of at least 59 is required to access the first of these floors. No additional music tracks are unlocked on this floor set. These are the final floors that free players may explore. These are also the hardest floors, as the bosses can kill players in a matter of seconds. Both of the additional bosses, Bal'lak and Ihlakhizan have a weakness to stab.

Creatures that can be encountered on an Abandoned floor 2 include: (members only ones are in (m))
Animated pickaxe, crawling hand(m), dungeon spider, earth warrior, giant bat, green dragon, jelly(m), giant skeleton, hill giant, hobgoblin, night spider(m), pyrefiend(m), skeleton, zombie, cave slime(m), seeker(m), nechryael(m), edimmu(m) and soulgazer(m).

Boss monsters that can be faced at the end of each Abandoned floor in this set are:
Bal'lak the Pummeller and Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan. The Abandoned 1 bosses can also be fought here.

Occult floors (m)

Starting out on an Occult floor.

Floors 36 to 47 (requires 71 to 93 dungeoneering and 814,445 - 7,195,629 Dungeoneering XP) of Daemonheim have the Occult theme. They were released on 19 August 2010. A Dungeoneering level of at least 71 is required to access the first of these floors. The decor is purple and the "Occulo" music tracks are unlocked. It contains six new boss monsters, which are "some of the most vicious boss monsters found in the entirety of Daemonheim". As with all previous floors (Frozen, Abandoned, and Furnished), the types of bosses found in these floors include a Stalker, Behemoth, Demon, and a Mage. Free players cannot access the Occult floors. It is best to look up the individual weaknesses as they do not share a common one.

Creatures that can be encountered on an Occult floor include:
animated book, spiritual guardian, fire giant, hellhound, lesser demon, greater demon, necromancer, black demon, Red dragon, skeleton, zombie, ghost (as a normal enemy, outside of ghost puzzle room), jelly, nechryael, night spider, Seeker, Edimmu, Soulgazer.

Boss monsters that can be faced at the end of each Occult floor in this set are:
Yk'Lagor the Thunderous, Grave Creeper, Necrolord, Flesh-spoiler Haasghenahk, Runebound behemoth and Skeletal trio.

Listen to audio.
One of the spooky voices. (link)

When the Occult Floors were first released, there was a glitch that allowed free players with 71+ dungeoneering to access them. The glitch was later fixed.

In certain rooms throughout the Occult floors, a low-pitched spooky voice can be heard. This is a sound effect, and not part of the music.

These floors can give 50k worth of Dungeoneering XP, and even up to 110k, on a 5:5 on Large with no deaths.

Warped floors (m)

Starting out on a Warped floor.

Floors 48-60 (requires Dungeoneering levels 95-119) of Daemonheim have the Warped theme. They were released on 2 November 2010. Some time after the release, Jagex fixed an error in the in-game skill guide, incorrectly stating that each floor requires one higher Dungeoneering level than they do. The decor is crimson red with bloodred cracks on the floor and the walls. The "Torqueo" music tracks are unlocked. Six Dungeoneering bosses can be encountered, such as stalkers, demons, and behemoths. Monsters such as brutes and guard dogs will have lava-ish skin and armour. This is because they have been warped by the taint of Daemonheim. As with the Occult floors, the Warped floors are only available to members. The Dungeoneering skill information within the skills tab originally showed the Warped floors as non-members, despite listing the Warped floor bosses as members-only. This has since been fixed.

These floors regularly give over 100k experience each with the highest settings and no deaths.

Creatures that can be encountered on a Warped Floor include:
Zombie, Skeleton, Guard dog, Brute, Animated pickaxe, Forgotten warriors, Forgotten mages, Forgotten rangers, Mercenary leader, Reborn mages, Ankou, Animated Book, Night Spider, Spiritual guardian, Seeker, Nechryael, Eddimu, and Soulgazer.

The Boss monster that resides on each floor is one of the following:
Blink, Warped Gulega, Dreadnaut, Hope devourer, World-gorger Shukarhazh and Kal'Ger the Warmonger


  • When Warped floors were released, the Dungeoneering skill in-game guide said that there was a level required of 96 to be able to reach the first of the new floors, when, following the pattern of every odd number, should have been 95. This was fixed shortly afterwards.
  • Previously, if players opened the Dungoneering Skill Advance Guide and opened the Floors tab, Warped Floors didn't have the prefix "Members:", even though they are members-only. Jagex has fixed this. Bosses on the Warped Floors did not exhibit the same flaw.
  • In one of Marmaros and Thok's chronicles, the bottom of Daemonheim is revealed to contain a "dead body, wriggling with maggots" and an "old man with a white beard" who seems to have healing powers. However, the letter makes it clear that this is an illusion, and that "they would die if they saw what was really down there". However "old man with a white beard" might possibly mean that the Smuggler was inside there, as he is old, has a white beard, and appears on every floor of Daemonheim. It was revealed in the November 4th live stream that the body wriggling with maggots is either Bilrach or Moia.
  • Some of the floors will have "Blank" examine texts, in which if you examine it, no examine text will come up, but a blank box will.
  • In the furnished floors, there is a glitch where the floor turns nearly pitch black with the monsters making it VERY hard to see where you are going and see the monsters. It is similar to the glitch where there are stripes and spots on the walls and ground.
  • The music track names derive from a Latin word relating to the name of the floor set by which they are unlocked: "glacialis" is Latin for "icy"; "desolo" is "to leave alone"; "adorno" is "to furnish"; "occulo" is "to conceal"; and "torqueo" is "to twist." The names can also have an English reference, which in turn are derived from the same Latin roots, such as: "glacialis" for "glacier"; "desolo" for "desolate"; "adorno" for "adorned"; "occulo" for "occult"; and "torqueo" for "torque."
  • Unlike Gielinor tracks, in Daemonheim music tracks are dependent on whether you are fighting or not. These 'battle' themes end when everything in that room is dead, and are replaced by lighter music. Jagex has explicitly stated this fact in the Dungeoneering trailers.