Pay-to-play Runecrafting training

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The Runecrafting skill can be a very profitable skill to train. It often provides tremendous profit to those willing to level it to 99. By following the most common money-making methods, players can usually expect to make approximately Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins profit over the course of getting 99 by crafting regular Runes at their respective altars, assuming they buy their pure essence from the Grand Exchange.

However, when Runespan entered the game in 2012 Runecrafting became a much faster skill to level (albeit for no monetary gain). The Ourania Altar can still be used to train faster than traditional altars, but it is still much slower experience than the Runespan.

General tips for all methods

Lightweight equipment

Since the majority of Runecrafting training is running, being light as possible is best as it allows the Runecrafter to run for longer periods. So getting all of these items is worth getting for your training. The following items are available to reduce your weight, and are recommended but are not required.

General equipment

Along with lightweight gear, Runecrafting pouches and an essence-carrying Abyssal familiar like a parasite help a lot. Otherwise, the respective talisman or tiara is required to enter a Runecrafting altar.

Full Bank

Before the Bank Op and Equip Screen Update, players would fill their banks to achieve more experience per hour. But due to the BOSEAU update, players can now fill rune essence pouches in one bank screen by right clicking to fill the pouches within the bank.

Runespan (1-99)

Main article: Runespan
The third level of Runespan where players can earn the highest XP rates
The third level of Runespan where players can earn the highest XP rates

‎Runespan is a minigame designed for players of all levels to train, and is currently the fastest method of leveling the Runecrafting skill at virtually all levels. Runespan may be found by the entrance to the Runecrafting guild and the Wizards Tower after talking to Wizard Finix. The area is split into three different layers that can be accessed according to runecrafting level. Layer 1 is accessible to all levels. Layer 2 can be accessible to players with a runecrafting level of 32. Layer 3 is accessible to players with 66 runecrafting. It is designed to give the greatest experience rate, even surpassing that of the Ourania Runecrafting Altar at higher levels with rates of over 100,000 points of experience possible at level 85. The tradeoff for such high rates of experience is that there is no monetary gain from participating in this minigame.


Training in the Runespan is generally fastest if you siphon mid-to-high level nodes, as they give double XP per rune than siphoning essence creatures. First, take essence from the floating rocks, then siphon a few low-level essence creatures, and try to obtain a few of each rune so that you can use all the bridges. Afterwards, only siphon creatures if you are running low on essence as they provide between 50 and 150 essence if you siphon all of their energy, so you can quickly get back to siphoning nodes. See the main Runespan page for more information.

Fire runes (14-27)

For players with level 14 Runecrafting, Fire runes are a simple and steady way to level Runecrafting. As an affordable teleport option for quick banking, the Ring of duelling (8) allows players to easily gain around 20,000 experience per hour while making Fire runes. The fire altar is located north of Al Kharid, making use of the Ring of duelling, players may choose to bank at Castle wars using the teleport option. An alternate method, which may be faster, is doing fire runes until level 20 Runecrafting then creating body runes instead. Another method is repeating this method until 44 Runecrafting, then crafting nature runes until 54 (law runes). This method is faster but less cost efficient, so its only recommended for those going for more xp in a shorter amount of time.

Suggested skills

Items needed

Name Image Price Amount Where to have them
Rune essence   29 2000+ Bank + Inventory
Energy potion (4) File:Energy potion.png   64 100 Bank + Inventory
Fire tiara Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 1 Equipped
Amulet of glory (4) Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 3 Equipped
Abyssal parasite pouch Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 5 Bank + Summoned
Runecrafting pouches N/A Small pouch and Medium pouch (after level 25 Runecrafting) Inventory
Ring of duelling (8)   1,038 18+ 1 in Inventory + Bank
Boots of lightness N/A 1 Equipped
Inside the Fire altar


  1. Equip Wicked Hood with a Fire talisman, Boots of lightness, Ring of duelling, Explorer's Ring 3 (for additional runes) and summon a familiar.
  2. Withdraw rune essence, fill pouches, then withdraw again to fill inventory.
  3. Use Energy potions to restore Energy if not full.
  4. Teleport to the Duel Arena with the Ring of Duelling ; the Fire Altar is located north of here.
  5. Enter the altar, craft runes, empty pouches and repeat.
  6. Teleport to Castle Wars with the Duelling ring.
  7. Repeat steps 2-6.


  1. Follow steps 1-2 of previous,
  2. Use an enchanted broomstick to teleport to Sorceress' Garden, which is by the shantay pass and thus also the shantay chest.
  3. Run to the fire altar and then quickly teleport back to the shantay chest, recharging your run at the musician if needed.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3.

Tips and hints

  • Always weigh 0 kg or less.

Net profit and experience made per hour

The following is an estimate of how much money players will make or lose per hour crafting Fire runes with the above mentioned method, assuming the player makes 2000 runes per hour, excluding the costs of rings of duelling.

Runes Essence Coins/XP (lvl70) 1x (lvl14) 2x (lvl35) 3x (lvl70)
Fire rune Rune essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Combination runes (15-44)

Crafting Combination runes at the Fire altar, particularly Steam runes and Lava runes can earn players between 30,000 (without pouches) and 40,000 (with pouches) exp per hour, which is significantly faster than crafting Fire or Cosmic runes; however this method results in a net loss, unless Steam runes are crafted using the Lunar spell Magic Imbue. For players without access to the spell, Smoke runes can be crafted using air talismans for a reasonable profit and only about 15% less experience compared to Steam and Lava runes. Using Binding necklaces is highly recommended to maximise both experience gain and revenue.

Items needed

Name Image Price Amount Where to have them
Pure essence   107 Many Bank + Inventory
Air, Water, and/or Earth runes Varies 1 per essence Inventory
Fire tiara and/or Fire talisman staff Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 1 Equipped
Ring of duelling (8)   1,038 Many Equipped + Bank
Binding necklace   746 Many Equipped + Bank
Talismans or runes/staves for Magic Imbue Varies Many Inventory + Bank
Runecrafting pouches N/A 1 of each Inventory
Abyssal parasite pouch Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. A few Bank + Summoned
Weight-reducing equipment N/A Equipped


  1. Equip Fire tiara or Fire talisman staff, Ring of duelling, Binding necklace, and any weight-reducing equipment that you have. If you are using Magic Imbue, consider using a Steam battlestaff (or equivalent) to minimise your costs.
  2. Withdraw runes corresponding to the type of rune you are crafting. If crafting Smoke runes, withdraw Air runes; if crafting Steam runes, withdraw Water runes; if crafting Lava runes, withdraw Earth runes. You use 1 of these runes for each combination rune you craft.
  3. If using Magic Imbue, withdraw the necessary runes for the spell, otherwise, withdraw air talismans for Smoke runes, or earth talismans for Lava runes. You will need 1 talisman per trip if using no pouches, 2 talismans if using pouches, and 3 if using pouches + familiar. Using water talismans for Steam runes is not recommended due to the cost.
  4. Fill your pouches and/or familiar, and your inventory with Pure essence.
  5. Use your ring of duelling to teleport to Duel Arena. Exit the gate and run north to enter the altar. "Use" your stack of Air, Water, or Earth runes on the altar to bind them into combination runes. If using pouches and/or a familiar, empty them and bind the remaining essence.
  6. Use your ring of duelling to teleport to Castle Wars, bank your combination runes and repeat.
  7. Re-equip new rings of duelling and binding necklaces when they run out of charges.

Cosmic runes (27-59/82)

File:Cosmic Altar Location.png
The Cosmic Altar

‎Crafting Cosmic runes will make players far more profit than crafting Fire runes. Furthermore, players with 59 Runecrafting will be able to make double cosmics; 2 runes per pure essence. This can provide exceptional profit, although the experience will be less than crafting Nature runes or Law runes.


  • Abyss (miniquest)
  • Level 27 Runecrafting, although with 59 Runecrafting you will make much more profit.
  • Lost City quest
  • A Fairy Tale Part II is highly recommended for use of Fairy Rings (Note: completion of A Fairy Tale Part II is not needed to have access to the fairy rings, only the godfather's permission).
  • Level 54 Summoning is helpful for an Abyssal parasite but not required
  • At 46 Agility, one of the agility shortcuts are available (the westernmost one), and at 66 Agility, another shortcut becomes available (the two easternmost ones)

Getting there

The cosmic altar is situated in Zanaris, the “fairy city.” The Lost City quest is required for players to enter Zanaris. Players may enter the city three different ways:

  1. Enter the shed in the Lumbridge Swamp while wielding the Dramen or Lunar staff.
  2. Players who have started A Fairy Tale Part II up to the point where the Fairy Godfather has given permission to use the Fairy rings may use any Fairy ring to teleport to Zanaris. Fairy rings also require players to wield a Dramen or Lunar staff if they have not completed A Fairy Tale Part III. (eg. there is a fairy ring northwards from - and close enough to - the Yanille lodstone: teleport Yanille, run to and use Fairyring and when you're in Zanaris: run to altar)
  3. Break a cosmic altar teleport tablet (reward from The Great Orb Project, requires 50 Runecrafting) for a direct teleport outside the altar.
A player crafting cosmic runes

Items needed

Name Image Price Amount Where to have them
Pure essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 2000+ Bank + Inventory
Abyssal parasite Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 5 Bank + Summoned
Explorer's ring N/A 1 Equipped
Energy potion (4)
/ Super energy (4)
/   64 /   1,988 100 / 50 Bank
Dramen / Lunar staff / N/A 1 Equipped to enter city only
Runecrafting pouches N/A 1 of each Inventory
Cosmic tiara Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 1 Equipped
Boots of lightness N/A 1 Equipped
Penance Gloves 150 Honour points in each of the 4 roles in Barbarian Assault 1 Equipped
Spotted / Spottier cape /   392 /   633 1 Equipped
Agile top N/A 1 Equipped if possible
Agile legs N/A 1 Equipped if possible
File:Cosmic Altar Shortcut.gif
A player taking the shortcut to the Cosmic altar


  1. Enter Zanaris from the shed in Lumbridge swamps. The bank is far west of the entrance.
  2. Equip Cosmic tiara, Boots of lightness, Spotted/Spottier cape, and summon an Abyssal familiar.
  3. Use Energy potions or Explorer's ring (if charges remain) to restore energy if not full.
  4. Withdraw pure essence, fill pouches, then withdraw again to fill inventory.
  5. From the bank, run east, then south when a path appears. The path has two Agility shortcuts, players should use the best shortcut they can, if possible.
  6. Enter in the altar, craft runes, empty pouches and repeat.
  7. Return to bankers by backtracking.
  8. Repeat steps 3-7.


  1. Go to Edgeville with all items equipped.
  2. Enter Zanaris through the fairy ring east of Edgeville.
  3. Run east, then south to the Cosmic altar. The path has two Agility shortcuts, players should use the best shortcut they can.
  4. Enter in the altar, craft runes, empty pouches and repeat.
  5. Either backtrack to the Fairy ring and use the code D-K-R to go to Edgeville or use an Amulet of Glory to teleport back. (The Ancient Magicks Home Teleport would also work.)
  6. Bank in Edgeville, then repeat steps 2-6.


  1. Go to Edgeville with all items equipped.
  2. Head north into the Wilderness and speak with the Mage of Zamorak to teleport to the Abyss.
  3. Head to the inner circle of the Abyss
  4. Go to the Cosmic altar entrance and enter it.
  5. Craft runes at Cosmic altar and teleport to Edgeville.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5.

or (Requires completion of The Elder Kiln)

  1. Start at the Fight Caves
  2. Use the fairy ring
  3. Go the Cosmic altar entrance and enter it.
  4. Craft runes and teleport to the Fight Caves using the Tokkul-Zo
  5. Bank and repeat steps 1-4.


  1. Use Ring of kinship to teleport to Daemonheim bank and equip all items needed (including Dramen staff)
  2. Home teleport to Yanille, then run north and use the fairy ring
  3. Go to and enter the Cosmic Alter
  4. Craft runes and then exit using your Ring of kinship
  5. Repeat steps 1-4

Net profit and experience made per hour

The following is an estimate of how much money players can make or spend per hour by crafting cosmic runes with the above mentioned method, assuming the player crafts 1,000 cosmic runes (2,000 at level 59) per hour.

Rune Essence Coins/xp (lvl59) 1x (lvl27) 2x (lvl59)
Cosmic rune Pure essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Nature runes (44-54)

For players with level 44 Runecrafting and up, Nature Runes are a fast and useful way to level Runecrafting. There are many different ways to travel, all relatively fast.

Suggested skills

File:Nature Altar Location.png
The Nature Altar.

Suggested quests

Items needed

Name Image Price Amount Where to have them
Pure essence   107 2000+ Bank + Inventory
Energy potion (4) / Energy flask (6) File:Energy potion.png /   64 /   3,490 100 Bank + Inventory
Nature tiara   16 1 Equipped
Amulet of glory (4) Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 3-8+ Bank + Equipped
Spirit graahk pouch Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 5 Bank + Summoned
Runecrafting pouches N/A 1 of each Inventory
Boots of lightness N/A 1 Equipped
Spotted / Spottier cape /   392 /   633 1 Equipped
Agile top N/A 1 Equipped if possible
Agile legs N/A 1 Equipped if possible
Penance gloves 150 Honour points in each of the 4 roles of Barbarian Assault 1 Equipped if owned

Strategy 1

  1. Begin in the Edgeville bank.
  2. Equip Nature tiara, Boots of lightness, Amulet of glory, Dramen Staff (unless you have done Fairy Tale 3), and summon a familiar.
  3. Withdraw pure essence, fill pouches, then withdraw again to fill inventory.
  4. Use Energy potions to restore energy if not full. A player with a high enough Agility level will not need this. Also, if a player has between 40-56 Summoning, it is recommended to use a familiar that restores run energy, such as a Bull Ant or Spirit Terrorbird.
  5. Run north-east, cross the bridge, then run south to the Fairy Ring.
  6. Teleport to Karamja Island, code C-K-R.
  7. Run east to the Nature Altar
  8. Enter the altar and convert your runes to Nature runes.
  9. Empty your pouches and repeat.
  10. Teleport back to Edgeville using the Amulet of glory.
  11. Repeat steps 3-10.

You will make a trip every 2 minutes. If you have a small, medium, and large pouch, you will make 1290 nature runes and 11.6k runecrafting experience every hour.

Strategy 2

If you have level 57 summoning and can summon a Spirit graahk:

  1. Start in Castle Wars bank,
  2. Summon a Spirit graahk and use its ability to teleport you to the graahk hunter area on Karamja, a 30 second sprint to the Nature altar. A quick way to teleport with the spirit graahk is to right click on the summoning icon next to the minimap and select left click select. Choose interact. You will be able to interact and teleport faster with just a click on the summoning icon.
  3. Teleport back to Castle Wars with a ring of duelling and repeat.

If you proceed this way, you will make a trip about every minute, doubling your experience and profit. If you have a small, medium, and large pouch, you will make around 1800 runes and receive 16k (17-18k if you are a fast clicker who makes very few mistakes) runecrafting experience every hour plus Expression error: Unexpected < operator. gp. Medium, large and giant will make around 3000 for 27k per hour plus Expression error: Unexpected < operator.. All of these prices are doubled at level 91 runecrafting when two nature runes can be crafted per essence.

Alternatively, you can replace the ring of duelling and use Ring of Kinship to teleport to Daemonheim for free. The benefit is unlimited teleports to a bank without paying for any rings of duelling. The downside is the slightly longer distance to run to the Daemonheim bank. (10–15 seconds run, compared to Castle Wars' 2 seconds run).

A good rule of thumb for determining how much Spirit Graahk's you need if you're limited on cash, is to buy one for every 1,000 pure essence you buy, because working non stop you use around 1500 pure essence per hour. Bear in mind that even if you can't afford to buy the pouches for all the essence you will be crafting, the profit from the essence you can afford to craft will cover the cost of the rest of the Graahks.

Strategy 3

If you do not have any amulets of glory, you can use the fairy ring network to teleport to and from the Nature Altar, using the bank in Zanaris as it is then the closest bank.

If you proceed this way, you will make the trip every 3 minutes. If you have a small, medium and large pouch, you will make 645 runes per hour and receive 5,800 runecrafting experience.

(In addition to this strategy, once you have completed The Elder Kiln you may use the Teleport function of your TokKul-Zo for unlimited Teleports to the fight caves where you can use TzHaar-Mej-Jal as a bank and there is a fairy ring located only a few steps to the north of the teleport location. This cuts out the entire return trip to the fairy ring and the run time from the ring to the bank in Zanaris.)

Strategy 4

If you have an Amulet of Glory mounted in your house, you can:

1. Buy/make a massive amount of house tele tabs

2. Teleport to your house, then use the mounted Glory to teleport to Edgeville. Retrieve all your Runecrafting equipment, all your tele tabs, and have some sort of method to get through the Abyss (a pickaxe, a decent Thieving/Agility level, etc.)

3. Run north to the Abyss teleport craft your Nature Runes.

4. Use your house tele tab, use your mounted glory to go to Edgeville, repeat 1-4.

Strategy 5

Another good way of crafting nature runes is by using nature teletabs from the Great Orb Project activity. When using this strategy, players can use an Abyssal familiar, such as an Abyssal Parasite, to carry more essence per run. With this method you can craft over 8,000 pure essence per hour. It is common for players to average 35k to 45k per hour when runecrafting however when the time spent at the Runecrafting guild is factored in, rates of 10k can be expected for the average GOPer winning 50% of the time and up to 13k an hour for the best GOPers with win percentages nearing 75% or better. This is by far the fastest method to get to the nature altar with runs averaging 38 seconds, for a fast clicker, runs may average 32 seconds or better with the perfect run at 30 seconds.

  1. After you have all your runecrafting equipment with you, break the nature teletab and it will take you to the altar.
  2. Craft your essence, empty pouches, take BoB and craft the remaining essence into runes.
  3. Teleport to Castle Wars using a Ring of duelling, or to Daemonheim using a ring of kinship.
  4. Withdraw your Pure essence, fill pouches and inventory.
  5. Repeat Step 1-4.

Note: If you do not have lunar, you may also use gop teletabs to repair your pouches at the Runecrafting guild for 21k. Several factors* cause a slight change in exp rates per hour depending on how often you repair your pouches. Exp rates is 1k to 1.5k higher if you repair pouches when your medium pouch first degrades however you will craft roughly 150 pure essence less for the same amount of GOP tokens if you repair your pouch when your large pouch first degrades. (*This is based on calculations of various factors including; time spent at RC guild, pure essence per load, banking layout and degrading time/rate)

Tips and hints

  • Always weigh 0 kg or less.
  • One should always have an extra teleportation method (such as a combat bracelet, ring of duelling, amulet of glory) worn in case they forget to change/recharge their primary one.
  • Make sure you have all essence pouches available to you. Your Large pouch will become damaged after 30 uses. If you choose to allow the Dark Mage in the Abyss to repair it, he will do it for free. If you don’t feel comfortable with the Abyss, you can bring them to Wizard Korvak in the Wizards' Guild, he will repair Large pouches for 9,000 gp and Giant pouches for 12,000gp, which is about the money earned from 1 trip to the Nature altar. Alternatively, players who have unlocked the ability can contact the Dark Mage with the level 67 Lunar Spell NPC Contact or the Livid Farm spell, Repair Rune Pouch, to repair their pouches.
  • The Draynor Village teleport on the Amulet of glory will take you north-west of the Wizards' Tower, where the Runecrafting Guild is located.
  • It is recommended you have at least 8 amulets of glory, as this will allow you to go a full hour without recharging at the Fountain of Heroes
  • Use the Falador teleport to get to the Heroes Guild or move your player owned house to Taverley and in the Housing Options menu, change it so you teleport OUTSIDE your house. The Heroes Guild is directly north of the Taverley POH location.
  • If you have level 54 summoning, you can summon an Abyssal parasite .
File:Nature Altar Routes.png
A map of the most commonly used routes
  • On the map to your right, route 1 is slightly faster than route 2 (by about 1 second). Although, the latter is slightly less click-intensive.

Net profit and experience made per hour

The following is an estimate of how much money players can make per hour crafting Nature runes with the above mentioned methods, assuming the player makes 2000 runes per hour, excluding the costs summoning pouches, and repairing essence pouches. The chart below is arranged by teleportation methods to and from the Nature altar.

With level 44-91 Runecrafting

Runes Essence Coins/XP Fairy Ring + Fairy Ring Fairy Ring + Amulet Graahk + Amulet
Nature rune Pure essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

With level 91 Runecrafting and higher:

Runes Essence Coins/XP Fairy Ring + Fairy Ring Fairy Ring + Amulet Graahk + Amulet
Nature rune Pure essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Note this will increase when a giant pouch is used, and cash increase with levels as multiple runes are crafted.

ZMI Altar (1-77/82/91/99)

The Ourania altar where players can craft all types of runes
The Ourania altar where players can craft all types of runes

‎The ZMI Altar, also known as the Ourania altar, is currently the 2nd fastest way to gain Runecrafting experience after RuneSpan. The official world for crafting runes at Ourania is world 70. Many players use this method as it can typically award the player up to 50,000 experience per hour. The downside to this method is that the runes crafted are random, so the player may make several cheaper runes, resulting in a slight profit to significant loss per essence purchased depending on runecrafting level. Every non-combination rune may be crafted at this altar, including Soul runes but excluding Armadyl runes.

The Ourania entrance, don't forget to pray at the chapel!



Getting there

The ZMI Altar is located in a cave west of the Khazard Battlefield and south-west of West Ardougne. The quickest way to get there is to teleport to the entrance of the cave by using the Ourania Teleport in the Lunar Spellbook. Alternatively, players may run there from Ardougne or the Khazard battlefield spirit tree, though these take longer. Players may also use the Ardougne Cape from the Tasks to teleport to the monastery and run west from there.

Items needed

Name Image Price Amount Where to have them
Astral runes   88 2+ Inventory
Law runes Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 1+ Inventory
Runecrafting pouches N/A 1 of each Inventory
Restore potion (3)   36 1 Inventory
Pure essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 2000+ Bank + Inventory
Energy potion (4) File:Energy potion.png   64 100 Bank + Inventory
Cake Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 50 Bank
Summoning pouch†† Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 5 Bank + Summoned
Amulet of Glory (4) Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 3 Equipped
Boots of lightness N/A 1 Equipped
Varrock armour††† N/A 1 Equipped
Staff of Earth Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 1 Equipped
Agile top (not required) Agile top N/A 1 Equipped
Agile legs (not required) Agile legs N/A 1 Equipped


Name Image Where to have it
Ardougne cloak 2 Cape slot
  • Restore potion are useful for players who have a low Magic level.
  • ††An Abyssal parasite, which requires level 54 Summoning, is helpful but not required.
  • †††Any other items that give melee and magic defence are recommended too, such as Black dragonhide. However, Varrock armour is recommended because it only weighs 1 kg and provides moderate defensive stats. Agile Armour is also a good option but 90 (or at least 85) agility required. (Note: Agile Legs can be obtained at 80 (very rarely) or 81 agility, if you use summer pie to boost your agility to 85. Agile Top can be obtained at 85 agility, if you use a summer pie to boost your agility to 90.)


  1. Begin by praying at the Astral altar to switch to the Lunar Spellbook.
  2. Equip any protective gear, summon a familiar, and fill inventory with pouches, astral and law runes, and pure essence.
  3. Teleport to the entrance of the cave by using Ourania Teleport. Enter the cave.
  4. Run to the ZMI Altar (Don’t forget to enable Protect from missiles).
  5. Craft runes, empty pouches, then craft remaining essence into runes.
  6. Teleport back to your desired location and restock. Possible locations include:
    1. Lunar isle, via Moonclan Teleport
    2. Daemonheim, via Ring of kinship
    3. Castle Wars, via Ring of duelling
    4. Gamers Grotto, via Games necklace
    5. Edgeville, via Amulet of glory
    6. Burgh de Rott, via Drakan's Medallion (Requires start of Branches of Darkmeyer)
    7. TzHaar City, via TokKul-Zo (After The Elder Kiln)
    8. Draynor, via Explorer's ring 3 or 4

This method typically takes 75 seconds to complete. No run energy restoration method is required for players with high Agility and who are carrying 0kg or less weight.

  • Alternative Method 1
  1. Purchase a massive amount of inexpensive runes (20 or 40 per run, less a few you will create).
  2. Teleport or run to Ourania.
  3. Run from Eniola to the ZMI altar and make runes.
  4. Run back to Eniola and bank with him using 20, or 40 if using a familiar. (You can now fill pouches while banking.)
  5. Repeat steps 3-4.

This method typically takes 72 seconds to complete, and may be the only viable option for players without access to the Ourania Teleport spell, or who want to save a bit of money on teleportation runes. However, a Spirit Terrorbird or other run energy restoration method is compulsory, each complete run drains 25-30% energy on average with 0kg weight.

  • Alternative Method 2
  1. Purchase a massive amount of inexpensive runes (20 or 40 per run, less a few you will create).
  2. Teleport to Ourania.
  3. Charge prayer at the "prayer" altar, and then go down the ladder.
  4. Bank with Eniola using 20, or 40 if using a familiar. (You can now fill pouches while banking.)
  5. Run to ZMI altar, and make runes.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5.

This method typically takes 63 seconds to complete. A Spirit Terrorbird or other run energy restoration method is recommended, each complete run drains 10-15% energy on average with 0kg weight.

Tips and hints

  • Always weigh 0 kg or less.
  • World 70 typically has more players as it is the official world. This means that players will usually take less damage running through the cave as there will be more targets for monsters to attack.
  • Wearing an Ardougne cloak 2 or higher will grant the player a chance of receiving more runes from Ourania Altar (though it will not increase the experience you receive).
  • Make sure to turn off auto-retaliate before going through the cave, this can be distracting and cause you to take more damage.
  • Maintaining a totally full bank with at least 1 of every rune deposited will allow you to use the "bank-all" button to one-click bank all runes, but still keep your pouches in your inventory, since there's no room for them.

Net profit and experience made per hour

The following is an estimate of how much money players can make or lose per hour and how much experience gained per hour using the ZMI Altar. This information is not very precise, but can be used as a rough guide. Players with a higher Runecrafting level will generally make more higher-levelled runes.

Tip: Many players prefer to bank at Eniola instead of banking at the Lunar bank since both banking methods have the same route, except that banking at Lunar Isle will make your trip an extra 5–10 seconds longer, this might not seem much, but the extra time will build up over an hour or more.

Rc level Exp/hr(Banking at Eniola) Exp/hr(Banking at Lunar Isle) Profit/hr
50-55 ~27k ~25k -85k
56-60 ~30k ~28k -60k
61-65 34k 32k -40k
66-70 37k 35k -10k
71-75 39k 37k 3k
76-80 ~43k-45k ~40-42k 25k
80-90 ~47k-50k ~45k


90-99 ~52k-55k ~50k 200K

Blood runes (77-91)

File:Blood Altar Location.png
The blood altar is situated in Meiyerditch Dungeon.

‎‎Crafting Blood runes is another method of runecrafting training in the game yielding 23k-25k XP per hour (can vary). Players must have level 77 Runecrafting, and they must complete Legacy of Seergaze in order to use this method.


Getting there

Since the Blood altar is located far away from a bank, the best way to reach it is using the Abyss, or you can purchase a Blood altar teleport from Wizard Elriss by paying 45 Runecrafting guild tokens, but this could be time consuming so it is not recommended.

Alternatively, players who have completed the Branches of Darkmeyer quest have access to Drakan's medallion, which supplies an essentially limitless amount of teleports between the Burgh de Rott bank and the Meiyerditch Laboratory which is a reasonably short run from the altar. This can take approximately as long to a bit longer than the Abyss method, but saves any time spent recharging amulets of glory and avoids the danger of PK'ers.

File:Blood altar.png
An overhead view of the Blood altar.

Items needed

Name Image Price Amount Where to have them
Pure essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 2000+ Bank + Inventory
Summoning familiar Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 5 Bank + Summoned
Amulet of glory (4) Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 3 Bank + Equipped
Runecrafting pouches N/A 1 of each Inventory
Ring of duelling (8)   1,038 2 Equipped
Morytania legs 3 N/A 1 Equipped
Boots of lightness N/A 1 Equipped
Mithril pickaxe^   670 1 Equipped
Blood tiara   126 1 Equipped
Blood talisman staff N/A 1 Equipped
Drakan's medallion N/A 1 Equipped

^ The Mithril Pickaxe is light, but the Inferno Adze is helpful as it also acts as a hatchet. Also, the Dwarven army axe is even more helpful since it also acts as a tinderbox. Overall, it's best to use the Dwarven Army Axe!

Strategy (abyss)

  1. Travel to Edgeville
  2. Equip weight reducing clothes, Ring of duelling, Amulet of glory, summon a familiar, remove and fill pouches and inventory with Pure essence.
  3. Run north towards the Mage of Zamorak, teleport to the Abyss and go inside the blood rift. Craft runes, empty pouches, craft remaining essence into runes.
  4. Teleport to Edgeville using the Amulet of glory, check charges.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4

Strategy (medallion)

  1. Start at any bank.
  2. Equip weight-reducing clothes, a blood tiara or staff, and Drakan's medallion, summon a familiar, fill pouches and inventory with Pure Essence.
  3. Teleport to Meiyerditch Laboratories (Meiyerditch dungeon) using Drakan's Medallion.
  4. "Climb-through" the door in the southwest corner of the Lab, follow the tunnel west and then north past the Mutated bloodvelds, turn west when the path forks, and run north into the cavern containing the Blood Altar ruins.
  5. Craft runes, empty pouches, craft remaining essence, then teleport to Burgh de Rott using the Medallion.
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5.

Note that the medallion will consume a charge if used inside the altar, while exiting the altar first will save a charge. However, exiting the altar each time is not worth it in the long run, since the Medallion holds ten charges and can be recharged very quickly in the cave immediately next to the Burgh de Rott teleport point.

Net profit and experience made per hour

The following is an estimate of how much money players can make per hour by crafting Blood runes with the above mentioned methods, assuming the player crafts about 1,600 Blood runes per hour.

Rune Essence Coins/xp (lvl77) 1x (lvl77)
Blood rune Pure essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Astral rune crafting (82-91)

File:Astral Altar Location.png
The astral altar is situated in the Lunar Isle

‎‎Crafting double Astral runestarts from 82 runecrafting . It can generate about 198,237 coins per hour, and it also gives close to 25k-27k experience per hour. Players must have level 82 Runecrafting to use this method, which can be tedious to achieve.


Getting there

Situated on Lunar Isle, the Astral altar is unique in a sense that players do not need to wear a tiara to craft the runes. Secondly, there are no Mysterious Ruins to enter so players craft runes outside. Finally, this altar permits players to switch their current spell book to the Lunar Spellbook.

To get there, players have two options. The first one is to use a teleport spell, such as Astral altar teleport, Home Teleport, Moonclan Teleport, or Tele Group Moonclan. The second option is to walk from Rellekka and talk with Lokar Searunner. He will take players to the Pirate’s Cove. Once there, talk with the Captain Bentley to finally get to the Lunar Isle. Home teleport and Moonclan Teleport are only available in the Lunar Spellbook; However if you have unlocked the Moonclan Lodestone, the Home teleport will be accessible on any Spellbook.

The Astral altar.

Items needed

Name Image Price Amount Where to have them
Pure essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 2000+ Bank + Inventory
Summoning pouch Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 5 Bank + Summoned
Energy potion (4) File:Energy potion.png   64 100 Bank
Amulet of glory (4) Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 3+ Bank
Runecrafting pouches N/A 1 of each Inventory
Law runes Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 100+ Inventory
Ring of duelling (8)   1,038 2+ Equipped
Staff of earth Staff of earth   1,002 1 Equipped
Boots of lightness N/A 1 Equipped
Spotted / Spottier cape /   392 /   633 1 Equipped
Agile top (not required) Agile top N/A 1 Equipped
Agile legs (not required) Agile legs N/A 1 Equipped
Penance gloves Penance gloves N/A 1 Equipped
Seal of passage (not required) N/A 1 Equipped
A player using Lunar Spells to teleport.
  • The spotted cape requires level 40 Hunter to wear and reduces weight by 2 kg. The spottier cape reduces weight by 4.5 kg, however wearing it requires level 66 Hunter.
  • The agile legs and top require levels 85 and 90 Agility and reduce weight by 10 kg and 12 kg, respectively.
  • The Wicked equipment, obtainable from the Runespan, serves as a nice replacement to their agility counterparts.
  • The penance gloves reduce weight by 7 kg, but cost 150 Honour points in each role at Barbarian Assault.
  • The Amulets of glory are used to teleport to Edgeville, in order to repair your pouches. Alternatively, you can cast the lunar spell NPC contact and speak to the Dark Mage to repair your pouches, saving a bit of time travelling to the Abyss or an even better and faster option is casting the spell Repair Rune Pouch, unlocked after obtaining 139,760 points in the Livid Farm activity.
  • It is recommended to finish Lunar Diplomacy: this makes the Seal of Passage unnecessary, as it weight 4.5 kg.


  1. Travel to Lunar Isle.
  2. Equip Staff of earth, Ring of duelling, Amulet of glory, summon a familiar.
  3. Fill pouches and inventory with Pure essence.
  4. Run south-east out of town to the Lunar altar. Craft runes, empty pouches, craft remaining essence into runes.
  5. Retrace steps back to town. (Teleport back is recommended)
  6. Use NPC Contact/Repair Rune Pouches/teleporting to Edgeville and running to Dark Mage when pouches are degraded.
  7. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5.

Note: Some players prefer not use a familiar due to the fact that extra time will be spent trying to load the familiar with essence. Keep in mind that just because you craft less runes in one run, doesn't mean you make less profit per hour. Eliminating the use of a familiar means you only have to bank once, which saves about 5 seconds instead of banking twice and doing extra clicks to fill up familiar, the extra time spent might not seem a lot, but it can build up over a large period of time. Just using 3 or 4 pouches can make each trip faster and more efficient than with a familiar.

Power-crafting astrals

Players can make up to 4.3k astral runes every 40 minutes, which is the time of an Abyssal Lurker. Given the current price of astral runes, 4k astrals in 40 minutes is a good way to make money as a level 82 in Runecrafting. You can achieve this by using all pouches and an Abyssal Lurker.


  1. Pure Essence
  2. All four Runecrafting Pouches
  3. Abyssal Lurker
  4. Law Runes


  1. Spottier Cape
  2. Boots of Lightness
  3. Penance gloves
  4. Earth Staff (anything with unlimited earth runes)
  5. Seal of Passage (if Dream Mentor not finished)
  6. Holy Book (extra defence, light weight)


  1. Pure Essence
  2. Energy Potion or Super Energy Potion
  3. Air Rune (NPC Contact)
  4. Cosmic Rune (NPC Contact)
  5. Food (Just in case)
  6. Extra pouches


  1. Have bank open
  2. Right click and fill your two/three pouches.
  3. Withdraw pure essence.
  4. Spawn your familiar/Fill your familiar with pure essence(Skip this step if you're not using a familiar)
  5. Right click and fill up the last one/two pouch(es).
  6. Withdraw pure essence.
  7. Run down to the altar.
  8. Craft the astrals.
  9. Teleport back to the bank.
  10. Grab more pure essence
  11. Right click and fill up two/three pouches.
  12. Withdraw more pure essence
  13. Fill your last two pouches then your familiar.
  14. Withdraw Pure essence
  15. Repeat


  1. On your last bank trip before running back down to the altar, do not exit out of the bank. Just click outside to the east where you would like to run to. It saves an extra click and adds up in the 40 minute long run.
  2. When you have to repair your pouches, DO NOT go to the Abyss. Simply use the spell NPC Contact and talk to the mage and he will fix them or the Repair Pouch spell which can be unlocked by doing the Livid Farm activity. This saves more time.
  3. When you teleport back to the bank, use the group teleport. It is more magic exp for the same cost, and teleports you closer to the bank, which also saves time in the 40 minute longrun.
  4. Be sure to have accept aid OFF. Or else you will be getting messages to teleport back to the bank by other players.

The Maths:

  1. Assume 4k astrals were made every 40 minutes. (1 Abyssal Lurker)
  2. Making 12k astrals every 2 hours.
  3. Selling your astrals at Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. per - that is Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator..
  4. Minus the cost of the 6k pure essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. - that is Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. profit in 2 hours.
  5. Divide that by 2 - Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. an hour making astrals.

Nature rune crafting (91-99)

File:Nature rune detail.svg
File:Nature Altar Location.png
Nature Altar is in this area.

Crafting double Nature runes is considered one of the best non-combat methods to make money, often making over 500,000 coins per hour. With the introduction of Summoning and the use of the Spirit Graahk, players are capable of making over 6000 nature runes per hour and earning over 20,000 experience per hour (the experience per hour is the same between levels 75 - 91).


Items needed

Name Image Price Amount Where to have them
Pure essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 6000+ Bank + Inventory
Spirit graahk pouch Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 5 Bank + Summoned
Energy potion (4) File:Energy potion.png   64 100 Bank
Nature tiara Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 1 Equipped
Amulet of glory (4) Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 3 Bank + Equipped
Ring of duelling (8)   1,038 100 Bank + Equipped
Boots of lightness N/A 1 Equipped
Spotted / Spottier / Wicked cape / /   392 /   633 / 2,500 Points in RuneSpan 1 Equipped
Penance Gloves 150 Honour Points in each Barbarian Assault role 1 Equipped
Agile top 250 laps completed without failing the Advanced barbarian agility course 1 Equipped if possible
Agile legs 250 laps completed without failing the Advanced gnome agility course 1 Equipped if possible


  1. Equip Nature tiara, Weight-Reducing items, Ring of duelling, Amulet of glory, and summon a familiar.
  2. Withdraw pure essence, fill pouches, then withdraw again to fill inventory.
  3. Use Energy potions to restore energy if not full.
  4. Right click on the Spirit Graahk and select the teleportation option. A quick way to teleport with the spirit graahk is to right click on the summoning icon next to the minimap and select left click select. Choose interact. You will be able to interact and teleport faster with just a click on the summoning icon.
  5. Run north-east to the altar and enter it.
  6. Craft runes, empty pouches, craft runes, empty last pouch, and craft remaining essences into Nature runes.
  7. Using the Ring of duelling, teleport to Castle Wars, bank and restock.
  8. Repeat 2-7. If the pouches break then use your Glory and teleport to Edgeville, then go to the Abyss and talk to the Dark mage. Alternatively, use the NPC contact spell with the appropriate runes in hand.

Tips and hints

  • Always weigh 0 kg or less.
  • A Summoning obelisk is on the way, making recharging summoning points quick.
  • Do not repair giant pouches until it degrades a second time. The time saved will actually yield more crafted runes than if repairing each time the pouch degrades. This is not relevant if using the Repair Rune Pouch spell unlocked via the Livid Farm.
  • Some of the fastest runecrafters use only the giant, large, and medium pouches. This saves the player time by only banking and crafting twice while only losing 2 pure essence per trip. (if using an Abyssal familiar, banking three times is still required)
  • Some other very fast runecrafters also use giant, large and small pouches—that way one only has to bank twice, while losing 6 pure essence per trip. With these pouches filled, one has to have 25 free spots and those pouches are 24 total. This method is less useful now that it is possible to fill pouches directly from the bank.
  • An even faster way to repair your pouches is to use the Lunar Spells NPC Contact or Repair Rune Pouch. NPC Contact requires completion of Lunar Diplomacy, a Cosmic rune, an Astral rune, and 2 Air runes. The Repair Pouch spell which can be unlocked by doing the Livid Farm activity requires 2 Astral runes, 1 Law rune and 1 Cosmic rune, but prevents the pouch from degrading for 5 times longer than it would with using the Dark Mage.

Net profit and experience made per hour

Inside the Nature altar.

The following is an estimation of how much money players can make per hour crafting double Nature runes with the above mentioned method, assuming the player makes 4,000 runes in the hour. Although, the max amount of Nature runes made per hour can be over 7,000.

Runes Essence Coins/XP (lvl91) 1x (lvl44) 2x (lvl91)
Nature rune Pure essence Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

There is 7,134,500xp between Levels 91 and 99. With the above information the amount you make is around: 7,134,500xp (total xp 91-99) x Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. (coins per xp) = Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. (average)

Bonus experience


At level 50 Runecrafting you can enter the Runecrafting Guild. You can get the Omni-Talisman by obtaining all of the talismans and bringing them to Wizard Elriss. This talisman gives you 13,605xp in Runecrafting (enough to get you from 50 - 51 runecrafting) as well as giving you access to all altars when it is in your inventory. If you want a tiara or talisman-staff instead give a blank Tiara or a blank Runecrafting Staff to Wizard Korvak. You can also feed the talisman to a Wicked Hood, giving you access to almost all the altars. With the experience reward and the Omni-Talisman you get to keep the talismans you brought to Wizard Elriss.

Suggested set-up

Headwear - Master runecrafter hat or Wicked Hood
Body - Master runecrafter body or Agile top (Alternatively, you can use a Wicked robe top)
Legwear - Master runecrafter skirt or Agile legs (Alternatively, you can use Wicked legs)
Boots - Master runecrafter boots or Boots of lightness
Weapon - Omni-talisman staff or the corresponding Talisman Staff
Neck - Amulet of glory
Ring - Explorer's ring 2 or higher, Ring of duelling, Ring of kinship, TokKul-Zo
Cape - Wicked cape/Spotted cape/Spottier cape
Gloves - Penance gloves

This set up can prove to be very useful while Runecrafting anywhere. Master runecrafter robes will give you an extra 2.5% experience gained while Runecrafting. If you do not have the Master Runecrafter robes, the Agile set is just as fine, or nothing at all if you do not have either. A Talisman staff is used over a tiara because you can't wear the hat and the tiara at the same time, and the staff is better to use than the Talisman in your inventory. Otherwise, the corresponding Tiara or the Omni-tiara is an alternative to the Talisman staff. If training at the Abyss, a Runecrafting Tiara, Talisman or Talisman-Staff is not needed. The Amulet of glory can be used as an extra teleport to a nearby bank, such as when you are crafting nature runes. An Explorer's ring 2 gives extra elemental runes when crafting elemental runes, and if you forget to take a dose of your Energy Potion when you leave the bank, it will provide up to 3x50% run energy replenishes a day. Otherwise, a Ring of duelling can also be an extra teleport to Castle Wars, or a Ring of kinship could be a teleport to Daemonheim. The Spottier cape and penance gloves reduce your weight.

See also