Unfinished potion

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An Unfinished potion is the result of dissolving a clean herb in a vial of water using the Herblore skill. The unfinished potion then needs to be used on another (secondary) ingredient to make a usable potion.

They are often worth more than the herb plus vial of water itself, because training herblore by buying unfinished potions and adding the secondary ingredient eliminates the step of adding the herbs to the vials of water, which gives no experience, unless the complete Factory outfit is worn.

Unfinished potions are now clearly labelled so that even someone not skilled in Herblore can know at a glance of which herb the watery solution is made. The labelling convention the herbalists have agreed upon is "[Herb name] potion(unf)". When one examines such an unfinished potion, the message is "I need another ingredient to finish this [herb name] potion." For example, the harralander potion (unf) has examine text: "I need another ingredient to finish this harralander potion."

Herb Used Vial Primary ingredient Unfinished potion Herblore level required
Guam Vial of water Guam Unfinished guam potion 1
Marrentill Vial of water Marrentill Unfinished marrentill potion 5
Rogue's purse Vial of water Clean rogue's purse Unfinished rogue's purse potion 8
Tarromin Vial of water Tarromin Unfinished tarromin potion 12
Harralander Vial of water Harralander Unfinished harralander potion 22
Ranarr Vial of water Ranarr Unfinished ranarr potion 30
Toadflax Vial of water Toadflax Unfinished toadflax potion 34
Spirit weed Vial of water Spirit weed Unfinished spirit weed potion 40
Irit Vial of water Irit Unfinished irit potion 45
Avantoe Vial of water Avantoe Unfinished avantoe potion 50
Kwuarm Vial of water Kwuarm Unfinished kwuarm potion 55
Snapdragon Vial of water Snapdragon Unfinished snapdragon potion 63
Cadantine Vial of water Cadantine Unfinished cadantine potion 66
Toadflax Coconut milk Toadflax Unfinished toadflax potion 68
Lantadyme Vial of water Lantadyme Unfinished lantadyme potion 69
Dwarf weed Vial of water Dwarf weed Unfinished dwarf weed potion 72
Torstol Vial of water Torstol Unfinished torstol potion 78

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