Chaos druid
Chaos Druid | |
Release date | 27 February 2002 (Update) |
Members? | Yes (Except in the former tutorial Learning the Ropes) |
Combat level | 13 |
Life points | 200 |
Experience for killing | 80 (27 Constitution experience) |
Slayer level | Not assigned |
Aggressive? | No (Except in Edgeville Dungeon) |
Poisonous? | No |
Immune to poison? |
No |
Attack style | Melee/ Magic(Weaken) (Magic in Learning the Ropes) |
Attack speed | Unknown edit |
Max hit | 20 |
Weakness | Learning the Ropes | Ranging in
Always drops | Bones |
Examine text | A crazy, evil druid. |
Chaos druids are druids that have dedicated their lives to the worship of both Guthix and Zamorak, unlike most druids that dedicate themselves to the worship of Guthix only. They are commonly used as a training monster due to their high drop rate of grimy herbs. They use a magical attack which has the same animation as Snare and the draining effects of Confuse. Their attack will also stop you from attacking.
Players may bring a Macaw to help improve their herb drops.
Herb running
Herb running is a source of income for low-levels. It involves killing Chaos druids for their herbs and banking after a full load. This tactic can make over 150k-200k a trip. If you are keeping all the higher herbs, herb gloves from Fist of Guthix activity (especially the higher levelled ones, such as Kwuarm gloves) can greatly increase your profits. Even though all the expensive herbs are (uncommon) drops from Chaos Druids, it is notable that Ranarrs tend to drop more frequently than the other expensive herbs.
- Bring a fast weapon such as a scimitar, Abyssal whip, dragon dagger (p++), or throwing knives as there will most likely be multiple players at your location. Ranging is also recommended to ensure that you will attack a chaos druid first over other players. Ice bursting them is one of the few ways to train Magic and earn a profit.
- Bring a teleport tab or home teleport to leave quickly for faster banking.
- Wield the mithril bolts that you get to save space.
- Keep all law runes. These help for a quick escape if you run out of them.
- Always keep a beast of burden familiar on hand.
- Clean the grimy herbs if you want to get some Herblore experience.
- You can make Fishing Potions and Prayer Potions to save inventory and get Herblore XP.
- Mixing some herbs, like Irit, into the vial of water dropped can also increase profits.
- Bringing a Ring of Wealth will not affect herb drop rates, as it only affects the rare drop table, and all the expensive herb drops are uncommon.
- With 41 Summoning, using a Macaw familiar can be very useful. It can improve herb drops, and randomly produce herbs.
- Killing the druids in the Edgeville Dungeon resource dungeon is incredibly handy due to the large amount of druids and the fact that it is not considered Wilderness, although many more players will be there. Bring an antipoison for the Poison spiders.

- Edgeville Dungeon
- Taverley Dungeon
- Yanille Agility dungeon
- Chaos Druid Tower
- Edgeville Dungeon resource dungeon (Dungeoneering level of 10 required)
- The Wilderness
100% Drops
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Bones 1 Always 105
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Grimy guam 1–2 Common 521–1,042 Grimy marrentill 1–2 Common 41–82 Grimy tarromin 1–2 Common 56–112 Grimy harralander 1–2 Common 385–770 Grimy avantoe 1–2 Uncommon 2,877–5,754 Grimy irit 1–2 Uncommon 1,496–2,992 Grimy kwuarm 1–2 Uncommon 2,902–5,804 Grimy ranarr 1–2 Uncommon 3,508–7,016 Grimy lantadyme 1–2 Uncommon 6,002–12,004 Grimy dwarf weed 1–2 Uncommon 7,525–15,050 Grimy cadantine 1–2 Uncommon 1,336–2,672 Grimy torstol 1–2 Very rare 27,934–55,868
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Law rune 2 Common 298 Body rune 9 Common 45 Air rune 9–36 Common 72–288 Earth rune 9 Common 54 Mind rune 12 Common 48 Template:ExchangeItemNat Nature rune 3 Uncommon Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Coins 2, 3, 15, 21, 29, 35, 365, 485 Common Not sold Mithril bolts 2–12 Common 196–1,176 Anagogic ort 20–40 Common Not sold Vial of water 1 Common 17 Druid's robe (top) 1 Common 31 Druid's robe (bottom) 1 Common 12 Bronze longsword 1 Uncommon 38 Snape grass 1 Rare 270 File:Unholymould.png Unholy mould 1 Rare Not sold Cosmic talisman 1 Very rare 160 Iron helm 1 Very rare 22 Uncut jade 1 Very rare 63
Rare drop table drops
This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.
Show/hide rare drop table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- In the God Letters, Guthix said that Chaos druids believe that by helping Zamorak, they will achieve balance, which has some logic to it, as Saradomin does seem to have a lot more hold over the world.
- A Chaos Druid is controlling the three-headed green dragon in Learning the Ropes.
- In RuneScape Classic, a PKer could look like a chaos druid by equipping Zamorak Robes and having a beard with white hair. It was the PKer's hope that an inattentive player would attack the PKer, get skulled, and the PKer would kill the victim before he escaped Edgeville Dungeon, or to launch a surprise attack.