Elite Black Knight

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This article is about the monster. For unattackble guards, see Elite Black Knight (NPC).

Elite Black Knight are monsters found in the Black Knights' Fortress dungeon or in Lucien's camp after starting the While Guthix Sleeps quest. They drop the exclusive Elite black armour. They have the ability to use prayer, so it is suggested to bring at least 2 forms of attack style to kill them with. Eventually they will run out of prayer, allowing players to kill them. There is also a short break between their attacks when they switch their protection prayers. Wearing full Elite black armour or a full Dagon'hai robes set will make them and others in the dungeon tolerant. Note that these count as black knights with regards to a player's ranking as a White knight, with each knight counting for exactly 10 Black knight kills. They are weaker to magic and crushing attacks than other styles, but their defence is poor in general, and the player will not miss often.

Elite black knight's prayer is 100% effective, unlike the Kalphite Queen's prayer which only boosts defence. Elite Black Knights will switch prayer, they do this when the sum of the damage dealt is greater than 150 for a given combat style. When they switch prayers, it will reset the damage count for the other combat style. They will run out of prayer after 20 attacks have been made against them while they are using their prayer, regardless of whether those attacks deal damage or not. Smite does not help drain their prayer, and neither does the Ancient mace or Dragon Scimitar.

An easy way to make the Elite black knight to run out of prayer is to attack it with fast hitting weapons, such as Bronze darts. This will deal 20 attacks as fast as possible, thereby reducing their prayer quickly. Another easy tactic to use against the Elite black knight is the black salamander. When the Black knight changes prayer, it is easy to change your attack style to match. This tactic hits low against the knights, however, as they seem to have very strong defence against the salamander's attacks. Verac's set will penetrate their prayer, and can also be used to take advantage of their weakness to crush attacks, although it is fairly rare for the set to hit through their prayers.

An alternative for higher level players is to use a combination of a Chaotic Crossbow/Zaryte Bow/Hand Cannon and a Chaotic Maul, and attempt to kill the Elite Black Knight in as few hits as possible to avoid excessive weapon switching, a method also commonly used against Tormented Demons for the exact same reason. Using this method, it is possible to kill them in as few as 3 hits. Summoning a combat familiar such as a Spirit kyatt or Steel titan also helps kill them faster.



Template:Charm:Elite Black Knight

Weapons and armour

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Elite black full helm Elite black full helm 1 4 Rare 25,138
Elite black platebody Elite black platebody 1 4 Rare 41,754
Elite black platelegs Elite black platelegs 1 4 Rare 42,009
Steel battleaxe Steel battleaxe 1 2 Common 282
Black platelegs Black platelegs 1 2 Common 2,872
Black 2h sword Black 2h sword 1 2 Common 1,044
Black kiteshield Black kiteshield 1 3 Uncommon 2,759
Rune mace Rune mace 1 3 Uncommon 8,420

Food and Potions

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Chilli potato Chilli potato 1 8 234
Potato with butter Potato with butter 1 8 571
Lobster Lobster 1–3 8 223–669
Super restore (1) Super restore (1) 1 8 1,784
Super restore (2) Super restore (2) 1 8 3,261
Prayer mix (1) Prayer mix (1) 1 8 1,363
Prayer potion (1) Prayer potion (1) 1 8 983


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Gold bar Gold bar 1–4 8 126–504
Mithril bar Mithril bar 1–2 8 1,526–3,052
Steel bar Steel bar 1–3 8 882–2,646
Death rune Death rune 1–3 8 185–555
Chaos rune Chaos rune 1–3 8 86–258
Blood rune Blood rune 1–4 8 195–780
Coins 406–2372 8 Not sold
Clue scroll (hard) 1 4 Rare Not sold

Rare drop table drops

This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.

See also


  • When first released, many players doubted the elite black knights would drop elite black armour more than once, however Mod Emilee confirmed that they would on the forums.
  • They yell "Curses, Zamorak has abandoned me!" when they run out of prayer.
  • Sometimes elite black knights will switch their Prayer just before they die, even though they would receive less than 150 of total damage and hits. This is probably because the attacking player would have inflicted more damage if the knight had more health.
  • Players that have not yet started the While Guthix Sleeps quest can still see the elite black knights from the Chaos Temple near Lucien's camp.
  • The elite black knight's level is the highest combat level possible for a player to reach, although the knights have 1200 life points instead of 990.
  • Elite black knights drop their armour, unlike regular black knights, who only drop their swords and full helms.
  • Although elite black knights are followers of Zamorak, they are wielding what looks distinctly like a Saradomin sword.
  • Their capes look like team-12 capes but have a black base colour instead of yellow.

fi:Elite black knight