Steel titan

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Steel titans are level 99 Summoning familiars, introduced with the "Summoning 2" update on the 31 March 2008. It is currently the most powerful familiar. The Steel Titan has 4 methods of attacking: magic, ranged, melee and special move (scroll). Unless the special move is repeatedly used by the summoner, the Steel Titan will only focus on ranged and melee attacks. When the Steel Titan performs a ranged attack, it will put its left hand by its mouth and blow the ranged attack at the player/monster it is attacking. For the melee attack, it will put its hands together and pound on the ground; this attack can also hit diagonally. Periodically, the Steel Titan will perform a magic attack, in which it will hit both its hands together in front of itself and a magic attack will fly forth. If you are being attacked by multiple monsters/players, the magic attack may not always go to the monster/player that you are fighting, but rather a random one that is attacking you. Unlike the melee and ranged attack, the magic attack will not do damage right away but will wait one cycle of attacking, in respect to the steel titan, to do the damage. If the Steel Titan performs a melee or ranged attack after the magic attack, it will appear that it is hitting twice at once because of the delayed magic attack. The maximum hit of the steel titan may be boosted by the Lunar spell Spiritualise Food. A Steel Titan is not affected by the Protect from summoning prayer or the Deflect Summoning curse, and it will hit as high as it would have if the prayer or curse was not active. The same applies for the scrolls and random Magic based attack.

Steel titan pouch


Steel titan pouch is made by using a Summoning pouch on a Summoning obelisk with 178 spirit shards, a Crimson charm and a steel platebody in the inventory. Making the pouch earns 435.2 experience points. Using the pouch to summon a Steel titan gains 4.9 experience points, and costs 10 Summoning points.


Steel of legends scroll

A Steel titan's max hit

Steel of legends scroll enables the use of the Steel of Legends special move for a Steel titan. Using the pouch on a Summoning obelisk creates 10 scrolls.

Steel of Legends

Steel of Legends is the special move for the steel titan, which inflicts four ranged OR melee attacks (depending on distance from target) instead of one in the next attack. This attack may be used up to five times in a row with the required number of scrolls, or six times with a spirit cape or a completionist cape after using a spirit cape on it. Note that either with a ranged or melee attack, the titan will give the summoner ranged experience. Steel of Legends has a max hit of 244-244-244-244 (or 266-266-266-266 with the maximum boost of the Lunar spell, Spiritualise food).

A player activating the scroll.

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