Fishing potion

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For the potion flask version, see Fishing flask.
Fishing potion
File:Fishing potion (1).png
Release date 27 February 2002 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 150 coins
Low Alch 100 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine X doses of Fishing potion.
Weight 0.03 kg
[view] [talk]
A detailed view of a fishing potion.
A detailed view of a fishing potion.

Fishing potions are made by mixing avantoe and snape grass in a vial of water, giving 112.5 Herblore experience. It requires level 50 Herblore.

Fishing potions temporarily raise a player's Fishing level by 3, for a period of about 120 seconds; about 1 point drops each minute.

This potion raises the players catching chance of catching a fish when used.


The data in this table is based on the Grand Exchange prices of the Vial of water, herb, and secondary ingredient(s). It is accurate assuming all three items are bought off of the Grand Exchange and the resulting potion is sold afterwards.

Material cost Profit/loss Profit/xp
3,192 −3,146 −27.96
+ =
Grimy avantoe is cleaned to become Clean avantoe added with a Vial of water to make Avantoe potion (unf)
+ =
Then add Snape grass to make a 3-dose Fishing potion.


This potion can be made into an Fishing flask by using at least six doses of it with a Potion flask. Players do not need a specific level to turn potions into flasks.

Dropping monsters

Fishing potion (1)

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Skeleton 13,21,142 1 4Rare

Fishing potion (3)

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
River troll 14, 49, 79, 120, 159 1 7Unknown

Fishing potion (4)

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
'Rum'-pumped crab 91 2 (Noted) 2Common

fi:Fishing potion no:Fishing potion nl:Fishing potion