Dungeon spider

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The Dungeon spider is a monster found in Daemonheim that looks exactly like a regular Giant Spider on the surface. It was released along with the Dungeoneering skill. These monsters hit low for their level, but are very accurate to compensate, and can consistently hit even through high stab defence. Members should be further warned that it poisons so a cure potion or antipoison would help a lot. It is recommended that players using the latter should use it after the spider is dead as the antipoison bought from the Smuggler in Daemonheim does not give temporary immunity. As with all spiders, it is primarily weak to crush attacks, and has a secondary weakness to slash and magic. Protection prayers do not prevent it from inflicting poison (as with other poisonous monsters). These spiders are found first in the Abandoned floors. Note that although it exists on Free-to-play worlds, it does not inflict poison to Free players. This spider is particularly taxing on floors which are on complexity one, as it is extremely hard to cure poisons on those floors aside from eating food to offset the damage. Also, players cannot rest whilst poisoned, which can pose an additional challenge to those doing complexity one floors, although these floors are generally very short and don't require much running. On the other hand, it can be a very challenging problem when playing larger dungeons, if the player doesn't have enough coins for an antipoison, although running out of coins is a rare occurrence.


Tier Level Life points Max hit Poison
1 2 30 15 18
2 6 70 17
3 9 120 18
4 15
5 19 200 25 30
6 25 270 29 34
7 35 360 35 38
8 47 490 45 40
9 59 630 54 46
10 74 810 66 52
11 86


Please note that the quantities and rarities are random.




Torn bags

Please note that non-members can receive torn bags as well, although they can only sell them (or alchemise).






Charms and Miscellaneous

fi:Dungeon spider