Dark beast/Strategies
“ | Dark beasts are large, dog-like predators with massively muscled bodies that protect them from crushing weapons. I've managed to trap a few in the dungeon I'm guarding. | ” |
— Kuradal
Dark beasts are always aggressive. Players should turn on Auto Retaliate and simply allow the beasts to initiate combat, as this allows them to avoid the dark beasts' magic attacks. A dark beast can attack using magic or melee, but it only uses magic if the player initiates combat against the beast or moves away from the beast so that it cannot melee the player. If the beast initiates combat, it only uses melee as long as the player remains in melee range. Note that this means allowing the dark beast to attack first and then moving to a Safe spot will not work; it will switch to its magic attack.
The melee attack of dark beasts is accurate and hits moderately high, which means even well-armoured players will frequently take damage. Many players believe this makes it impractical to take food, use self-healing items like Guthan's set, or use most Summoning familiars like Bunyips. Instead, protection Prayers are recommended: either the Protect from Melee prayer or the Deflect Melee curse. Deflect Melee has an advantage in that some of the damage the dark beast would have inflicted is deflected back on the beast itself.
Dark beasts are quite large and cannot fit into several places along the edges of the tunnels, making these places safe spots for players using ranged, magic, or long melee weapons like Halberds. While the beast will use magic attacks against players in safe spots, players can use the Protect from Magic prayer or Deflect Magic curse for complete protection.
A weapon with a good slash bonus is recommended, as well as prayer equipment with high prayer bonuses. However, many high level players find that due to the dark beast's apparantly low defence level, a Chaotic rapier results in faster kills and therefore faster experience compared to the slashing Chaotic longsword. Dark beasts can be slain using melee, ranged, or magic. If a Dwarf Cannon is used, then prayer equipment with higher magic defence is recommended, such as Monk's robes instead of Proselyte armour, as the cannon will occasionally cause dark beasts to use their magic attack. (This occurs when the cannon is running but the player is not currently in combat with a dark beast. In this case, the cannon will fire at all dark beasts in range, which counts as the player initiating combat.)
Recommended equipment when using a protection prayer
- Slayer helmet or Black mask (if on a Slayer task) > Helm of neitiznot > Proselyte sallet > Initiate sallet
- Proselyte hauberk > Monk's robes > Initiate hauberk
- Proselyte cuisse or Monk's robes > Initiate cuisse
- Gloves:
- For offensive bonus: Goliath Gloves > Culinaromancer's gloves 10 > Regen bracelet > Combat bracelet
- For prayer bonus: Bandos gloves, White gloves (only +1, so many players prefer to go for strength bonus instead)
- Boots:
- For strength bonus: Steadfast boots > Dragon boots > Rune boots > Rock climbing boots
- For prayer bonus: Bandos boots or White boots (each only +1, so many players prefer to go for strength bonus instead)
- Amulet of fury > Amulet of glory > Amulet of Strength or God stole
- Soul Wars cape > Ardougne cloak 3 > Cape of accomplishment(t) > God cloak or Fire cape
- Chaotic Longsword or Chaotic Rapier > Abyssal whip or Saradomin sword
- Dragon Defender > Rune defender > Falador shield 4 > Unholy book > Dragonfire shield
- Ring:
- For better chances at "rare drop table" items: Ring of wealth
- For fast access,damage bonus,and safety: Ferocious ring (Also acts as a Ring of Life, but the bonuses only apply to Kuradal's Dungeon)
- For combat bonuses: Onyx ring (i) or Berserker ring (i) (depending on personal preference) > Dragonstone ring (i) > Warrior ring
- For prayer bonus: Explorer's ring
- For safety outside Kuradal's Dungeon: Ring of life
An alternate but somewhat risky method is to use prayer flashing. This method uses virtually no prayer points if implemented correctly. It is recommended to set protect from melee to your quick prayer and allow the beasts to initiate combat, as they will only use melee if they initiate combat. Since the Runetek 5 update, the method for prayer flashing has changed. To use this method, turn on your protection prayer before the enemy attacks, and turn it off the instant they attack. Using a weapon with the same attack speed as your enemy will help you time your flashes. This is risky, because if you get "off beat", your enemy can deliver unexpected damage, so it is best to wear good armour and bring a bit of food. However, if used properly, prayer flashing will eliminate the need to buy/bank for food on slayer tasks, and can extend your trips by literally hundreds of kills.
Melee using high stab defence
Players with high Summoning may wish to use the Unicorn stallion for its scroll effect and wear armour with high defence against stab attacks. This method is riskier than the general strategy, as a string of successive dark beast hits can cause a lot of damage, but is slightly cheaper. Super defence potions are necessary to avoid taking hits too often and an Abyssal whip is recommended over a Godsword to maximise defence.
Recommended equipment
- Slayer helmet (if on a Slayer task) > Black mask (if on a Slayer task) > Torag's helmet - Guthan's helmet
- Guthan's platebody - Torag's platebody - Dharok's platebody > Bandos chestplate
- Guthan's chainskirt - Torag's platelegs - Dharok's platelegs > Bandos tassets
- RFD gloves > Regen bracelet > Combat bracelet
- Dragon boots > Bandos boots > Rune boots > Climbing boots
- Fire cape > God cape > Cape of accomplishment - Obsidian cape
- Amulet of fury > Amulet of glory > God stole > Amulet of Strength
- Chaotic Longsword > Chaotic Rapier > Abyssal whip > Dragon scimitar or Saradomin godsword > Godsword
- Dragon Defender > Rune Defender > Elysian spirit shield > Dragonfire shield > Blessed spirit shield
- Ferocious ring (if killing them in the Kuradal's Dungeon as a Slayer task) > onyx ring (i) > dragonstone ring (i) > Ring of life or Explorer's ring
Melee using Guthan's set
With Guthan's set and other healing gear and familiars, it is possible if care is taken to melee dark beasts without using prayer constantly. The danger as always is that a string of successive dark beast hits can cause a lot of damage, faster than Guthan's can heal it. It is best to have high Defence and Constitution (80-85 or more recommended), use at least a Bunyip as a healing familiar, and boost combat stats using Super sets. The special attack of a Saradomin godsword is also useful but not absolutely necessary. A fast slash weapon like an Abyssal whip can be brought, switching to the slower Guthan's warspear when healing is needed.
The key to this strategy is to watch lifepoints carefully. When they fall to about two-thirds normal level, the player should use healing gear. If they fall to about 30 or less, the player should take special measures. One measure is to bring 4-6 pieces of high-healing food (Monkfish or better; Rocktails are especially useful) and eat a piece when at low lifepoints. Another measure is to bring one prayer potion and turn on a melee protection prayer when hit points are low, turning it off when Guthan's heals higher.
This strategy works if the player will collect and bank the more-valuable drops from the dark beasts. By the time the prayer potion or food is exhausted, the player is likely to have a full inventory. The player can bank, restock, and return to kill more dark beasts.
Recommended equipment
- Guthan's helmet (optional if on a Slayer task: Slayer helmet > Black mask, switching to Guthan's when needing to heal)
- Guthan's platebody
- Guthan's chainskirt
- All other equipment per the
- RFD gloves > Combat bracelet > Regen Bracelet
- Bandos boots or Dragon boots > Rune boots > Climbing boots
- Fire cape > Cape of accomplishment or Obsidian cape
- Amulet of fury > Amulet of glory > God stole > Amulet of Strength
- Guthan's warspear (if using weapon switching: Abyssal whip or Saradomin godsword)
- Bring only if using a 1-handed weapon occasionally: Elysian spirit shield > Dragonfire shield
- Ring:
- For fast access and damage bonus: Ferocious ring (only for Kuradal's Dungeon)
- For combat bonuses: Onyx ring (i) or Berserker ring (i) depending on personal preference > dragonstone ring (i)
- For prayer bonus: Explorer's ring
- For safety: Ring of life (can be substituted for Ferocious Ring while in Kuradal's Dungeon)
- Inventory: Super set, Emergency teleport, one Prayer potion or 4-6 Monkfish or better (Rocktails are very useful)
Melee using Dharok's set
Players can use Dharok's set, which inflicts increased damage based on how low the player's health is, up to about twice normal damage. Also, note that the set effect is always active, unlike Guthan's set.
Players should first lower their health as low as possible through a non-fatal Self-injury method. A melee protection prayer is absolutely necessary when using this strategy. Also, the player must be extremely careful to avoid having a dark beast make its magic attack, since this could kill a low-health player. Always allow a dark beast to start combat. Once fighting a dark beast, do not move into a square inaccessible to the beast, as it will switch magic in this case. If you do not directly click the attack option on the Dark Beast, it will not use its magic attack on you.
This is not recommended in Kuradal's Dungeon, as the Ferocious ring works when a player has 10% of the maximum health left. This causes the player to get ejected out and lose the ring, unless the player opts to not bring the ring with them.
Recommended equipment
- Dharok's helm
- Dharok's platebody
- Dharok's platelegs
- Dharok's greataxe
- All other equipment per 'Recommended equipment when using a protection prayer' above.
Melee using a mixed healing/prayer strategy
To slow the usage of prayer potions, it is practical for some players to use a strategy in which protection prayers are used occasionally but at other times no prayer is used, with damage being healed instead. To use this strategy, the player should equip as for the prayer strategy but also bring healing items, such as food or, especially, Summoning familiars that can heal. Bunyips, Titans that can use Titan's constitution scrolls, and Unicorn stallions with healing aura scrolls all can be used, with the stallions giving the best healing benefit.
The player should first fight dark beast without using prayer, healing damage as necessary. When damage starts to exceed healing ability, the player then switches to using a protection prayer. Once healing catches up, the player then stops using prayer and continues to alternate between the two methods as needed. For example, the player can use healing aura scrolls with a unicorn stallion to heal 15% life points per scroll. After three scrolls are used, the special moves points will be temporarily exhausted and prayer can be used while the special moves points replenish.
Wealthier players with more time may choose Ranged over Melee. Advantages include the ability to use a Cannon without being 'half-blasted' and less risk during connection losses as well as the convenience of easy places to Range from. Disadvantages include a greater Prayer drain and the cost of ammunition. A crossbow is recommended over a Crystal or Dark bow to utilise the shield slot for a prayer bonus.
Recommended equipment
- Full slayer helmet (if they are your slayer task) > Armadyl helmet > Blessed coif or Mitre > Seers' headband 3
- Armadyl chestplate > Karil's leathertop - Black d'hide body or Proselyte cuisse - Monk's robe (top)
- Armadyl plateskirt > Karil's leatherskirt - Black d'hide chaps or Monk's robe (bottom)
- RFD gloves > Black d'hide vamb
- Ranger boots > Snakeskin boots or White boots - Bandos boots
- Ava's accumulator or Cape of accomplishment > God cloak
- Amulet of fury > Amulet of glory or God stole
- Chaotic crossbow > Rune crossbow > Toktz-Xil-Ul or Crystal bow > Dark bow
- Unholy book > Falador shield 3 > Falador Shield 2 > Spirit shield
- Ferocious ring (if killing them in the Kuradal's Dungeon as a Slayer task) > archers' ring (i) > onyx ring (i) > dragonstone ring (i) > archers' ring
Other notes
Recommended inventory:
- Many Prayer potions if using a protection prayer strategy.
- Food or other healing abilities and Super defence potions if not using protection prayers.
- Super attack and Super strength potions if attacking the beasts with melee.
- A teleport ability that is worn or takes up no more than one inventory slot, for fast banking. If the player's strategy risks taking damage, this teleport should also be single-click for use in emergencies.
Players who have done Within the Light or Nomad's Requiem and wish to use protection prayers without having to use expensive prayer potions can do the following:
- Wear a Soul Wars cape .
- Wear an Ardougne cape 3 .
- Have in inventory one Teleport crystal that is attuned to the Temple of Light .
- When prayer runs low, use the cloak to teleport to the Kandarin Monastery, recharge prayer, and use the crystal to return to the tunnels.
- For a banking run (such as to deposit loot or swap a discharged crystal for a charged one), also teleport to the Kandarin Monastery , pray, and then run north-east to the east bank in East Ardougne.

Tiny elf crystals are a fairly frequent drop by Elf warriors, so players can readily obtain them and have Eluned charge quite cheaply (only 150 coins on the 5th and subsequent charging). Even a single dark beast drop is often worth more than this, making this method extremely economical.
Note that the Kandarin Monastery teleport of the Ardougne cloak 3 is 1-click, making it an emergency teleport as well as for fast praying and banking.
Dark beasts are not found in Multicombat areas, so combat-capable Summoning familiars cannot fight them. Other familiars, however, can be useful. Healing familiars can be used, as discussed above. Beast of Burden familiars can be used to help carry the drops. Since dark beasts drop a fair amount of Herbs, one quite useful familiar is the Macaw, which increases the chance that a herb drop will be a more-valuable herb. Using a Ghast familiar with ghastly request scrolls allows the player to restore prayer at a rate of 100 prayer points per scroll.
The attack speed of a Dark Beast is variable. It depends on its distance and angle from its attacker. The slowest attack speed is at the nearest distance and at a 1:1 angle and increasing as the distance increases or the angle decreases. A temporary retreat by the slayer can cause the beast to advance to a slower attack position from a safe spot.